

Microsoft Word - styles suddenly lost - How can I get them back?

Microsoft Word - styles suddenly lost - How can I get them back? styles suddenly lost - How can I get them back?

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 03:16 PM PST

A few months back I upgraded from Windows XP and Office 2003 to Windows 7 and Office 2013. Until today I have had no problem using all the specialized paragraph styles that I had created in Word 2003. I generally open all my old documents in Compatibility Mode. With all my documents I have been able to click the Change Styles button and get a drop-down window listing all the styles that I had created and stored in Suddenly today they are all gone - I get nothing when I click Change Styles but a couple of lines of presumably standard items. This is true of every document that I've tried opening.

I fear I must have clicked something accidentally that disconnected my styles from my working documents. How do I get them back?

(In Word 2003 I could open a dialogue box where I could merge styles from into an open document, but I can't find anything like that in Word 2013.)

If, God forbid, I can't get them back, How do I recreate specialized styles that can be used with every document?


Microsoft Word 2013 -- Cannot save my files!

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 02:55 PM PST

Whenever I try to save my file two things happen:

i) The save process takes about 1-2 minutes, during which the memory usage of winword.exe rises from 700,000 K to >2,000,000 K. A 0kb word save is created and the save fails. 

ii) I get the an error stating "A file error has occurred." and my file does not save

The only way I am currently able to save my file is through autosave. Please help!

The document I am saving does not contain any equations, it contains some graphs and has a file size of ~6 mb, 937 words, 6 pages.

The graphs are from a program called AcqKnowledge BIOPAC and is just plotted wave data. I have noticed only when I use these graphs does this save error issue come up. Other problems include overall lag and low responsiveness of the program. I'm on windows 7 x64, 8gb ram, my hard drives are all ok with enough space, sufficient hardware-wise.

I have also tried to copy and paste to a new word file and save it but I come across the sample error.

Setting Tracking Options in Word 2010

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 02:44 PM PST

The screen that shows the tracking options for a document in Word 2010 does not allow me to scroll down to where I should click to save my customizing. Please help!

How do I create an odd numbered list in word 2013?

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 02:23 PM PST

How do I create an odd numbered list in word 2013?

Print multiple booklet pages on 1 sheet

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 02:08 PM PST

Please I would appreciate your help on this.

I have a 32-page document which I want to print is a booklet. Each page is an A6 in size. I have already set the book-fold option, which means that I will be printing on A5 paper Landscape. (i.e. 2 A6 pages = 1 A5). Up to this point no problem.

Now my problem: I want to print on A2 size sheets. Effectively, that means I should be able to print eight (8) A5 booklet pages per A2 sheet.

Just to explain further, the normal book fold will print pages 32 and 1 on an A5 sheet.

But what I want is to print pages 32 and 1, followed by pages 30 and 3, followed by pages 28 and 5, and so on until pages 17 and 16, ALL ON THE SAME A2 SHEET. (= 8 A5 booklet pages or 16 single A6 pages per A2 sheet)

My reason for wanting to do this is to save costs of plate-making and impression, and overall production costs.

One crude option will be to copy the text page for page into CorelDraw, and then manually arrange them to print in the right order on the A2 sheet.

But If I can get this done from word or publisher, I would be happy.

I appreciate any qualitative help or advice. Thanks and God bless.

Delete Key acting weird in Word

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 01:01 PM PST

When I use the delete key in my document, it deletes that one character and then the curser immediately jumps to the beginning of that line.   How can I fix this?   It never used to do this.

Save a merged document and remove merge codes.

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 12:17 PM PST

In Word XP there was a way to save a single merged form that removed the merge codes and made the merged information permanent so that when you open the document it does not have to go to data base. I can't remember the procedure. Is it available in Word 10 and if so how?

Use the data in a table and populate a 'block' graph (table)

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 11:56 AM PST


I am trying to accomplish the following and welcome any suggestions:

Two columns in a table (with two or more columns on either side) each store a number.

The two columns happen to be side by side.

There is another column titled 'AA'.

There may be n - nnnnxxxx rows in the table. Elsewhere is a 'graphical' representation of the compilation of the data in the two columns. This 'graph' contains 5 blocks in the Y 'axis' and 5 blocks in the X 'axis'. For example, if Row 1 contains the values Y(2) and X(3) in these columns and the AA column for this row contains the value 'ABC', the value 'ABC' will appear in the 'graph' in block X(3), block Y(2). More than one value can display in a block. So, the 'graph' should initially be created as a table(?) so that the blocks can expand.

Following is an example of the table (note that a blank row appeared during the copy from my source to here):

AB 3 3
CD 2 3
EF 2 2
GH 2 2

Following is an example of the graphical representation of the information in the table (please note that the cells in the last column were garbled when I copied them to here):


Y 5          
  3 CD AA    
  2 EF, GH      
  1 2 3 4


Also, the above table will be color coded. The AA values appearing in the cells will not change the color. In other words, the table will look like the above table (with color added). The X and Y value for each AA will be 1 through 5, so it will fit somewhere in the table.

Because there may be nnnxxx rows in the table with the source data, this graphical representation will need to be able to expand the cells in a row if a cell contains more AA values than the cell can display otherwise.

Also, the Y column is not supposed to look as if it contains individual cells. I had merged them prior to copying. A bunch of rows were pushed to the left.


MaryTNolan (Mary T. Nolan)

*** Email address is removed for privacy ***

Printing problems with address labels

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 10:34 AM PST

Printing Problems

Printer: Pixma iP 4920

Software: Microsoft Office 10

Access 10

                        Word 10

Avery Label: 5160           

Print does not track according to the label. The first row of labels may be properly filled in. Succeeding rows have print farther and farther out of sync with the label with print moving toward the top of the label. The last row has the first line of text on the label missing. Print preview looks OK.

I seem to remember something about calibrating the printer with the label several years ago. I don't see anything about that with latest label 5160.

The problem exists with Avery Design Pro, Label creation with Access and also with Word. I note that the Avery template for the 5160 is several years old; is it compatible with the latest versions of software? Is it possible to print labels with the iP 4920?

I'm sending this to all those who might be able to give some corrective action/ideas I might be able to implement. I would be grateful for any help offered. My wife has a greeting card ministry with our church and preprinted labels are a tremendous help to her.

Reece Maxey

Word/Excel 2010 not remembering the last opened or saved location

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 10:04 AM PST

Recently, on opening a document stored in a folder not located in the default working folder, when selecting Save As, the dialog window reverts back to the default working folder rather than the location where the document was opened from.

So if working on several files stored in a folder which is stored in a long folder structure, each time another document needs to be opened or perform a save as from that same location, the dialog box shows the default working folder (Documents) and you have to drill down the folder structure to the folder where the documents are which is now time consuming.

Just to be clear, I'm not asking how to set or change the default working folder, I know how to do that and that procedure is fully documented here, "Set or rename a default working folder"

The laptop is running Windows 8.1 with Office 2010.

This issue has only occurred in the last week and the only changes I am aware of is the default Libraries needed to be recreated.



Default in Word 2010's Search function

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 08:48 AM PST

Word 2010's Search function defaults to the Headings option (and promptly informs me correctly that my document has no headings) no matter how many times I select text search.  I can find no option to set the default to text, although I believe that Word 2007 did not exhibit this behavior.  Am I missing something?

Thank you.

Word Hyper link Not working On Ctrl+Clik

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 08:34 AM PST

One of my Document have a hyper link to a web page,Which up on Ctrl+Click loads to Error, while copying the URL from link description and  pasting it in browser loads the page fine!

This confuses me. I am on an Local network and the URL location is an Internet site URL.

Please Help


Tabs on ribbon don't show

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 08:22 AM PST

I'm running Word 2010 on Windows 7. When it opens I see the ribbon on top but it is only the home display and no other  tabs show-, Insert, Page layout, etc -to change commands. How do I get the tabs to show so I can change the commands for a different page layout?  The tab bar is also missing on Excel while the ribbon is still there.

Word 2013 Mail merge to an e-mail loses embedded documents

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 05:46 AM PST

Im using Word 2013 and Outlook 2013 as part of the Office 365 subscription service (so connected to an Exchange server)

I created a mail-merge e-mail in Word, and used Insert / Object / Create from File to insert a PDF file in the document.  I tested the PDF file by double-clicking - it opened just fine.

I then ran the mail-merge function to send all the e-mails.

The copy e-mails in my "Sent" folder and the e-mails as received have no embedded PDF file - the file has been replaced with a small JPG file saying "Adobe Acrobat Document"

As part of my investigations I've tried sending other files types - but with the same result - the original file is not sent and is replaced with an icon

I have previously (~8 weeks ago) used this approach successfully to send out an e-mail to a group of people.

Anyone able to suggest whet I'm doing wrong?  Is there some security setting that strips out attachments in this manner

Thanks - Ian

Save-As pdf option NOT rendering vertical text.

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 05:07 AM PST

In word 2010 I have a chart with Y-axis label as 'Basis-Points (bps)' in vertical  alignment BUT when I save the file as pdf from 'save-as' option of word the Chart axes title becomes horizontal like shown :

(The screeen shot is from pdf saved in standard size & not minimum size )

Surface Pro - Windows 8 Word Opening attachments and saving to allow annotaion

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 04:47 AM PST

A PDF attachment which I copied as a Word doc and began annotating using the PEN, later stopped allowing annotations. Why does this occur. And why does the same attachment fail to save as a Word document able to be edited?

Very frustrating, particularly as I'm presuming I've done or not done something!


Problem opening files Microsoft office 2003

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 04:20 AM PST

I am trying to open word documents which are stored in my documents.

The files are all listed but when i double click to open, the page just comes up blank with the following message error.

windows cannot find 'C:\Documents and settings\user\My Documents\file name.doc'

I have even tried creating a new document and saving it to my documents.  I then try to read it and get the same scenario.

I have downloaded latest version of Adobe Reader hoping this would help but no joy.

Have also searched and made sure all programs are enabled.

would appreciate any suggestions

Automatically adding commas when numbers reach 4 integers or greater

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 04:14 AM PST


Is there a way to have word automatically add a comma whenever a typed in number reaches past 4 digits?  Right now, I'm manually adding in a comma to write numbers such as $1,000,000.

Now that Office Web Apps is Office Online, what do I need to know?

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 02:57 AM PST

Now that Office Web Apps is Office Online, what do I need to know?

Pasting Section is pasting in with wrong font size?

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 02:22 AM PST

I am importing several official documents into one so that I can perform a mail merge

Each document needs to be in separate section with different headers/footers/margins,etc

I am having difficulty importing (pasting) the last document in because for some reason it is ignoring the original (copied) font size and pasting in one size too big?? 

Is there a section setting I am missing to make sure this document pastes into a section with font size "as is"


save pdf file as docx

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 01:23 AM PST

i have a pdf file i want to convert to docx.

the pdf size is about 3 MB after converting , the docx size is 55MB

there is any good way to reduce the file size without remove pictures from the file?

After sign on to share point online, it ask for the credentials when trying to open a word or excel file

Posted: 21 Feb 2014 12:51 AM PST

How do I resolve this issue 

and I have windows7 and ie8

How can I get a Local GP Editor for Word 2013 Home & Student in 8.1?

Posted: 20 Feb 2014 10:33 PM PST

Word 2013 is overriding my document settings in Page SetUp and Font Style and Size.  I am trying to print out draft pages of a manuscript, on which I will need to do extensive editing. Word has determined that these documents are chapters of a book. So instead of printing out pages in draft form, it overrides my settings and will only print out a finished book page that is in a smaller font setup for a 5 x 7 paperback--impossible to edit. I deliberately avoided using a manuscript template, just ordinary blank documents with margins set at 1.5" Left and 1" all others.

I cannot edit the printouts it's giving me and need a Local Group Policy Editor to stop the Word app override. I found a number of options from past forum entries, but haven't been able to download any they offer--either 8.1 or Word won't let me. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

many keyboard functionalities doesn't work in word 2010

Posted: 20 Feb 2014 07:55 PM PST

Good morning,

I've installed office 2010 but there are many functionalities by the keyboard that doesn't work like copy, cut and paste also ctrl + A or ctrl + S. and some other work fine like ctrl + B, ctrl + U ..etc. Can you suggest me some solutions. 

Thanks :)

MIcrosoft Office

Posted: 20 Feb 2014 07:14 PM PST

how to upgrade Microsoft Office Words & Powerpoint from 2007 - 2013? 

Transferring Word (and Outlook) 2013 custom settings

Posted: 20 Feb 2014 07:05 PM PST

I'm about to put in six new machines for our business, running Windows 7. Five of them will only be used by me: two office machines, two laptops, and one home machine. The fifth is used by my staff and I'll be the one setting it up.

I'm planning on buying multiple licenses for Office Professional 2013 (which I believe will be under the "open license" format according to what the dealer says I'll be getting).

I know from experience that I will initially be spending a lot of time modifying the default settings in Word to accommodate what I like -- and what I don't like.

I'll be putting Outlook clients on five of these machines, too, but at least there's less for me to customize.

Please tell me there's an easy, elegant way to copy my new settings to the other five machines after manually customizing everything on one, at least for Word.

And if so, it would be great to know how, please.

(Frankly, if this is easier to do in Office 2010, it may be worth it to me to exercise my "downgrade" option.)


Modified documents cannot be saved under the same name

Posted: 20 Feb 2014 06:23 PM PST

When opening existing documents (Word, PPT, and Excel) to update or modify, open defaults to a Read Only file, which cannot be saved as the same document.  I have looked for a box to uncheck, but the only way I have found so far to bypass the read only is to click the down arrow next to Open and select open.  Too many steps and makes the quick access menu useless.  Any help appreciated.  I have never seen this before.

Problems with Microsoft Office

Posted: 20 Feb 2014 05:54 PM PST

I have Windows 8.1 on a 2 month old brand new Acer computer. It is an aspire M5-583P-9688 with an i7 chip and 8 GB of memory.

I have Microsoft University 2013 but I mainly use Excel, PowerPoint, and Word. However recently I have been having lots of problems with these 3 programs. I had a laptop before this and even on that computer I had problems with these programs.

I also have Webroot which I have used to scan my computer multiple times and it has not reported any viruses.

