

Microsoft Word - MS Word: "Figure" caption not visble

Microsoft Word - MS Word: "Figure" caption not visble

MS Word: "Figure" caption not visble

Posted: 24 Dec 2014 09:30 AM PST

Hello Community,

I have been writing my thesis report. I modified the heading to the standard format. I also formatted the "Caption Style" for inserting the caption for figures and tables. As soon as I modified it, I cannot see the text 'figure' or 'table' and also the caption that I add to the figure/table but written text is visible once I press OK.

As attached in the screenshot, the problem is quite visible. Kindly suggest me an solution.

I am using MS Office 2013, on Windows 7 64-bit.

Thank you,

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2015


MACROS in WORD 2010, Windows 7

Posted: 24 Dec 2014 09:15 AM PST

I've created a Macro in Word 2010, which I use (the Macro) very frequently especially in one specific file.

The Macro doesn't work on other Word files.

I've tried to copy the macro to the file, and I supposed that then it should work on any Word file.

It does NOT.

In Window XP,  using the Organizer when the macro was displyed on the screen, I could easily copy it.

Now I can't.  (In Windows 7).

Seek you assitance, please.



WORD problems.

Posted: 24 Dec 2014 08:55 AM PST

I just renewed my subscription, and cant get it to work.  I had to change my password and now it wont recognize the new one.

question about "web layout" mode...

Posted: 24 Dec 2014 08:34 AM PST

I have Microsoft Word 2013.

In previous versions, you could set it so that when it opens up a new document, it defaults to "web layout" mode, instead of "print layout" mode.

I haven't been able to accomplish this in Word 2013. How can I set Word so that when it opens up, it's already in "web layout" mode.


How to stop screen autoscrolling right when adding comments in Word 2013

Posted: 24 Dec 2014 07:19 AM PST

Hi there,

I'm a proofreader and use Word 2013 to mark up documents and add comments. 

As I use a net book, it's difficult to view the whole document plus the comments pane on the right all on one screen without zooming out so much that the font is no longer legible.

This makes it very frustrating when I'm editing as when I add a comment, the screen autoscrolls to the right so I can only see half of the document and the comments pane, then I have to manually scroll the screen back to the left to continue reading the document.

I don't want this to happen as I need to be able to see what I'm commenting on rather than the comment itself, which I touch type so I don't need to see what I'm typing. Basically, I want to be able to look at the document and type the comment at the same time without the screen moving.

I've tried hiding comments in the view options but as soon as I type another comment, they reappear.

Please can someone let me know whether this is possible as it's driving me nuts and I've looked through all the Options menus and can't find a solution.



Merged documents disappear

Posted: 24 Dec 2014 06:55 AM PST

I worked all day yesterday creating and modifying a document that was created by merging several other documents. I opened the first document, inserted a page break, then used the "insert, object, text from file" option to add the text from another document and so on. When I went to save the document at the end of the day, the box that asks whether you want to save or not kept popping up after I clicked on "save." I was concerned about losing my work, so I saved the document under another name. That name showed up in the list of files in that folder. Later on, I did the same thing, naming the document by a third name. I should have noticed that I was not in the newly named document after I saved as. At the end of the day, I tried to close the document with the same result - the save or not save box kept popping up. I tried repeatedly with the same result. I finally clicked on don't save, thinking that I had saved multiple copies to fall back on.

This morning when I opened the merged document, it was only the original document with none of the documents that I had added and none of my work from yesterday. I tried looking in the "unsaved files" but no files appeared as unsaved. An hourglass was visible when I put the cursor on my original document. I left it that way for more than an hour, hoping that it was just taking time to recover the unsaved file.

I have apparently lost all my work from yesterday. I will not use the "insert text from file" option again, but I would like to know if there is any way to recover the document that I was working on yesterday. I had the document open for at least ten hours. It now appears that the document was a phantom and left no trace.

I would be extremely grateful if anyone could help.

Thank you,

R Bancroft

Can I create a new thesaurus to add to Microsoft Word?

Posted: 24 Dec 2014 05:46 AM PST


I work in the environmental sector, and frequently need to quote the latin names of plants in documents. I have an excel spreadsheet set up with the common and latin names of plants in a tables.

