

Microsoft Word - Word 2007 Hyperlink issue.

Microsoft Word - Word 2007 Hyperlink issue.

Word 2007 Hyperlink issue.

Posted: 01 Nov 2014 01:13 PM PDT


I have the following issue creating hyperlinks in MSWord 2007 (P.C. running Win 7 pro):

I keep track of news, politics, etc by copying articles off the internet, reformatting them in MSWorks word processor (simpler than going directly to MS Word), and then to MS Word (Microsoft Home, Office, and Student 2007) where I reformat them to my design.  Some of these documents are very long (500-1000 pages), and many of the issues are related, hence the need to link them to each other.  I also use Google Earth as an associated resource. and also have many .pdf docs in my files as well.  The MS Word & .pdf docs are stored in one large file "Essays" with perhaps 150 subfiles each of which may have any number of additional subfiles and/or individual documents.  All-in-all 'Essays' is about 30 GB and growing.

While I have no difficulty creating functional hyperlinks to Google Earth entries (usually embedded in an image from G.E.) and no difficulty linking to .pdf documents, or inserting links to outside URLs, when I attempt to create a hyperlink to another document in 'Essays' I get this:

I should note that I create the hyperlinks by using the right-click drop-down menu <hyperlink> and find the desired link to file in the menu that comes up and click on it but even if I copy the file name and location from the address bar at the top of the page.

Interestingly, while trying to create a 'failed' hyperlink to make the above image, I actually did create several that worked.  I'm not exactly sure what was different between them.

Nonetheless, if this information allows you to advise me, or if you need additional data, please advise.  If you require a fee I'm open to discussing it.

Thanking you in advance,

I need help, I'm unable to open microsoft word

Posted: 01 Nov 2014 01:10 PM PDT

    Sometimes back I did saved a file using Microsoft word 2010 on my window phone 7, now I've downloaded

to my laptop window 8  but its hard to open, it doesn't accept my password. I've changed the password incase I forget something

still doesn't work.

Word 2013 keeps changing from showing "Simple Markup" to "All Markup"

Posted: 01 Nov 2014 10:28 AM PDT

I am using Word 2013. I just did a complete OS reinstall for Windows 7 Pro 64 bit, and installed Office Professional Plus 2013.

As I am working with a document I created, I am trying to track changes in my final editing process. So, I have turned on 'Track Changes' and set it to show 'Simple Markup.' However, after just a few minutes, it changes back to showing 'All Markup.' This happens whether I am actively working with the document or have walked away from it and left it idle. It doesn't appear to do anything else when it makes this change, the drop-down menu just changes from showing 'Simple Markup' to 'All Markup.'

How do I troubleshoot this issue? It is difficult to keep track of where I am typing and/or reading when the document jumps around because all of the comments and changes suddenly reappear.

Office 365 Document Won't Close

Posted: 01 Nov 2014 10:24 AM PDT

Working in Office 365, Window 8.1 OS.  Have a 24 page document I have been working on that Word will not let me close.  I get a dialog box asking me if I want to save changes, I click yes, and nothing happens.  I can save it from the File menu, but "save as" functions will not work either - Word will not open up locations for me to put a "save as" copy.   I can print the document and it looks fine.   I can e-mail it, but it sends a version several days old.  I can open and close other Word documents.  I can create and close new documents.  If I create a new document and paste in the contents of the document I am trying to save, then the new document won't close out either.  Any help would be appreciated.  Have a lot of time and effort invested in the document.

Thanks much,


Is it possible to combine the "balloon comments" created by people from two separate word files?

Posted: 01 Nov 2014 09:31 AM PDT

Hi there,

By comments I mean the "balloon comments" on the side that people create and not the actual document text changes.

I know how to combine text changes etc.. but don't see a way to merge the balloon comments.

Instead of viewing individual documents with balloon comments from people, I'd like to be able to see everyone's

balloon comments on one document.

Thanks for the help!

Trouble opening Word docs

Posted: 01 Nov 2014 09:02 AM PDT

Running Office 2013, Windows 7. Often when I try to open a Word file, I don't get the file. I get only a blue image in the Windows glass where a preview of the file should be. I have to go back to the folder and click again, sometimes a third time, before the file will open.

Inserting a straight line shape won't edit to vertical

Posted: 01 Nov 2014 08:42 AM PDT

I can draw a straight line arrow but it is only at an angle there is no option for a horizontal or vertical line so when trying editing it "jumps over" the horizontal and vertical as I drag pass it. So I cannot get a truly straight vertical line. any suggestions?

error message when deleting word documents

Posted: 01 Nov 2014 07:17 AM PDT

All the files on my laptop were corrupted by some malware/virus. The IT guys at workplace , wiped the entire laptop clean. Now, I am transferring files on the laptop from my external hard disc, by transferring files with a flashdrive.

