

Microsoft Word - Word 2013 Crash on start up

Microsoft Word - Word 2013 Crash on start up

Word 2013 Crash on start up

Posted: 05 Apr 2014 12:46 PM PDT

Word 2013 crashes on start up. Message reads We're sorry, but Word has run into an error that is preventing it from working correctly. Word will need to be closed as a result. Would you like to repair it now? 

Word is not open and clicking the Repair Now button doesn't fix it.

I get an error message when I try to close Word.

Posted: 05 Apr 2014 12:34 PM PDT

The message says "You cannot close Microsoft Word until the Send Mail command is finished. Switch to New Message first and either close or send the message". I can't find the open message. I've looked at the Task Manager, there doesn't appear to be an open message. I've checked and emptied the sent mail box. How do I close Word?

Siri Dictation and Word for iPad

Posted: 05 Apr 2014 10:32 AM PDT

The iPad's dictation function is working intermittently at best with the new Word for iPad. 80 percent of the time it isn't working at all. The cursor advances when I've completed a dictated phrase, but then freezes without adding the words I've dictated.

I use dictation more than the keyboard when writing, so this makes the new Word for iPad very frustrating to use. 

Does anyone have any advice?

Incorrect margins in new documents

Posted: 05 Apr 2014 10:28 AM PDT

how to revert back the changes? My word has been messed up.

Refer to my attached image. The text starts from the right end corner! I want the default settoings in my word. When I open a new document it opens like below.

Can you please tell me how I can fix that.


Spell check stops working

Posted: 05 Apr 2014 09:56 AM PDT

I just purchased a computer with Windows 8 and Word/Publisher 2013. Under the Proofing Language section the 'Do not check spelling or grammar' section keeps turning on which is extremely frustrating since I am publishing manuscripts. I read on-line that others are experiencing this same is it fixed?


Header problems

Posted: 05 Apr 2014 09:50 AM PDT

I am working on a paper where I have a header on the first page that is different from the rest.  I had to make one of the pages in the middle of the paper landscape orientation (I did this by making two new page breaks - as advised online).  Now the page that is landscape orientation and the following page are identical to the actual first page of the document.  I need the page numbering to be continuous throughout the whole document (it currently is 1-10, 1, 1-5).  Also, the landscape orientation page and the following page need to have an identical header to the rest of the document and not the same as the actual first page.  Any help would be appreciated! I can't seem to get it whatever I try!  It is in Word 2010.

extra white space below footnotes

Posted: 05 Apr 2014 09:06 AM PDT

I have about 1" of white space below footnotes on nearly (a few are OK) every page of a 500 page document.  I have tried removing extra formatting with the show/hide button.  I have tried removing black spaces (don't remember how I did that).  I've been able to get rid of a similar problem at the top of every page, but not at the bottom.

Unable to open any microsoft office applications

Posted: 05 Apr 2014 09:01 AM PDT

I have been running Office 2013 on Windows 8 since 2013 however, it has now stopped working.  If I click the icons, I get the timer and then nothing happens.  If I try to open a file I have previously used successfully I get the message "there was a problem sending the the command to the program" for excel but for word, nothing happens at all.  I have checked the winword properties and these all seem OK.

Nine digit zip codes in labels

Posted: 05 Apr 2014 08:23 AM PDT

I am creating/printing mailing labels using Office Word 2013 and an Excel 97-2003 file as my data source and Windows 7 is my operating system.  Everything works perfectly except for my zip codes.  Some of my people in the list have the new nine (9) digit zip codes.  Each name with this format zip code has a zero (0) merged for its zip code on the label.  All five (5) digit zip codes merge properly.  Does the template coded for labels only allow five (5) characters for a zip code?

Examples:  Anytown, USA 27543            Merges properly

                Anytown, USA  27543-2345   Merges as a zero (0)

Any help would be appreciated.  Thank you.

Are superscripts and subscripts available on Word for iPad?

Posted: 05 Apr 2014 08:18 AM PDT

They are not present on any of the buttons. I do not know if a more detailed menu can be made to appear.

Cant use Office 2010

Posted: 05 Apr 2014 03:53 AM PDT

Hi All, Bought a new sony laptop 3 years ago with with windows 7 home premium instald all ok up until now when I try to open/ use office or word it ask me for product code when I enter the code it will not except

If tracked changes are on can I make changes and then delete them without the original author seeing them?

