

Microsoft Office Activation - Microsoft Office forums

Microsoft Office Activation - Microsoft Office forums

Microsoft Office Activation

Posted: 18 Jul 2006 01:21 PM PDT

Let's see if I understand you correctly. You have a copy of Office XP
that was installed at work.

If it is an OEM copy, it cannot be installed anywhere else.

If it is retail, as long as it is not on your work PC, you can install
it at home. To activate it you need to use the phone method. Once your
work PC is back you must uninstall it at home in order to install it
at work. You'll again need to use the phone activation.

Read the EULA for your version for the exact rules. A retail copy can
probably be installed on one desktop and one laptop as long as you are
the primary user of both and both are not being used at the same time.
Again, read the EULA.


"mendozalaura" <> wrote in
message news:com... 

How do I get Product Code when Office is already installed

Posted: 18 Jul 2006 08:59 AM PDT

You're very welcome. :-)


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

"GlycoMom" <> wrote in message

Office 2003 Trial (activation offline, PLEASE), and Excell Trojan

Posted: 17 Jul 2006 06:43 PM PDT

Hi Sally,

For activation, unfortunately MS doesn't support telephone activation for preview or trial editions of MS Office :( only online
activation and except for basic installation troubleshooting it would be paid support to contact MS (
when you're using a trial edition.

For removal of the trojan (and chances are if you have one there may be other infestations on the PC) you may want to try to install
an antivirus/trojan cleanup utility, although with an already infected system you may need to use a read only CD or right protected
diskette version to check and cleanse the system (some malware can protect itself from being detected and deleted when you try to
add a cleanup package to the computer.

You may want to search on the Internet for information on your particular infestation by name for a process to eliminate it,
although you appear to have done a fair amount of research already.

For Office you may want to locate a used copy of an earlier version of Office, that may be available for a reasonable price (non-OEM
ones) that would allow you to install and use telephone activation.
"WCSally" <> wrote in message news:com...
Dear Microsoft Customer Support,

I have recently had to install the trial version of Office 2003 to complete
my Penn Foster Coursework in Office Proficiency. This released a monster on
my system!
Issue number one, I need the software to work for a few weeks (but I am not
online). If it is possible to activate it for the trial period off line,
PLEASE let me know how, I cannot even log into MS support system (because the
PID is not recognized?). Thus this lengthy letter here.

Issue number two, I need to repair my system.

`````````````````````````````````````````````````` ```````````````````
SMB_WinRegFile Trojan with port and a SCSI Miniport are no longer in
Control Set One or Control Set Two in the registry, they are alive and well
in the HKLM_Classes_Root!!

Before Install I had 9 active pipes, now I have 28! I had tons of gibberish
in the SideBySides (Manifests). If it were another program I would delete it.

Here is an example:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed
Components\{89B4C1CD-B018-4511-B0A1-5476DBF70820} = DOTNETFRAMEWORKS ...
Stub Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32\Rundll32.exe
..C is listed as a root ending (HKLM_Root_Classes) for file names on my
machine as is .H.

.. Dot Net was the attack point when I went online last autumn with the third
computer to come down with this issue. I received a message from the (white
hat?) hackers that I had Sub Seven, ( I knew it was on the Aptiva - and I
guess these two newer machines too.) with a false security certificate. I
have some fixes or hacks in the registry starting with </ xxx .... this was
disconcerting to me, but I left some of them that were not related to the
original problem (IE4.0 install as a "/s" procedures). I don't clean the
Windows Journal Viewer, because if I did it would corrupt the next big
program I install. You cannot really ever delete it, just disable it.

`````````````````````````````````````````````````` ```````````````````

I downloaded all (?-if not I'll get them now) the Patches for office 2003.
They will not take, the error code says: "The expected version of the
product was not found on your system".

Also, I am not online and Office 2003 Trial-ware seems to function only as a
reader, without online connection. I am hoping there is a workaround for

I cannot go online, I am currently job hunting (for months now!! being 58
years young) and only my mother's retirement income is housing me, feeding me
and buying gasoline. I am hoping there is a work around for the need to
activate online. I have 4 text books and 4 exams to do (rather promptly).
.. I generally use Star Office if I require this type of functionality
however Medical Billing and Coding work may require that I use Word, in which
case I must resolve this.

SP2 on my third computer did a good job of keeping it at bay, until I
installed Office 2003 and:
office2003-KB918425-FullFile-ENU.exe ...... none of which would take!!!

If I missed an especially important patch, please advise and send me the

`````````````````````````````````````````````````` ```````````````````
I have a long history with this issue, it came from my Brother's Estate,
when I received his Aptiva in 1998. It did have PE_? on it, and an f-Prot
disk and an blacked out section of the HD. His version of Office was
registered to someone else, but it may have been his employer's multi-seat
installation. I do not know exactly, I just know that a new hard drive was
the solution the first time. Then I lost the bios. The machine corrupted
the scanner installation, and that has been an ongoing issue too. The Thunker
--16 and 32 bit core libraries are what are corrupted and the Manifest side
by sides. The corrupted help issues are all in binary, and all are converted
to links when they are initially installed.

When finally I could purchase a new machine with XP Pro on it (AMD dual
processors ... could please have a link to the SP1 and SP2 & SP3 for this
machine) -- it "caught" the same issue.
Issue calls itself "oembios.bin" and it creates an H partition, and uses a
lot of text files (WebPublFiles, __Billboard, etc) to transfer all it's
corrupted program driver loads to the installations which follow a wipe and
reload. It disables or hides access to MSIZAP.exe or Zapmis.exe for
PaintShopPro. It uses IE4.0 NT base, and lots of per user items from IE 5.0.
I think it is associated with Groups but do not know how to address that

I found it on my third machine (an inexpensive Intel for the web) when I
started it up -- Boot-up 1, and must assume it came from the monitor because
that was the only thing from the old system (except a CD with Black Ice
Download and Steve Gibson's Unpnp.exe --but those were post start up -i.e.
Boot 1.)
I also run Font Doctor regularly, which gets all those orphan streaming bit
map fonts.
`````````````````````````````````````````````````` ````````````````````

I am adept at "cleaning" the registry, or I can put in Control Keys with no
load, no install class, and no start or no start page in them; if this will
help. I do not know if putting (copying) the entry for the issue {SCSI
Miniport, at registry entries} into a control class will make it so
for the machine: ??? Due to the H partition: Which has crippled the AV and
tries to control Black Ice, too.

I could try to export a report on my machine to you, but I would have to be
able to send it to you on the library computers without infecting them.
Actually I have the System Info report and will append it, it is a .txt file,
and should be scanned before opening.

When I return from sending this e-mail I will try the Restore Point I set
before loading Office 2003. I have little hope due to the update in the H
partition which undoubtedly took place, but must complete this course work.
----This re-install of Office was successful, but Office still will not
`````````````````````````````````````````````````` ```````````````````

I have another question. Is there a web page or a mini-application that
folks may access that will correct any bad settings in Word that allow it to
be hacker friendly? ... I know it has many functions that most people never
even dream are there. Also a page for templates known to be bad to use in
Excel: Or a way to scan for these and disable them?
If there were some way for folks to protect themselves from this it would
bode well for Microsoft and for the American Public. Computer repair here
runs from $50 to $200 with no guarantees. And that is the best shop in town
(back logged for 3+ weeks). The South Oregon Coast is a recessed area, (Thank
Mr. Gates for the computers in the libraries!) although the whole nation is
struggling right now. We are coming to depend on them, and they need to be
protected, and fixing the preferences in WORD and then making them
unchangeable without a p/w (incase you have a Trojan or blue pill issue)
would be nice!
`````````````````````````````````````````````````` ```````````````````````

Thank you for any and all assistance.
Sally Kaiser >>
Bob Buckland ?:-)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

Office Used

Posted: 17 Jul 2006 06:32 PM PDT

"ZorroThePiking" <> wrote in message


after installing office 2007 beta 2, my frontpage 2003 fails.

Posted: 15 Jul 2006 12:03 PM PDT

After I restarted my computer following the last error, I cannot recreate the
error and FrontPage is now working just fine again.

"Mary Sauer" wrote:

Problem with installing Windows 10

Posted: 15 Jul 2006 10:15 AM PDT

I apologize for using technical language not applicable to this
situation. the translation of mumbo-jumbo is:

"Please wait while Windows configures Microsoft Office XP Professional
with Front Page"

"error 1305 . . . can't find msdds.dll"

The stupid error windows will not let me copy the text, or I would be
much more specific.

There are the original CDs. I am not familiar with the term "fully
patch". pls adv


JoAnn Paules [MVP] wrote: 

SKU112 not found

Posted: 14 Jul 2006 12:57 PM PDT

But would she have said that if it hadn't worked? ;-)

(I've seen posts from other people with the exact same problem.)


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

"Nessa" <> wrote in message

After installing Office Pro, Internet Explorer launches Office Ins

Posted: 14 Jul 2006 10:33 AM PDT

thats all well and good, but I have a similiar problem with office 2003 on a
limited account. it will finish installing whatever it needs but then the
next time you use it same problem. If you change to an admin account it
doesnt do that. but as soon as you change back it does it again.

Allan responed to my post from the 3rd, I have yet to get any answers to my
problem and it sounds like ours might be related, mine is with office 2003,
his with IE

"Gordon" wrote:

How do I make telephone calls via outlook?

Posted: 14 Jul 2006 06:28 AM PDT

"hemal" <> wrote in message

The instructions are pretty clear in the Outlook help files, if you can't
get a dial tone you may have problems not related to Outlook. Is your modem
properly installed? Can Outlook find it? If you leave Outlook You might
try asking in a different newsgroup, try the XP general group (if you're
running XP).

Cannot load office 97 & Publisher 98 from the discs

Posted: 14 Jul 2006 12:00 AM PDT

Open "My Computer" right-click the CD drive, click explore, can you see the
contents of the disk? Can you double-click the setup icon? It would seem strange
both disks are bad, you maybe having a drive issue.

Mary Sauer MSFT MVP

"rocketrod1" <> wrote in message

Auto fill in of Product key

Posted: 13 Jul 2006 01:35 PM PDT

Download the 2003 Office Resource Kit Utility from Microsoft and install it
on a workstation. Create an Admin installation point for Office using
setup.exe /a. Run the Custom Installation Wizard from the resource kit, and
pointing to your admin install, you can create a transform file with as much
or little customized information in it that you like. Store the transform
file with your Admin installation point. You then launch the setup using
"msiexec.exe /i xxx.msi transforms=yyy.mst" (or something close to that) and
office will install with your customizations in place.

Newbie question, switching office shortcut icons

Posted: 13 Jul 2006 11:21 AM PDT

HAHA! What a great prank!

OK, I tested this but I had to create an alternate set of false Office
shortcuts. The original shortcuts don't allow (I don't know why yet) to
change the icon.

Note that this does not change the taskbar icon, just the shortcut to launch
the app. I would think that one would have to change the .EXE file to have
the taskbar icon change because the EXE's icon image is embedded within


"KR" <com> wrote in message

[Qry] [OT] After open Excel 2K3 it closes immediately

Posted: 13 Jul 2006 08:49 AM PDT

"Nothing" new. Just Internet navigation using Internet Explorer and Outlook
Google Desktop is not installed.

Something else...


"Malke" <com> wrote in message

Templates in Word 2003

Posted: 13 Jul 2006 07:19 AM PDT

Hi Phay,

See if the information in these articles help:

Thanks - we have the templates paths set to the templates on the server as we set these with Group Policy.>>
I hope this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:-)
MS Office system products MVP

LINKS to the 2007 Office System

1. Read about it, try it, or watch the movie :)
the 2007 Microsoft Office system info,
online Test Drive, or downloadable beta is at

2. Already have 2007 Office System Beta 2?
Send Microsoft your feedback (with pictures)

3. Use the 2007 OfficeOnline website without Office2007

a. Install the ActiveX access control
b. then visit

Windows appear sideways - how do I correct it?

Posted: 13 Jul 2006 05:19 AM PDT

rt click a blank area of the desktop >Properties ....check display settings

"Thian Combrinck" <Thian> wrote in
message news:com... 

Office Pro 7 BETA Activation problems

Posted: 12 Jul 2006 01:30 PM PDT

I have the exact same problem as Kent. My computer is connected to the
internet by a USB modem. I also have tried activating by turning off all
firewalls but getting same problem.


correcting some cd provided

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 11:47 PM PDT

If Office came preinstalled on your computer, they are the ones who can help
you with the reinstall.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

"Curious" <> wrote in message

Groove 2007 Install: Fails without warning

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 07:01 PM PDT


thanks, have posted as you have suggested.


"Bob Buckland ?:-)" wrote:

Missing Help Files on Office XP

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 08:04 AM PDT

I'll put in the request to the Help Desk ASAP; it always helps to have
outside confirmation such as this to back up a 'drastic step' request,

"Mary Sauer" wrote: