Word 2010 Maximizing Problem Posted: 22 Jul 2013 03:08 PM PDT Hello. I have a problem with my MicrosoftWord 2010 Professional Plus. Let me set the scene. 1. I have a Word document open, but minimized. Thus I see my desktop and Word in the taskbar. 2. I then click on the Word icon on my desktop in order to open a new Word document page. 3. When I click on the icon, my original document maximizes. So I now have 2 maximized Word documents open. How do I stop the original document from opening? This is very frustrating and confusing when I am working on multiple word documents. The link below is the exact issue that I am facing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KKGEMxVYYs&feature=youtu.be THANK YOU!!! |
My microsoft word recognizes the wrong language Posted: 22 Jul 2013 02:51 PM PDT  I was copying and pasting Korean for my project, but my Microsoft word recognized this as Japanese. When I just type in Korean my word recognizes as Korean, but this time the whole paragraph (including other paragraphs) was recognized as Japanese. I just copied and pasted two sentences because I couldn't crop the original document...:( Is this just my error or does it happen to everyone? Can it be fixed? Thank you for reading my question:-) |
OMG - All I want to find is the code for Bold in my linking code between Excel and Word. Posted: 22 Jul 2013 02:22 PM PDT I have been reading for hours on how to convert numbers, insert formulas and hyperlinks in my linking code between Excel and Word. All I want to do is format the text Bold when the word document updates its link. We have been getting half-and-half merged cells for years in one particular section of our document. I want to thank all of you out here, because I have used the more advanced coding to change number formats can do pretty amazing things. But I simply cannot find any reference in switches, merge codes or field codes regarding bold text. I have even seen articles entitled beyond, bold, italic & underline in field codes. Thanks! Signed Desperately Frustrated:-) |
Need formatting and font consistency Posted: 22 Jul 2013 01:40 PM PDT Let me start by saying that if it was my choice, I would simply export the Word doc as a pdf and be done with it. However, in this technological era, there are still scores of job recruiters and web sites that insist you upload your resume in Word format. As a visual designer, it's imperative that my Word doc looks identical on every screen that it graces. Yet that seems to be asking a lot. I created a resume using MS Word 2011 on my Mac this Friday, only to find out that you cannot embed fonts in the Mac version of the software. Not a big deal, I opened the file on my pc to include the fonts. However, pretty much everything was the wrong size, in the wrong place, or missing something. Again, not a big deal. I just re-made the entire thing using MS Word 2010 on my pc. However, it was the same problem. Even after ensuring I ONLY used .ttf font files and hadn't neglected to embed the fonts in the Save Options, the document looked completely different on my coworker's pc than it did on mine. Bear in mind I didn't jump platforms that time...it was made on one pc and previewed on another. The body font wasn't embedded, text boxes had shifted or been removed, and the entire layout was muddled by the font change since whole sections were moved to the next page. Essentially, I need a way to create a moderately complex layout with embedded fonts that will look identical on every single computer, no exceptions. |
MS Word 2013 not saving... Posted: 22 Jul 2013 01:26 PM PDT Hello, I've been trying to Save As or Save a document in MS Word 2013 for the past hour and I'm not getting any where... What can I do to fix this!!! Thanks! |
protected word file loses styles when other users open files Posted: 22 Jul 2013 12:17 PM PDT I have a protected word file document where no edits can be done to the file. Only comments can be made. However, when the file is opened by other users outside my company the heading styles disappear. This happens with some users but not with all. I have Windows 7 Enterprise, 2010 MS Office, but do not know what other users who open these files may have, and if this has anything to do with the problem. Need to know why the file's styles changes and if it can be avoided. This is office version 14.0.6129.5000 (64-bit) |
