

custom filter Microsoft Project

custom filter Microsoft Project

custom filter

Posted: 23 Feb 2005 10:07 AM PST

Hi Majid,

Project/Filterer for.../More filters.../ select your filter/Edit.../and
check Show in menu.

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :-))

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Majid wrote: 

cut and paste an ENTIRE screen image into PP?

Posted: 23 Feb 2005 01:33 AM PST

Hi Rob,

I use SnagIt for that purpose. However, this newsgroup is specifically for
matters dealing with Microsoft Project. I suggest you try to find a more
appropriate newsgroup that deals with, perhaps with Office problems.

Could you please tell us what led you to chose this newsgroup? We would
really like to know! :)

Mike Glen
Project MVP

abfabrob wrote: 

Text colour in entry table

Posted: 22 Feb 2005 06:17 PM PST

Hi Reen,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :-)

Maybe you have a filter set with the highlight function. Make sure it is
Project/Filtered for: All Tasks.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :-))

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

calihdog wrote: 

Microsoft Project files?

Posted: 22 Feb 2005 02:25 PM PST

"jbalesano" <> wrote in message

Have them save the files as HTML, then you will be able to open them with
your browser.


Update enterprise project from a .mpp

Posted: 22 Feb 2005 01:17 PM PST

Thanks so much!

Mervin Williams

"Earl Lewis" <Earldotlewisatutahdotedu> wrote in message

How do i assign one resource to two tasks...

Posted: 22 Feb 2005 01:11 PM PST

I'd just echo Gerards response and enter the hours of work in the resource
usage view on the dates you want him there. But if it were me, I'd bite the
bullet and carry each of those 50 branch audits as a separate task. Each
one of them can be scheduled independently, each one of them can be done by
a different resource if you had enough auditors, and I suspect that each of
them will be done in a separate physical location. That adds up to 50
different tasks, not one elongated task, to my thinking. You know your
project better than I do but I've found that trying to cut corners like that
ends up costing far more aggravation than it saves in the long run. I'd put
in a summary task "Branch Audits" and indent all 50 locations as subtasks
underneath it. And as a side benefit, you can glance at the Gantt chart and
tell the manager of the Main St branch that the auditor will be at his
location on Tuesday April 12.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"kcrump" <> wrote in message

'Publishing' plans...

Posted: 22 Feb 2005 08:05 AM PST

You're welcome, Michael, and thanks for posting your work around solution -
good luck :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Michael Murray wrote: 

Duration vs. Effort

Posted: 22 Feb 2005 07:49 AM PST

Hi, John and Julie,

Thanks both for the very detailed instructions. I managed to follow your
instructions without any problem.

Thanks again.

"JulieD" wrote:

SQL Version

Posted: 22 Feb 2005 06:43 AM PST

From what I have read the version of SQL that comes with SBS 2003 Premium
does not support Enterprise mode, just Team mode. That kind or defeats the
purpose of getting an enterprise-wide project management system. So I think
I need a full version of SQL. Of course, I have not tested that theory but
I might once I get my copy of Project Server.


"Lars Hammarberg" <se> wrote in message


Posted: 22 Feb 2005 03:35 AM PST

Thank you very much, Jan.

"Jan De Messemaeker" wrote:

Dates Refuse To Move

Posted: 22 Feb 2005 02:35 AM PST

Hi James,

Make sure this is not selected: Tools/Options/Schedule tab - Autolink
inserted or moved tasks.

Mike Glen
Project MVP

James G wrote: 

I want to print an MS Project report to a .doc or .xls file.

Posted: 21 Feb 2005 11:33 AM PST

Hi Jeremy,

FAQ Item: 16. Project Viewer: FAQs, companion products and other useful
Project information can be seen at this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :-)

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Jeremy wrote: