

Open Office - [discuss] webOS App

Open Office - [discuss] webOS App

[discuss] webOS App

Posted: 07 Jun 2010 01:55 PM PDT

It seems that there is demand for ooo on small devices such as
phones, palmtops, the internet but due to the size of ooo this is not

Perhaps there could be a place for popular aspects to be tailored to
these devices if a concensus of users came up with a sensible list eg
* spreadsheet with limited size and range of functionality
* simple drawing capability - the psion had one!
* simple document writer


[discuss] fixes needed

Posted: 04 Jun 2010 08:28 AM PDT

On Fri, Jun 04, 2010 at 04:28:57PM +0100, Sam Rogers wrote: 

When you saved these docs originally did you use the "save as" option or
simply click on "save"? If "save" then it's user error. Next time try to
learn the software before complaining.

Bob Holtzman
Key ID: 8D549279
"If you think you're getting free lunch,
check the price of the beer"

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)

iD8DBQFMDWSSv5BYD41UknkRAiORAJ9imB7myiQHz5thpF6fBk 5KCYQ+wwCg5hZD

[discuss] OOoCon 2006 - 2009

Posted: 02 Jun 2010 04:02 AM PDT

On Wed, 2 Jun 2010, Peter Junge wrote: 

Thanks. Are the others about 400 participants?

Lars Nooden

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[discuss] Adding Fonts

Posted: 02 Jun 2010 02:05 AM PDT

On 6/2/10 5:02 PM, Paul Gress wrote: 

That seems to be a good idea, yes.

Kind regards, pl

"If the designers of X-window built cars, there would be no fewer than
five steering wheels hidden about the cockpit, none of which followed
the same principles -- but you'd be able to shift gears with your
car stereo. Useful feature, that."
-- From the programming notebooks of a heretic, 1990.

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[discuss] Oo PDF Import and edit?

Posted: 31 May 2010 03:24 AM PDT

On 5/31/10 1:14 PM, Aleksandr wrote: 


Kind regards, pl

"If the designers of X-window built cars, there would be no fewer than
five steering wheels hidden about the cockpit, none of which followed
the same principles -- but you'd be able to shift gears with your
car stereo. Useful feature, that."
-- From the programming notebooks of a heretic, 1990.

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[discuss] [Ubuntu] Remove OOo Draw from the default install?

Posted: 30 May 2010 07:00 PM PDT


NoOp wrote:
seems to be better to review the whole thread.

I find the original question unqualified as the author obviously didn't
take any effort to dig deeper into the topic or working with Draw before
going to the list. The replies at the thread say most things that have
to be said.

Personally I live in Beijing/China. OOo market share is pretty low here:
I was talking to some of my Chinese friends, who frequently work with
OOo. They are also using Draw and find the features rich and appealing.
However there are some issues for them, primarily complaining that there
isn't spend too much development effort on Draw, both regarding bug
fixes and lack of new features. As many Chinese users are loving to
create graphical artwork, my friends are sure that improvements for Draw
would also help the general OOo adoption in China. One of my friends
called Zhang Weiwu tried to spark a discussion about on a mailing list
(sorry, cannot remember which one) some months ago with little response

Best regards,

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[discuss] software question

Posted: 29 May 2010 09:39 PM PDT

On 30/05/2010 05:39, Frank Castillo wrote: 

This question comes up from time to time and the answer is no. Many
people on this list would recomment Mozilla Thunderbird for e-mails, but
I have seen some comments in the computer press that the tabbed browsing
takes some getting used to. Thunderbird is free and open source and from
the same people that provide Firefox.



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[discuss] Show formulas?

Posted: 25 May 2010 03:07 PM PDT

On 10-05-25 09:40 PM, TomW wrote: 
Genius! Thank you!

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[discuss] Calc- re-calc doens't work

Posted: 25 May 2010 05:45 AM PDT

Niklas Nebel wrote: 

Indeed. For my peace of mind, I've just checked a simple example with a
print range defined and some cells within it calculated from cells
outside it. I don't see any problems - everything updates as expected
(OOo 2.4 on Ubuntu 8.04, btw).

I suggest the OP recheck what he's doing, then simplify his spreadsheet
to give something easy to understand that exhibits the fault. If he's
lucky, he'll spot a problem while doing this; if not he could post the
simplified example. He ought to say what version/OS as well.

Mike Scott mike <at> <removeme>
Harlow Essex England

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[discuss] OT - Ro4.5 for Linux (Ubuntu) English Lang. Pack

Posted: 22 May 2010 05:55 PM PDT

Just to follow up on that - I did install the Sun Report Builder for OO.o
3.0 and it does install, it comes up with the UI in Chinese - but it has all
of the 3.0 bugs, and a few new ones it seems.

So I can create reports, but crash he system when I try to run them...that
and all the menus are gone...oh well...but the keyboard shortcuts work and
SOME of the toolbars are available.