How to for Styles Posted: 22 Jul 2013 12:11 PM PDT I'm looking for some advanced info on creating styles (hierarchy/naming, etc.). I find I'm continually recreating the wheel. I know there is third party software out there but definitely won't be going that route. What's considered "advanced" word in most of the training I see out there doesn't cover what I'm looking for. I'd like to develop some templates. Can I get some reading suggestions? |
MS-word 2007 crashes on resizing of window Posted: 22 Jul 2013 11:47 AM PDT Hello, I use Vista 32 bit home premium OS with MS-Word 2007. I have all the updates installed as of today and not a single update has been skipped. Since the last few months - ie since some update was installed, which I update, I cannot tell - I have been noticing that when I resize the window on MS-Word 2007, Word crashes and in some cases, some of the tabs of Internet Explorer 9 also crash. This is exactly how it happens: 1) I use a File Open. 2) I navigate to the specific folder on my C drive. 3) I try to increase the size of the window that is shown (which has the list of files). 4) Word restarts. 5) Sometimes along with Word, some tabs of internet explorer also kills some tabs. In step one, I could use File save as but execute the same steps as above in 2 and 3 - and 4 happens (and may be 5 as well). I have noticed that this happens only for word and not for excel, powerpoint or access. Help - this is getting very frustrating! Uttam |
Track changes not saving in Word after other person applies all changes. Posted: 22 Jul 2013 11:39 AM PDT I have been working with an author on editing their novel. I was running Word 2010, and seemed to be having issues. I would use track changes when editing, I sent my author the work, and she accepted all changes at one time. However, when the document was sent back to me for inspection, I noticed not all of my changes were saved. She went through and edited some sections later using track changes, I accepted all of her changes, and still not all of her changes were saved. She was running the 64 bit version of Word 2010, but I was running 32 bit. I recently upgraded to Word 2013 and am saving our progress in Compatibility Mode, but we are still encountering the same problems. Formatting is also weird when I email her the file. There's big gaps where there shouldn't be. What is happening? This is my business and this reflects poorly on me and it making me overdue on this project. I'd appreciate any help I could receive. |
Where can I find information about creating long documents with Word 2013? Posted: 22 Jul 2013 11:28 AM PDT I want to create long documents with Word 2013 so that there should be different headers and footers depending on the subject about I write at a given time. Just like in magazines, where some pages have a particular header, depending on the subject discussed there. |
Word 2007 - File not found Posted: 22 Jul 2013 10:54 AM PDT Since implementing a restore point (Win 7), word 2007 fails to open .doc and .docx files giving "file not found". Office 2007 has been uninstalled and reloaded to no avail. Files can be moved to different PC and open just fine with word 2007. Files associations seem to be in order. Any ideas? |
How do I add ruler Posted: 22 Jul 2013 10:08 AM PDT Cannot find anywhere in Office 2010 Starter to add ruler. |
calculation help in form fields Posted: 22 Jul 2013 08:36 AM PDT I am using word 2010. I created a textbox form field which I bookmarked as hotelcost. I created another textbox which I bookmarked costpernight. I made them both number formats and then I created a textbox and named it hotelsubtotal as the bookmarkname. I made this a calculated field and the calculation was (hotelcost)*(costpernight). That worked fine. I created a second set of text boxes one was bookmarked as costpermeal one was bookmarked as mealsperday and I crested a calculated field called mealsubtotal which was (numberofnights)*(costpermeal)*(mealsperday) That calculation was also correct I want to total my expenses now and so I created a final text box I bookmarked it as total my calculation was (hotelsubtotal)+(mealsubtotal) my fields automatically doubled in the total field I can't see anywhere in the calculation including the parenthesis that is causing this to happen. I tried several examples and it exactly doubles them each time. What am I doing incorrectly Please tell me Thanks for the help Tom |
next record Posted: 22 Jul 2013 07:58 AM PDT Hi, I'm trying to do amail merge between word and excel. I went through the steps but each label 'just has next record. What am I doing wrong? |
