

Moving /home - Forums Linux

Moving /home - Forums Linux

Moving /home

Posted: 17 May 2007 09:21 PM PDT

On 2007-05-18, Matt Giwer <> wrote: 

It's not? The OP seems to have originally placed /home on the
/ partition, and now wants it on its own partition. He probably
wants to be able to erase / without disturbing /home.


If users are logged in moving /home could cause problems. The
most sure way is to go to runlevel 1, log in directly as root, and
then move /home to its final destination e.g.

mount /dev/hda88 /mnt/newhome
cd /home
tar cf - . | (cd /mnt/newhome;tar xvf -)

# (force of habit; the equivalent mv should work too)
# verify newhome is good; then
rm -rf /home
# or
mv /home /oldhome
mkdir /home
mount /dev/hda88 /home
# now edit /etc/fstab and add an entry for /home

If runlevel 1 is not an option, then set /etc/nologin or equivalent
(like beating your users over the head with a hockey stick if they
log in), kill off any processes using /home (lsof can help here), then
do the above.

You need to remove or move the old /home before mounting the new
/home if you want to be able to eventually free up that space without
having to umount the new /home. If you don't move it out of the way,
the new mount will mask the existing files, and there will be no way
to delete them without umounting the new /home.


(try just my userid to email me)
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Blog publishing (newbie)

Posted: 17 May 2007 05:40 PM PDT

On Thu, 17 May 2007 20:40:31 -0400, Neil Jones wrote:

A good tool for newbie bloggers is WordPress.

How to set the order of init.d scripts.

Posted: 16 May 2007 01:30 PM PDT

On 16 May, 21:30, voipfc <com> wrote: 

On most Linux systems, the "chkconfig" command is used to read the
chkconfig line in the init script and set the order appropriately.
Take a look in /etc/rc.d/rc3.d to get a sense of what happens at
runlevel 3, and at the contents of the files and the man page for

Is there some good serial port terminal tool ?

Posted: 15 May 2007 10:46 PM PDT

On May 17, 7:23 pm, Nico <com> wrote: 

What isn't intuitive about minicom? Anyone here who has ever used a
popular terminal program for the PC such as Telix or Procomm will
recognize minicom.

Kermit?! If minicom isn't intuitive, kermit is arcane! Only greybeards
will recognize kermit. I remember it, but fortunately only used it
sparingly to transfer to/from old systems that had nothing else.

video/wireless devices for FC6 on Dell laptop; recommendations?

Posted: 15 May 2007 12:39 PM PDT

In alt.comp.linux Richard Vaughn <com> wrote:

Ok, this appears to be supported by open source DRI drivers. I have not
tested this personally, but if it works, this would be the card of choice. I
would try and find someone who has a similar laptop, and test it with a live
CD. The other cards do not have open source 3d support at this time, as far as
I can tell, so I would avoid these at this time.



Mark Hobley
393 Quinton Road West
B32 1QE

Email: markhobley at hotpop dot donottypethisbit com

From Mozilla to Mailx and Sendmail ?

Posted: 14 May 2007 09:26 AM PDT

On May 15, 11:23 am, The Natural Philosopher <a...@b.c> wrote: 

That's maybe the goal, but I was asking something completely
different, if someone knows how to...

Thanks anyway.

How to recall history command for editing

Posted: 14 May 2007 03:08 AM PDT

voipfc wrote:

If you are using bash then first do:

shopt -s histverify

Then when you do !27 it will put the command on the command line and
allow you to edit it.

Good luck,


P.S. This was found via the time-honored method of "man history".

cron daily jobs all run together

Posted: 12 May 2007 07:52 PM PDT

Darren Salt wrote: 
They do, but mine contains only:

total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 188 Nov 15 2005 sysstat

$ cat cron.d/sysstat
# run system activity accounting tool every 10 minutes
*/10 * * * * root /usr/lib/sa/sa1 1 1
# generate a daily summary of process accounting at 23:53
53 23 * * * root /usr/lib/sa/sa2 -A

I like to keep my regular stuff together in /etc/cron.hourly, .daily,
..weekly, and .monthly in each of which run-parts runs one after the other as
fast as it can.

.~. Jean-David Beyer Registered Linux User 85642.
/V\ PGP-Key: 9A2FC99A Registered Machine 241939.
/( )\ Shrewsbury, New Jersey
^^-^^ 08:35:01 up 86 days, 20:04, 3 users, load average: 4.37, 4.43, 4.26

Is there an easy way to install apps on Linux

Posted: 11 May 2007 01:43 PM PDT

On 11 May 2007, in the Usenet newsgroup comp.os.linux.setup, in article
<>, Roger wrote:

As you are new to Linux, your best bet is to use the applications that
come with your distribution (or in the case of *buntu, the applications
available through Debian), and you _REALLY_ want to be using the
package manager for this.

1: The packages have been inspected, poked at, tested AND someone
is keeping an eye on it for security problems.

2: The package manager keeps track of what is installed, where, and
what conflicts and dependencies exist, AND how to resolve them.

3. The package manager can handle updates, and the safe removal of
packages without breaking the system.

Do you know how to do all of that? Are you aware of the consequences
if you are not able to do so?

Unlike windoze, there are (literally) hundreds of different Linux
distributions, and they use several different package tools. Most often,
packages are built for a specific release of a specific distribution,
much as a fender for a 2006 Plymouth PT Cruiser isn't going to fit very
well on a 2004 Chevrolet Corvette. or a 1957 Ford Thunderbird. The
common tool among all distributions is the tar file and compiling from
source - which is still simpler than you trying to figure out how to
bash that piece of sheet metal (or fiberglass) into something that may
be made to fit and function like a fender.

Then why are you using a keyboard? Can't you just click on some icon
and have your thoughts translated directly to words in some web-form?


The reason it did not is because that cryptic command stuff can do things
that your GUI can't do because the author never thought you'd need or
want to do so. If the GUI author didn't include it, you can't do it.
Amazing. Additionally, the commands can be chained together to do
things quite different, and rapidly without much effort. In reality,
while there are a lot of "cryptic" commands on the computer, you rarely
use even ten percent of them. Here, there are over 1300 commands in my
PATH as a user - yet I average using around 80 commands to accomplish
everything I use the computer for. Tell me where the icons are that you
can use to find out how many commands are on your system, and which ones
you are using.

Old guy

Video Problem installing FC6 on P4

Posted: 10 May 2007 11:56 AM PDT

On Fri, 11 May 2007 17:58:13 -0400, Matt Giwer wrote:

Good morning, Matt.

I found ONE video card (Matrox G-200), out of my large stack of video
cards, that works. So, the problem is solved for now. Unfortunately I
had to accept that and move on to my next problem, so I didn't get a
chance to retrieve and post messages generated by the non-working cards.
I do appreciate the offer to look at them and I may take you up on that
when I get myself dug out from under the current pile of issues to deal
with. :-\

Ubuntu 6.10: I cannot compile "hello world"

Posted: 10 May 2007 08:27 AM PDT

On Fri, 11 May 2007, Bill Mar wrote:
you enabled the "crystal ball" option,
understood what i meant
and gave me the solution
(or at least something very well worth trying)

Thanks again
Luciano :-)

Where can I download UPDATE 2 for RHE 4 !

Posted: 10 May 2007 07:14 AM PDT

Zex wrote: 

Who do you think pays Red Hat to produce those updates?
Who do you think pays Red Hat to test those updates?
Who do you think pays Red Hat to package those updates and all the other
packages into a distribution that you can easily install?
Who do you think pays Red Hat to maintain all the development and test machines?
Who do you think pays Red Hat to maintain all the servers to distribute the
Who do you think pays Red Hat to purchase the networking capacity so you can
download those updates?
It is the subscribers to their service that do it, and you want to freeload
off all those of us who pay for it?

.~. Jean-David Beyer Registered Linux User 85642.
/V\ PGP-Key: 9A2FC99A Registered Machine 241939.
/( )\ Shrewsbury, New Jersey
^^-^^ 07:25:01 up 87 days, 18:54, 3 users, load average: 4.33, 4.22, 4.11

where and how to create a cron job

Posted: 10 May 2007 03:14 AM PDT

Ayon kay Bill Mar: 

Tnx sir. i tried using crontab -e and my back-up scheduling is now
ok...tnx so mch

How to setup telnet server for root account ?

