

Windows 7 - hard drive again

Windows 7 - hard drive again

hard drive again

Posted: 08 Mar 2010 11:29 AM PST

Question answered, I am setting the new drive as slave and then install
Windows 7 on it, later on will change start up order.

"Stewart" <com> wrote in message

Program compatibility with Win7

Posted: 08 Mar 2010 11:18 AM PST

"Gordon" <com> wrote in


REVO has some value . . . don't use the others.

Does anyone know how to get the DOS screen to run full screen?

Posted: 08 Mar 2010 05:51 AM PST

On Tue, 9 Mar 2010 11:29:23 -0500, "Peter Foldes" <com>

Those are ZX Spectrum emulators for MS-DOS.

wireless settings

Posted: 08 Mar 2010 03:42 AM PST

"Jeff Layman" <invalid> wrote in message
Thanks, I've copied all three replies to a folder.

Problem with IE8 and Windows7 Please help

Posted: 08 Mar 2010 01:10 AM PST

"Spring Sprung" <> wrote in message

I will add something to anyone who thinks that Internet Explorer , or some
particular web page, 'don't work'.

1. You must ensure that you have the desired add-ons, correctly

2. Have a very good look through the various IE8 settings, especially if
did not install it yourself. A very good thing to do is to download another
browser and if IE8 works oddly, try looking at the page with the other
If it works OK, then what is wrong is probably the settings,

who is this lying POS spamming, linutrd troll named alias?

Posted: 07 Mar 2010 04:50 PM PST

On 3/7/2010 6:03 PM, Andrew wrote: 


Windows Backup error

Posted: 07 Mar 2010 02:08 PM PST

"LSMFT" <com> wrote in message

Because, as a result of what it told me, I found that it was missing and
consequently I replaced it with a download and all is well.

Win 7 Ultimate 32bit XP mode

Posted: 07 Mar 2010 01:49 PM PST

On Tue, 9 Mar 2010 11:22:57 -0000, "Muggles"
<> wrotG:

Mine didn't do this. It just installed.

Windows and SBS 2003 RWW

Posted: 07 Mar 2010 12:33 PM PST

"mikemcd" <in> wrote in message

But what about the logins that are access denied? You didn't answer the
questions about how the fields are being populated for 2 or 3-bar logins.

If there is only 1 domain controller, then the "no logon server" message
isn't that unusual. Basically the machine is trying to authenticate itself,
but the services required haven't finished starting up yet.

Which is Safer, Windows, Apple or Linux regarding malware?

Posted: 07 Mar 2010 11:42 AM PST

Gordon wrote: 

God did exactly that. He provided us with people who were/are
intelligent enough to create Windows and Winsows apps for users who know
how to use a computer. For the rest he made sure Linux was around.
Windows and stuck the idiots with LinuX.

Resizing Graphics

Posted: 07 Mar 2010 10:28 AM PST

"John" <invalid> wrote in message

That website tries to download something called
No thanks.

Explorer shut down and restart

Posted: 07 Mar 2010 10:20 AM PST

Dave-UK presented the following explanation : 

Thanks I`ll check it

On 8meg Broadband from West Cornwall

Microsoft Word - Word 2013 error msg: "There was a problem sending the command to the program" - but there wasn't!

Microsoft Word - Word 2013 error msg: "There was a problem sending the command to the program" - but there wasn't!

Word 2013 error msg: "There was a problem sending the command to the program" - but there wasn't!

Posted: 07 Aug 2014 03:10 PM PDT

Every time I open a Word 2013 document, the document begins to open, and then this error pops up. I close the pop-up box, and the document is open and ready to be worked on. If I open an older version document in compatibility mode, I do NOT get this error. I tried to get a screen-shot of the message box but can't; I'm using an HP netbook, with Windows 7 Starter. Any idea how I can get rid of this false error message? It's very annoying! TIA!

Sorry Word online ran into a problem...

Posted: 07 Aug 2014 12:38 PM PDT

I created a document library to store reports in word format, an even created a Template for how I wanted the report to look (all found on various forums online).  To populate this library I linked it to an existing list containing data.  I then created a workflow that triggered when either a new client was created or the data of one of the clients was modified.  This all worked out very well.  The data was showing in the document library as planned, though with a bit of formatting concerns, but the problem came when I tried to open the document in Word.

Each time I attempted to open a document, I received an error stating:

Sorry Word Online ran into a problem opening this document. Would you like to open it in Word.

However when I attempt to open it in word, the document is blank.

What am I doing wrong?

Comments not printing in MS Word 2013

Posted: 07 Aug 2014 11:13 AM PDT

My comments are not printing in MS Word 2013.  They are showing up in Print Preview, I have "Print Mark Up" selected.  When I print, it has a grey margin on the right hand side, but the comments themselves are not printed.  Does anyone know how to get these to print?