INDEX Word index page numbers linked Posted: 22 Jul 2013 07:51 AM PDT I am creating an index for a large desk guide. I want to have an index. Is there an option for the page numbers in 2010 Word document to be linked? I do not see or cannot find how to do this. Is there also a way for this index to span multiple documents? Thank you. |
Trouble opening .rtf file in MS Word 2003 Posted: 22 Jul 2013 06:50 AM PDT I was sent a letterhead by Outlook via an attachment. When I r-click on the attachment and save it to my documents, it opens correctly in MS WOrd 2003. However if I open the attachment in Outlook and then save as either an rtf or doc, and then open the document, the heading disappears and a blank document opens up. If I change the view, I can see the heading, but it is distorted as it was created in text boxes, not regular text. Please advise. Sheana |
Bold equations Posted: 22 Jul 2013 06:22 AM PDT Hello all, I am really tired, ,and nothing is working with me. When I save the equations in un-bold style, after opening the file(the second time ,not the first one), the equations become bold. I attached the file with one equation Please help me Basically , how to remove the bold permanently please. |
Windows Photo Viewer Posted: 22 Jul 2013 05:10 AM PDT How do I keep file pages or documents from going to Windows Photo Viewer each time I want to print: I used to be able to save a printed page to my Picture folder and be able to just print it without it going to Window Photo Viewer. |
Remove extra printers from Word 2010 printers list Posted: 22 Jul 2013 04:49 AM PDT Hello all, is there a way to remove some of the extra printers that appear in the printers list? I have installed 4 printers(corporate environment) but i only want to use 2 in MS Word. Also keep in mind that i do not want to remove them from the windows, only from the list of printers in Word 2010. Thank you in advance, Dionisis. |
how to add back button to word document? Posted: 22 Jul 2013 03:06 AM PDT In order to navigate in my document (go back from hyperlink) directly in the document so other people can do the same in my published document. To clarifies: not back button in the ribbon. |
hyperlinks changing in Word 2003 docs attached to Outlook 2003 Posted: 22 Jul 2013 02:43 AM PDT Hi, I work in a large organisation that is still using Windows XP on the network along with Office 2003 and have been having trouble with hyperlinks in Word docs that have been attached to Outlook messages. In the original documents the hyperlink may be to a file in a different location and the full path is used to avoid different drive letter mapping applied by various users and work fine when the doc is copied using Windows Explorer. The problem arises when the doc is attached to a message and either opened or saved from Outlook and the hyperlink is altered by the system to include the temporary internet file location at the start of the address. Any thoughts on how to prevent this? I should also add that I have changed the Word settings so that the hyperlinks are absolute in all Word docs by changing the Tools, Options, General, Web Options, Files settings so that Update links on save is unchecked. I have also confirmed that the original file is saved to a location with shared access and that the files referred to in the hyperlinks are also in shared locations. |
macro copy Selected table from multiple table Posted: 22 Jul 2013 01:28 AM PDT I have multiple tables in a word document, I want to create a macro which can copy the tables which contains the text "main course", to a new word document Can anyone help me out. |
Why does my cursor keeps jumping around in word Posted: 21 Jul 2013 11:03 PM PDT I purchased the new Office 2013 to work with the Windows 8 that came with my newly purchased computer (Lenovo.) The issues is, which has been driving me crazy over the past two months, when typing on the Word 2013, my cursor keeps jumping around on the page. For example, in the middle of my typing a sentence, the cursor would jump to three lines above in the middle of a word and continues the my input there. Whenever I see my writing in word is not changing while I definitely was typing, I will have to stop and started to examine where the words have went. After I find them five or whatever lines above, I will have to delete them, use the mouse to click the end of the writing again and trying to retype and continue to type. I can swallow the problem if it only happens once each document, but it happens 10+ times when I type a two-page essay. I don't think the newly developed software is making my life easier but the opposite. Does this happen to anybody else? Any clues of why or any suggestions, please? Thanks! P.s., please note that besides the letter keys I hit on the keyboard, I did not hit on any other keys such as arrow keys. Especially knowing my cursor jumps around, I am extremely careful with hitting my keys. I do not touch the mouse pad, neither. P.s., besides jumping to other places and start insert words, sometimes the cursor would select/highlight a line or half line. If I was not aware of the change and hit a space, the whole selected lines are gone. See, I didn't know how to select lines besides using the mouse, and I did not use the mouse but simply typing, so I am very frustrated with what my cursor does to me. |