Posted: 08 May 2007 10:43 AM PDT wrote: 
Simply excecute "su -" once logged in..and go superuser.

Having a root capable direct telnet login is a security hole so large
that even I don't do it on a private network!

Active mode FTP over PPP

Posted: 08 May 2007 04:13 AM PDT

Mark Hobley <> wrote:

The three servers are connected to each other by ethernet. I have an idea.

Keep all the servers on 192.168.0.*

On the modem panels provide DHCP addresses as: 192.168.1.* for the first panel
through to 192.168.254.* and use a subnet mask of

This allows 254 modem panels, each containing 254 modems. (Presumably you
don't have any more than this.)

(Remember you cannot use *.0 and *.255 for client addresses)

A dialling in client then requests its PPP address via DHCP, and is placed on
the 192.168.1.* network (presuming the first panel takes the call)

You still need to activate packet forwarding on server A, but this is trivial.

I assume here that all 64516 modems are connected to server A, obviously you
need to adjust this model to suit your layout.



Mark Hobley
393 Quinton Road West
B32 1QE

Telephone: (0121) 247 1596
International: 0044 121 247 1596

Email: markhobley at hotpop dot donottypethisbit com

USB hard drive compatibility and Linux

Posted: 08 May 2007 03:23 AM PDT

Wenslauw wrote: 
Just bought a new Seagate 500Gb drive with 16Mb Cache, and 5year
warranty, for $139.99 delivered. Stuck it into one of my
USB/Firewire400 cases, and formatted it to EXT3. 465 GB of usable
storage. Have two others and am dumping them over. Also can dump my
internal 120Gb drive.

Hey, works fine in PCLinuxOS and Simply Mepis 6.5.

Repartition tool

Posted: 07 May 2007 02:30 PM PDT

Don Phillipson wrote: has some like, QTParted, Gnome parted (Gparted).

or: any live cd has the partition editor in the install file.

Also, > 

Dual-boot system: How to change default to Windows

Posted: 06 May 2007 09:56 PM PDT

In comp.os.linux.setup, Stefan Patric
on Tue, 08 May 2007 04:48:42 GMT

Well, really, everyone knows that the normal method of designating
partitions with single letters starting with C:, D:, etc. is just so
intuitive! :-)

I'll admit I'm of two minds of all this. The HP mindset -- since HP
originally had a nomenclature that identified a drive by SCSI ID --
is a bit brittle; what if one changes the scsi ID? A similar problem
exists for the Linux ordering, which is basically first drive /dev/sda,
second drive /dev/sdb, etc., regardless of whether drive #1 is id 0, id
1, id 3, etc.

However, there's a third alternative...and in fact, several more.
Take a look at /dev/disk; one will find three alternate choices
to the standard /dev/hda1 nomenclature.

Entries here are symlinks, with names starting with the interface type
(ata or scsi, presumably), followed by an identifier read from the drive
(I have a Maxtor_98196H8_V80BT60C and a
WDC_WD800LB-55DNA0_WD-WMADW1096956, apparently; it's possible that
there's a unique identifier in there somewhere as a lot of systems are
configured with two identical model drives), followed by -partNN if it's
a partition as opposed to the entire drive.

Entries here are also symlinks. I'm not entirely sure what the first
part is on other systems (on mine it's pci-0000:00:02.5, which is
probably an indication of where the interface card, or in my case
which onboard controller, is), followed by 0 or 1, followed by colon,
followed by 0 (master) or 1 (slave), followed by -partNN as before.

Entries here are symlinks, and apparently represent a UUID generated
when the partition was formatted for use.

This is all part of udev. Presumably mount doesn't care whether it's
accessing the device directly (/dev/hda1) or a symlink that's correctly
pointing to the device.

Of course, during booting, all of this isn't quite set up
yet, so there's not a lot one can do; I happen to like GRUB
but LILO might make more sense for those already familiar
with e.g. /dev/hda1.