Problems include:

  • Not opening files from online
  • trouble saving any where (in cloud on in my documents)
  • problems opening existing files from my documents
  • excessive time needed to just open the programs
  • add-in problems

I do not remember downloading any apps and I remember this has always been a problem from the start.

So how do I fix this problem?


Posted: 20 Feb 2014 05:37 PM PST

I am at my wit's end I cannot open Microsoft word or anything else. I keep getting an error saying "setup error" and a msg saying "setup has encountered a problem during install. Please review logfiles for further information on error" 

I cannot even "change" or repair in the control panel. I click change and nothing happens! What can I do ?????

microsoft office 2007 installation

Posted: 20 Feb 2014 03:58 PM PST

Maybe someone can assist me because the Microsoft Help Desk is a mirage. You cannot get a callback and every assistant is eternally busy helping customers. Come on!

I bought Microsoft Office Home and Student 2007 because I need to install the software in an XP laptop that is not connected to the Internet and which has no Word software because I did not need it when I bought it.

The question is that when I type in the Product Key from the box label I get a message saying that it does not recognize the numbers as belonging to a Product Key. Has anybody ever heard of such a thing??!!

Thanks for your assistance.

Equations displayed funny

Posted: 20 Feb 2014 03:18 PM PST


I am a student who recieves a lot of files with these equations displayed. These files all come from my university where they all use Microsoft 2010 and above. This does not just occur just in word but  also in powerpoint. 

I used to have office 2007 and then upgraded to office 2013. 

I have tried reinstalling office, installing the compatibility program suggested, changing fonts in word, changing object to placeholders, changing fonts in Microsofts equation editor and even installing additional software like Mathtype 6.9. Non of the above worked.

The only way to change these formulas is to double-click them and use Microsofts equation editor 3.1. This is very time concuming and longwinded when you have a 10 page document from my math teacher.

Search within a file

Posted: 20 Feb 2014 09:55 AM PST

How do I search for a word or phrase contained within a Word File?  In both XP and Vista, I could do this.   I have tried searching for words and phrases I KNOW exist within Word Files on my computer, and I get no results.

Windows 8.1

64-bit Operating System


Posted: 20 Feb 2014 09:22 AM PST

When I try to open window word or Powerpoint etc I get the message 'The programme can't start because Appv1Subsystems32.dll is missing. Try reinstating programme. Any idea how I do this.

High Memory Usuage - Microsoft Exchange

High Memory Usuage - Microsoft Exchange

High Memory Usuage

Posted: 09 Mar 2006 08:17 AM PST

John Oliver, Jr
Exchange MVP 2006
Microsoft Certified Partner

"stup88" <> wrote in message

Q: Does Exchange 5.5 still need to be licensed?

Posted: 09 Mar 2006 07:08 AM PST

On Thu, 09 Mar 2006 15:08:37 +0000, Joe Numpty
<> wrote:

Yes, you still need to own valid server and client licences to use
Exchange 5.5. Discuss further licensing issues with your local MS
office or provider.

Urgent - Re-route inbound email

Posted: 09 Mar 2006 01:07 AM PST

I thought you had the account and mailbox already?
Anyway, Fred has his normal account and he's got email in it quite
happy etc. etc.
Now, do steps 1 through 4 but all you do in step 5 is to enter the
EXTERNAL email address you want mail to go to.
Then you go to the properties of the ACCOUNT (i.e. FRED) and then
navigate to the Delivery Options and enter the contact as the
alternate recipient

On Thu, 9 Mar 2006 07:18:58 -0800, Dave Tee
<> wrote:

sending email

Posted: 08 Mar 2006 04:21 PM PST

"yves" <> wrote in message

What version of Outlook? Using cached mode in OL2003? Is it connected/all
folders up to date?
What exact e-mail account type(s) do you have set up in Outlook/

OWA deleting mail?

Posted: 08 Mar 2006 11:56 AM PST

Thanks everyone, I thing that worked! I was looking for the filter settings
but I was looking under "Options". I missed it at the top of the main


"Clayton Sutton" <com> wrote in message

5.5 Database limit

Posted: 08 Mar 2006 11:02 AM PST

Yes, upgrading is an option....kind of. We have a program that runs
integrates with or Exchange server 5.5. It is called. KEYFLOW. Our keyflow
version does not run on active directory. so, we still have an NT domain. Im
not sure, but i think the newer version of keyflow will work on an active
directory, but we are not ready to upgrade all of our servers yet.

Anyway, will exchange 2003 run under our NT domain? When the time comes to
switch to active directory, can that new exchange server be easily converted?
Im not very familiar with active directory, so i dont know what the switch
over would consist of.