word 2013 autocorrect stopped working mid-document Posted: 21 Jul 2013 10:24 PM PDT I've been working on a document (300 pages in!) and suddenly, for the last 10 pages, the auto-correct has stopped working completely. I can't figure out why. Nothing has been unchecked or changed in the proofing options. HELP! |
Fixed text on labels Posted: 21 Jul 2013 09:20 PM PDT After adding the 5 address fields to the label template for my sheet of 10-up address labels, I decided I wanted a line of fixed text at the foot of each label. I added this to the template but when I check the preview, the text line moves up if a given record has less than 5 address lines. I do not want that text line to move up at all, I want it to stay in the same position at the foot of each label. I tried adding a text box on each label, but even the text box moves up if there are less that 5 address lines in a record. Used to be easy with Word 2003, I just selected 'print blank address lines'. Thanks |
Office 2007... how do I 'translate' a document from English to another language? Posted: 21 Jul 2013 04:04 PM PDT Ihave documents saved in English, which I wish to 'translate' into Chinese. How do I accomplish this in MS Office Word?? |
Ability to add more "sheets" in Word? Posted: 21 Jul 2013 03:45 PM PDT Hi, I just wanna share my thoughts, Wouldn't it be nice to be able to add more "sheets" Word like how it is in Excel? I often want to keep several different clips of articles within the same category in the same file. But so far the only way to do that in Word is to stack them up vertically and increase the # of pages. If you have 10 pages, the articles in the middle tend to get neglected. It would be very helpful if we can add a new page tab and view/work on that tab. We can use different tab names to organize different categories of articles. lipchang |
Microsoft Word Not Responding ... have to hard-restart Posted: 21 Jul 2013 03:39 PM PDT I'm REALLY getting sick of this. MSWord just stops responding. No particular common factor ... sometimes when I try to save, but not always ... sometimes when I try to type, but not always ... particular vulnerabilities are switching from body to a footnote ... or to the Works Cited section ... BUT NOT ALWAYS!! Windows 7 MSWord 10 4 GB RAM HDD at about 40% capacity If MSWord isn't suitable for a 50+ page document with references, perhaps I need to find another system. I'm trying to write a dissertation and I'm having to break it up into 40 page sections. After 40-50 pages, it starts getting stupid again. This is totally UNSATISFACTORY. By "hard-restart" I mean holding in the power switch or pulling the plug. I can't restart from the start control. It freezes up the whole computer. |
I can't open Microsoft Office documents Posted: 21 Jul 2013 03:23 PM PDT Hello, Since recent time, I am unable to open any Microsoft Office document. I can not even guess where the problem is. Has anybody had the same problem before? P.S. My OS is Windows 8. Thanks! |
Printing: Microsoft Word - Envelopes1/not printing Posted: 21 Jul 2013 02:17 PM PDT A Kodak flag that reads: Kodak Hero9.1+0527 Printing Microsoft Word - Envelopes1 This is on my Windows 8 desktop. I have no printing order, and can't get it off. How do I? |
there is insufficient memory or diskspace. Word cannot display requested font on Microsoft Office 2007. Posted: 21 Jul 2013 08:23 AM PDT Every time I download a Word document from Gmail, I get the following message: "There is insufficient memory or diskspace. Word cannot display requested font." The entire layout is garbled. Spacing is off and font is different. In addition, the font menu is limited to about four or five choices. I tried diagnostics and it said nothing was wrong. I searched normal.dot and deleted files. However, every time I download from Gmail the same problem happens. It seems something is wrong with Word's download settings. |