Posted: 05 Apr 2014 03:43 AM PDT

If someone has provided me a document that is track-changes enabled, can I make all of my recommended changes plus notes to myself (either in "comments" or right in the body of the text), save a copy for myself, then delete the notes that were meant for me and send back just the changes that I want the original author to see?  Or am I prohibited from deleting any of my edits until the original author accepts/rejects them? 

I am trying to avoid going through the whole doc and making my edits (without my own notes), saving two copies and then going back to one of them to add my notes for myself.  I want to do it while my thoughts are fresh during the initial review.

Thank you!


How can I possibly get rid of the UP arrow in the headings that goes to the beginning of a document?

Posted: 05 Apr 2014 03:30 AM PDT

Is there a way to hide the item/arrow if it's impossible to delete it?

I don't want Word to show the very first para in the headings(navpane), since it's plain text(body text without any styles/outline level) and I can always get there by pressing ctrl+home

Thank you

if it's not charles:-p I can see he was obviously embarrassed..

Why there is no text direction icon for office on ipad

Posted: 04 Apr 2014 11:16 PM PDT

I live in Iran. I have subscribed office 365 for my iPad. When i use office as word or powerpoint, i need to use text direction icon for writing in persian and english simultaneously. Why there isn't any text direction icon for office on iPad. Please tell me what to do. Without this ability this software is not suitable for me. 

Freehand picture placement

Posted: 04 Apr 2014 10:51 PM PDT


I have Word 2007, when I insert a picture, how do place it where I want it on the page, and how do I get it to stay there?



can not open works wps and xlr documents, downloaded the tool too this but I get message no # can no open

Posted: 04 Apr 2014 09:19 PM PDT

I used carbonite  to transfer all my all my data from WP computer to a new win 8.1 computer. My old documents are in works program with WPS and XLR extensions. I downloaded the convertor  app to change them. NO LUCK and can not find anyone who knows what to do. HELP.

how can I convert works WPS and XLR documents to office documents?

Posted: 04 Apr 2014 09:03 PM PDT

I downloaded the converter app but can not convert the documents

Office 2013 won't open

Posted: 04 Apr 2014 07:16 PM PDT

Office 2013 won't open I've tried safe mode same thing there.  I've done your repair still nothing.  I've tried everything I could find on here and still nothing.  What's next?

pin a shortcut to start menu does not appear when I right click on a desktop icon

Posted: 04 Apr 2014 06:41 PM PDT

Dear colleagues,

I'm using Office 2010 and Word.

According to the Help facility, to pin a program to the start menu I should right click a program icon and choose "pin to start menu."

However, that choice does not appear when I right click on a desktop icon for a program.

Strangely, I believe IT USED TO.

Is it possible that my Office has become corrupted and lost this ability?

Thanks for any help.


How do you keep Word from maximizing when you minimize it to open 2 windows and drop and drag ?

Posted: 04 Apr 2014 06:10 PM PDT

I can't seem to keep word open and minimized and another window open and minimized so I can transfer files back and forth.  One or the other will maximize or close and it is frustrating.

Dotted line appeared in Word document. How to eliminate?

Posted: 04 Apr 2014 04:54 PM PDT

I have a large word document which I received back from an editor.  There are places where I have a dotted line across the document.  When I move my mouse over it, the mouse pointer changes to a double headed arrow.  I can move the cursor to the spot before the line of dots and delete them, but they just get moved down to another section.  I have attached a screen shot of the issue.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

forms for games e.g. cribbage or euchre

Posted: 04 Apr 2014 04:15 PM PDT

I tried to make a form for the above using excel.  However, I could not eliminate the lines and only wanted certain lines and columns.  Should I have done this form (2 to a page) in Word and not Excel.  I am not very familiar with Word.


***Moved to *Office Topic: Microsoft Office Word* from *Microsoft Office Access* the database software


Posted: 04 Apr 2014 03:32 PM PDT

I can't open Word attachments anymore.  I get that horrible critical stop sound which tells me there isn't a programme attached.  Since installing updates, I think.

Will security patches for MS Office 2005 on April 8, 2014??

Posted: 04 Apr 2014 03:19 PM PDT

Support for MS Office 2005 ends on April 8, 2014? Does this include security patches for Office 2005? In other words will Office 2005 still be secure? Thanks John L. ?

Your AutoCorrect file, MSO1033.acl could not be saved

Posted: 04 Apr 2014 09:44 AM PDT

I have problems with this as I have windows 8.0 and Office 2010.  Can anyone help with this matter?

[Original title: Your Auto correct file, MSO could not be saved]