I was wondering if there was a feature that would allow me to insert these names into microsoft word, so that the common name can be selected from a list, and clicking on it will insert the latin name into the document (there are over 4000, so entering these names individually to a function would not be feasible). The closest feature I have found that might be able to offer this so far is the thesaurus, however I cannot see a way to edit the thesaurus to add these names in.

I've been googling this for the last hour and I'm out of ideas!


Word 2010 Shortcuts on windows 8 randomly stop working, until I close and reopen all windows

Posted: 24 Dec 2014 02:00 AM PST

While working on Word, every so often the keyboard shortcuts (CTRLa, CTRLc, CTRLv)stop working. Only after I close and reopen not only all Word windows, but all Office windows and also all folders - do the  shortcuts magically start working again.

What could be causing this? how can i fix it? 

Thank you! 

Office 365 keeps telling me my acount expired

Posted: 23 Dec 2014 04:43 PM PST

I reinstalled Office 365 on Dec 18th on my computer with a new product key I had purchased. I received confirmation from Microsoft that I had successfully updated my Office until Dec 18, 2015. When I opened Word today, a message came up telling me that Word had expired and most features would be deactivated on Dec 26th. What gives Microsoft? Not only does it do this but when I try to get into my account, I keep getting error messages saying that you can'tidentify my computer. A little help here would be of great assistance. BTW, I have Home Premium and I updated my wife's computer the same day and she is getting the same message about deactivation for Outlook, Word, etc. as am I.

Some users cannot receive external e-mail - Microsoft Exchange

Some users cannot receive external e-mail - Microsoft Exchange

Some users cannot receive external e-mail

Posted: 09 Apr 2008 08:25 AM PDT

Does Mesage Tracking say it was delivered to the mailbox though?


Transcation log files

Posted: 08 Apr 2008 08:41 AM PDT

"R Tay" <> ha scritto nel messaggio

Splitting data in two different partitions on the same physical disk(s) is
totally useless in terms of performance.


Phantom Exchange 5.5 Public Folder ACLs on 2003 PFs, help!

Posted: 07 Apr 2008 09:26 AM PDT

If you're still in mixed mode, the "ignore zombie users" reg key should do the trick. What gets logged in the application log?

"Brian Day" <net> wrote in message news:com...
We're mixed mode still. We have one 5.5 site left to go, but it was not the site any of these came from.

"John Fullbright" <fjohn@donotspamnetappdotcom> wrote in message news:%phx.gbl...
If you're already in native mode, it won't work.


"Brian Day" <net> wrote in message news:com...
Been there, done that, bought the T-Shirt. Unfortunately most of the options there assume you still have the Exchange 5.5 site these came from still up and running. I could run through all the options again and see if I missed something useful the first time.

Even slapping the "Ignore Zombie Users" reg key on the PF servers doesn't seem to have helped.

"John Fullbright" <fjohn@donotspamnetappdotcom> wrote in message news:phx.gbl... should point you in the right direction

"Brian Day" <net> wrote in message news:com...
Hi All,

I'm having a hell of a time removing some phantom permissions on public folders. They are for accounts that existed in an Exchange 5.5 site, which has been retired many months ago.
These public folders exist today on and are ted between our two Exchange 2003 SP2 dedicated public folder servers. When I try to remove them using ESM or PFDavAdmin v2.8 I get the following errors;

From ESM:

An unknown error has occurred.

ID no: 8004010f
Exchange System Manager

From PFDavAdmin:

Exception: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found:

The event log entries look like this;

An error occurred while upgrading the ACL on folder [Public Folders]/FOLDERNAME located on database "First Storage Group\Public Folder Store (SERVERNAME)". The Information Store was unable to convert the security for /O=(removed the org info)/CN=EVERYONE33630080 into a Windows 2000 Security Identifier. It is possible that this is caused by latency in the Active Directory Service, if so, wait until the user record is ted to the Active Directory and attempt to access the folder (it will be upgraded in place). If the specified object does NOT get ted to the Active Directory, use the Microsoft Exchange System Manager or the Exchange Client to update the ACL on the folder manually. The access rights in the ACE for this DN were 0x400. For more information, click

So far everything I've tried hasn't worked, anyone have a better idea?

Thank you!

How to find individual mailbox limit

Posted: 07 Apr 2008 04:49 AM PDT

Exchange 2003
Syed Hasnain Ali

"Oliver Moazzezi [MVP]" wrote:

Backup Public Folder Problem

Posted: 06 Apr 2008 09:02 PM PDT

Billy Leung <> wrote: 

Glad to hear you're back in business. 

Exchange 2007 in new domain

Posted: 06 Apr 2008 01:45 AM PDT

I'd try restoring the DC onto new hardware, usually it'll work OK, if the
disk drivers aren't compatible and it won't boot after the restore just pop
the CD in and do a repair install over the top

Peter Lawton

"Bernard J." <> wrote in message

Multiple Information Stores

Posted: 05 Apr 2008 09:55 AM PDT

In addition to backup and restore advantages, by starting with 4 SGs and
leveling the stores across the SGs, you minimize contention for the log

As far as offline defrags are concerned, why are you doing them? In an
Exchange server enterprise environment there is no point; you do more harm
than good. offline defrag is a repair process and was never intended to be
part of regular maintenance.

"lsukip" <> wrote in message

main mailserver hosting on Linux - forwarding only one email to ex

Posted: 05 Apr 2008 12:11 AM PDT

Again, my manager only wants to have push mail functionality, and not about
groupwise/collaboration functions.

"Massimo" wrote:

Possible Exchange Database Corruption

Posted: 04 Apr 2008 11:46 AM PDT

They had wanted to try and fix this prior to migrating the mailboxes
They have a 17GB store, edb about 11.6GB and the STM about 6.6 GB
A Windows NT backup also fails, looks like an issue maybe in the STM
The system is up and running at the moment
I wanted to review what I should run, was thinking the eseutil /p eseutil /d
and isinteg -fix?
They do not do circular logging so they have logs back til the last good
backup last week
Would I make a copy of the entire MDB folder (databases and logs) prior to
running the utilities? Is this sufficient to get back to where they are if
the utils have issues?
Would I also need to exmerge mailboxes in case of issues?
Any idea of the average amount of time to run these utilities against a
database this size?
Chris W

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

PF usage much too high

Posted: 04 Apr 2008 04:05 AM PDT

Note if you have enabled LCR also this again requires more ram.


Exchange 2007 Expired Certificate

Posted: 03 Apr 2008 01:33 PM PDT

Thanks Oliver

New-ExchangeCertificate -Services IIS
was the right thing to do for me.
The warning disappeared in Outlook and everything works fine.

I tried to remove the other useless certificates with
Remove-ExchangeCertificate -Thumbprint <String>
but one is still reluctant and says that it is the default certificate and
can't be removed.
Is that normal?


"Oliver Moazzezi [MVP]" <> a écrit dans le
message de news: %phx.gbl... 

Sharing calendar and tasks

Posted: 02 Apr 2008 07:28 AM PDT

David <> wrote: 

What versions? centrally manageable antivirus software (including Exchange AV), a
good UPS, backup device/media (tape or HDD or whatnot), etc. - and all your
workstations need to be on a domain-compatible OS.

Centralized management and security and storage of your mail, ease of
configuration, Out of Office, OWA, RPC over HTTP, wireless Activesync, etc

NTBackup of Exchange

Posted: 02 Apr 2008 01:17 AM PDT

Lanwench / Paul

Many thanks!

That cleared my confusion even though the solution of how to get It "aware"
was not the way i thaught.
I been searching a wile on the Internet and realy dont find the info on this
subject anywere.

I was both right and wrong, most important, i was right ;-) just
kidding... this gives some to labb with ...

Thanks again

Henrik Arenblad, MCP SBS,

"Paul Robichaux [MVP-Exchange]" <net> wrote in message 

Exch 2003 and SQL 2005

Posted: 01 Apr 2008 09:41 AM PDT

"ADP Comm" <> ha scritto nel messaggio

Other than performance issues, potential incompatibilities and security
issues, it will also be a lot more difficult to troubleshoot such an
installation if something should go wrong.
Microsoft doesn't recommend it, and I agree with them:

If you really, really, *really* need to host both applications on the same
server, at least try to use different physical disks for the operating
system, the SQL Server database files and the Exchange ones.


Public Folder won't mount

Posted: 01 Apr 2008 07:16 AM PDT

On Apr 1, 6:42pm, Christoph Wilfing <net> wrote: 

First of all thanks very much for your responses.

I had to move it to another folder as the C: Drive was nearly full.
moved the relevant files (priv1.edb, prv1.stm, pub1.edb and pub1.stm)
within Exchange System Manager to a new folder on the F: Drive. When
I went to mount them only the Private store mounted.

I am using Exchange 2003 with SP2

Many thanks in advance

Error503 This mail server requires authentication when......

Posted: 31 Mar 2008 02:26 AM PDT

Since you didn't describe what software your client is running, we have no
way of knowing whether you've posted in the wrong place.
Ed Crowley
MVP - Exchange
"Protecting the world from PSTs and brick backups!"

"EvilJim" <> wrote in message

After 2007 migration mail sometimes duplicated in outbox ??

Posted: 31 Mar 2008 01:07 AM PDT

Is there anything in the event log? I've seen this when the server has
insufficient disk space, causing a problem called "backpressure".
Ed Crowley
MVP - Exchange
"Protecting the world from PSTs and brick backups!"

"MaartenH" <> wrote in message

send on behalf of "group"

Posted: 31 Mar 2008 12:27 AM PDT

When you create a delegate through outlook, the user is added to the
publicdelegates attribute of the delegating user. Delegates have send on
behalf of permission. You could script adding the users to the
publicdelegates attribute. Take a look at

"Ed Crowley [MVP]" <org> wrote in message

Exclude Recipient from Antigen Filtering

Posted: 31 Mar 2008 12:10 AM PDT

HI Raul,
I am not not using Exchange SP2 IMF, only Antigen 9.0.

"El niño santo de Emaus" <es> a écrit dans le message de news:

[] is currently not permitted to relay>

Posted: 30 Mar 2008 10:12 PM PDT

If you are using POP3 Downloader or SMTP for that matter, then using a ISP
or Filtering Service Smarthost is a better solution. Less likely chance of
your mail being rejected by a Spam Filter.

John Oliver, Jr
Exchange MVP 2008
Microsoft Certified Partner

"S H A R I Q U E" <> wrote in message

Exchange server NDR #5.7.1

Posted: 30 Mar 2008 08:27 PM PDT

Where is the NDR coming from? Please post the full NDR and the naming
context surrounging it. Are they sending to everyone by selecting all
mailboxes from the GAL, or are they using a distribution group? Do they
have rights to send to that many recipients? If they're sending to a
distribution group, do they have rights to send to that group?
Ed Crowley
MVP - Exchange
"Protecting the world from PSTs and brick backups!"

"Jian Ming" <> wrote in message

Deploy RPC over http settings globally

Posted: 30 Mar 2008 08:16 PM PDT

well this is my last resorts if still no solutions for it ..

But i'm thinking get cleared of something. :

1)One webserver / sites can have multiple SSL cert rite ?
2)Or only one webserver can have one SSL cert but multiple domain in one
cert ?

Or both is correct however exchange only can work with option two.

"Ed Crowley [MVP]" wrote:

New Public Store file

Posted: 28 Mar 2008 02:24 PM PDT

Sometimes we just know these things but it always feels better to
have another validate it.

"John Oliver, Jr. [MVP]" <com> wrote in message

Email display name/email address

Posted: 28 Mar 2008 01:13 PM PDT

No, because an email needs to come from somewhere, the email address is there
for the receiver to know that the email is legit and came from someone that
they know.

Cmnsol wrote: 

Message posted via

Lost 1 install - Microsoft Office forums

Lost 1 install - Microsoft Office forums

Lost 1 install

Posted: 10 Mar 2008 07:56 AM PDT

On 10/03/2008 in message
<com> Geodane wrote:

Just install it and try to activate it. You may have to fall back on
'phone activation but MSFT aren't unreasonable.

Jeff Gaines

Header and Footer always hidden in MS Word 2003

Posted: 09 Mar 2008 03:36 PM PDT


How simple was that !!

Thank you very much.

"Bob Buckland ?:-)" wrote:

Error 2203: Office Professional 2007

Posted: 08 Mar 2008 02:20 PM PST

The file doesnt exist. I've checked.

"Bernard Liengme" wrote:

how can I reinstall registered copy of office 2000 without disks?

Posted: 07 Mar 2008 06:11 AM PST

No, you need your disks.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"

"MarkT" <> wrote in message

Install Jokerman font in Office 2007.

Posted: 06 Mar 2008 10:30 AM PST

That's the link I posted yesterday. What it doesn't do is tell you that
such-and-such font only comes with a specific edition.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"

"Mary Sauer" <> wrote in message

Preventing "Office Document Writer" from being the Default Printer

Posted: 06 Mar 2008 04:58 AM PST

In most cases, only networked printers from our print server.

