

Microsoft CRM - CRM Exchange Router | Technology

Microsoft CRM - CRM Exchange Router | Technology

CRM Exchange Router | Technology

Posted: 24 Jun 2004 07:33 AM PDT

I am assuming that you either have a partnersource or
customersource account to be posting. I am not sure how
public this newsgroup is. So if you do have either
account, just look around in the tech support areas.
Look at the cases and they should answer some questions
you might have. The CRM Exchange Router is installed on
the Microsoft Exchange Server. This links the exchange
server to the MSCRM Server. The email functionality is
then activated and all mscrm users that have exchange
mailboxes will now be able to send and receive email.
However, the CRM Exchange Router is a little tricky. The
system when sending email out adds or tags every email
sent out using the CRM system with a GUID(Globally Unique
Identifier) so that if someone were to reply to the
email, the system knows to send it and log the email as a
MSCRM Email and show within the original senders
Workplace Activities Area. If you have anymore
questions, the articles in the support area in MBS should
answer most of them.

Removing tabs

Posted: 24 Jun 2004 05:25 AM PDT

hehe, is it me or is this the top three responses on this board:

1) Its not supported
2) Look at the SDK
3) Disable popup blocker!!

we should all start putting this in our sigs


"Mark Uy" <> wrote in message

How to Mail Merge from the Web Client

Posted: 24 Jun 2004 01:35 AM PDT

Thanks Matt...but what about the values of the db stored as metadata ?
( for example drop down lists are stored with the indexes and not of
course with the values on screen )

may be i should first make an export using MS CRM statements?

On Thu, 24 Jun 2004 07:42:57 -0500, Matt Parks
<com> wrote:

Outlook for CRM "Missing"

Posted: 23 Jun 2004 03:34 PM PDT

"Erik Dudley" <> wrote in message

So just have a multi-boot or VPC to allow for multiple installations, if its
a problem. Its no great surprise probably more to do with one instance of
MSDE to replicate with SQL than anything else.


Posted: 23 Jun 2004 02:26 PM PDT

Have you used their toolkit and is it worth the money?

Multiple Remote Office Sites

Posted: 23 Jun 2004 08:32 AM PDT

thanks for the info!


"Peter Lynch" <com> wrote in message

Adding fields to tables in SQL/CRM

Posted: 23 Jun 2004 08:29 AM PDT

I suggest you restart the IIS Admin Service after you
have added the fields to your form. IIS has a nasty
habit of not refreshing its pages.

Web Based Interface for my Clients

Posted: 23 Jun 2004 08:27 AM PDT

Also checkout I believe that will be releasing a 3rd
party product soon that provides a customer portal to crm.

On Wed, 23 Jun 2004 03:47:01 -0700, "wael"
<> wrote:

outlook for crm

Posted: 23 Jun 2004 08:22 AM PDT

You're trying to install the sfo with the same crm user?
No one is to blame

Inviato da

2.0 release

Posted: 23 Jun 2004 07:39 AM PDT

Correction...MSCRM 2.0 isnt scheduled to be released
until End of 2nd Quarter next year. Who can guess what
they put in there. Promises...promises :( Hopefully
they will revamp it so that security issues are easier to
troubleshoot and work around.

Catastrophic Failure Error

Posted: 23 Jun 2004 07:30 AM PDT

Yeah...Thats the case. I got it resolved finally.


Overall Satisfaction with CRM

Posted: 23 Jun 2004 07:28 AM PDT


I would argue that you didn't really have a partner then. Unfortunately, you
probably found one of the many infrastructure firms that were kinda strong armed
into becoming CRM Partners even though they really didn't want to. It does
explain a lot of your frustrations, though many of your issues are truly
problems with the product.

It's those firms that actually give the rest of us a bad name though. There are
plenty of good quality partners out there that will help you out. Of course,
it's tough to weed out those who really don't know what they're doing.

I know my firm would never dream of giving you the disks and walking away. You
having a bad experience would taint out reputation as well as the product's.

I agree that there are limitations to the product and yes, it is a v1.x product.
But, if the functionality meets your needs (and it does for a lot of people),
then it is a good product.

The key is the evaluation. If you just blindly install it (as some have done),
then you are bound to be disappointed in the application. You can't trust the
people who market the product (or any product), you need ot know what you want
before you buy.

Matt Parks

On Wed, 23 Jun 2004 09:37:24 -0700, "Gary" <> wrote:

Here is why we didn't. Our partner sucked, he handed me the CDs and never
heard from him again. He originally quoted us a hefty fee to inspect our
system and then even more to install it. For a small office, this is
absolutly not feasible or acceptable (especially given the price of the
product alone). Also, its so incredibly important that yout inhouse IT
department goes through the trials of understanding the limitations of CRM.
It dramatically helps when problems arise and especially when writing your
own apps and reports. So to sum up why,......price and the need for the


"Jake Horn" <com> wrote in message

http://crmserver browser failure

Posted: 22 Jun 2004 12:35 PM PDT


"Peter Lynch" <com> wrote in message


Incoming mail to crm activity. Where does it go?

Posted: 22 Jun 2004 08:31 AM PDT

when you reply to this CRM email, does the GUID stay in the subject line?
Are you able to see the email in Outlook (does it still have the GUID here?)
What happens if you use the SFO and try to promote an email into CRM, does
that work?


"Øyvind Antila" <oyvind.antila@[removespam}> wrote in message

Export to Excel

Posted: 21 Jun 2004 12:26 PM PDT

Please post your update to Jon's suggestion - I'm really
cursious to see how it works.