Word 2013 - Information bubbles for changed inline text (track changes) does not appear.

Posted: 07 Aug 2014 10:19 AM PDT

I have a problem with Tracked Changes on one of our Word 2013  installations.  On my installation of Word 2013, when I mouse over text which has been edited or added, a box (or bubble) pops up showing the date and time that the text was inserted and by whom.

Here's a link to an image showing what I mean.

I hover my mouse cursor over the red text, and the information box showing SHC's editing information appears.  This is normal, desired behaviour.

On a colleague's Word 2013, he performs the same action and the box does not pop up or flashes briefly then disappears.  Is there a setting somewhere to make this box appear and stay put?  Is this a bug?  A video driver issue?  I have tested it on various other Word 2013 installations in the office, without a problem.



Macro for Conditional Text

Posted: 07 Aug 2014 09:39 AM PDT

A co-worker has asked me about creating an interactive document where they could show/hide portions of a contract based on which services the client elects to purchase.  

So I found this awesome set of macros (, but they're slightly out-dated.  They don't completely work, and I'm not sure if it's the tagging or the processing of the tags that's not working properly.  It might be that I'm copying/pasting it wrong?  I'm pasting it at the end of the post for you to take a look at.  I can see the tags when I complete that part of the process, but then when I go to process the tags, no matter what I put in the text box it just automatically hides everything on the page.  

But my main question here is twofold.  Is this the best way to go about using conditional text in word?  For tech writers out there, I'd like to mimic the type of functionality that exists in FrameMaker for conditional formatting.  If so, I'm also wondering how to display, like it shows in the article, a Display Content window from which the user can select the tags to display.  So for example, if you take a series of paragraphs with JQ, JA, SQ, and SA tags, you could select to display any combination of these tags.  

Sub AddTagToParagraphs()
 Dim newTag As String, oldTag As String
 Dim myPara As Paragraph
 oldTag = TagPara(Selection.Paragraphs(1), "")
 newTag = UCase(InputBox("Type tag for selected paragraph(s).", "Single Source ", oldTag))
 For Each myPara In Selection.Paragraphs
 oldTag = TagPara(myPara, newTag)
 Next myPara
 Set myPara = Nothing
End Sub

Sub ProcessTags()
 Dim TagsToShow As String
 Dim myPara As Paragraph
 Dim myTag As String
 Dim i As Integer
 Dim hidePara As Boolean
 TagsToShow = UCase(InputBox("Type tags to make visible. Leave blank to show all", "Single Source"))
 ActiveWindow.View.ShowHiddenText = True
 ActiveDocument.Range.Font.Hidden = False
    For Each myPara In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs
    myTag = TagPara(myPara, "")
        If myTag <> "" Then hidePara = False
    For i = 1 To Len(TagsToShow)
         If InStr(myTag, Mid(TagsToShow, i, 1)) = 0 Then hidePara = True
    Next i
    If hidePara Then
    myPara.Range.Font.Hidden = True
    End If
    Next myPara
     ActiveWindow.View.ShowHiddenText = False
     ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.ShowAll = False
 Set myPara = Nothing
End Sub

Function TagPara(myPara As Paragraph, myTag As String) As String
 Dim pos1 As Integer
 Dim pos2 As Integer
 Dim myText As String
 Dim myRange As Range
 Set myRange = myPara.Range
 myText = myRange.Text
 pos1 = InStr(myText, "{")
 pos2 = InStr(myText, "}")
 If pos1 > 0 And pos2 > pos1 Then
 myRange.SetRange Start:=myPara.Range.Start + pos1 - 1, End:=myPara.Range.Start + pos2
 myRange.MoveEnd unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=-1
myRange.Collapse direction:=wdCollapseEnd
 End If
 If myTag <> "" Then myRange.Text = "{" & myTag & "}"
 myText = myRange.Text
 If Len(myText) > 1 Then TagPara = Mid(myText, 2, Len(myText) - 2) Else
TagPara = ""
 myRange.Font.Hidden = True
 Set myRange = Nothing
End Function

Cursor disappears when in text area or a data entry box...

Posted: 07 Aug 2014 09:25 AM PDT

Cursor disappears when I hover over ANY place I could enter something.  It happened just now when I placed it in THIS box to enter this question.

In Word it is most annoying as the whole page has the problem.

I recently had to restore my computer back to "just out of the box" new.

Ultimately, I had Office 2013 installed.

I've looked at other threads here & the questions don't exactly match, and the answers don't seem to apply.

EXCEPT for the suggestion to reload my mouse drivers.

The problem is that I can't find where to "reload" or "reinstall" my mouse drivers.

Control panel says on hardware tab that I have THREE, btw.  My computer is HP all-in-one with touch screen, so that's probably the first one listed.  Then I have a wireless mouse.  Control panel's third one says it's connected via USB port... don't know what that's about unless it's a "just in case" I have to resort to a wired in mouse?

When I clicked on pointer tab, got two files missing errors:  hcross.cur and hibeam.cur -- which supports the need to reload drivers.

I did, however, try unchecking "hide pointer while typing" but that didn't fix this particular problem.

Anyway, if you can help me either reload the mouse drivers or otherwise find my cursor, I would greatly appreciate it!

--Paula in Texas

Slide Show

Posted: 07 Aug 2014 07:27 AM PDT

08/07/14- I have several beach pictures in my Picture Folder and I want to have them in a slide show on the desktop. When I open the Picture Folder and use the slide show option the pictures show in a slide show. However when I click on the 'exit' button and go back to the desktop the slide show has stopped. Under  "Personalize" then "Desktop" I don't see an option to create a slide show for the desktop. How can this be done?

Page Numbering In Word

Posted: 07 Aug 2014 07:23 AM PDT

Okay, so I am trying to add page numbers to a 300+ page long document for use with the table of contents. This is a manual that sourced different documents that were inserted into a single document (all with random section breaks-pain in the butt). When I try to insert a page number, it increases the size of the footers and it throws off the formatting to where there will be be single lines of text on a single page. Also, the header/footer margins seem to be different for each of the sourced documents so the page numbers appear in different parts of the footer. Is there an alternative way to number the pages such that it doesn't touch any of the formatting like insertion of a text box in the lower right corner of each page? Or are there other options?

Word 2010 Save and Send fails saying Outlook cannot contact the server

Posted: 07 Aug 2014 05:22 AM PDT

Windows 7 Enterprise, Office 2010 both fully updated. Running Outlook in an Exchange environment. Outlook is open at the time the user attempts to do the Save and Send as an attachment in Word 2010. Any ideas on how to fix this?

Auto Versioning

Posted: 07 Aug 2014 05:03 AM PDT


a question about versioning. It there an easy way in all office products, but largely word, ppoint and project to autoversion documents.

IE avoid going save as and then changing the number, instead clicking a link that will automatically save as the next version. e.g mydoc.01 -> mydoc.02 etc.

I know there are third party version control plugins and and the autorecover versioning, but the former is too complex, and the latter cannot be relied on for teams.

maybe I am looking to closely and there is a better practise solution out there ?  

Office iPad unable to delete documents from "Recent" folder

Posted: 07 Aug 2014 04:40 AM PDT

I have MS Word and Excel for iPad.  I am unable to delete item icons from my "Recent Docs" folder.  The items are removed, but the icon still exists.

i attempted to resolve it by closing the app (a hard close) and going into settings and going under the "Reset Word/Excel" and Clear all Documents/Workbooks.  I then reset the app and the document icons are still there.

Am I missing a step?  Any help please.  Thank you.

Printing A5 leaflets on Galaxy Tab S

Posted: 07 Aug 2014 03:53 AM PDT

I am planning getting a a Galaxy Tab S, 10.5. But i need to print 4pp and 8pp leaflets in A5 size on a duplex printer (2 pages on each side of A4 landscape). Can this be done with Office 365 or Word on Android on the Galaxy Tab S? (I do not think this can be done on Android Hancom). Thank you in anticipation. Don

MS Word: How to remove all return (new lines) in an exising document

Posted: 07 Aug 2014 02:11 AM PDT

MS Word: How to remove all returns of short lines in an existing document?


My microsoft office doesn't work properly. why.?

Posted: 07 Aug 2014 01:07 AM PDT

can you teach me how to fix it.?

Encarta Dictionary requesting a login

Posted: 06 Aug 2014 03:56 PM PDT

Using Office 2010 -> Word 2010. When using the Encarta Dictionary, I'm getting prompted for a login to Did the Encarta Dictionary get placed behind an Office 365 paywall?

On a Windows 2008 Terminal Server.

Project Predecessors should have mouse over to ID the Task Name Microsoft Project

Project Predecessors should have mouse over to ID the Task Name Microsoft Project

Project Predecessors should have mouse over to ID the Task Name

Posted: 18 Aug 2005 01:57 PM PDT

In article <phx.gbl>,
"JackD" <momokuri@gmail> wrote:
I wasn't aware of that, but now I am. Thanks


Link To-do lists to Tasks

Posted: 18 Aug 2005 01:21 PM PDT


Try posting on the server newsgroup. Please see FAQ Item: 24. Project
Newsgroups. FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information
can be seen at this web address:

Mike Glen
Project MVP

ATL wrote: 

Non checked out project shows checked out

Posted: 18 Aug 2005 12:19 PM PDT

Hi la0d0g ,

Try posting on the server newsgroup. Please see FAQ Item: 24. Project
Newsgroups. FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information
can be seen at this web address:

Mike Glen
Project MVP

la0d0g wrote: 

Can I create a project template?

Posted: 18 Aug 2005 11:58 AM PDT

Please let us know if there is anything else we can help with!
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

"Sam" wrote:

Can I use multiple resouces for 1 task?

Posted: 18 Aug 2005 08:19 AM PDT


Unfortunately I have not worked with Project for years and I have forgotten
a lot. Thank you for your time in responding to my question. I will look
into the link that you sent also.

"John" wrote:

Hierarchy structure in MS Project

Posted: 18 Aug 2005 05:12 AM PDT

schemr --

In the Enterprise Global file, create a new custom enterprise Project
outline code called Sales Manager. Make this a required field and list all
of our sales managers in the outline code structure. Save and close the
Enterprise Global and then exit and relaunch Microsoft Project Professional.
Ask each PM to open all of his/her projects and click Project - Project
Information, select the Sales Manager for each project, and then save and
publish each project using Collaborate - Publish - Project Plan. Add the
new Sales Manager field to each Project Center view in PWA. You might also
want to create a custom Project Center view called Sales Manager that has
grouping applied by default on this outline code. You might also want to
create a custom Portfolio Analyzer view that summarizes project data by the
Sales Manager outline code.

After you and the PM's complete the above series of steps, anyone who can
view the Project Center page will be able to apply grouping or sorting on
the Sales Manager outline code. Hope this helps.

Dale A. Howard [MVP]
Enterprise Project Trainer/Consultant
"We wrote the book on Project Server"

"schemr" <> wrote in message

multiple baseline compare

Posted: 18 Aug 2005 01:33 AM PDT


1. To compare two dates (for instance two baselinestartx)
Tools, Customize, Fields, select a number field
Activate Formula
[Baselinestartx]-[Baselinestarty] returns a value in days
projdatediff( [],[], Calendar name) returns a value in minutes
When you select a duration field projdatediff will be expressed in the
normal duration units

2. To show nonstandard bars in the Gantt Chart (such as haveing a hape to
indicate Baselinestart7 or a bar between baselinestart5 and Start)

Faq 31. Customizing Task Bars


Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"MAT" <> schreef in bericht

Printing reports with a date range

Posted: 17 Aug 2005 11:24 AM PDT

You are correct that Date Range filters out the tasks.
To get the timephased info you are looking for, try temporarily
changing your project start date to June 1. >Project, >Project

Hope this helps!

Resource Usage View Project 2003 Server Master Project Plan

Posted: 17 Aug 2005 11:18 AM PDT


All of this is perfectly possible without Project Server, even in Project
Standard, but not knowing Project Server very well I hesitate to gieve a
recipe in a Server environment.

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"Jerryinnc" <> schreef in bericht

how do I add a delay to the entire project

Posted: 17 Aug 2005 10:57 AM PDT

brandon erndt wrote:

You could set the status date to equal the date the work will resume for
this project and then hit the 'Reschedule' button on the Tracking Toolbar.
This will move the unfinished portions of all tasks so that they start
after the new status date.

Brian K - Project MVP
Senior Trainer - Electronic Arts
QuantumPM Associate

Save as MPP vs. Publish to Project Server

Posted: 17 Aug 2005 08:20 AM PDT

Okay, Mike.

Please go to
to follow this thread.


"Mike Glen" <> wrote in message

how do i display week numbers in project?

Posted: 16 Aug 2005 12:55 PM PDT

In article <com>,
Rompie <> wrote:

I have probably heard of ISO week numbers but have never used them. I
also do not use Outlook. Because one MS application (or even several of
them) can do a particular thing doesn't mean all MS applications can do
it. A good example is that in Excel individual Worksheet cells can be
formatted. We get many posts in the Project newsgroup asking how that
can be done in Project, particularly in either of the Usage views.
Unfortunately individual field cell formatting is not an option in

The only formatting available for the timescale in Project is that
available in the selection lists for Units and labels found in the
Timescale edit window. That window can be accessed by either double
clicking on the timescale or by going to Format/Timescale.

Hope this helps.
Project MVP

Views with Gantt Chart Wizard.

Posted: 16 Aug 2005 09:23 AM PDT

Hi Dave,

You could create a new private project. Create your views there and then
transfer them via the Organizer to the working projects. Then, if one gets
changed significantly, you can recover it from your private project.

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Dave wrote: