

SMTP, POP3 on Windows 2003 server - Microsoft Exchange

SMTP, POP3 on Windows 2003 server - Microsoft Exchange

SMTP, POP3 on Windows 2003 server

Posted: 27 Aug 2004 12:14 PM PDT

"com" <> wrote in message

Are you using exchange or 2003 smtp/pop?

Exchange server Hangs

Posted: 27 Aug 2004 03:45 AM PDT

The backup device is attached to the dc. The exchange device is backed up by
veritas remote agent. However I had not considered the Adaptec 2120 Raid card
which may well have a bios upgrade available.

Thanks forthe thought I will look into this.


"Jordan" wrote:

Getting rid of as default browser

Posted: 21 Aug 2004 09:51 AM PDT

go to the site and scroll down. At the
very bottom you will see 'terms' click on this and you
will see uninstall options at the bottom of the page. The
first option is to go to your control panel>add/remove
programs and find "SB Soft" and remove this. If this
fails there is an uninstall link that you can download
from the 'terms' page and this seems to do the trick.
Best of luck

Dave Wheeler Tyneside U.K.

Microsoft Word - Creating a hyperlink

Microsoft Word - Creating a hyperlink

Creating a hyperlink

Posted: 07 Apr 2013 06:01 PM PDT

When I create a hyperlink, I do not get the 'hand' icon. I have to 'ctrl + click. Is there somewhere to activate the 'hand'?

Ctrl A, E, I, and U Aren't Working (Word 2007)

Posted: 07 Apr 2013 02:06 PM PDT

Hello, I noticed recently that all italicizing, centering, underlining, and selecting all aren't working on my Word documents. This is only for Word, not Notepad or PowerPoint. I'm wondering if anyone can help me with this...

A few days ago, I added a few shortcuts to make it easier to type out Chinese pinyin-- but only the vowels (i.e: Ctrl-I,4 for the letter 'i' with a grave accent). Another thing worth mentioning is that bolding (Ctrl B) and right-aligning (Ctrl R) are working just fine, and coincidentally don't include vowels...

Any help on how I can get the non-working shortcuts back to normal? (I use word a lot and find it a hassle to have to manually click the icons...)


Incorrect figure number when using Insert Caption

Posted: 07 Apr 2013 11:34 AM PDT

In Section 1 of a report I have four figures.  I assigned figure numbers for the first 3 figures without any problems:  1-1, 1-2, 1-3.


The fourth figure should be 1-4, but, using Insert Caption, I get 0-1.


Any idea on what could be causing the problem?



Why do unicodes sometime appear as squares?

Posted: 06 Apr 2013 10:44 PM PDT

Specifically, I've copied and pasted musical notes from Microsoft Word to rename the Music category in the Start menu. Also, a few .wma files in Windows Media Player are labeled with kanji, hiragana, and/or katakana as they were ripped from import CDs.

Quite often, those unicodes will become squares. I used to think it had something to do with being online since that is when they'd appear as squares. However, I recently discovered that being offline will garner the same result. I started my laptop yesterday to find that Windows apparently couldn't read the unicode in the Start menu (didn't even bother checking WMP). I wasn't online and I use an air card to do so.

I posted this question in a forum regarding Windows (7 specifically), but I was eventually directed here. I was also told to download Microsoft Safety Scanner. I did, performing a Full Scan. Files Infected: 0 "The scan completed successfully and no viruses, spyware and other potentially unwanted software were detected."

I've had this issue for about 2 years. Windows Defender (currently off), Microsoft Security Essentials (currently active), and a 3 month trial from third-party antivirus bloatware (uninstalled) have never detected any virus, spyware, or other potentially unwanted software.

I was also told to run my laptop in Safe Mode. I did, but couldn't find any culprit. It did seem to fix the issue, but that was short-lived.

Any ideas? What's causing unicodes for the renamed category in the start menu and those in WMP to appear as squares? If it's superficial, then it's disappointing. If, however, it's deeper, then it might be detrimental. Either way, I'd like to get this issue resolved.

