

User mailbox size - Microsoft Exchange

User mailbox size - Microsoft Exchange

User mailbox size

Posted: 15 Nov 2005 06:33 AM PST

On Tue, 15 Nov 2005 06:33:01 -0800, "mitch"
<> wrote:
Yes and no. Yes you will see a performance difference over time as the
mailbox grows. Yes you will see issues as other users vie for

I wouldn't suggest that any instability occures though.

Out of Office Assistant Not Working Outlook2002/Exchange 5.5

Posted: 14 Nov 2005 01:45 PM PST

I forgot to add this. She is a BlackBerry user, too. I have other
BlackBerry users that do not have the same problem. In fact, there out of
the office works fine.


Peggy DaValt

"Ben M. Schorr - MVP" wrote:

Exchange Server Reboots Itself

Posted: 14 Nov 2005 01:34 PM PST

YoJa wrote: 

Did the actual DISK run out of space, or did you hit the 16 gb limit?

If you hit the 16gb limit, install Exchange 2003 SP2. If you cannot do
that for some reason:

1) Dismount the store and perform an offline defragmentation - and have
users archive out their old e-mail to PSTs

2) 1. Click Start, click Run, and then type regedt32.exe.
2. Locate the following key in the registry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\MSExchangeIS\<Exchange
Server Name>\Private-<long hexadecimal string>
3. On the Edit menu, click Add Value, and then type the following in the
Value name box: Temporary DB Size Limit Extension
4. Select REG_DWORD for the data type, and then click OK.
5. Enter a value of 1, and then click OK.
6. Quit Registry Editor.

Daniel S. Tate,
Sun Certified Security, Network and Systems Administrator

how to recover mail

Posted: 13 Nov 2005 07:05 PM PST

khchan wrote: 

Need a little bit more information before we can help:

Did the machine crash? Are the hard drives still intact?

read the disaster recovery guide available from microsoft for assistance
.. There are also tools available from companies such as ontrack, but
they're expensive and not worth the money if you're going to rebuild
anyway - just spend some time and rebuild the exchange server using the
/disasterrecovery option in setup - that should get you on the right
track. BE VERY CAREFUL to have a backup of your .edbs and .stms in a
non-live location - i.e. copy them somewhere safe before starting any DR

Daniel S. Tate,
Sun Certified Security, Network and Systems Administrator

Microsoft Exchange System Attendant is unregistering cluster virtual machine Server1 with DsProxy.

Posted: 13 Nov 2005 12:02 PM PST

There is no cluster service on this machine at all. Per your posting, I
have enabled diagnostic logging on the MSEchangeSA service. Is there any
document which tells what type of information gets recorded by each logging
item in the Diagnostic Logging section?


"Doug Blanchard [MSFT]" <> wrote in message

Exchange Server 2003 not recieving email

Posted: 12 Nov 2005 11:00 PM PST

Well... The MX record did not solve the problem.
When MX [10] is pointing to my server and MX [20] is pointing to the ISP.
Nobody gets the messages. If MX [10] is pointing to the ISP then I can pop
in and retrieve the messages. Any additional suggestions?


the message can not be deliverd because of a configuration error

Posted: 12 Nov 2005 08:24 AM PST

"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]" wrote:

Why are you mixing/matching accounts in outlook? I would avoid this. It
doesn't give you the full functionality of Exchange, you can't use OWA for
everything while out of the office, etc - I'd desist & instead let Exchange
handle all your mail. I'd even ditch the POP connector if it were me...use a
registered internet domain name & host your own mail directly.

We have an old email from the provider witch is know to a lot of customers.
And we can not change the MX record for this mail address.
It did work in 8 other cases in pre sp1 installation

Note that SBS questions are best asked in - you should get a lot of help in there.

I will ask it overthere as well.
Tnx for the trouble.

rpc over http cals

Posted: 10 Nov 2005 03:18 PM PST

Hello Mark,

Thank you for posting here!

However, for licensing questions, you can call 1-800-426-9400 (select
option 4), Monday through Friday, 6:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. (PST) to speak
directly to a Microsoft licensing specialist. Worldwide customers can use
the Guide to Worldwide Microsoft Licensing Sites to find contact
information in their locations.

I hope the information above is useful. Have a nice day!


Martin Qiu
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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Exchange showing odd SMTP domains in queue

Posted: 10 Nov 2005 03:03 PM PST

Are all these domains valid domains that should be sending from/through your
system ?
Is anything logged in the application event log of the Exchange server when
some of these messages do not get sent ?



"Jacob" <com> wrote in message 

Standalone SMTP

Posted: 10 Nov 2005 08:40 AM PST

- Correct on both (dns and smtp ports)
- Do not need to create another local domain
Bharat Suneja

"manoa" <> wrote in message

Forwarding a copy of an email to an alternate address

Posted: 10 Nov 2005 07:09 AM PST

I tried the .external for the alias and got the same result. I am going to
change try to change the name and see what happens.

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

Unable to send mail unless relaying is allowed

Posted: 10 Nov 2005 06:11 AM PST

As for my problem, I know that Exchange sever is normally configured to not
allow relaying and that is how this one was originally set up. However, when
we started having problems with the connection going up and down, and the ISP
was saying there was nothing wrong with the line, one of my associates turned
relaying on to see if that would work. Well, it was probably only coincidence
that the internet connection started working at that moment but he left
relaying on. Then, when I tried to turn relaying off again, they were unable
to receive any mail at all from outside their own domain.

After many hours of searching for an answer, I decided to bite the bullet
and pay for a support call. While on hold waiting for a technician, I was
looking at all of the various settings in Exchange. I came across the smtp
generation rules (Server> Recipients> Recipient policies> Default policy>
e-mail address policy> smtp) that specifies the domain extension. In this
case it was set to .local (I used the default when setting up Active
directory). I changed it to .com and selected not to apply to existing
accounts because they were already changed. Well, when I finally got
connected with a tech, and we tried it again so I could demonstrate to her
exactly what was happening, it worked just fine! Honest to God, we didn't
change anything else, it just started to work! Go figure?

"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]" wrote:

No OWA reply quotation?

Posted: 10 Nov 2005 02:21 AM PST

Exhange 2000, unfortunately I do not know the specific clients as users have
reported this when they have been travelling for business purposes but I
assume they used 2000/XP.

"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]"
<> wrote in message