

Updating RHEL - Forums Linux

Updating RHEL - Forums Linux

Updating RHEL

Posted: 24 Jan 2005 07:05 PM PST

Scott wrote: 

I do pay them, so I can just let up2date handle everything.

Another poster has suggested two web sites (that I have not examined)
where you could get updates. However, in my experience, updates come out
rather frequently, say every week, because Red Hat do not wait to
distribute security updates. And four times since RHEL 3 came out, they
have distributed what I call massive updates (over 100 rpm packages). So
if you do not subscribe to Red Hat's updating service, you will need
constant (daily?) vigilance to be sure you are getting at least the
security updates in a timely fashion. As you can infer, I just got their
latest kernel 5 days ago. 

It is a little risky. I would think you would want to use rpm -Fvh; there
is no point installing stuff you are not using. Also, rpm -Uvh (and
possibly -Fvh) will replace your old kernels, and you might better do rpm
-Ivh for the kernels so you will have something to run if the new one does
not install correctly or has a fatal bug in it: not likely, but you never

I am not sure just what happens with rpm if you try to update something
like glibc. That better go just right. With up2date, things just happen
without having to think about them.

.~. Jean-David Beyer Registered Linux User 85642.
/V\ PGP-Key: 9A2FC99A Registered Machine 241939.
/( )\ Shrewsbury, New Jersey
^^-^^ 08:30:00 up 5 days, 16:44, 3 users, load average: 4.25, 4.21, 4.18

How do I make a boot disk so I can restore Grub?

Posted: 24 Jan 2005 01:33 PM PST

> > Hello. I need to install Windows 2000 SP4 on a second IDE HDD (hdb).

I need it for games, softwares, and drivers that do not work in Linux. :(
Basically, I want to dual boot.


Ahh. OK.


Yikes, that sounds scary.


Are you talking about the blue Grub text menu where it shows two Kernel
2.6.8 options to boot?


Interesting and kind of confusing. Maybe I should paste my grub
configuration. It's 4am and I need to go to bed. Should I get you that
information? :)


Yes, I don't think I have /boot. I did not set up the partitions manually. I
let Debian's installer (Sarge) do that.


"An ant on the move does more than a dozing ox." --Mexican Proverb
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Posted: 24 Jan 2005 12:29 PM PST

Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:

..... that's why they need an expert consultant, because
they DONT KNOW what they need :)
<< >>
Yinkel, n.: A person who combs his hair over
his bald spot, hoping no one will notice.

What am I doing wrong with cron?

Posted: 24 Jan 2005 07:27 AM PST

In article <Wt8Jd.7034$>,
Gerald Meazell <net> writes: 

/etc/crontab use an other format as users crontab

After the timedescriptors comes the user which start the command:

0,15,30,45 6-22 * * * username /path/to/my/ > /path/to/logfile

check also the permission of this file:
-rw------- 1 root root 564 Apr 17 2003 /etc/crontab

MFG Gernot

How can I know which Fedora core it is (we have Fedora machine)?

Posted: 23 Jan 2005 06:38 PM PST

com wrote: 

"cat /etc/fedora-release" or "rpm -q fedora-release"


Boot with the install CD, and choose "Upgrade existing installation"
when the program asks you if you want to upgrade or do a complete

Newsgroups don't require "membership". You visited a WWW forum, mailing
list or some other discussion system that's not a newsgroup. Look for
registration instructions on the site you visited.

Markku Kolkka

Switching to KInternet, instead of QInternet

Posted: 23 Jan 2005 03:02 PM PST

DaLoverhino wrote: 

.... i dont use gnome, so i cant suggest what its default is.
maybe you can find something in here:
<< >>
The reason big companies have lots and lots of meetings is because
they can't masturbate.

Installing Windows 98 on a Winxp/Mandrake 10 Dual boot?

Posted: 23 Jan 2005 07:49 AM PST

"mjt" <ru> wrote in message

The recommended technique would be to add another hard drive as the first
hard drive, install Windows on that with your Linux hard drive disconnected,
then reconnect the Linux haard drive and use a rescue CD or installation CD
to access it and edit your /etc/fstab, your /etc/lilo.conf or
/etc/grub.conf, and re-set your master boot records.

I really recommend against playing around with re-partitioning your Linux. A
new 40 Gig hard drive is pretty cheap, and protects you against all sorts of

USB devices not found when hotplugging

Posted: 23 Jan 2005 02:38 AM PST

Tom Rauschenbach wrote:

.... based on your argument to AntAnt, you failed yourself
<< >>
Regression analysis: Mathematical techniques for trying to
understand why things are getting worse.

Mounting driver under RedHat 5.1

Posted: 23 Jan 2005 02:01 AM PST

Arjen Haayman wrote:

.... a computer, in general terms, doesnt crash. what
is it that actually failed?
<< >>

network problem when installing Debian

Posted: 22 Jan 2005 06:20 AM PST

Thank you for your help.
I did try to load the modules and it failed. Probably the version of my CD
isn't new enough? Yes, it is. I have downloaded the newest version, and it
successfully detected the ethernet card.
By the way, my mother tongue isn't English, so I made a mistake. I thought
the item "dummy" card is for my convenience, as easy as for dummy:) Oh my
God, now I have realized the it actually represents as "virtual". Is that
Thanks for your patience. Best wishes!

"Peter T. Breuer" <> дÈëÓʼþ 
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