

Microsoft Word - need help

Microsoft Word - need help

need help

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 02:52 PM PDT

I want download Microsoft word because is very expensive and I don't have this money.

Desktop Icons

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 02:43 PM PDT

What does the exclamation mark in a red circle indicate when it appears in the desktop icon for a word document? Never seen it before, but today it has started appearing on icons for all newly created files.


The same exclamation mark now appears on all office document icons on the desktop. When files are moved to a folder the exclamation mark disappears but reappears when the document is moved back to the desktop.

Issue with Creating Individual Borders around Text

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 12:12 PM PDT

I've run into this issue recently and I've found no solutions online so far.

I try to follow the directions outlined here for putting borders around lines of text. I expect to be able to select the text, add a bottom border, and then apply it to just that section of the text. Instead, it creates a complete border box around the text no mater what individual border button I click (left, right, top, bottom). It either has a full border or it has no border; I can't draw individual boarders at all. If I apply the boarder to the whole paragraph, then I'm suddenly able to select top and bottom borders normally.

order of mail merge with labels

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 11:06 AM PDT

I'm trying to use the label format for a mail merge to create a directory listing.  The template is about the right size.  Is there a way I can get the data to sort alphabetically going vertically down the columns, rather than horizontally across the rows?

print 2 of same page on one sheet of paper

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 10:24 AM PDT

I have typed text into Word 2013 document.  The text fills only half of a landscape normal size sheet of paper.  I would like to duplicate this text on the other half of the sheet.  When I set "2 pages per sheet" in the page layout section, I do get text on only half the page, but the second sheet in on a second piece of paper leaving the right half of the 8 1/2 x 11 sheet blank.

Is there any way to duplicate the text on the left side so that it prints on the right side?  

I know that I can accomplish this in Publisher.  Just wondering if I can accomplish this in Word.

bookmark causing Word 2010 doc to lock

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 10:05 AM PDT

When attempting to find assigned bookmark,  doc freezes when I click on "Bookmark" in "Insert."   I then have to hit Esc to access doc.  Very concerned about this as it is on a manuscript in editing phase, as I don't know if this is an indication of a major corruption.   I am able to find my location by entering in "Find" the name I had assigned in Bookmark , which I had cross ref in doc. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Word 2010 crashes when opening a text (.txt) file

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 09:31 AM PDT

I am using Office 2010 with Windows 7(64) with all current updates.  All drivers are also current.  When I try to open a text file (*.txt) in Word, the program crashes.  I have tried a new Normal.dotm and I have run a repair of Office.  Does anybody have any ideas about this?

How can I install the math symbol library in word?

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 09:05 AM PDT

This is what my word displays instead of formulas created with a good version of word.

Already uninstalled and installed the program, it keeps not working. You can see on image top that symbols lack in the computer library, and it's not a matter of corruption of the file. Also my math input panel does not display correctly symbols. Any suggestions? Do you know  how can I install the symbols libraries?

Can't apply Heading 2 style to first item in the list

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 08:44 AM PDT

I've defined the heading 1 and heading 2 styles for the top 2 levels of headings (and others below). I'm having trouble with numbering and indents/alignment, which I suspect are related. 

Heading 1: Capital letters off in the left margin; text starts at 0

Heading 2: Numbers at 0 (aligned with text of heading 1), text at .25". 

For #1 in each section (the first "heading 2"), Word is mysteriously indenting everything an additional .25". (This is a problem because .25" to the right is where heading 3 is.) With other "heading 2" numbers -- 2, 3, 4, etc. -- I am able to move manually by dragging the markers in the ruler. With #1, though, even if I drag the markers in the ruler, it doesn't move. If I update heading 2 to match the selection at #2 or #3 (in its proper location), the change applies to all of the heading 2s throughout the document -- except all of the first ones (the # "1"). I've tried inserting a line of "Normal" style text between the heading 1 & heading 2 to make sure heading 2 formatting isn't affected by something about heading 1. 

How can I get the first "heading 2" (e.g., "1.   Introduction") to have the same positioning as the other "heading 2" items? Thanks!

Not sure if this is relevant: I need to keep telling Word to restart numbering at 1 in each section. It says it'll update the style "heading 2" and apply the style to each paragraph, which is fine. 

Regular (roman) character style doesn't change text to roman

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 08:25 AM PDT

I have a paragraph that uses a paragraph style that makes the entire paragraph italic (among other things). I want the first word to be roman. I would prefer to use a style for this, because the client may change her mind, and it's easier to change the style than it would be to change every occurrence of the style. So I made a character style that sets the font, makes it not bold and not italic. I even cleared direct formatting by selecting the paragraph and pressing CTRL spacebar. But when I apply the character style to the first word, it remains italic.

