

Microsoft Word - Word 2010 reducing memory storage when inserting graphics

Microsoft Word - Word 2010 reducing memory storage when inserting graphics

Word 2010 reducing memory storage when inserting graphics

Posted: 20 Dec 2014 02:01 PM PST

I did a little memory test to determine how to minimize memory use for images in Word 2010.  My conclusions are listed in the following image.  If there is a better way, I am interested in hearing about it. 

Best Regards,


ERROR MESSAGE 0x80270113 Word 2010

Posted: 20 Dec 2014 01:56 PM PST

I tried opening a short cut to a document and am getting the above error message.

Any suggestions or help would be appreciated

Thank you in advance


Inserting a Word 2010 document (PC version) into another word document -- cannot re-size it

Posted: 20 Dec 2014 12:45 PM PST

I have converted a pdf form into Word, so that it publishes in a clearer fashion.

Now I need to insert this Word form into another Word document and size it to fit the page.  The conversion looks OK, but I cannot re-size the form, which seems to be a combination of a table and image.  I was able to do this without any problems in prior Word versions, but not now.   I have to decrease the size using % or cropping, but the form doesn't decrease in size, instead, parts get "erased."  

I have tried copy and paste, insert as an object, etc. with no success - the form refuses to be re-sized/decreased.  Maybe there is something about the form itself that is not allowing it to be re-sized.  Any ideas?  I'm trying to publish in CreateSpace and inserting or copying and pasting pdf files is not working- the image comes out too blurred; using the converted Word form has worked better in the past as far as publishing is concerned, but I cannot re-size it to fit a set format.

Thanks in advance.


Perpetual Calendar

Posted: 19 Dec 2014 04:32 PM PST

I am a member of a large social organization (600 members).  Every year we publish a month by month calendar with the members' birthdays on it.  I recently became the manager of this calendar.  In the past, the calendar was kept in Microsoft Word and was updated througough the year by maually deleting past members and adding new members.  When it came time to make the calendar for the new year, individual days would be copy and pasted to the new year's calendar.  

This seems crazily inefficient to me.  Is there a way using word or access or excel or really any other program to almost mail merge a table of birthdays into a calendar?  My goal would be to be able at the end of the year to just print out a new year's calendar.  I tried using google calendar and outlook calendar, but the formatting was such that it didn't work.  


Remove borders with Alt+Ctrl+U

Posted: 19 Dec 2014 04:24 PM PST

Split from this thread.

I have an issue, When I use the ALT+CTRL+U it gets rid of which sections I have bolded ect. This wouldnt normally be an issue on a small document but this one is 10,000+ words. 

when I CTRL+A and try removing boarders there are none (they are not gridlines) yet when I ALT+CTRL+U it removes the lines however I also get the above issue. 

Is there a way to remove the lines without undoing the parts I have bolded/underlined ect...?

Office 'Word' missing from Start Menu, All Programs, Microsoft Office Folder

Posted: 19 Dec 2014 04:08 PM PST

OS: Windows 7 Pro x64

Microsoft Office Academic 2010

When I opened the Administrator account for the first time to add a desktop short cut for Word, I went to: Start Menu, All Programs, Microsoft Office Folder, everything was there as expected except no Office Word....

I know Office is installed because my two Admin/User accounts both have the file in the proper place in the start menu.

I can also right click on the Desktop of the Administrator account and pull up a copy of Office Word... it just isn't a shortcut.

I tried the following: Computer > C Drive > Program Files > Microsoft Office > Office 14 > (application) WINWORD (right click - send to desktop)

Note: Computer > C Drive > Program Files(x86), > Microsoft Office > Office 14 > (application) contains no 'WINWORD' file...

I could re-install/repair Office from the installation disc, or leave things as they are. I am wondering what the Sam heck is going on?

Add Open Recent File command to the Quick Access Toolbar

Posted: 19 Dec 2014 04:08 PM PST

Split from this thread.

One of the customizations I do to the QAT is to add the "Open Recent File" command to it.

In your very informative post, you stated "One of the customizations I do to the QAT is to add the "Open Recent File" command to it."  How.  How did you add that command?  I used it all the time in previous versions of Word and I did not find that as an option when I customized my QAT in Word 2013.  Before you go there (if you were going to go there) I'm not really interested in any third party solutions.  I might be interested in some programming to bend Word 2013 to my will using brute force.  What I'd like to believe is that Microsoft didn't arbitrarily eliminate such a useful command but just renamed it something unintuitive.  If they did delete the command from the QAT list of possible commands, I'll just use this version of Word as my last Microsoft productivity software solution and eventually switch to Apple or maybe just stop using words to communicate altogether.

PDF Conversion Hiccups

Posted: 19 Dec 2014 03:34 PM PST

When converting a large-ish word document (130 pages, >6 mb) to a pdf, certain text comes out pixelated and fuzzy. The curious thing is it's only the second-level section heading (which is based on the 'Heading 2' style). This would be a heading such as "B-2 Facilities Requirements". I use styles to do section headings and link it all to a Table of Contents. It goes four levels deep at the deepest (something like B-2.1.4). Everything else comes out crystal clear. Images (pictures) could be sharper, but all other text is perfect.

There are a plethora of different methods to convert to PDF, but the most effective method I've found has been to just 'Save As - PDF' through the standard Save As interface in Word. Any suggestions as to why this particular heading is having trouble converting to a pdf cleanly? Or how to get pictures to convert more cleanly?