"Andrew Sword [MVP]" wrote:

Blank e-mail in OWA

Posted: 08 Mar 2006 10:45 AM PST

Exchange 2003

"Ed Crowley [MVP]" wrote:

Linux alternatives to Exchange

Posted: 08 Mar 2006 10:09 AM PST

On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 17:36:33 -0800, "Ed Crowley [MVP]"
<org> wrote:

Forever is only a couple of years. Then I get to retire and play golf.

Japanese Language

Posted: 08 Mar 2006 08:45 AM PST

"John Fullbright" <net> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

Removing Old 5.5 servers

Posted: 08 Mar 2006 08:31 AM PST

I recommend you remove them before removing the servers.
Ed Crowley
MVP - Exchange
"Protecting the world from PSTs and brick backups!"

"MikeD" <> wrote in message

Reports in Exchange 2oo3.

Posted: 08 Mar 2006 08:02 AM PST

Tell him, "I don't know."
Ed Crowley
MVP - Exchange
"Protecting the world from PSTs and brick backups!"

"Lion" <com> wrote in message

IMF filters authenticated user??

Posted: 08 Mar 2006 07:34 AM PST

- Is that the only server in your environment?
- Are you using the Content Weighting feature in IMFv2/SP2?
- Can you verify all messages from the Linux client are sent using the same
client software?
Bharat Suneja

"JTaylor" <> wrote in message

Exchange Task size Limit

Posted: 08 Mar 2006 06:01 AM PST


The task resides as a subfolder in Public Folders. Saving task with < 10Mb
of attachement works fine. Adding attachements so the total size gets larger
than 10 Mb results in the following error:

The item could not be saved in this folder. The folder have may been deleted
or moved. Or you may not have the appropiate permissions to this folder.
Right-click the folder, and then click Properties to check your permissions
on the folder.

The permissions tab display owner permissions for the user. There is no
diskqouta in place on the HDD partititon.
At the moment I am not deteecting any corresponding eventlog messages being
generated when the error occures, neither on the client or on the exchange

"Ed Crowley [MVP]" wrote:

sharing emails in exchange server 2003

Posted: 07 Mar 2006 02:50 PM PST

i am the administrator

"Ed Crowley [MVP]" wrote:

Public Folder Flags

Posted: 07 Mar 2006 11:50 AM PST

I am using the Quest tool to sync and migrate the users and the directories
in the public folder infrastructure. Not all my users have been migrated
yet, but those that have are noticing the issue described below. They are in
the same Excahnge organization.

"Ed Crowley [MVP]" wrote:

How to obtain Exchange 2000 Hotfix?

Posted: 06 Mar 2006 09:10 AM PST

The call for a hotfix is supposed to be without charge.
Ed Crowley
MVP - Exchange
"Protecting the world from PSTs and brick backups!"

"sam-d." <> wrote in message

User defined Fields & Filters Microsoft Project

User defined Fields & Filters Microsoft Project

User defined Fields & Filters

Posted: 21 Mar 2005 07:29 AM PST

Hi Niels,

1. That depends as to what are "Special Fields".
The symbol for the standard cost fields is defined in Tools, Options, View
You can (through a formula) use a different symbol but only isn custom text

2. Yes.
As a value for the filter give
"The prompt text here"?
Make sure the quetion mark IMMEDIATELY follows the double quotes.


Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32-495-300 620
"Niels Brabandt" <de> schreef in bericht

Task Start Time

Posted: 21 Mar 2005 07:09 AM PST

Hi Blur,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :-)

You are advised against entering dates and times as Project will apply a
constraint which might affect the flexibility of your project. Enter
Durations and precedence links and let Project do the calculations for you.
For the first task, in Project/Project Information enter the project date
with a start time and Project will schedule your tasks from then.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :-))

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

blur wrote: 

Setting up the timeline

Posted: 19 Mar 2005 08:49 PM PST

Hi Steve (and others),

I'm glad to see your response, as I've used this solution for the similar,
yet different, issue of tracking distribution or contacts (where the contacts
aren't truly resources) associated with a task.

In my case, a task might be "Distribute report" and I've created a checklist
(with checkboxes) in Word and inserted it into the Notes section. However,
when one hovers over the Notes indicator, it does not show the "picture" of
the checklist. Is there a way to show this visually, without actually opening
up the task information box?

Much thanks...L

"Steve House [MVP]" wrote:

Resetting dates in Project 2003

Posted: 18 Mar 2005 02:09 PM PST

In article <com>,
Tom <> wrote:

I checked Steve's response to see if he addressed your remaining
questions but he only re-iterated and expanded upon my third comment on
tasks with progress.

