

Microsoft Word - If at first you don't succeed, ...

Microsoft Word - If at first you don't succeed, ...

If at first you don't succeed, ...

Posted: 06 Apr 2013 08:19 AM PDT


Well, the irregularities of the tables in my files is causing a lot of problems, despite all the help I am getting from the experts on this forum.

Well, perhaps this will be better. A macro to

1) Find every table in the MS Word file with 7 or more rows.
2) Select the entire table.
3) Highlight in yellow (or any other color) the entire table.
4) Find the next table with 7 or more rows ,,, and so on down the file.
5) Split into two tables only those tables with exactly 12 rows (split at the 7th row). Most of the tables are 12 rows, but the other tables with say 7 rows disrupt the other macros that have been provided.

Example of table:

1 blah blah blah blah
2 blah
7 (Split here into new table)

Then I can go back and examine the highlighted tables for editing (such as splitting the tables at the right point).

I would deeply appreciate your help in this matter.

Tweaking Another Search Macro

Posted: 06 Apr 2013 06:32 AM PDT


A day or so ago HansV kindly provided me the following macro (that works well, by the way),

The following macro will select the first table with more than 6 rows that it encounters.

After splitting this table, simply run the macro again.


Sub FindLargeTable()
    Dim f As Boolean
    Dim tbl As Table
    For Each tbl In ActiveDocument.Tables
        If tbl.Rows.Count > 6 Then
            f = True
            Exit For
        End If
    Next tbl
    If f = False Then
        MsgBox "No tables with more than 6 rows found.", vbInformation
    End If
End Sub

The problem is there are hundreds of tables with over 6 rows, so it is time-consuming to do it over and over.

Could the macro above be tweaked, as follows?

1) Search for tables with over 6 rows, 2) split these tables in half (the seventh row will become the first row), 3) indicate where the split occurred -- in say yellow highlight, and 4) then continue down the file to the bottom.

NOTE: If the macro encounters a table with an usually setup (it will usually be 12 rows, but there could be anomalies) the macro should stop and then the problem can be dealt with.

Most tables contain columns with 6 rows.

I would deeply appreciate your help in this matter.

.pdf to Word for free?

Posted: 06 Apr 2013 05:31 AM PDT

Is there an inexpensive or - better yet - free program to translate .pdf documents into Word? I have a program that lets me read .pdf files, but I like to change the font and be able to delete parts I have already read - can't do that in Adobe reader and can't spend the money to purchase a program to do it for me.


I have Adobe Reader and Sumatra pdf which both allow me to read the files and/or print them, but I cannot paste them into Word successfully.

How to fix Word 2010 starting with File Tab, Not Home Tab

Posted: 05 Apr 2013 12:59 PM PDT

Word 2010 documents should open by default on the Home tab.  My documents use to until today. Now they open only on the File tab. The Home tab is still visible, checked, and at the top of the list on Options, Customize Ribbon.  I can select the Home tab by clicking on it  but after I perform any task using the Home tab, such as Bold  face, the document automatically reverts to the File tab. I then have to reselect Home tab for each function.  This is new after months of it working correctly.  The same relation now exists for all other tabs, useable for one function but then revert to the File tab.  Help is needed and appreciated.

Can't set up page numbering within individual sections and cumulative page numbering in same document

Posted: 05 Apr 2013 06:03 AM PDT

I've written a document organized into sections. I would like the page numbering in the header to restart at 1 for each section. I would like the page numbering in the footer for all sections to be cumulative for the entire document. I can't get the document to do both at the same time. If I set up the section page numbering to start at 1 for each section, the footer page numbering also starts at 1 for each section. If I set up the footer numbering to be cumulative for the entire document, the header page numbering is also cumulative. Help!