When I delete the files on the flashdrive after transfer, I get following messages for WORD documents:

'The file '~b instructions 103013' is a system file. If you remove it, Windows or another program may no longer work correctly. Are you sure you want to permanently delete it? ~$b instructions 103013 Type: Microsoft Word Document Size: 162 bytes'

I get this message for every WORD document with the options: 'yes', 'skip' and 'cancel'

Why should word documents be system files? Did these files get corrupted too?

Word 2013 keeps crashing

Posted: 01 Nov 2014 06:37 AM PDT

Here is the information that pops up

Problem signature:

  Problem Event Name:                        APPCRASH

  Application Name:                             WINWORD.EXE

  Application Version:                           15.0.4657.1000

  Application Timestamp:                     540ee5da

  Fault Module Name:                          KERNELBASE.dll

  Fault Module Version:                        6.1.7601.18409

  Fault Module Timestamp:                  53159a86

  Exception Code:                                  c06d007e

  Exception Offset:                                0000c42d

  OS Version:                                          6.1.7601.

  Locale ID:                                             1033


Additional information about the problem:

  LCID:                                                     1033

  skulcid:                                                 1033


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Mail Merge with personalised attachments using Merge Tools

Posted: 01 Nov 2014 03:25 AM PDT

Hi all, 


 I'm hoping someone would be able to offer me some assistance using Mr Doug Robbins' Merge Tools to send a personalized email with a personalized attachment.

I run a small road safety charity group and we send out a newsletter to our members. Currently, we use mail merge to create an individual newsletter with the address block and a greeting line and produce paper copies which we mail out. We are looking to reduce our costs and would like to change to email. My aim is to send the newsletter with a personalized greeting as a pdf email attachment to 40 recipients.


I have downloaded Merge Tools - 20140218 and put it in the Word Start-up location as detailed in the merge tools document.

The process I follow is to click on the mailings tab, select start mail merge and select letter type. Next, I select recipients and use an excel .xls document. On my newsletter, I add the address block and greeting line and save the document (.docx). From here, I go to Mr Robbins' excellent add on and select merge with attachments. I select the newly saved document .docx as the attachment, and choose Merge to email as PDF attachment. I then fill in the File text and salutation details and click on continue.


However, when the email is sent, there are two attachments, the original .docx file and the pdf and neither are personalized but contain <<addressblock>> and <<Greeting line>> where the personalisation should be.


I am convinced I am doing something wrong, but I have no idea what it is.

Would you please be able to offer me any assistance?

I am using Windows 7 and Word and Outlook 2007.

I have noticed that the instructions refer to a Log field when in the Merge with Attachments dialog box, but no such field seems to exist for me. 


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards

Scott McLachlan

caption numbering fault

Posted: 01 Nov 2014 12:36 AM PDT


My document consists of:

Chapter I



Chapter II



I assigned headings to all the title. Everything works well, until I want insert caption to my tables and figures. The caption, shown Table I.1 or Table II.2. How can I change it to Table 1.1 or Table 2.2, without changing the Heading 1.

Thank you

I can not draw a level arrow in word 2013

Posted: 31 Oct 2014 08:41 PM PDT

I can not draw a level arrow in word 2013 It is like I AM DRUNK it will not sit level and looks very unprofessional. I don't want it talked about I want it fixed! 

Recently saved Microsoft word files sometimes not visible in my documents folder, even though they are there

Posted: 31 Oct 2014 05:45 PM PDT

This happened to me today. I saved a microsoft word file (2003) in my documents folder last night before I went to bed. Just now, when I opened my documents folder, the word file in question was not listed among all the files present there (I tried arranging the view by both date and by name, and it was not appearing in its proper location in either case). But typing the name of the file in question in window's search feature made it pop up just fine. When I opened the version of the file I'd backed up to my external drive last night (I always do this) and had it save to my documents folder, it treated it as if I were saving over an existing file, not as if I were saving a new file to that folder.

So the file was definitely there in my documents folder, even though it was not showing up in the list of files there.

This happens now and again for some reason. It's more of a minor irritation, since the file isn't really lost, and I always back up multiple copies before I close something I've been working on. But I am wondering why it happens, and what I can do to fix the issue. My OS is Windows 7 64 bit, and I have to 2003 office suite on my computer's hard drive.

Docs converted from Word to OneNote upon transfer to new desktop (7 to 8.1 OS) and downloading from Internet

Posted: 31 Oct 2014 04:59 PM PDT

Hi, All,

I desperately need help. I replaced my 3-year-old laptop with a new computer (desktop) this week. I transferred Word docs to the desktop and installed Office Professional Plus 2013. Some of my Word docs on my desktop and documents I download from the Web have converted to OneNote. When I open these docs, some of them are blank. I went on what I thought was a Microsoft tech website, and they wanted to charge me $199.99 to fix the problem. Obviously, it was a scam. They said I didn't install all the upgrades and updates I needed to with a new computer. Please help; I need to fix this to continue with my bill-paying job. :) 

