

Microsoft Word - Word 2007 message when I try to open it

Microsoft Word - Word 2007 message when I try to open it

Word 2007 message when I try to open it

Posted: 06 Apr 2013 06:33 PM PDT

I am getting a mesasage everytime I try to open Word 2007 work could not create the word file check the temp environment variable

word documents keep showing up as word pad

Posted: 06 Apr 2013 10:40 AM PDT

i re-installed office but all my word documents keep showing as word pad? .what is word pad and how do I get the documents back to word? thank you

Table of Contents - Words

Posted: 06 Apr 2013 07:19 AM PDT

When I create a word 2007 document from a template that has Heading 1 for an Article and Heading 2 for Sections, the word document looks like this:


Article I 



Section 1.1            Title.   Words after the title.

And then when I create a Table of Contents. the words in the table of contents with respect Section 1.1, shows the addtitional words, not just the word Title and the Article Title does not show up   And it shows up like this:





Article I 1

Section 1.1      Title.   Words after the title. 1


I researched and found the concept to create the TC Fields entries by highlighting the word Title and, click on alt+shift+O, and then  mark it.   And then go to the table of contents, click on alt+F9, and then do the following, hit alt+f9 again and then update the table of contents, and it should recogize just what I marked.   


type \f at the end of the field.

It will look as follows:

{ TOC \o "1-3" \h \f }

But this does not do it.


So does anyone know how to do this.  Thanks much.







Why do you need to sign in to "get the most out of office?"

Posted: 05 Apr 2013 11:06 PM PDT

What's the deal with having to "sign-in" to get the most out of Office?


I use Office for business purposes, other than the licensed Office product which I have purchased, Microsoft has nothing to do with my business.


My business does not have a Microsoft ID, nor does it want one.


If I pay for a product and receive a licence to use that product, I would expect to use that product to its full extent, and not receive a partial and withheld service.

Unable to delete text in comments

Posted: 05 Apr 2013 06:22 AM PDT

I checked and don't see Word 2013 listed so I figured I'd post this potential bug report here. 

In Word 2013, when I click three times in a comment bubble to highlight all of the text in that bubble, hitting the Delete key does not allow me to delete the text. 

This was also the case in earlier versions of Word, but now there is a new problem: In 2010 I used to be able to click three times to select the text and then hold the Shift key down and hit the left arrow one time. This would then allow me to delete all text.  Now, in Word 2013, hitting Shift + Left does not register on the screen, so I cannot delete the text.  

The same problem occurs if you click once in the bubble and hit Ctrl + A or if you manually highlight the text in the bubble with the mouse (of course in that last case if you highlight all the way to the very end, including that final "space" or whatever it is where the problem occurs). 

Do others experience this? If so, can we report it to Microsoft? Although it's not a huge issue, little things like this slow users down (because, in this case, it makes the Ctrl + A function within comment bubbles somewhat limited). Plus, it wasn't a problem in 2010, so it seems fixable. :)

How to create Encrypted with Password documents from Word 2010 template?

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 09:36 AM PDT

I would like to create a Word 2010 template such that any document created from that template is automatically set with Encrypt with Password using the password picked-up from the template.


What I have tried is this: I set Encrypt with Password on the template.  I then create a document using the template - I have to enter the correct password for the tempate to open - so far, so good.  I then save my new document.  When I come back to open the newly-created document, it asks me for a password to open the document.  This looks correct, but what I have found is that I can enter ANY text for the password (or no text at all) and the document will still open.  When I then check the Protection properties for the document it says that the document is NOT Encrypted with Password. 


I have tried this both with and without Restrict Editing settings on the template - it makes no difference.  I am always prompted for a password when opening a document created with the template, and always it accepts any password at all and opens the document.  Any idea what I am doing wrong? 


Thanks in advance for any help.

