

Gantt Print Microsoft Project

Gantt Print Microsoft Project

Gantt Print

Posted: 08 Dec 2004 07:23 PM PST

Almost - you can't eliminate all the task info in the table but you can just
drag the divider between the task list and timeline all the way to the left
and it will hide all the columns except for the ID number and the indicator
column. Make the indicator really skinny.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Micayla Bergen" <> wrote in message

Formatting a Split Task

Posted: 08 Dec 2004 04:35 PM PST

Hi John

v.useful (and i thought it couldn't be done!)


"John" <com> wrote in message 

Duplicate Calendars required

Posted: 08 Dec 2004 02:51 PM PST

I did go in and create the new calendars. I can see them when I go into
"change Working Times". But when I go to the Advanced tab for each task -
they do not show up there.

I'm not sure what is blocking them. I made sure to go back and check the
original file to be sure they all have the same calendar set up. They do.
I may go back and try to insert the subproject again to see if anything will

"JulieD" wrote:

Text1-30 fields

Posted: 08 Dec 2004 02:47 PM PST

Under the hood there are three basic entities in Project - tasks, resources,
and assignments. All of the various table views in Project are views of one
of these three entities. You can't mix and match attributes - display
resource fields in a task view, for example. The Text1 field you see in the
Gantt chart is a task attribute. OTOH, the Resource Usage view is showing
attributes from the assignment table and task attributes can't be added to
it. Another example of this, you'll notice that if you add Text1 to a Gantt
chart table and put data in it, then switch to the resource sheet and add
the Text1 column to it, your entries will be missing. That's because the
Task Text1 and the Resource Text1 are totally different fields in differnt
table and have the same name only by coincidence.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Marcdesb" <> wrote in message


Posted: 08 Dec 2004 02:25 PM PST

I am not sure how to set this calc to automatic. How would I do that? How
do I change to project status date instead of having it calc automatically
from the computer system clock date?

"JackD" wrote:

A few REALLY quick questions on Project Web

Posted: 08 Dec 2004 02:01 PM PST

Hi Ben!

If you have the talent in-house to customize PWA views, then there is a
lot of free information available at to get you started.

However, unless your in-house developers are intimately familiar with the
inner workings of Project Server and PWA, the learning curve could be
formidable and you may be waiting months for a solution. On the other
hand, you could pay someone to do the custom development work for you,
and you would then have the solution much, much more quickly.

You need to ask yourself what it's worth to your business to have the
correct information in a timely manner to make important business

Good luck!

Tony Zink
Join the MSProject email discussion group at get your
questions answered!

"=?Utf-8?B?QmVuIFNhdmFnZQ==?=" <Ben>
wrote in news:com:

Monthly Recurring Task

Posted: 08 Dec 2004 02:01 PM PST

Thanks for the reply. I actually did what you suggested first. It makes
sense that it would work but it doesn't. I just tried it again. Setting up
a recurring task that end after 48 monthly occurrences ends up giving me a
duration of 1020.5 days and work totalling 8164h. The work should only equal
4h x 48 = 192h. I know it sounds very basic but hence my question.

Thanks again.

"Steve House [MVP]" wrote:

% complete--inconsistent in views

Posted: 08 Dec 2004 12:17 PM PST

There is only one resource assigned to the task

"JackD" wrote:

PS2002 & Project Guide

Posted: 08 Dec 2004 10:37 AM PST

Thanks Mike I'll do that. I had seen several Project Guide posts in this ng,
but when I think about it the Guide works fine, it is a server/trust issue.

"Mike Glen" wrote:

Logic in relating multiple predecessors?

Posted: 08 Dec 2004 10:33 AM PST

Thanks so much!!

"JackD" wrote:

how do i indicate a partial completion date?

Posted: 08 Dec 2004 07:03 AM PST

I agree with the training, but also suggest clicking on Tools, Tracking,
Update Project and enter the date you have worked up to (Update Work as


"Gilda Stone" <Gilda> wrote in message

MSP 2000 and MSP 2003 on the same machine.

Posted: 08 Dec 2004 06:07 AM PST

Hi John,

Yes - I've never experienced any difficulty, but then I don't use Project
for real. The advice came originally from MS, but again, they might have
been just cautious. It would be interesting to hear from anyone else out
there who has or has not had problems with 2 versions on the same drive.

Mike Glen
Project MVP

John wrote: 

Project 2003 Calendar

Posted: 08 Dec 2004 03:55 AM PST

Hi Julie,
Thanks for the reply. It's for a combination of both. We have a specific
project and will probably have 2 or 3 projects running simulanteously with a
core of people across them all. Researching better options for maintaining
staff locations than Excel I came across the calendar option in Project which
I was previously unaware of. However the location of staff does not have to
be attached to the progress of the project. If you can suggest a better
option I'm more than happy to investigate it. Ideally I want a system that I
can input all details to show a week at a time and diseminate this info to a
wide network. The smaller the file and easier to read the better. Kat

"JulieD" wrote:

Project 2003 problem with tasks and views

Posted: 08 Dec 2004 01:37 AM PST

Cheers and thank you very much!!
Will give this a go!!

Mucho gracias xx

"Sha" wrote:

MS Project - cannot update the resource pool

Posted: 07 Dec 2004 02:05 PM PST

Hi Mark,
You are welcome. Thanks for the feedback and good luck!

"Mark" wrote:

Is it possible to customize the Relationship Diagram?

Posted: 07 Dec 2004 01:45 PM PST

However, if you select a task, you can activate the Task Information button
and read Notes from there.

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Joel A Feldman wrote: 

wrapping predecessor field

Posted: 07 Dec 2004 10:05 AM PST

It should work. In Regional Settings-List Separator (the exact location of
this option varies by OS), replace the comma with a space and click OK. I've
used this approach for years in just about every version of Project on all
versions of Windows. I can't think of any reason it wouldn't work for you.
Try it again and report back.

<> wrote in message
<> wrote in message

Actual Start Date and new estimated completion date

Posted: 07 Dec 2004 09:27 AM PST

"=?Utf-8?B?RGVycmljaw==?=" <> wrote in

If you want to track what the original start and finish dates were, then
it's imporant to save a baseline for your project before you begin making
updates to the plan. You can do this by selecting Tools > Tracking > Save

In the Save Baseline dialog box, select Save Baseline, for the Entire
Project, then click the OK button. This will store all of your original
task start and finish dates in another set of fields (Baseline Start and
Baseline Finish) for safekeeping. If you want to view them at any time,
you can simply insert those columns into a view by selecting Insert >
Column..., then selecting Baseline Start and / or Baseline Finish.

To take it a step further, you can even create some custom fields with
graphical indicators which display the variance between the currently-
scheduled dates and the baseline dates. I've recently written a brief
how-to article about this on go check it out!

Good luck!

Tony Zink
Join the MSProject email discussion group at get your
questions answered!

deleting inserted schedule

Posted: 07 Dec 2004 09:01 AM PST

In article <phx.gbl>,
"JackD" <momokuri@gmail> wrote:

I'll take your word for it because I have noticed "save" messages
popping up under certain conditions even though no changes were made to
the file in question. It would be nice if the app were a little more
savy in that regard (i.e. no changes - no pop up).


duration field with question marks

Posted: 07 Dec 2004 08:17 AM PST

I have each version completely in a different folder. I hasten to add that
I would never recommend this for real projects, but for the purposes of
expimentation and answering questions about different the different versions
it works OK :)

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Tony Zink wrote: 

how do I set up a task that starts at the end of task a and compl.

Posted: 07 Dec 2004 07:49 AM PST

You're right, I missed the key word "finish"

"JulieS" wrote:

Prevent Showing costs from EVM Measurements

Posted: 07 Dec 2004 07:35 AM PST

How about using a "secret" scaling factor for your costs?

Another option is to export a subset of the project data into another
format, such as MS Excel, MS Visio, or MS Powerpoint, and giving the export
to your client. You can create a custom export map which only displays non-
confidential data, and this map can be saved for quick future exports. This
option allows you to maintain only a single version of the plan.

Yet another option, if you're using Project Server with PWA, is to create a
PWA view which doesn't include your confidential cost fields.

Tony Zink
Join the MSProject email discussion group at get your
questions answered!

"=?Utf-8?B?c2hhemFkdHI=?=" <> wrote in

Very short task durations (< 1 minute)

Posted: 07 Dec 2004 07:09 AM PST

They using it to map the processes so they can plan the workload, assign
staff accordingly, and (I gather) schedule the entry of samples into the
process. That's managing, whether performance against the plan is
subsequently tracked or not. Whether it's done using Project or some other
tool I just don't believe human activities can ever be scheduled to that
level of precision - it implies that it is reasonable to expect mixing the
water and acid will take exactly 27 seconds, not 26 or 28, and Joe Resource
will be staring at the clock (synchronized to the NIST master clocks) so he
can start it at precisely 10:13:19 and finish it at 10:13:37 and even more,
that it really matters that it's done at 10:13:37 and it's not acceptable
for it to finish at 10:13:35 or 10:13:50. Because humans don't and can't
work that way, it seems pointless to me to go to the trouble. Even more
importantly, focussing on the trees and not the forest can lead one away
from devising systems and controls that actually meet the objectives at

Tools are supposed to make work easier and more efficient. While it's
certainly possible to kludge together something in Project, because of the
way Project behaves I would be very cautious about relying on it too far and
forcing the job to fit Project's design model is probably going to be a
laborious process. You can open a can of beans with a screwdriver or a
hammer but they're far from being the optimal tools for the job. Whack the
can with the hammer and you'll get the beans out but you'll have a mess to
clean up and only get to eat half the beans in the end <grin>.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"JackD" <momokuri@gmail> wrote in message

Restriced Access

Posted: 06 Dec 2004 08:09 AM PST

Hello Brian!

What you're asking can be easily accomplished through Project Server and
PWA (Project Web Access), and it sounds like you've already got the right
tools in place to get the job done... you just need to apply them.

One great aspect of this setup is in the fact that if you structure your
project plan correctly, you can assign different people to different
tasks within the plan, publish the plan to your Project Server, and those
people can then provide status updates against their assigned tasks
independently. Those task updates are then routed back to a Project
Manager for review, approval, and integration back into the original
project plan. These individuals can have their system rights restricted
so that they can only see their assigned tasks... and no more. This also
allows the Project Manager to maintain complete control of the plan...
which is a good thing.

In your scenario, we could create a project plan which has several
release-related activities, one of them being the "release to
purchasing" event. We could then assign the data entry person to that
task in the plan, and she would only be able to see that task when she
logs in to PWA to enter status updates. When she updates the "release to
purchasing" task as 100% complete, then that update can be integrated
back into the original project plan quickly and easily, as well as any
other updates that may have been submitted by other people who are
assigned to other tasks in the plan.

As you've suggested, it is highly recommended to keep all timing /
scheduling data in a central location for several reasons, and Project
Server is a great tool for doing that. All project data is stored in a
central database, and several people, internally or externally (clients!)
can be given open or restricted access to that data through MSProject or
the web-browser-based PWA (Project Web Access). The system can even be
integrated with other corporate systems, such as HR systems, financial
accounting systems, or CRM systems.

There's really no need to do any custom coding or development for this
situation; simply learn to configure and use the tools that you already
have installed!

If you'd like more details, feel free to contact me.

Good luck!

Tony Zink
Join the MSProject email discussion group at get your
questions answered!

"Brian Stebbins" <com> wrote in