"Bob Buckland ?:-)" <75214.226(At Beautiful Downtown)> wrote
in message news:uMIvnN$phx.gbl... 

install new version of office

Posted: 06 Mar 2008 04:32 AM PST

I'd suggest asking the vendor.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"

"Daniel" <net> wrote in message

Licence Version for Office 2007 from Launch Event

Posted: 05 Mar 2008 12:18 PM PST

Thanks Bob. That's what I was asking about. The beauty of FPP is that "You
may install another copy on a portable device for use by the single primary
user of the licensed device."

"Bob Buckland ?:-)" wrote:

Need to Obtain Office 2003 Product Key

Posted: 04 Mar 2008 03:41 PM PST

"DL" <address@invalid> wrote in message

Just for clarification, that is the computer supplier not Microsoft.

Joseph Meehan

Dia 's Muire duit


office pro 2007 unable to reinstall/repair

Posted: 04 Mar 2008 04:54 AM PST

sure I'll post here if any solution is found...

"hhdelk" wrote:

"Transfer" MS Office between laptops

Posted: 03 Mar 2008 09:33 AM PST

But what version of Office was purchased? If this was an OEM version of
Office the license dies with the first computer it is installed on. If it
is a retail version it can generally be freely transferred to a new system.

"Alias" <com> wrote in message news:fqhehj$6j6$org... 

Cant install Office XP when I had Office 97 Prof ?

Posted: 02 Mar 2008 05:33 PM PST

On 08/03/2008 in message <phx.gbl>
com wrote:

This may be a long shot but have you at some time installed another email
app to try? Some of them install their own version of mapi32.dll - they
'should' restore the previous version when they're un-installed. Otherwise
it may be corrupt in which case dig out your Windows install CD, open a
command prompt and run the System File Checker:

sfc /?

will show the various flags. That will replace any damaged system files.

Jeff Gaines

Office 2007 - Back-to-Back 1402 Errors

Posted: 27 Feb 2008 09:36 PM PST


Wow, very interesting that no one has any input on this issue. Here is
additional info:

So, no word yet on a Microsoft fix?

"MerlinsWeb" wrote:

Microsoft CRM - Cut and Paste

Microsoft CRM - Cut and Paste

Cut and Paste

Posted: 05 Aug 2005 09:00 AM PDT

To paste into forms with the mouse, you have to select text. One way of
doing this is to type a space, select it, then right click and paste.
Otherwise using Ctrl-V is your only option.

Hope that helps.

Rich Elliott
Associates Solutions, Inc.

"ril" wrote:

when customizations visible in outlook?

Posted: 05 Aug 2005 06:52 AM PDT

No. SFO, even when it is online, uses a local version of the XSLs that generate
the pages. SFO only checks for updated versions of these files when it
initializes, thus SFO won't see changes until SFO is restarted.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Fri, 5 Aug 2005 06:52:07 -0700, "Cypress" <>


If i change a field in CRM, when will that be visible in outlook?
after i publish? after outlook goes offline and back online? or after i
restart outlook.

At a client i only see my changes when i restart outlook. I find that odd.
Normally if the SFO client is online, it should be update with the rest of
crm right?


Customization Issue

Posted: 04 Aug 2005 02:36 PM PDT

One way to go about that would be to export the customizations, then edit the
resulting XML and find the appropriate FieldsXML and then remove the fields in
question and re-import.

Totally not supported, but it should work.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Fri, 5 Aug 2005 09:10:02 -0500, "Brandon"
<> wrote:

Isn't there a way to access the XML file directly to get rid of those

Brandon Smith
Presentations Direct - "Doent Finishing Solutions"

"Rich Elliott" <> wrote in message

Scribe XML to CRM migration

Posted: 04 Aug 2005 01:26 PM PDT

Hi Rich,
I'm originally coming from Exchange. We have a custom Contact form
which I wrote an agent script for. It exports the data to a randomly
named XML file on the Exchange server. A service then picks this up and
inserts the XML into the Scribe message queue. Everything is fine up to
here. Then, this queue calls a DTS package, which is where everything
is getting off-track. I check CRM after this update, and the inserted
Contact is completely blank. I think it may have to do with a root node
that the Scribe message queue is putting around the XML. The tag is
<string> </string>. My DTS is written with a root node of <Contact>,
and I think this is causing issues.