How do I make a character style that will change italic text to roman?

Line Numbering in MSWord 2010

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 06:47 AM PDT

I want to start with a number OTHER than 1, using line numbering.  I have multiple sections that I want to keep in separate files, but need to line number consecutively.  Any suggestions?

Cannot create a document using the New | Microsoft Word Document context menu

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 06:30 AM PDT

Split from this thread.

I am having the same issue when trying to create a new Word document ("Sorry, we couldn't find your file.  Is it possible it was moved, renamed or deleted?") in a home folder network share I have ownership of and full control over.  I cannot create a new Word or Excel document in this folder, but am able to do so on the local HDD.

I get an entirely different error message in Excel when trying to create a new .xlxs file: "Excel cannot open the file 'New Microsoft Excel Worksheet.xlsx because the file format or file extension is not valid.  Verify the file has not been corrupted and that the file extension matches the format of the file".  I cannot create a new .xlsx anywhere, local HDD or network share.  I'm using the right click shell menu to create a new file in both cases.

Windows 8.1, Office 2013 x64.

Prevent Mail Merge from Printing Unwanted Labels

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 06:18 AM PDT

Hi there,

I have a small problem relating to printing a Mail merge from Excel 2007 using Word 2007.

I am selling on Amazon & eBay. When printing our labels we print on A4 sheets which have 8 labels per sheet. I start printing by going to finish and merge and then entering the record numbers from the excel spreadsheet.

Most days we have orders which do not add up to multiples of 8. Therefore, the last sheet usually has a few labels with addresses and the rest are empty. However, the labels which do not have addresses on them still have the postage label and our company logo. 

Please see image below; This is how the last sheet of labels looks if I printed 9 lines. I would have one full sheet, then this (only there would be 4 more blank labels) 

Is there anyway I can do mail merge and prevent our logo and postal image from being printed on empty labels?

Thanks in advance for your time

Align text vertically in Word

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 05:52 AM PDT

Split from this thread.

Kindly give me a solution for vertical alignment of text in ms word, just liked letter head i want to have some text in it.

Word 2013

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 02:51 AM PDT

Hi there

 I downloaded Word 2013 but there seem some error it does not start...what's the problem...please help?

All of our documents are opening in compatibility mode when edited and read only when double clicked

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 02:12 AM PDT

The computer in question is running office 2013, the documents were made in office 2013 however it is apparent that they were all saved in 07 format which I believe is why we are having the issues. How do I convert all of these files into the correct format so that they open and are editable in word. At the moment when you double click on a file it opens in "read only" and the document changes to WD000017 etc which means it cannot be saved immediately back to its location

Thanks in advance,


Backstage View animation pauses when opening

Posted: 15 Oct 2014 09:37 PM PDT

When I'm opening the Backstage View, It pauses for about a second before displaying the menu. This seems to happen in every Office application and is consistent (i.e. it happens regardless of how many times I open it).

Is there anything I can do to fix this? I'm using the Windows 10 Technical Preview (x64) and 32-bit Office. I don't recall this happening when I used the Office trial.

Missing Word 2013 Functions on Surface Pro 3

Posted: 15 Oct 2014 08:31 PM PDT

I have a Surface Pro 3 running Windows 8.1 Pro and Office 2013 suite. I have found that when in Word and doing stuff with tablets the function where you hover of the table and the left hand column the '+' symbol that allows to you quickly add rows doesn't appear. But on my old machine also running Windows 8.1 Pro and Office 2013 it works - is this a limitation to the Surface Pro? Anyone else come across this issue?

Microsoft Word 2010

Posted: 15 Oct 2014 07:09 PM PDT

Why does a document from old words programs (2003, 2007 etc.) come up as a document object?  My copy and paste stopped offering me any option it simply was an object. So when I tried to edit I got a neat little frame around the text and on the ribbon Picture tools appeared. This is an upgrade? Now I had a project of 174 pages which actually came up in that mode. I was able to print the items and saved it I thought as it was. Now I can't even find it. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Help - Need Word 2010 file recovery!

Posted: 15 Oct 2014 07:03 PM PDT

I have been working on a Lab Report for over a week and when I was finally finished I saved it, closed it and reopened it to make sure all my equations, graphs and text was formatted aesthetically. When the file tried to open I was prompted with a message "the file report cannot be opened because there are problems with the contents." In the details it stated, "the name in the end tag of the element much match the element type in the start tag." With a location below. 

I have tried everything from using a different computer to free recovery software to opening the file with every type of recovery.

Is there a sure fire way to fix this issue?