Your help is appreciated.

Which partitioning scheme gives best performance? - Forums Linux

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HELP! CD Drive Not Accessible Microsoft Office for Mac

HELP! CD Drive Not Accessible Microsoft Office for Mac

HELP! CD Drive Not Accessible

Posted: 05 Oct 2007 04:59 PM PDT

That's OK, it's a common mistake.

On 10/5/07 6:19 PM, in article
com, "RichardD"
<> wrote:

Sorry about that...not sure how that happened. Hope I don't do it again.

"Diane" wrote:

Diane, Microsoft Mac MVP (MVPs are not Microsoft Employees)
Entourage Help Page <>
Entourage Help Blog <>

REPOST - Exch 2k3 conflicts with AV Software - Microsoft Exchange

REPOST - Exch 2k3 conflicts with AV Software - Microsoft Exchange

REPOST - Exch 2k3 conflicts with AV Software

Posted: 27 Aug 2004 07:28 AM PDT

I tried uninstalling the program and rebooting. Stopped
causing the WMI errors, but did not re-enable mail
sending. I then re-ran Exch SP1 and rebooted. Still no
outbound email. Also tried re-running the Connect to
Internet tool to ensure email was allowed. No go. I did
submit an email trouble request to the vendor this
morning - haven't heard back yet. Might try as a last
resort to re-install Exchange and SP1 (although, I think I
tried that come to think of it). :[
reboot the server? 
aware of any issues? 

Sounds like a virus but is it?

Posted: 27 Aug 2004 02:04 AM PDT

I'm told not! and I don't think they would have BCC it to the whole company
(but then they are users :-) ), also its more then one user reporting the
problem but no on all emails!!

I thought I had read about a virus that did this but I cannot find any info
on it so may be not.

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" <org> wrote in message

Exchange won't let Outlook 2000's Rules Wizard forward mail

Posted: 27 Aug 2004 01:07 AM PDT

Exchangeserver is 5.5 and client is Outlook2000. I don't have permission to
change any server configuration. But I think it could solved anyway? From my
client that is..


"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

Exchange Server 2003 / Domain Controllers

Posted: 26 Aug 2004 06:01 PM PDT

Indeed. All you do lose without 2k3 DC's is some functionality, the
more high profile of which is RPC over HTTPS.

On Thu, 26 Aug 2004 21:12:46 -0400, Andy David - Exchange MVP
<com> wrote:

DMZ zone?

Posted: 26 Aug 2004 03:47 AM PDT

OK - not sure what you mean, then. Can't you just send mail to the SBS
mailboxes across the Internet? What sort of mail are they supposed to be
getting from your server - they can't be collecting mail from yours, since
they don't have the same domain -

Dances wrote: 

Black Hole e-mail

Posted: 25 Aug 2004 02:04 PM PDT

dont accept forged mails. Reject them right away with a 55x.
check to learn how to do it.

Server protected by Aloaha

"Russ" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

Exchange problem and AD

Posted: 25 Aug 2004 02:43 AM PDT

I think if the references for old server stays in AD, it does not matter.
Ok, run te forestprep and domainprep once again and install exchange 2003 on
proposed server.
Manually, change the user for 'mail enabled ' property in Active Dir Users
and Comps, you will be able to change it easily after you have installed
Exchange 2003.


"Solange Trombini (MSFT)" <> wrote in message

Exchange Licensing question

Posted: 24 Aug 2004 01:36 PM PDT

In article <com>,
Matt Scoff <com> wrote:

Disclaimer: I'm not a licensing person.

According to, you do need CALs for POP3 users, at least if you consider POP to be a
"standard Internet-messaging client": 

As always, if you really want the real scoop on what licenses *you*
need, contact your local MS rep.


Paul Robichaux <org>
MVP - Exchange
Exchange security book:
FAQs: &

Synching GALs between Unix/EXCH

Posted: 20 Aug 2004 11:17 AM PDT

Simple-Synch looks like a winner. Thanks!

"Mark Fugatt [MVP]" <com> wrote in message

invisible Attachments

Posted: 20 Aug 2004 08:58 AM PDT

Its depends are they invisible because of the attachment security options in
Outlook ?. You might want to have a read of

"David Sengupta [MVP]" <sengupta@*NO*ncf*SPAM*.ca> wrote in message

Microsoft Word - Word 2007 message when I try to open it

Microsoft Word - Word 2007 message when I try to open it

Word 2007 message when I try to open it

Posted: 06 Apr 2013 06:33 PM PDT

I am getting a mesasage everytime I try to open Word 2007 work could not create the word file check the temp environment variable

word documents keep showing up as word pad

Posted: 06 Apr 2013 10:40 AM PDT

i re-installed office but all my word documents keep showing as word pad? .what is word pad and how do I get the documents back to word? thank you

Table of Contents - Words

Posted: 06 Apr 2013 07:19 AM PDT

When I create a word 2007 document from a template that has Heading 1 for an Article and Heading 2 for Sections, the word document looks like this:


Article I 



Section 1.1            Title.   Words after the title.

And then when I create a Table of Contents. the words in the table of contents with respect Section 1.1, shows the addtitional words, not just the word Title and the Article Title does not show up   And it shows up like this:





Article I 1

Section 1.1      Title.   Words after the title. 1


I researched and found the concept to create the TC Fields entries by highlighting the word Title and, click on alt+shift+O, and then  mark it.   And then go to the table of contents, click on alt+F9, and then do the following, hit alt+f9 again and then update the table of contents, and it should recogize just what I marked.   


type \f at the end of the field.

It will look as follows:

{ TOC \o "1-3" \h \f }

But this does not do it.


So does anyone know how to do this.  Thanks much.







Why do you need to sign in to "get the most out of office?"

Posted: 05 Apr 2013 11:06 PM PDT

What's the deal with having to "sign-in" to get the most out of Office?


I use Office for business purposes, other than the licensed Office product which I have purchased, Microsoft has nothing to do with my business.


My business does not have a Microsoft ID, nor does it want one.


If I pay for a product and receive a licence to use that product, I would expect to use that product to its full extent, and not receive a partial and withheld service.

Unable to delete text in comments

Posted: 05 Apr 2013 06:22 AM PDT

I checked and don't see Word 2013 listed so I figured I'd post this potential bug report here. 

In Word 2013, when I click three times in a comment bubble to highlight all of the text in that bubble, hitting the Delete key does not allow me to delete the text. 

This was also the case in earlier versions of Word, but now there is a new problem: In 2010 I used to be able to click three times to select the text and then hold the Shift key down and hit the left arrow one time. This would then allow me to delete all text.  Now, in Word 2013, hitting Shift + Left does not register on the screen, so I cannot delete the text.  

The same problem occurs if you click once in the bubble and hit Ctrl + A or if you manually highlight the text in the bubble with the mouse (of course in that last case if you highlight all the way to the very end, including that final "space" or whatever it is where the problem occurs). 

Do others experience this? If so, can we report it to Microsoft? Although it's not a huge issue, little things like this slow users down (because, in this case, it makes the Ctrl + A function within comment bubbles somewhat limited). Plus, it wasn't a problem in 2010, so it seems fixable. :)

How to create Encrypted with Password documents from Word 2010 template?

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 09:36 AM PDT

I would like to create a Word 2010 template such that any document created from that template is automatically set with Encrypt with Password using the password picked-up from the template.


What I have tried is this: I set Encrypt with Password on the template.  I then create a document using the template - I have to enter the correct password for the tempate to open - so far, so good.  I then save my new document.  When I come back to open the newly-created document, it asks me for a password to open the document.  This looks correct, but what I have found is that I can enter ANY text for the password (or no text at all) and the document will still open.  When I then check the Protection properties for the document it says that the document is NOT Encrypted with Password. 


I have tried this both with and without Restrict Editing settings on the template - it makes no difference.  I am always prompted for a password when opening a document created with the template, and always it accepts any password at all and opens the document.  Any idea what I am doing wrong? 


Thanks in advance for any help.



Microsoft Word - If at first you don't succeed, ...

Microsoft Word - If at first you don't succeed, ...

If at first you don't succeed, ...

Posted: 06 Apr 2013 08:19 AM PDT


Well, the irregularities of the tables in my files is causing a lot of problems, despite all the help I am getting from the experts on this forum.

Well, perhaps this will be better. A macro to

1) Find every table in the MS Word file with 7 or more rows.
2) Select the entire table.
3) Highlight in yellow (or any other color) the entire table.
4) Find the next table with 7 or more rows ,,, and so on down the file.
5) Split into two tables only those tables with exactly 12 rows (split at the 7th row). Most of the tables are 12 rows, but the other tables with say 7 rows disrupt the other macros that have been provided.

Example of table:

1 blah blah blah blah
2 blah
7 (Split here into new table)

Then I can go back and examine the highlighted tables for editing (such as splitting the tables at the right point).

I would deeply appreciate your help in this matter.

Tweaking Another Search Macro

Posted: 06 Apr 2013 06:32 AM PDT


A day or so ago HansV kindly provided me the following macro (that works well, by the way),

The following macro will select the first table with more than 6 rows that it encounters.

After splitting this table, simply run the macro again.


Sub FindLargeTable()
    Dim f As Boolean
    Dim tbl As Table
    For Each tbl In ActiveDocument.Tables
        If tbl.Rows.Count > 6 Then
            f = True
            Exit For
        End If
    Next tbl
    If f = False Then
        MsgBox "No tables with more than 6 rows found.", vbInformation
    End If
End Sub

The problem is there are hundreds of tables with over 6 rows, so it is time-consuming to do it over and over.

Could the macro above be tweaked, as follows?

1) Search for tables with over 6 rows, 2) split these tables in half (the seventh row will become the first row), 3) indicate where the split occurred -- in say yellow highlight, and 4) then continue down the file to the bottom.

NOTE: If the macro encounters a table with an usually setup (it will usually be 12 rows, but there could be anomalies) the macro should stop and then the problem can be dealt with.

Most tables contain columns with 6 rows.

I would deeply appreciate your help in this matter.

.pdf to Word for free?

Posted: 06 Apr 2013 05:31 AM PDT

Is there an inexpensive or - better yet - free program to translate .pdf documents into Word? I have a program that lets me read .pdf files, but I like to change the font and be able to delete parts I have already read - can't do that in Adobe reader and can't spend the money to purchase a program to do it for me.


I have Adobe Reader and Sumatra pdf which both allow me to read the files and/or print them, but I cannot paste them into Word successfully.

How to fix Word 2010 starting with File Tab, Not Home Tab

Posted: 05 Apr 2013 12:59 PM PDT

Word 2010 documents should open by default on the Home tab.  My documents use to until today. Now they open only on the File tab. The Home tab is still visible, checked, and at the top of the list on Options, Customize Ribbon.  I can select the Home tab by clicking on it  but after I perform any task using the Home tab, such as Bold  face, the document automatically reverts to the File tab. I then have to reselect Home tab for each function.  This is new after months of it working correctly.  The same relation now exists for all other tabs, useable for one function but then revert to the File tab.  Help is needed and appreciated.

Can't set up page numbering within individual sections and cumulative page numbering in same document

Posted: 05 Apr 2013 06:03 AM PDT

I've written a document organized into sections. I would like the page numbering in the header to restart at 1 for each section. I would like the page numbering in the footer for all sections to be cumulative for the entire document. I can't get the document to do both at the same time. If I set up the section page numbering to start at 1 for each section, the footer page numbering also starts at 1 for each section. If I set up the footer numbering to be cumulative for the entire document, the header page numbering is also cumulative. Help!