Here is more information about my original comments.
A) To set (or check) the calculation setting go to,
Tools/Options/Calculation tab. The default is "automatic", however if it
was changed to "manual" at some point, it would keep dates from moving
when the file was changed. Note that this setting is a Global setting.
That is, it is applied to all projects opened rather than just to the
active project.
B) There are two Constraint fields - Date and Type. When talking about
constraints, I normally refer to the Constraint Type field. The default
entry is "As-soon-as-possible". However some users (usually new users)
have a tendency to want to enter Start and/or Finish dates for tasks
directly. Doing so, automatically sets a constraint depending on which
was entered last. For example, if a Start date is manually entered, a
constraint of "Start-no-earlier-than" is set. If the Finish date is then
also manually entered, a constraint of "Finish-no-earlier-than" will be
set. There is no outward indication that a constraint is being set
unless the Constraint Type field or the Constraint Date field is shown
in the view. However if the user makes a change and doesn't see task
dates move, the reason might be due to a constraint. The fact that you
checked and found "NA" in the Constraint Date field also indicates no
constraint is set on those tasks.
C) I think Steve's response expanded on the issue of tasks with
progress. Tasks with progress will not move because they basically
switch from being "the plan schedule" to the "actual schedule". Reality
gets applied and "locks" the tasks in place.

Hopefully this more detailed explanation helps. If not post back.

Project MVP

Adjusting the dates in the Project

Posted: 18 Mar 2005 01:57 PM PST

Hi KT,

See FAQ 46. "Analysis Toolbar" at:

for a possible fix.

Hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.


"KT" wrote:

Standard Project field Names

Posted: 18 Mar 2005 11:27 AM PST

Thanks. I'll modify my responses in the future.
I'm wondering if I'll ever actually use Proj 2003...
More likely, I'll just wait for the next version.

-Jack ... For project information and macro examples visit

"Gary L. Chefetz (MVP)" <gary.nospam at> wrote in message

Earned value calculation vs work contour

Posted: 18 Mar 2005 10:37 AM PST

Hi Steve,

I agree with you except for one thing.

In your example, Joe only worked 3 days out of 5. Let’s suppose he was sick
on Tuesday and Wednesday. Actual work for those days would be 0 and MS
Project would reschedule 16 hours of work in the future. The new project end
date is scheduled to be 2 days later, but duration is still 10 days because
it’s based on working days, not elapsed days.

In your example(at the end of day 5):
% complete = 3 working days/10 days = 30%
% work complete = 24 h/ 80h = 30%
BCWS = 40
BCWP = 24
SPI = 0.6
CPI = 1

Those numbers are correct.

Now what if Joe was not sick but had something more important to do and only
managed to work the following hours on the project:
Monday:2h, Tuesday:3h, Wednesday:3h, Thursday:8h, Friday:8h.

Again, there are 24 hours that were performed during five days and the
project end date is still delayed by two days. But duration is now 12 days
instead of 10.

New values are:

% complete = 5 working days / 12 days = 42%
% work complete = 24h / 80h = 30%
BCWS = 40
BCWP = 33.73 (based on % complete)
SPI = 0.84
CPI = 1.41???

In both cases Joe managed to put in the same 24 h of work during the very
same 5 day period. Since we did not revise the remaining work, I can see no
reason for BCWP not to be the same at the end of day 5! How do you explain a
CPI of 1.41 in the second example, since Joe is not going to work less or
more hours than the 80 hours that have been planned?

For more fun, apply a back loaded work contour to the assignment and enter
the actual values as per example one: no work on Tuesday and Wednesday. Take
a look at BCWP, CPI and SPI and see how funny they have become!

Now try this: apply the Task usage view, insert % complete and % work
complete columns, then simulate the above examples. You will find that at the
assignment level, BCWP is calculated with % work complete. But at the task
level, BCWP is calculated with % complete. Every time % complete is different
from % work complete, assignment and task won’t get the same BCWP even with
only one resource assigned to the task. That doesn’t make any sense to me.

My point is that I would like MS Project to show consistency in the way
earned value is calculated. Personally, I do think that % work complete is a
better estimate than any tricky formulas based on duration (as demonstrated
by example 2) and I would like Microsoft to add this feature to the software.


"Steve House [MVP]" wrote:

Leveling part-time resources

Posted: 18 Mar 2005 09:03 AM PST

I would suggest the difference between 4 hrs and 2.4 hours in a week is too
small to worry about - just accept the over-allocation . Beware of micro

Mike Glen
Project MVP

JulieD wrote: 

Exporting sub projects to html

Posted: 18 Mar 2005 08:19 AM PST

Julie already said that above. On the Formatting toolbar, click
Show>All Subtasks.

Conditional Color Coding

Posted: 18 Mar 2005 06:13 AM PST

VBA will do it, based on an if statement. Let me know if you need
information on how to do it in VBA.


"PK Bear" wrote:

Conditional formatting task usage view

Posted: 18 Mar 2005 05:47 AM PST


A thousand pardons. I neglected to read the subject line closely enough......


Project should let me hide non-working time on printing a Gantt Ch

Posted: 18 Mar 2005 04:31 AM PST

Or you could start from the MS project web site here:
and select Suggest new content.

Mike Glen
Project MVP

JulieD wrote: 

Earned Value in MSP

Posted: 17 Mar 2005 08:06 AM PST

Try my add-in at - I built it to deal with hours and
done/not-done reporting.


__________________________________________________ _______
Mark Durrenberger, PMP
Principal, Oak Associates, Inc,
"Advancing the Theory and Practice of Project Management"
__________________________________________________ ______

The nicest thing about NOT planning is that failure
comes as a complete surprise and is not preceded by
a period of worry and depression.

- Sir John Harvey-Jones
<com> wrote in message

Exchange in small company - Microsoft Exchange

Exchange in small company - Microsoft Exchange

Exchange in small company

Posted: 08 Mar 2006 01:17 AM PST

Barf on POP connectors.
How about a different approach. Contact the ISP and ask them about upgrading
your connectivity to a package that supports a static IP. Most DSL providers
can do this. The extra $10-20 a month would be well worth avoiding a POP

"Nuevo" <com> wrote in message

Local Delivery Queue Retry Problem

Posted: 07 Mar 2006 05:28 PM PST

Disable Symantec services completely and reboot the Exchange server to
flush the processes in the memory.
Also is the symantec AV set to exclude all the Exchange directories
from the AV scan ..
Exclude the following..

Exchsrvr parent folder and all subfolders

Also if you do message tracking for the message which is in local
delivery Queue, what does it show ?


Help - xxx is tacked on at the end of outgoing external emails

Posted: 07 Mar 2006 02:29 PM PST

Are you using forwardig mails to a smarthost which inturn sends mail to
the outside world. Check the message header and see where it stands a
chance to get some information like this. Try disabling that service or
even check the IIS metabase to see if someone has been playing with
event sinks.


senmail and exchange

Posted: 07 Mar 2006 02:11 PM PST

Goto the Default SMTP Virtual Server on the Exchange Server and set the
Ip address of the sendmail server for the option which says " Forward
all unresolved recipients to host "
This is a simple way of coexisting with the send mail server . Also
make sure you can send mail from Exchange to send mail before you do
this, just to check connectivity.


Redirect all emails on 1 exchange address

Posted: 07 Mar 2006 08:55 AM PST

Hello. I'm using Win SBS2003 with Exchange 2003. I looked for the options but
could not find them. Could you help please?

"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]" wrote:

smtp issus

Posted: 07 Mar 2006 08:45 AM PST

We have a front end relay, running ISA and GFI Mail Security. This server
receives all inbound mail. The SMTP connector then forwards the email to our
exchange server. Everything worked great for over a year now so I cant
imagine what went wrong unless another admin messed with something not

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

Retrieving as POP3 client shows all mail as old in Outlook

Posted: 07 Mar 2006 07:28 AM PST

I had an issue with blackberry web client which would basically issue
top, list and retrieve commands to download via POP3 from the Exchange
server and this would leave the mails as read in the Exchange server

This issue is currently being worked by MS, i think its as high as Dev.
You need to understand what set of commands your Treo device is sending
out to download the mails. Let me know the set of top commands that it

By da like i said this is a bug if Treo issues a dynamic Top command
like Top 1,2 or 3

Exchange Admin

Find Now returns "no items found" in a public folder when it should find something

Posted: 07 Mar 2006 07:00 AM PST


Thank you for posting here!

I notice that you have posted the same question in our exchange.admin,
exchange.clients, exchange.misc and outlook.general newsgroups. I will
focus on the post in outlook.general. So please check my answer there later
and if you need any further assistance on this issue, please reply to me in
that thread so I can follow up with you in time. Also, please don't
cross-post the same question in multiple newsgroups in the future so that
our engineers can work on your question efficiently. Your understanding and
cooperation is appreciated.

Microsoft Online Partner Support

Get Secure! -

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MS Exchange and external mail relay

Posted: 05 Mar 2006 08:46 AM PST

>This allows the Postfix box to generate NDRs, but Exchange still "thinks" it 

I agree, that would work fine.


Collecting and distributing POp3 emails?

Posted: 04 Mar 2006 09:24 AM PST

Exchange doesn't do it nativly, but the Windows Small Business Server (which
includes Exchange) has a tool of doing just that. So if running the Small
Business edition is an option then you don't need to worry about 3rd party

"Andrew" wrote:

Exchange 12 Unified Messaging???

Posted: 03 Mar 2006 10:54 AM PST

I guess my real question is how the voice messages will get into Outlook?
Will Exchange directly interface with the phone system in the place of a
voicemail system; of will it simply require a voicemail system capable of
delivering voice messages via SMTP?

"Leif Pedersen [MVP]" wrote:

When Priv1.edb approaches max size, is there a way to be notified?

Posted: 03 Mar 2006 09:40 AM PST

It can be extended to 75GB.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft Outlook FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!