Shrinking the Distribution DB

Posted: 04 Aug 2005 12:52 PM PDT

Actually, I our recovery is set to full . . . and the database got much
smaller after the shrinking process and a server reboot.

My only question now is about deleting schedules as recommended in article
894811 (on customersource). Part 2 says to delete schedules on the SQL
SnapShot agent jobs. Aren't these needed?! I deleted them, but I thought
they might get recreated at some point . . . not yet. Do I need to manually
recreate these jobs?

Brandon Smith
Presentations Direct - "Doent Finishing Solutions"

"Jacob Mondrup - Cultivator Danmark" <com> wrote in message

Can I import ACCOUNTS from a CSV file.. like i do contacts

Posted: 04 Aug 2005 12:07 PM PDT

Thanks Donna, I did what you said and in a matter of 20 minutes I had 300
leads in and converted to contacts/accounts! I appreciate it!

"bamg7777" wrote:

Setting Tab order for custom forms

Posted: 04 Aug 2005 10:16 AM PDT

So I hope this is something that will be fixed in version 3.0 as this is VERY
anoying! You can position the field where you want them but can't set the
tabbing order. Seems like gross oversite. I have it tabbing all over the
place right now on my lead from and am just not sure how to fix it and let
alone explain to the client that I can't change it.

Thanks for your info.

"Scott H" wrote:

Menu Customization

Posted: 04 Aug 2005 09:28 AM PDT

Thanks, I'll just leave it as is. If they want to have it open within CRM,
I'll put it on the Nav bar.

"Rob Bakkers" <> wrote in message

Publishing Schema Fields

Posted: 04 Aug 2005 08:50 AM PDT

FYI, the export is not required, only the Publish & IISRESET.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Thu, 4 Aug 2005 09:40:07 -0700, Rich Elliott
<> wrote:


In order for you to actually see new fields that have been added to an
object, you have to go into Customization on the form and add the new field.
Then, once the form has been modified, you need to export the customizations,
publish the changes, and then do an IISRESET.

Hope that helps.

Rich Elliott
Associates Solutions, Inc.

"Dieter" wrote:

A Test and Training Domain

Posted: 04 Aug 2005 07:42 AM PDT

If you add the users in the live domain, then you will require a trust in order
for CRM to have visibility to those users in AD.

The sample data setup prompts you for the 5 users you want to use so you can use
any set of 5 users, however, it does require the use of the Adventure Works
Cycle org name & licenses.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Fri, 5 Aug 2005 14:38:04 +0200, "Need Some Help" <>

Can I Creat the Sample Data Users On My Live Domian.
and Than Just Add the Data To the CRM Server

E.g dougcrs1

And Is the Sample Data Hard-coded to the User Name Or the User Name and The
Domain ?

"John O'Donnell" <com-nospam> wrote in
message news:phx.gbl... 

Problem between SFO and MCAfee 8.0

Posted: 04 Aug 2005 06:06 AM PDT

Thank you!!! I will try that.


"David Jennaway" wrote:

Domain Setup - Microsoft Exchange

Domain Setup - Microsoft Exchange

Domain Setup

Posted: 27 Mar 2008 12:56 PM PDT

Thanks Massimo

"Massimo" wrote:

How to monitor a mailbox and send alerts?

Posted: 26 Mar 2008 08:33 AM PDT

If you can choose only one, then just post to one. Most of us work multiple
groups anyway.
Ed Crowley
MVP - Exchange
"Protecting the world from PSTs and brick backups!"

"CJ" <> wrote in message

OST file, need to reload into Outlook 2007

Posted: 25 Mar 2008 11:43 PM PDT

use a third party tool to convert it to a pst.

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" <org> wrote in message

Exchange 2007 POP3 clients can connect internally but not external

Posted: 25 Mar 2008 12:03 PM PDT

Correct. :)

"Ed Crowley [MVP]" wrote:

InterOrg 5.5 - 2003 Migration

Posted: 25 Mar 2008 11:15 AM PDT

"Ed Crowley [MVP]" <org> ha scritto nel messaggio

Another Quest product (Domain Migration Wizard) has been used to migrate
user accounts; if this one can help with the three problems I mentioned,
maybe I can suggest purchasing it.

Exchange 5.5 ACLs already map to domain B's user accounts (Quest DMW's
module for Exchange 5.5 remapped them during the migration), so no SID
history is needed; what we need is to te the actual ACLs on Exchange
2003 mailboxes and public folders.


Calendar Event and Bouce Back from Non Exisiting User Account

Posted: 25 Mar 2008 11:09 AM PDT

You can send them to my hotmail address or just send the screen shot of the
details of the tracking message for the invite, com.

John Oliver, Jr
Exchange MVP 2008
Microsoft Certified Partner

"Manlytrash" <com> wrote in message

Version Question

Posted: 25 Mar 2008 09:53 AM PDT

I believe 16 TB. For all intents and purposes, that is pretty much

"Mike" <> wrote in message

exchange tasks --> Available tasks wizard empty

Posted: 24 Mar 2008 08:46 PM PDT

Thank you very much Ed, but i've checked out permissions and still are the
same problem.

Any ideas?

thank you very much


"Ed Crowley [MVP]" <org> escribió en el mensaje

Please help!! Delivery has failed to these recipients or distribution

Posted: 24 Mar 2008 01:30 PM PDT

You're sending using a cached entry from the Outlook nickname file, an old
Outlook Contact, an old Personal Address Book entry, or replying to an old
message. Address the message from the address book and see if the problem
doesn't go away. If your client is running in cached mode, then make sure
that it's up to date on the server and your client.
Ed Crowley
MVP - Exchange
"Protecting the world from PSTs and brick backups!"

"Diego" <com> wrote in message 

Address List Report

Posted: 24 Mar 2008 01:13 PM PDT

Reading your original post again - this is about OWA. OWA 2003/2000 clients
cannot see a browsable GAL like Microsoft Outlook clients can. They can,
however, search for users. If you leave the search field blank, it displays
the first X entries (believe the number is 100).

Typing a name in the To/CC/Bcc fields also resolves valid recipients.

Exchange Server 2007 has a browsable GAL.
Exchange Server 2003/2000 users can use third-party add-ins like
MessageWare's PlusPack or OWA Suite.

Added expense, but way more productive than using a print-out, imo.
Bharat Suneja
MVP - Exchange
NEW blog location:

"M" <com> wrote in message

SMTP problem with Exchange 2003

Posted: 21 Mar 2008 10:23 PM PDT


I think this is the transfer between information stores from other other server to this particular server. Anyone know why this happen ?

"Johnny " <com> wrote in message news:phx.gbl...

I have also noticed that some transfers from other server to this particular server are expericing the same case as showned attached. Does any one know where I can locate these and how can they be actually delivered from the hidden queue(s).

Help from you experts is really appreciated. Thanks


"Johnny " <com> wrote in message news:phx.gbl...
Hi All

I have setup a SMTP routing connector (with smart host) to route all Internet e-mails to our e-mail gateway. It's been running normally and no users have reported any problems. But in a random check on the Message Tracking Center, I noticed the message is logged with the following status

SMTP: Message Sumitted to Categorizer
SMTP: Message Categorized and Queued for Routing
SMTP: Message Routed and Queued for Remote Delivery

I again check the Queue for this server and could not find the specific message. Can anyone point out where I could locate those message to find out the reason why the message was not being passed to the SMTP connector ? Meanwhile, I noticed that all other messages work fine.


hardware updqte

Posted: 21 Mar 2008 03:22 PM PDT

The server name really does not matter in this case. If it were me I would
just install Exchange 2003, move mailboxes, then follow If you really want to keep the same
name then look at

John Oliver, Jr
Exchange MVP 2008
Microsoft Certified Partner

"SuperSlueth" <> wrote in message

Recovering from a PRIV1.EDB + PRIV1.STM

Posted: 20 Mar 2008 06:44 AM PDT

Thanks John. All done.

As no-one had come back I did a little more research and this link
came up way down but saved us :

There were two things I was missing the first time I tried, Cleanup
Agent which you mention as well, but the killer for us was the 18GB
limit which we'd completely overlooked.

Thanks for the help.


"John Oliver, Jr. [MVP]" <com> wrote in message
That should do it. You will need to run Clean Up Agent on the
Database when
its mounted then reconnect the mailboxes.

John Oliver, Jr
Exchange MVP 2008
Microsoft Certified Partner

"Karl Strausser" <net> wrote in message