How to unlock a read only file

Posted: 15 Oct 2014 06:57 PM PDT

I owned Microsoft word version 2007. Whenever  I open a file and try to close it, I get the following error. "File is used by another application or in use"  upon further reading, it says that "the error is commonly encountered when read lock is set in the file you are attempting to open."  Also, when I attempted to download a file, it re-save it first, and assign a new revision.  Can someone help me to straighten things out.  

Protected templates becoming unprotected - Office 2007

Posted: 15 Oct 2014 05:39 PM PDT

We have a number of templates within our organization, users usually open the templates and edit away. We lock the documents down so they can't edit the logo's and usual font styles and what not, just so it comply's and is the same across all our documents. Though for some reason the documents are becoming unprotected.

We've figured out how to unlock the documents by doing the following

Opening a protected template

Opening another protected template

Copying the title bar from the first document into the second document

All of a sudden it's unlocked.

Now it might not seem like much, though this is considered a big breach of policy, as we have the templates for a reason.

And users being able to unlock the documents on their own poses the issue of having to redo entire reports/documents because someone has played around with the templates.

Has anyone experienced this before, or would anyone be able to give some input to why this occurs? Haven't tried copying any other data or any other method of unlocking the documents, the main concern now is just to lock this down so this can't happen.


WORD 2013. unable to share documents/email as PDF's.

Posted: 15 Oct 2014 12:25 PM PDT

Original title: WORD 2013.

Alert states problem with account, sign in to fix....but it doesn't fix.  I am unable to share documents/email as PDF's.  I shut down system and rebooted, still unable to send any documents.

Configuring two Ubuntus to share a swap partition? - Forums Linux

Configuring two Ubuntus to share a swap partition? - Forums Linux

Configuring two Ubuntus to share a swap partition?

Posted: 30 Apr 2007 08:46 PM PDT

All about history of Indonesian country, und global universal news.
Please com to three web-blog in front of..up there and click anything
about this in.

FC5 printer problem

Posted: 30 Apr 2007 10:29 AM PDT

In message <>
metoo <net> wrote:

From the front panel, or the web-based tool, of most HP PostScript
printers it is possible to turn on "print postscript errors". This
might help.

On at least one (HP 5M) printing beyond the bottom of the printable
area causes the job to be silently discarded. Are your paper
definitions correct?

Alan Adams, from Northamptonshire

SATA Controller (ICH5) drivers for Ubuntu Linux

Posted: 30 Apr 2007 03:09 AM PDT

On Mon, 30 Apr 2007 03:09:52 -0700, Sameer wrote:

That's interesting. I had a problem with my Toshiba laptop that has a
SATA drive, but in my case it was Knoppix 5.0.1 and Mandriva 2007 that
would not install, and 6.06 LTS Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xbuntu that would!

Maurice Batey
(Remove 'removethis.' to reply by email)

Told FC6 to install everything, but it didn't, now what?

Posted: 29 Apr 2007 11:12 AM PDT

Eric wrote: 

There is no "install everything" option in FC6 The system installed what
you selected. If you are certain that you selected a specific package
during the install and it didn't get installed, file a bug report in
the Red Hat Bugzilla:

Use "yum list available".

Markku Kolkka

ctrl-alt-fkey combination not working in Xorg

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 03:08 PM PDT

In comp.os.linux.setup Mark Hobley <> wrote: 

For information, my keyboard is a PC102 Keyboard (British Layout) AT / 5 pin DIN

It appears to be a bug in Xorg. I found some notes on the Debian Wiki:

If Ctrl-Alt-Function keys stop working, try removing the keyboard variant
option from xorg.conf if it's there. (option "XkbVariant") dpkg-reconfigure
xserver-xorg and leave the keyboard variant field empty.

If this doesn't work, chvt 1 from a root shell will.


Mark Hobley
393 Quinton Road West
B32 1QE

Telephone: (0121) 247 1596
International: 0044 121 247 1596

Email: markhobley at hotpop dot donottypethisbit com

How do I get my onboard midi synthesis to work?

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 08:08 AM PDT

I demand that Mark Hobley may or may not have written...

Then, presumably, the OSS module for it is loaded.

| Darren Salt | linux or ds at | nr. Ashington, | Toon
| RISC OS, Linux | youmustbejoking,demon,co,uk | Northumberland | Army
| + Buy less and make it last longer. INDUSTRY CAUSES GLOBAL WARMING.

In the stairway of life, you'd best take the lift.

understanding reverse proxy using squid

Posted: 27 Apr 2007 08:39 PM PDT

Thanks , I got it. From next time I will take care.

newbie double boot install issues

Posted: 26 Apr 2007 02:26 PM PDT

On Sun, 29 Apr 2007 15:56:39 -0700, Gremnebulin wrote:
You are right. Both is best. One links to the other. The available space
(<512 bytes) in the MBR is not sufficient to "learn" all of the possible
filesystems, etc.

Here is an example of why what you say is true. Without help from the
code in MBR, grub cannot be installed on some filesystems:

And if you cannot install to both the MBR and partition, you are better
off using an external boot media (cdrom or floppy). This leaves the BPB
of the partition unchanged, and avoids possible damage. The benefit of
external media is that once grub "learns" how to read filesystems and
displays the menu or prompt, grub is fully functional. It can read the
kernel and initrd from any partition with a filesystem that it "knows" how
to read.

Douglas Mayne

Linux machine backup

Posted: 26 Apr 2007 12:02 PM PDT

On 26 Apr, 22:42, Robin T Cox <net> wrote: 

Welcome to rsnapshot, to push it to another drive efficiently, and
tarballs to store it on DVD's.

Help for FTP setup??

Posted: 26 Apr 2007 08:59 AM PDT

On 26 Apr, 18:25, Keith Keller <san-> wrote: 

Or better yet, to avoid the security and proxy problems of FTP and its
passwords sent in the clear, use WebDAV over HTTPS to keep people in a
restricted directory, or SSH if your friends need accounts on your

newbie install problems

Posted: 25 Apr 2007 03:45 PM PDT

Partitioning software at this point for your purposes is INDEPENDENT
of the problem (OS). If XP is already installed on the machine and you just
want to partition/repartition the second physical drive just use XP to do
it. Most Linux installs make at least two partitions one for boot/root and
one for swap. If however you ACTUALLY have one hard drive that has
two partitions, that is a different story.


"Rubyxx" <> wrote in message

FC5 on a Laptop --- disabling hardware

Posted: 25 Apr 2007 10:56 AM PDT

On Wed, 25 Apr 2007 10:56:06 -0700, Carlos Moreno wrote:

Besides ensuring your FC5 OS is fully patched/updated & that you are
running the most current BIOS version for your laptop, also check your

With FC5 on my laptop, I had issues with all of these, which caused my
laptop to randomly freeze the GUI, which required a hard shutdown/reboot.

Once I upgraded the BIOS, some of my issues went away. Keeping the OS
updated also fixed some more of the random freezing issues. However it
was not until I swapped out the RAM with some known good RAM, did my
laptop stability issues fully go away. Since then, I replaced all the
RAM with new chips & things are rock solid. Upgrading to FC6 also showed
to be stable, once the BIOS & RAM issues were resolved.

Hope this helps...

Just when you think you have seen them all ...

Posted: 24 Apr 2007 06:20 PM PDT

On Tue, 24 Apr 2007 21:20:23 -0400, Matt Giwer wrote:

Perhaps X is angry that you're calling it XWindows.

Cannot find pid in top using ps on Linux box

Posted: 24 Apr 2007 02:07 PM PDT

On 25 Apr 2007 06:30:22 -0700, ss-sandsideoaks
<com> wrote: 
What duplicate pids? Every running process has a unique pid. Maybe you
are looking for threads?

The meta-Turing test counts a thing as intelligent if it seeks to
devise and apply Turing tests to objects of its own creation.
-- Lew Mammel, Jr.

/dev/pts and CONFIG_UNIX98_PTY etc

Posted: 23 Apr 2007 01:40 PM PDT

On Apr 25, 12:11 pm, elsiddik <com> wrote: 

This is the part where I have to be careful. Do you know of the lines
in MAKEDEV which are responsible for /dev/pts creation?
I'd rather go for the right MAKEDEV file than run the commands
manually. The complaints about /dev/pts start during the boot process
and I'd to have it setup before all the other process that depend on
it start.

Is there a way of finding out where CONFIG_UNIX98_ are configured -
if it is supposed to be compiled into the kernel?

How to install FC5 on an external USB Harddisk?

Posted: 23 Apr 2007 12:48 PM PDT

On Tue, 24 Apr 2007 12:30:47 GMT, The Doctor <com>

Better reinstall. Look here:


how to achieve high speed rate in file transfer

Posted: 22 Apr 2007 11:21 PM PDT

Matt Giwer wrote: 

I would have said FTP is as primitive as it gets actyally.

I m wondering if the 100MBps link really is what it says it is, or if
its dropped back to 10Mbps for some reason.

Or if the OP is confusing 100Mbps with 100mega Bytes oper second.

i.e. a transfer rate of 10Mbytes/sec is about right for a 100Mbps line,
with framing overheads etc.