"Gene" <> wrote in message

OWA access via HTTP

Posted: 03 Mar 2006 06:29 AM PST

Update. The test account is now working. I disabled the user account. reset
the password; re-enabled. retested ok. I applied this process to another
account but it failed !
Dave Tee
Tnx for anyones help

"Dave Tee" wrote:

Move queued mails between servers

Posted: 02 Mar 2006 02:13 PM PST

Thank you very much for the help. I really need it!

I tried your solution but it seems don't work.
I copied one mail as you propose from the "vs 1\queue" of the crashed server
to the "vs 1\queue" of the new server and the new incoming mails continue
been deliveried OK but the copied mail "doesn't dissapear" of the directory

It's true I only left the copied mail in the queue of the new server 1 or 2
minutes and then I returned it to the original directory. Is possible it need
more time to function properly? Have you prove anytime the solution you

Thanks in advance for your help.

"Bharat Suneja" wrote:

Send as Dist List?

Posted: 02 Mar 2006 11:19 AM PST

Thank you all, your solution worked like a charm.

"Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]" <com> wrote in message
Yes, if the user has Send As permission for that object in AD.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003
and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

"Cody" <none> wrote in message news:phx.gbl... 

"Read" Public Folders

Posted: 02 Mar 2006 09:59 AM PST

Thank you, Andy. Just what was needed.

"Andy David - MVP" wrote:

Planning for Exchange deployment

Posted: 02 Mar 2006 08:45 AM PST

Thank you all for a helpful links and informations.

"Bharat Suneja" <> wrote in message

Unable to download/save .zip attachments

Posted: 02 Mar 2006 05:56 AM PST

"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]"
<> wrote in message

There are no problems getting the zip through outlook both by exchange
locally ( Outlook 2003 ) and on off site PC's ( Outlook 2000 ). It seems
to be only confined to OWA.

I did find this article but it is for ISA 2000 and we are using ISA 2004 so
the steps are not adding up.

A quick work around right now is to forward the messages with .zips to a
hotmail account and download them from there, which works fine for now but
to have people do this is very time consuming and not to mention quite

Thanks again.

How to approve version of active IMF ..

Posted: 02 Mar 2006 04:47 AM PST


Here are details of a script that might help you out:

Mark Fugatt
Microsoft Limited

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

"Franz Leu" <> wrote in
message news:phx.gbl... 

SMTP 550 5.7.1 Message was rejected

Posted: 02 Mar 2006 03:57 AM PST

Your recipient dos not have a mx record r possibly an rdns record that is
required to be presetn by some ISP's to continue routing. By not having
this present, some ISP's automatically place these domains on Black lists as
well. Once they are registered, the domain is removed from the black lists

it can take up to 96 hrs for the isp's updates to propagate globally


"hinarei" <> wrote in message

Creating rule to stop swearing

Posted: 02 Mar 2006 03:19 AM PST

I would just place a jar that says 25 cents for swearin in e-mail and throw
a party at the end of the yr. I am the guy putting the 20 in the jar on

"Bharat Suneja" <> wrote in message

BCC header line appears in the text body!

Posted: 02 Mar 2006 02:43 AM PST

Mark Arnold [MVP] wrote: 

Well, the newsletter is being generated on our web server with PHP and
then distributed to the whole bunch of subscribers all over the

One of the receivers is accessing his regular mail account via Outlook
Web Access, i.e. with a browser. As far as I found out OWA is bound to
the MS Exchange Server (that's why I'm posting in this group).

That's what this user gets:

Von: de [mailto:de]
Gesendet: Mi 01.03.2006 12:03
An: ij
Betreff: Newsleter - ....

BCC: here comes the whole string of the bcc-receivers
Content-type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"
Return-Path: de
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 01 Mar 2006 11:03:43.0940 (UTC)

here comes the unformatted HTML code


My idea was, that the Mail server corrupts or misinterprets the
I found the following:
QUOTE On Windows servers, the Bcc: header does not work as it should.
Bcc: recipients do get a copy of the message, but the Bcc: headers are
not stripped out of the message during sending, so recipients can see
the Bcc: receivers by looking at those lines in the headers /QUOTE

Well, in this case the receiving server is a Windows server....

Any idea?

Can OWA handle special characters?

Posted: 01 Mar 2006 04:25 PM PST

Thank you for the resopnse. That confirms my suspesions on the ampersand. I
too was suprised when I began working here that they used the "&" in the help
desk e-mail account.

Thank you again,
- Greg

"Bharat Suneja" wrote:

Exchange Distribution Group

Posted: 01 Mar 2006 02:03 PM PST

Change your Recipient Policy that generates email addresses to exclude
Contacts... in the filter where you see (objectClass=Contact), add an
exclamation so it looks like (!objectClass=Contact) or you can delete
(objectClass=Contact) completely from the filter, and it'll stop generating
email addresses for Contacts.
Bharat Suneja

"M.Siler" <com> wrote in message