

Microsoft Word - Microsoft Office Read Only!!!

Microsoft Word - Microsoft Office Read Only!!!

Microsoft Office Read Only!!!

Posted: 25 Dec 2013 02:25 PM PST


Every time I open my Microsoft Word on my laptop, it opens as 'read only', and then I have to go to file > Open for Editing. 

Is there a way to change the settings so it's not read-only when I first open the program?

Thanks a bunch!

Dropped Drop Cap issue.

Posted: 25 Dec 2013 01:56 PM PST


The reason for this message is I am making final edits to my book. I was successful with my initial attempt to insert a dropped cap. However, where I indicate the section of the story i.e., "Chapter 1" and insert the dropped cap the letter, it rests on top of the sentence. If I erase "Chapter" and its header, and I bring the paragraph to the top of the page I am able to successfully insert the dropped cap. My question is how is it possible to insert the dropped cap with the word art, and the chapter notification intact?

This pictures reference what I am discussing:

I have surface pro and windows 8. All of a sudden my office 365 programs tell me I have unlicensed product and tells me to activate.

Posted: 25 Dec 2013 01:25 PM PST

I have surface pro and windows 8. All of a sudden my office 365 programs tell me I have unlicensed product and tells me to activate. It will not activate.  Get an error we could not connect to the server, Please try again in a few minutes.  error (0x80072EE7)  it has done this all day and also has the phone activation greyed out.  I've uninstalled and deactivated but the problem still exists. I don't have this problem on my other devices.

Office 2007:Third level heading and paragraph on same line

Posted: 25 Dec 2013 12:08 PM PST

I am writing a report for school. As a requirement for the report, I need third level heading and the paragraph following it on a same line??How can I do it?

Find & Replace

Posted: 25 Dec 2013 11:40 AM PST



On every page on 6th line i have this 1/-/2012 i want to remove this slash part (/)  with wildcard search howto do that it will remove the slash from every page and that to of 6th line.

This 1 and 2012 will change on every page, 1 can be 10 or 20 & 2012 can be 2098 or 200 that slash part is constant.




Word only corrects spelling with one language at the time

Posted: 25 Dec 2013 10:56 AM PST

Hello, when I installed office for the first time English was the default langauge then I installed the swedish too, however I noticed that it would only correct my swedish so I uninstalled it and set english to be default again, but it still only corrects my swedish, not my english.

Whats the deal?

Speech Recognition in Word 2013

Posted: 25 Dec 2013 08:54 AM PST

I have started to use Speech Recognition using Word 2013. It accepts dictation fine. However, when I try to insert the text that I have dictated, it only pasts about 120 characters from the dictation window to the document. The rest of the text disappears. Do you have to say insert after every sentence?

Word 2013

Posted: 25 Dec 2013 02:59 AM PST

I have a new laptop. I was given 1 month trial of Office 2013. I only use word so when my trial expires I want to purchase word 2013. Can anyone explain what is meant by 'non-commercial' ?Why is it less expensive than the others ?

Word - Footnote to End Note Conversion - Special Need

Posted: 24 Dec 2013 04:54 PM PST


I finished writing my first book on Word!  I am so happy....

The book has 6 chapters containing 90 footnotes.

I want to convert the footnotes to endnotes but....

The desire is to place the end notes at the end of each of the six chapters....

So, I placed a page break and a section break at the end of each chapter.

Then, I tried in various ways to convert from footnotes to end notes.

Each attempt brought all 90 notes to the end of chapter 6.

I could not place the footnote at the end of it's respective chapter as an endnote.

How do you set up Word to convert footnotes to end notes in a document, placing footnotes as endnotes to the end of each chapter?

Thanks and Merry Christmas,


unwanted document

Posted: 24 Dec 2013 04:46 PM PST

When ever I print a existing word document, It prints a second document of some narration of the first one. With info such as file name,author,creation date
total editing time,pages,number of characters, and a few more. Any information would be appreciated.
                                                                                                                                                           Thank You

If-Then error

Posted: 24 Dec 2013 04:05 PM PST

I am trying to do an if-then formula in Word 2007. I am pretty new to using forulas in Word I usually just use Excel, but can't in this case. Here is the formulas that I basically created in my head.




I get a bookmark error message.

Word will not open 2003 doc documents

Posted: 24 Dec 2013 01:43 PM PST

Ever since I have installed office 2010 I have had problems opening word 2003 documents which were in fact created in word. I have seen a dialog box in saving docs about choosing to maintain compatibility of docx. with doc. This is astonishing, but could it be a cause of the problem. Meanwhile, when I try to open the same doc documents in word perfect--no problem at all, except that the outline format is off. Is there some choice in options or elsewhere which will overcome the issue?

Not all prior word 2003 docs but many, and I cannot figure why.