

Microsoft Word - MS Word : Characters lost in PDF conversion

Microsoft Word - MS Word : Characters lost in PDF conversion

MS Word : Characters lost in PDF conversion

Posted: 08 Mar 2013 03:15 AM PST

MS Word 2010.

I find that underscores are lost in some places in my document when I convert to PDF.

Well the underscores are not actually lost: If I copy the text from the PDF and paste it into Notepad I can see the characters are actually there.

It is pretty easy to reproduce:

Take a blank document and input these lines:


Here is an underscore _in some text

Here is an underscore _in some text

Here is an underscore _in some text

Here is no underscore


  1. Make sure the font is "Courier New" (size 11). Not sure if the size matters but it certainly matters that the font is "Courier New" if you want to reproduce.
  2. Make sure to color the background as I do. I use one of the "theme colors", called "Dark Blue, Text 2, Lighter 80%" but I do not think it has significance which background color you use.
  3. Make sure to use line spacing : single and line spacing "Don't add space between paragraphs of the same style"
  4. Now try to export to PDF using Word's build-in feature for the purpose (i.e. Save As ...).

In the PDF it looks like this:

Here is an underscore  in some text

Here is an underscore  in some text

Here is an underscore _in some text

Here is no underscore

 What is that ?

Pls help.

Permanently change language in Template

Posted: 08 Mar 2013 12:59 AM PST

I am a naturalized American of British origin, and my system language is US English.  

I have a Word template TmplUK which is set to UK English which I use frequently.  

Sometimes I need a US English document, so I use TmplUK  and ctrl-a and select US English from the language tab at the bottom of the screen.  This seems to work fine. 

I realized I should make a clone of that template which is US English.  

I edited the TmplUK template and tried the above method and saved it as TmplUS.  I created a new document using the new template, pasted in some text, and it was correctly in US English.  Then I realized I had made a mistake and deleted all the text I had pasted.  The document reverted to UK English.

How do I set the base language of a template?

Word 2010 Creating TOC out of a multi-level list

Posted: 07 Mar 2013 08:59 PM PST

I have a 50 page word document that is one gigantic multi-level list (all the same list--goes down about 7 levels at it's deepest). I need to create a automated TOC from the list using the first 3 levels however I can't figure out how to do it because TOC's only seem to work off of the "heading" styles. I can't even apply a heading style on a list item because it removes it from the list when it applies the style. Is there any way to create a TOC out of a multi-level list automatically? Maybe a macro can convert it to something word can read but I still can't think of how to do it since the heading styles remove the list item when applied. Anyone have an idea on how to do this?

Thanks for your time.

English (UK) and spellchecker

Posted: 07 Mar 2013 01:37 PM PST

I have English (UK) as my default language in Office 2013 but the dictionary is by default English (US).  The spellchecker does not highlight any mistakes.  I cannot add any other language, even English (US).  Help please.

How to wrap text inside a custom shape to the borders of that custom shape, not a generic square "text box"?

Posted: 07 Mar 2013 12:20 PM PST

Hi All - a simple (I hope) question. I've drawn a "custom" shape, and added text to this shape. However, it is wrapping according to a "square" text box, not the lines that form my custom shape. How can I make the text wrap according to the shape I have drawn? Currently the text is going outside the lines I've drawn. I couldn't figure out how to upload a picture - so I've tried to creat an example of my issue below below:



This is what it currently looks like (imagine the dashes/vertical lines are the outline of my shape, and the "x"s are my text) 



|                                                                           \

|  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  \ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

|  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

|  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

|  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \ xxxxxxxxxxxx

|                                                                                     \

|                                                                                       \

|                                                                                         \



This is what I want it to look like:



|                                                                         \

|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \ 

|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \ 

|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  \

|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \

|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \

|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \

|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \


i deleted a user file that had a lock icon on it.

Posted: 07 Mar 2013 11:57 AM PST

i deleted a user file that had a lock icon on it. i thought that files would be found in the recycle bin, I have lost many documents & the ability to edit - word docs are now read only.  I removed & reloaded 2007 office home & student. i was trying to correct an error by a bad tech.  where are these files or  how do I retrieve missing data? i do not have complete back up - & what is available  does not help. I have tried to do a system restore & that does NOT function.  thank you

Is it possible to set the default font for label printing?

Posted: 07 Mar 2013 08:24 AM PST

Trying to set the default font that is used to print labels - I "see" the correct font in the dialogue box, but that's not what ends up being printed.

number that is sequential.

Posted: 07 Mar 2013 03:45 AM PST

When doing invoicing or example, I want to give it a number that is sequential but I want to automate this not for me to track it with a register.

Mail Merge records into table columns with more than one merge field in a column.

Posted: 06 Mar 2013 06:39 PM PST

Using Word 2010 I need to mail merge data out of an excel spreadsheet into a word table.

The record info on the word document need to populate from left to right and in some columns in the word table I need to have more than one merge field info. It involves quite a large amount of records.

Word will not open

Posted: 02 Mar 2013 11:06 PM PST

I'm trying to open Word 13 and running Windows 7, I keep getting a pop up saying Office is busy. I've had problems before with Word and Excel not opening properly but this was fixed by the IT team. Please help!Word