#191, net
Is it cheaper to learn Linux, or to hire someone
to fix your Windows problems?

Posted via a free Usenet account from

Does some have any idea to install DSL on HDD without FDD?

Posted: 06 May 2007 06:54 PM PDT

google-rambo88 <com> wrote:

There is a command dsl-hdinstall that transfers the system onto the hard drive.



Mark Hobley
393 Quinton Road West
B32 1QE

Telephone: (0121) 247 1596
International: 0044 121 247 1596

Email: markhobley at hotpop dot donottypethisbit com

Making 'ptal-init setup' permanent.

Posted: 05 May 2007 09:56 AM PDT

On May 7, 4:41 am, elsiddik <com> wrote: 

Ok, a good point to start, but are you sure that '/etc/rc.local' is
somewhat debian specific?
I don't have such as directory (file!?) in my /etc. I guess his debian
counterpart could be the directory '/etc/rcS.d'. In thins directory
I've many symlinks to '/etc/init.d', one of which keep my attention,
''. A comment line inside this file declaim as follow:
" # Short-Description: Miscellaneous things to be done during bootup."
So what I would to do, put the 'ptal-init setup' entry inside it?
This isn't a simple 'typeit_typeenter_goaway command', but an
interactive one, with many questions to answer to go to its end. So
what I would like to do is save its final results.

Apologies in andvance if I'm too noob and I'm saying non-sense things
in a bad english :-}

installation/upgrade questions

Posted: 04 May 2007 01:01 PM PDT

Thanks, guys, for the feedback.

Now I know that at least I'm not alone with erratic CD-ROM behavior. I did
give the the thing a cleaning, which helped some. I'll get another one if I

BTW, the problems were from CD-R discs for the most part, though some may
have actually been industrially-pressed CDs. I have no expectation of any
results from any DVD or CD-RW disc.


A curious one

Posted: 04 May 2007 09:05 AM PDT

Jean-David Beyer wrote: 
Well I use it as a files server so I can share files and printers wih my
wife's old Mac, and its recently taken up a positin to go online as a
web server for a very small site that so far has juts 700 people
looking at it on an irregular its a place my wife can showcase
websites she is developing for no one is paying anything for
its use..its just a development and utility platform.

Yup. That's a tree branch across the line, or the wires clashing
together. That's what got it into this state...I have it on 'no auto
reboot' since when we do get an outage, chances are the power goes up
and down several times before its cleared.

Nah. I am more irritaed on having to wait for the lights to stop
flashing, then 'press enter' to get it to carry on booting..

keeping drivers over boot

Posted: 04 May 2007 03:16 AM PDT

On 4 May 2007 03:40:48 -0700, elsiddik <com> wrote:

I don't know what 'em is. Only thing I know that works is 'make install'
and I suspect there must be a cleaner solution.

The link /vmlinuz is a damaged link and The link /initrd.img is a damaged link due to lack of free disk space...

Posted: 03 May 2007 12:18 PM PDT

> > # apt-get remove kernel-headers-2.6.8-3 kernel-headers-2.6.8-3-k7 

Thanks! I always thought headers were required for modules (not just
compiling). Heh, I am still learning Linux a lot. :)
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Duplicate Linux Disk

Posted: 02 May 2007 11:29 PM PDT

On Wed, 02 May 2007 23:29:35 -0700, com wrote:
If you are using the grub loader, then you will need to install grub on
the second disk. This is because you used tar to copy the partition, which
is the correct way to do it, IMO, BTW. It is correct way to copy because
it allows for the source partition to have different properties than the
destination partition (size, filesystem, etc.) You just have to remember
to account for the bootloader.

The final fixups for making sure the copy will work as intended. Two
of the fixups are as follows:
(1) grub needs to be installed, and its menu verified,
(2) /etc/fstab needs to be edited (that is, if you intend to boot
without recabling.) The FC distribution may use "disk lables"
instead of standard device names which is a big annoyance for me.
If you are going to recable in the event of a drive failure, then you may
not need to do this step.

Douglas Mayne