

Microsoft Word - Setting specific formats in a WORD template

Microsoft Word - Setting specific formats in a WORD template

Setting specific formats in a WORD template

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 02:23 PM PST

1.)  Can I create formatting defaults that are specific to one document only?  And that will move with the document from one computer to another? (I'm not talking about creating a template)

2.)  Can I create formatting defaults that remain in WORD and apply to any document that I create or open with that instance of WORD on my computer?  I've looked for and I CANNOT FIND IT, my computer returns EVERY word document on my computer when I search for it, EXCEPT

Please help, thank you!

Question about tabbing numbered lists and automatic tabbing in a table cell

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 02:12 PM PST

For Microsoft Word 2013, In a TABLE CELL, when you start a NUMBERED LIST, the tab jumps to the right automatically.  I want to set my tab at position 1 next to the line of the cell and have the numbered list stay at that position and not jump several places to the right.  How can I do this?

can't find office apps

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 01:09 PM PST

I recently got my new Surface Windows RT with Office Home and Student 2013 a few weeks ago but until now I can't seem to find any of my office apps. When I first got it they were all there preinstalled for me and worked fine. I made a new outlook account to use as my main user on the surface since my old Hotmail was full of junk and I stopped using it anyways. But now I can't find any of them; I tried searching for them from swiping the right side and nothing showed up. I tried searching it on my control panel from desktop to view programs but it wasn't there. Even when I try to open an excel or word file from my email, I don't have the appropriate program to open it with and then it asks me what kind of programs were available to open it with but none of them were the  office apps. Did I accidentally uninstall it by accident when I made my new account? Do I have to buy Office 2013 again? Thanks in advance.

Office 2010 starter

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 11:50 AM PST

Purchased and downloaded Office 2013 an hour ago, and I find it to be awful. I had Office XP for years. How can I get Office 2010 starter for Win 7, my new computer. I want to return 2013 and get a refund. Thanks for any help. 

Word 2013

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 11:35 AM PST

When I start to type a new document in word. the spell check is not working. If I open a old document it works fine.??????????????????  help

Images set as "Send to Back" move to front when converting to Adobe Acrobat XI PDF

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 10:54 AM PST

Images that have been marked "Send to Back" and wrapped as "Behind Text" move to front when converting from Word 2010 to Adobe Acrobat XI.  I am on Windows 7.  Anyone experiencing this?

A picture set to "centered to line" does not actually center to the line

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 10:38 AM PST

See the attached image...the picture is anchored to the line, and vertically set to "centered" to line"...

the red line shows an extension of the center of the picture, which extends to a position between the anchored line and the line above
The blue line shows what is expected to be the "center of the line" and where the center of the picture would be aligned to.

I know i can use the absolute position and make an adjustment, but if i change the image size, it would stay centered, and i need to re-figure out the offset

Content Control "OnChange" Event. Why is Microsoft dragging it's feet?

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 08:57 AM PST

Yesterday I was tinkering in Word and my custom Document_ContentControlOnChange event

and developed a relatively simple method to use that technique to create mutually exclusive content control checkboxes:

I shared it with a long-time Word MVP and his comment was "Best thing I've seen in six months. Very Nice!"

I'm just a dabbler in VBA and I certainly don't consider myself a programmer.  If I am able to cobble together things like this, I can't understand why Microsoft won't incorporate a built-in Document_ContentControlOnChange event in the application!

I consider content controls the "crown jewels" of Word.  That said, and as versatile as they are, Microsoft has left them unfinished.  I know that there has been a call for a change event since the content controls were introduced in Word 2007?  Why after two versions later is it still glaringly absent?

Hoping some moderator/MS employee will see this and forward it to the product team and that the product team will finally take long overdue action fix it or at least explain why they can't/won't.


Cannot open corrupted Office files

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 08:57 AM PST

I have recently lost a huge number of Microsoft Office files. When I tried to open a file, the first message I get is 'The file xxxxxxx cannot be opened because there are problems with the content'
When I click details, I get this 'The file is corrupt and cannot be opened'
When I click OK, I get another message which says ' Word found unreadable content in 'xxxxxxx' and asks me whether i want to recover the document. if I click OK. I will get back to the message which says 'The file xxxxxxx cannot be opened because there are problems with the content'
Sometimes I get the message to say that the files are corrupted and sometimes, it says invalid attributes
I have tried a number of recovery tools but nothing seems to work
Would appreciate all the helps.

Bibliography and Cited Works Problem

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 08:56 AM PST

I think there's a bug or at least bibliography and cited works format are incorrect.

For example:

Bibliography option (button) prints out Cited Works and Bibliography. Fine.

Cited Works option (button) also prints out Cited works and Bibliography. Incorrect. Because bibliography is what I have read and it contains no cited works.

I think bibliography and cited works are duplicate functions, with just different title.

Why do they both have the same output? 

For example:

(Works Cited, 2010) 


(Bibliography, 2010)

Bibliography is what the writer has read, and it does not need to be appended in the document - not until the very end anyways (the bibliography list).

Therefore making (Bibliography, 2010) irrelevant, and redundant. 

The only ones needed to be appended in the work is references and cited works. Bibliography should have a complete different form filling function, or at least output.

Reference and works cited can have the same form filling page.

But bibliography in my opinion should have a separate one that the writer fills in but appends and update the bibliography list at the end of the document. It shouldn't append this: (Bibliography, 2010), to the sentence or paragraphs as it's redundant. Because, if that was the case then it'll be a reference or cited works, and not bibliography. They're all different meanings, but Word 2010 treat them all the same.

Or at least, have a option to disable the append option of: (Bibliography, 2010)

To conclude, the bibliography and works cited are completely different, and Microsoft Office 2010 are treating it as if they are exactly the same (with just the different title). This is completely incorrect, and lazy programming.

How to prevent my words breaking on to a new line

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 08:49 AM PST

Ok so I have Microsoft Office 2013 and on Word , when I type it tends to break line mid word and it does it time and time again on every line the word can't fit. How can I fix this?

Please Help

Show tracked changes in the middle of the window?

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 08:36 AM PST

When reviewing changes made with track changes turned on, pressing the Next Change button will jump to the next change but Word only scrolls down far enough so the changes are always riding the bottom of the window. Sometimes I only see the top of an entire paragraph that was changed so I'm constantly scrolling down to see all of what was changed.

I'd like a way to have Word to center the changes in the window so it's easier to assess the change based on what's before and after it.

Microsoft Word 2013 will not download templates.

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 07:12 AM PST

When I tried to download templates from word, such as a CV, Christmas card or just a letter, I get to the screen where it allows me to "create" the template, but I keep getting an error message.  I make sure I am connected to the net at the time, I am operating Windows 8, but it still happens.  Any ideas?  Appreciate it.

QuickParts Not Updating

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 06:27 AM PST

I have been successfully using QuickParts in templates that I am building for my company, up until yesterday.  Yesterday, I was reformatting header and footer fields where the quick parts are located in forms to comply with change requests.  I've been saving the changes in a Word document until I'm satisfied to save it as a Template. However, for some reason, no matter what I've attempted, when I enter changes to Document Properties in the Document Properties Panel, the QuickPart fields are not updating in my header and footer AFTER the save.  Here is what I've tried:

- Removed and re-inserted the QuickParts from both the Header & Footer Tools Design tab and Insert tab

- Rebuilt the document from a template that does work

- Opened a new document and rebuilt

- Saved another word document that DOES work as a template, re-opened a new document and rebuilt, attaching the word document to the template (through Developer tab, Document Template).

- Entered a QuickParts field into the body of the document


Is there something I might have "turned off" in the process of doing my changes that I can easily reactivate?  Was there a Windows update that somehow has affected QuickParts?  Was there something in my building out the header and footers with tables that prevents an update after the save?


I'm not a developer so I don't know much about codes?  Any help in layman's terms would be appreciated, as soon as practically possible, so that deadlines can be met. Thanks!!!

office 2007/2013 header trrouble

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 03:53 AM PST

well my problem is that every time i edit one header the other also change to that one even if its a different style , i have used section breaks , broken the links , still i got jack, i tried it on my other pc same thing , and word 2013 same , i tried repairing, i re installed, talked to the techs at answerdesk still got nothing , 

anyone who can help ???   

chinese language

Posted: 30 Dec 2013 11:54 PM PST

Dear Sir

I have the Window 7 home premium operating system. My Microsoft office is a starter kit. If I want the full version I need to upgrade.

I want to install the Chinese language pack in word so that I can also type Chinese words. I am thinking of installing the Chinese simplified. However I am not able to install the Chinese language upgrade. I suspect this is due to the fact that my Microsoft office is only a starter kit with basic features only. If I want to have Chinese language in word, I need to pay or upgrade. Please advice me what to do so that I can have Chinese words in my Microsoft office.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Hemanta Tan

Index headings

Posted: 30 Dec 2013 10:25 PM PST

When a major category of an index, say "animals" as part of an index on say "New York," continues over several pages or columns, books often place a heading over succeeding columns, e.g. "animals-continued" to let you know that you're still in "animals." IS there a way to do this in Word such that if the index changes, the "animals-continued" will automatically be in the right place? (I don't  know how to say this more clearly.)

Help,Help,How to remove a toolbar(header) in Office Web Apps

Posted: 30 Dec 2013 09:57 PM PST

Help,How to remove a toolbar(header) in Office Web Apps,red area.

Thank you very much...

Bookmarks or links

Posted: 30 Dec 2013 08:54 PM PST

Does anybody know if there is a way to link from certain text in a Word document back to a heading number in the TOC. For example I have a long document (approx. 300 pages) in which I am in Heading: ' 2C4.3 Visual Approaches' in which I say 'refer to 2D.1.13 International Operations'. There are numerous references like this in my document and I know that I could insert a bookmark at 2C4.3 but I have at least 100 heading 1, 2, and 3 in my document that I refer to - can I somehow say that all TOC headings are bookmarks without individually going in and creating them all separately or is there some way that you can insert a 'link' to a heading???

I have 11 volumes of an operations manual all of which will be about the same size and will require links to other headings.

Numbered Heading 2 missing numbers

Posted: 30 Dec 2013 04:32 PM PST

Please help....I have a deadline and numbering is not behaving!
I'm working on a very large document using numbered headings.  I finally had everything set the way I wanted it and suddenly the numbering and font have changed on my level 2 heading.  I've tried to change it back but am not able.
I have gone through the "Adjust List Indents..." menu to "Define new multilevel list", I click on level 2 and the "Enter formatting for number" line is blank and will not recognize numbers when I try to enter the correct numbers.  I've tried to adjust the font and get the following error messages "the number must be between 1 and 600" followed by,  "the number must be between 1 and 1638".

comment balloons - highlight all?

Posted: 30 Dec 2013 04:02 PM PST

In older versions of Word, sections with comments were highlighted, by default, and you could quickly read over text and see what each comment was about without clicking on anything.  Now, for some reason comment balloons show up just fine, but I can't tell what the comment relates to unless I click on each comment.  This is very inefficient for me.  Is there any way to get all the comments to show the highlighted area by default?

Windows 8 & Office 2013 when I open word 2013, windows and word stop responding and I cannot use any of the gestures on my touch screen

Posted: 30 Dec 2013 09:39 AM PST

I have recently upgraded to windows 8.1 and since I have upgraded, when I open word 2013, windows and word stop responding and I cannot use any of the gestures on my touch screen meaning, I have to use short-cuts on my keyboard to do so. Please help. 

300 server software deployment - Forums Linux

300 server software deployment - Forums Linux

300 server software deployment

Posted: 18 Aug 2005 05:05 PM PDT

In comp.os.linux.setup ayotunde <>: 


I'd use *yum* if possible, you need the software in package (rpm)
format which will in addition easily allow to automate upgrading
of all systems. Ask your app provider about packages or make your
own out of the apps. IMHO there's nothing more efficient then
using the systems package manager.

Michael Heiming (X-PGP-Sig > GPG-Key ID: EDD27B94)
mail: echo qr | perl -pe 'y/a-z/n-za-m/'
#bofh excuse 227: Fatal error right in front of screen

Want to upgrade RH7.2 to Fedora

Posted: 17 Aug 2005 07:45 AM PDT

<com> wrote in message 

Yes, barely. Fedora Core 1 and 2 have fallen off the support charts, and
Fedora Core 3 and 4 use a 2.6 kernel and expect quite a lot more disk and
CPU and RAM. So if you have to do this, I'd install only a stripped version
of the OS and start pulling out stupid things, like the ISDN and modem

DVD writer.

Posted: 17 Aug 2005 05:23 AM PDT

"Leo (Bing) Whiteway" wrote: 

Accidentally posted to newsgroup, maybe? Posted and mailed.

"If you want to post a followup via, don't use
the broken "Reply" link at the bottom of the article. Click on
"show options" at the top of the article, then click on the
"Reply" at the bottom of the article headers." - Keith Thompson

Any text based BitTorrent programs?

Posted: 17 Aug 2005 01:06 AM PDT

17 Aug 2005 18:22 UTC, Chiefy typed:

This is an unauthorized cybernetic announcement.

KPPP issues

Posted: 16 Aug 2005 03:55 PM PDT

In comp.os.linux.development.system Lucas Raab <com> wrote: 

TtyS0 is just an abbreviation for a certain IRQ and io port combination
to which the driver listens (and you can change both arbitrarily with
setserial). In the mobo bios setup screen you can similarly set any IRQ
and io port for your serial ports to talk on. You must arrange that the
two settings coincide.

In this case I assume you have left the first serial port at its normal
default, to which, likewise by default, ttyS0 is set to listen to.

But I would be encouraged by some PROOF, rather than an opinion. What
does your kernel irq and io port list show? (/proc/interrupts, etc).
Can you talk to the modem via minicom on ttyS0?



I don't understand what you mean. AT commands have nothing to do with
networking. They're the standard Hayes commands that all modems have
understood for at least fifteen, twenty years. Read your modems manual!
Or just type "AT" at it! It doesn't require knowledge. It should reply

Then you have to read your modems manual to discover what the
appropriate initialisation string is for it. It's normally AT&F0 or


Well, don't do that. That's no use to man nor beast until you have
confirmed that you can talk to the modem, normally, through minicom.


No, that's what kppp says. Modems say no such things. They say things
like "OK" or "ERROR" or "BUSY" or "0".


That's possible, but you should check. In particular you should check
if it is set to produce verbose (ascii) responses, or just numeric
codes. I would have preferred an init string that established a factory

I don't understand what you mean. The question is perfectly


As I said, please don't do this. It is just plain crackers to attempt
to talk to a modem through kppp before you know if you can talk to the
modem at all!

Break out minicom and talk to the modem. See what it says.

No, that is NOT the problem. Your problem is that you HAVEN'T TRIED to
talk to your modem, yet. When you have tried and succeeded, THEN you
can tell the modem to talk to your ISP.


Pleasse stop this nonsense, and act like a normal human being - check
that you can talk to your modem first! What's the point in yelling into
a dead telepohone handset! I don't get it! Are you aiming for some kind
fo comedy sketch presentation?


Slackware internet

Posted: 16 Aug 2005 03:45 PM PDT

Hash: SHA1

Keith Keller wrote: 

Often, /sbin/lspci can give you a clue, and you won't have to open the case.

For instance, on one of my systems, /sbin/lspci reports
00:0f.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8029(AS)
which, of course, is my NIC.

I found that the hotplugging support (a/hotplug-2004_09_23-noarch-1.tgz) can
also recognize NICs, and with it you can forgo the rc.modules / rc.netdevice
route that netconfig sets up. FWIW, netconfig simply modprobes a limited set
of drivers, watching for the first successful probe

--- snip from /sbin/netconfig ---
for card in 3c59x 82596 dgrs eepro100 e1000 epic100 hp100 lance \
ne2k-pci olympic pcnet32 rcpci 8139too 8139cp tlan tulip via-rhine \
yellowfin natsemi ; do
--- end of snip ---

If your NIC isn't supported by one of these drivers, or the modprobe succeeds
(with the incorrect driver), or even you have multiple NICs, then you are in
some way out of luck. Better to have a more comprehensive setup process (the
'sysadmin', or the hotplugging support, for instance) than to depend on netconfig.

- --
Lew Pitcher

Master Codewright & JOAT-in-training | GPG public key available on request
Registered Linux User #112576 (
Slackware - Because I know what I'm doing.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.7 (GNU/Linux)

iD8DBQFDA8e5agVFX4UWr64RAg3AAJwI1fhyNqQ8JTkZ9ct1zQ P+C8jvYgCeNSbx

udev: What is it good for?

Posted: 16 Aug 2005 02:11 PM PDT

kai-martin knaak wrote:


it creates device nodes on demand and optionally may give them permanent
aliases based on unique device information. Also recently it became rather
several other tasks that now makes it really a must in most cases.

It is most likely gnome-volume-manager.
most visible for you will probably be automounting of hotplug media (mostly
USB so far). It is done by gnome-volume-manager that receives hotplug
notification from hald that gets notified in turn by udev.


Multi-boot liveCDs solved!

Posted: 16 Aug 2005 01:31 PM PDT

ray wrote:

I know how to make multi-distro CD for certain types like knoppix
and its derivatives because it has parameters that allow that.
The problem is really trying to boot combinations of distros
that don't have those parameter features. Take Mepis for example.
But clearly this guy is pointing the way at the right
procedures to fix it so that it works. And it really is so simple,
but as you can guess, I'm still half way between newbie and proficient
to have known better.

some software to download files like mp3 from the net

Posted: 16 Aug 2005 11:10 AM PDT

16 Aug 2005 18:10 UTC, leahcim typed: 

Mutella available via sourceforge (I think) makes use of the gnutella
peer2peer network. Works very well.

Also as already suggested, a suitable bittorrent client (rTorrent) might
fit the bill.

A New York City ordinance prohibits the shooting of rabbits from the
rear of a Third Avenue street car -- if the car is in motion.

WebServer Setup Tutorial

Posted: 16 Aug 2005 06:54 AM PDT

Benson Jutton wrote: 

Thanks for your recommendation Benson!

CR Junk

Mutt... Anyone using it ?

Posted: 16 Aug 2005 01:09 AM PDT

On 2005-08-16, s. keeling <> wrote: 

As somebody else posted, it might be easier to simply configure mutt to
talk to the POP3 or IMAP server directly, if that's where the mail is
located. Then the OP needs only a program like ssmtp to send mail.


(try just my userid to email me)
see X- headers for PGP signature information

Creating a new partition to install Fedora core

Posted: 15 Aug 2005 10:22 PM PDT

Atri Mandal <com> wrote: 

I had success using 'ntfsresize' on she SystemRescueCD

Read and understand the documentation before you do it.
Run ntfsresize in test mode before actually resizing.

Laurenz Albe

Connection problem

Posted: 15 Aug 2005 03:56 AM PDT

Peter T. Breuer wrote:


Hi Peter.

After a lot of tests I found out the problem, I guess.
The MTU parameter on eth, by default it was 1500, I turned down to 1400 and
now seems to works fine both on windows and linux clients.

It is not clear because I never touched that kind of configuration and I
don't think that last slackware update has done it too.
But now it works.

thank you.

Q: Setting up a Creative Audigy 2ZS and no sound on the headphone jack.

Posted: 14 Aug 2005 09:51 AM PDT

Torsten Zirzlaff <> writes:

There are other cards with firewire.

It might be worth a try.

Måns Rullgård

Unable to boot linux via Grub

Posted: 13 Aug 2005 05:31 PM PDT

nvm. I found out how to fix it. Thx for the help.

installing scanner hp 5300c in fedora core 3

Posted: 13 Aug 2005 04:58 PM PDT

hi frank! thank you for help me
i`ll try to do what you say, and after that i`ll tell you what hapend
thank you, and see you soon

Custom field formulas and inserted projects Microsoft Project

Custom field formulas and inserted projects Microsoft Project

Custom field formulas and inserted projects

Posted: 24 Feb 2005 09:59 AM PST

Ah, so simple and obvious! :-) I hadn't set it to use the formula for summary
tasks. Thanks! I'll also amend to use the "&".

I appreciate the help! ...L

"JackD" wrote:

Project Professional licensing quetion

Posted: 24 Feb 2005 09:33 AM PST

That is the answer to a different question.
Project Server does NOT come with a free copy of Project Pro.

-Jack ... For project information and macro examples visit

"Steve House [MVP]" <> wrote in
message news:%phx.gbl... 

custom field inforamtion to be limited to task row only

Posted: 24 Feb 2005 06:31 AM PST

In article <com>,
"Majid" <> wrote:

I find it easier to help someone if they explain what they are trying to
do rather than how they are trying to do it. So, instead of telling us
you want to highlight Flag1, how about explaining what Flag1 represents.
In other words, what determines if Flag1 is "yes" or "no"? Is there some
kind of criteria (formula or VBA code)? Is it changed manually by the
user? Whatever.

When you say you want Flag1 highlighted, what do you mean? There are
several text formatting options - color, italic, bold, etc. What is
special about summary lines? What determines why and when they will be

More questions than answers I'm afraid.
Project MVP

Who does what when

Posted: 24 Feb 2005 05:03 AM PST

In article <com>,
"jzis" <> wrote:

Boy wouldn't that be great - Shilling versus Johnson.

Let me answer the two questions I saw in your multiple posts. First, the
data on the right side of Usage reports is for numerical information
only. It is possible to achieve what you want, but you will have to use
VBA to export the information to another application (e.g. Excel).
Second, Gantt bar text cannot be wrapped. The intent of being able to
attach text to a Gantt bar is to provide simple reference information on
the graphic, not to give details such that text wrapping would be

Hope this helps.
Project MVP

Elapsed Time tasks show as non-critical in a critical path display

Posted: 24 Feb 2005 02:29 AM PST

You're welcome, General - good luck :-)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

General M wrote: 

Auto Save as Web Page?

Posted: 23 Feb 2005 05:37 PM PST

"=?Utf-8?B?bWN1YmE=?=" <> wrote in message news:<com>... 

Go to Tools, Macro, Record new Macro, and then with the macro recorder
running, complete the File-SaveAs function, with the required options.

In the future, to re-run the macro, use Tools, Macro, Macros (Alt F8)
to run the saved macro.

You can also assign shortcut keys / toolbar items if this is something
you do frequently.

Here is what I got, but you may have different preferences:

Sub Macro2()
' Macro Macro2
' Macro Recorded Thu 24/02/05 by Michael Murray.
FileSaveAs Name:="C:\My Documents\testproject.html",
FormatID:="MSProject.HTML", map:="Default task information"
End Sub

Hope that helps,

Combining Linked Projects

Posted: 23 Feb 2005 02:15 PM PST

In article <com>,
"Roland67" <> wrote:

Did I misinterpret what is happening? I understood you to say that when
your subprojects were inserted into a master, some of the tasks slammed
over to the Project Start date of the master, however (and I had to
confirm this with my own test), this will only occur if the subprojects
are statically consolidated into the master (i.e. subprojects not linked
to the master). In a dynamically consolidated master, the tasks in each
subproject adhere to the Project Start date of their respective

Perhaps we need a re-statement of what is happening before we can offer
other suggestions.

By the way, I understand about customer wants. I just hope they are not
looking for detail planning of any tasks beyond 12 months. Tasks beyond
the rule-of-thumb 12 month window should be expressed as "planning
packages". That is, they have a rough idea of Duration and perhaps even
cost, but no details. As time marches on and those out-year planning
packages get within 3 months of the present, then they should be detail

Just for reference, I am a firm believer that the constraint types
"must-start-on" and "must-finish-on" should never be used. When you get
down to it, they defy reality. It is said there are only two certainties
in life. One of them has to do with "rendering unto Caesar" and the
other has to do with the grim reaper. The "best laid plans" do not fit
into either category. Oops, there I am on that soapbox again. Sorry.

Project MVP

1 Task, x Resources

Posted: 23 Feb 2005 01:21 PM PST

Jan De Messemaeker wrote: 

thanks for your patience.
OK, here is what I mean.
I have 10 stones I have to bring from A to B.
I can only carry one at a time.
For each stone I take one hour
So if I do it alone it is 10 hours of work for me.
So is the "duration" I meant.
Now my neighbor is popping by, as weak/strong as I
am and offers me help.
So we do it parallel.
So we carry the stone in 5 hours. 2 people carry 5
So the "elapsed time" is 5 hours although the
actual working hours (man days usually called) are
10 hours as planned.

So if I know how much effort a task is (in my case
10 hours) I want to see how much faster I am
throwing in more ressources (people). Yeah Yeah, I
know that in software dev it does not work this
way, but I am not talking about software dev.
So with four ressources I can finish the task in
2.5 hours
I hope this is clearer now, because I doubt my MSP
would add value to your understanding

levelling & the status line

Posted: 23 Feb 2005 11:24 AM PST


Thanks so much &ndash; this feature does exactly what I wanted.



Syd --

Open the project in question and then do the following:

1. Click Tools - Tracking - Update Project
2. Select the task(s) for which no actuals were entered in the past
reporting period
3. Click Tools - Tracking - Update Project
4. Select the "Reschedule remaining work to start after" option
5. Select the date one day BEFORE the next reporting period
6. Select the "Selected tasks" option
7. Click the OK button

This will move uncompleted work to the next reporting period for the
selected tasks only. Hope this helps.

Dale A. Howard [MVP]
Enterprise Project Trainer/Consultant
"We wrote the book on Project Server"

"Syd Millett" <> wrote in message


Scheduling from fixed finish dates?

Posted: 23 Feb 2005 09:32 AM PST


Stick to FS dependencies.

-Jack ... For project information and macro examples visit

"Tom G." <net> wrote in message

new MacBook Prod -can't install Office 2008 "Your product key is not valid." Microsoft Office for Mac

TextNData Forums - Microsoft Office for Mac

new MacBook Prod -can't install Office 2008 "Your product key is not valid." Microsoft Office for Mac

new MacBook Prod -can't install Office 2008 "Your product key is not valid."

Posted: 12 Oct 2009 08:32 AM PDT

Bill - the software was purchased through the university's Campus Agreement (not retail through the bookstore) as Microsoft Part # 731-01793 "Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac with Service Pack 1". FYI: the DVD came in a sleeve w/ a yellow product key label along with another label "Media Tag X14-86969" on the back of the DVD sleeve. The DVD sleeve was sealed in a clear plastic sleeve (bag).

ZERO apps have been installed on this MacBook since it was received from Apple until the ill-fated attempt to install Office 2008. From my perspective, either the product key is invalid "as printed" (MS would have to verify the check-digit/encoding), the wrong DVD was somehow inserted into the DVD sleeve (unlikely in a production environment) or … Office 2008 thinks another copy was installed by Apple?

Your recommendations on potential solutions are welcomed. Just don't say "contact Microsoft for a replacement product key". I've already been down that road and found that the links on <> do not work – as a matter of fact, this issue was reported directly to you on 7/23/2009 2:23 AM PST by com who was having Office 2008 activation problems -- your response was "Try this again or from a different computer. All the links here work for me." -- well, at least you didn't add "try re-booting". Nonetheless, the links are (still) broken for this 20+year IT veteran, too.

Office 2008 - How to download once brought?

Posted: 11 Oct 2009 10:23 AM PDT

On 10/11/09 10:23 AM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

It's possible the email is in your spam folder. Check there for the


Remote desktop

Posted: 10 Oct 2009 11:52 PM PDT

RDC2 is not included in the Home & Student Edition package but is available
as a free download regardless of edition:

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 10/11/09 2:52 AM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

Product key entry

Posted: 10 Oct 2009 07:54 PM PDT

On 10/10/09 7:54 PM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

Are you trying to install on a server or external volume? This is not a
typical problem so I'm trying to think of anything that could be causing
this not to continue.

When you try the install, log in first with the shift key down to disable
all login items. Be sure no windows are open. When you hit the continue key,
move the window to be sure there is no error message hidden behind the
window. At one time there was a AppleScript error where it was trying to
quit all Microsoft applications that was hidden, but it only occurred when
there was some Microsoft application left open.


Can't Find Serial #

Posted: 09 Oct 2009 04:35 PM PDT

On 10/9/09 5:31 PM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

Nope, two different kind of keys.


Question about different Office 2008 editions

Posted: 08 Oct 2009 02:54 PM PDT

I had an Office 2008 Home and Student Edition as well as Standard edition discs. I installed the Home & Student and everything worked. Here is what I was experiencing shortly after the discontinuation:
In all Office apps., I was unable to add new words to the dictionary. When right clicked or brought up in the spell checker, the word "Add" was dimmed. Also, in Entourage some emails that would be would be sent would never get delivered. It would say that they were sent but the recipient would never get them. This was random.

I don't seem to be having this problem now - hopefully it doesn't pop up in the future.

Graph appears in the background of all of my documents

Posted: 08 Oct 2009 06:23 AM PDT

Turn on the Drawing Toolbar then click the Grid Options button & clear the
check on "Display gridlines on screen".

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 10/8/09 11:50 AM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

Can I upgrade my old Office:Mac 2001 version to Office 2008?

Posted: 07 Oct 2009 04:44 PM PDT

On 10/9/09 3:39 AM, in article,
"Bob Jones" <> wrote:

I keep forgetting that one.


will Office 2008 work for me?

Posted: 07 Oct 2009 10:17 AM PDT

Office 2008 allows you to open documents created in 97-2003 and 2007 documents.

Document Connection for Office 2008 Home & Student

Posted: 06 Oct 2009 12:38 PM PDT

Hey Rob,
many thanks - that's really a good tip!

Any problems with converting files fromhome/student office to full version?

Posted: 06 Oct 2009 07:40 AM PDT

On 10/6/09 10:40 AM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:
And, in addition to what Cybertaz has stated, it might be a whole lot more
beneficial if you could explain WHY you think WORD is different in these
versions. What are you having trouble with that you think another version of
WORD will fix? Yes, the output (documents created by) of any version of WORD
should be fully compatible.

Bob Greenblatt [MVP], Macintosh

Need to get colors back: reinstall?

Posted: 06 Oct 2009 03:53 AM PDT

On 10/7/09 7:15 AM, in article C6F21AA8.25B3B%com,
"Ed Henninger" <com> wrote:

Re-install Snow Leopard. It install over like a combo does refreshing your
files. This might clear up all the issues you are having. Otherwise you
might need to do a clean install of Snow Leopard to get things working


winter newsletter background image

Posted: 06 Oct 2009 03:25 AM PDT

Thank you Bob!

I kept thinking it was a background image that was layered in some special way that I was missing. I hate to admit that I never even saw the master tab at the bottom of the page. I love learning new stuff :)

Turning doc into a Pdf

Posted: 04 Oct 2009 11:13 AM PDT

Depending on what you want the doc for - you can always take a screenshot (cmd,shift,4) which produces a png image doc. You can then open that, do save as,choose jpg and move the slider up and down to choose the level of resolution you require versus the size of the doc you are prepared to tolerate.

Full screen mode in Word Office doesn't work

Posted: 03 Oct 2009 05:34 AM PDT

I wasn't aware that Apple was releasing Snow Leopard on anything other
than disk. Are you sure by downloading this upgrade you didn't get
flawed software from whomever was providing it? Where did you download
it from?


Catherine Giral Legna wrote: 

office for mac has determined my product key is not valid

Posted: 03 Oct 2009 12:09 AM PDT

many thanks!


Word hangs when i control click (ctrl-click)

Posted: 01 Oct 2009 03:46 PM PDT

after doing a few further tests, i've discovered the problem is a conflict between word and sugarsync.

if sugarsync manager is open when i open word, i have the ctrl-click hang. if i open word first then it's ok, even if i then open sugarsync.

i'm not sure what to do to fic it though, beyond taking SS out of log in items and rememebering to open it after word. (problematic for back up software!). i will contact SS support though.

How long are news mssgs kept on the MS newsgroups

Posted: 30 Sep 2009 09:22 PM PDT

good point.


macropod wrote: 

Office for MAC won't upgrade, not even download the upgrade...

Posted: 28 Sep 2009 04:11 PM PDT

On 10/2/09 6:05 PM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

Glad it's working for you finally. What an ordeal you had to go through. At
least restarting isn't a painful experience...just time consuming.


Excel 2008 Saving Cell types in XLS format

Posted: 27 Sep 2009 04:19 PM PDT

CyberTaz wrote: 

Back home they call me the Baffler.
It hasn't happened for a while. Usually when I have a problem like this
I ignore it for a while and hope it goes away.

Microsoft Word - Microsoft Office 2007

Microsoft Word - Microsoft Office 2007

Microsoft Office 2007

Posted: 30 Dec 2013 03:14 PM PST

I have a paid version of Office 2007 that I attempted to load to my new laptop.  How can I get it to load?

I just got Office 2013. I noticed that in Word Save As -- there is no compatility save as for Office 2010. Should I just assume that if I start a document in 2013 that I could open it in 2010?

Posted: 30 Dec 2013 12:38 PM PST

I just got Office 2013.  I noticed that in Word Save As -- there is no compatibility save as for Office 2010.  Should I just assume that if I start a document in 2013 that I could open it in 2010?

I need to find DOCX recovery tool, is there a someone?

Posted: 30 Dec 2013 12:26 PM PST

Where I can get DOCX recovery tool? Need to recover damaged file. File is not password protected.

Replace lower-case with small caps in MS Word

Posted: 30 Dec 2013 11:27 AM PST

I have a large text with many expressions placed within single quotation marks, with an initial capital letter: 'Here is an example'. I would like a Find and Replace operation that would Find these, one by one, and Replace each chosen instance with the same expression in small caps, deleting the single quotation marks and retaining the initial large-cap letter. I don't want to do this globally; not all such expressions in my text should be changed. The example above then would delete the single quotation marks and retain the initial capital H, and change "ere is an example" into small caps. I've tried using wildcards (the asterisk) but can't get it to work. Many thanks in advance.

MS Office, particularly Word

Posted: 30 Dec 2013 10:47 AM PST

Okay, I am totally ignorant concerning current versions of Word- particularly regarding backwards compatibility with Word.doc (circa 2001-2002). Details: I have all of my documents (including a book I wrote) in Word.doc. I wish to post excerpts for interested readers on my website. How do I provide downloadable material in a form that is compatible with current Office software? Convert (by opening and then SAVE as) to another format such as either Rich Text, WordPad, or html before uploading to my site? Or is there a free or inexpensive conversion software available? Smaller portions are no problem since I can cut/paste; but I do not want larger files to be in a inconvenient form for readers. Thanks, and excuse my non-current ignorance. 

Download in the wrong language.

Posted: 30 Dec 2013 10:40 AM PST

I recently downloaded Microsoft Office Home and Student 2013 from Amazon, and went through all the steps downloading it fine. It then came to opening the program, and all the features were in a foreign language. I tried changing the language, but could only find ways to edit the language for individual files, not the program itself. I decided to uninstall the program, and realised whilst reinstalling, that the language was set to Suomi, a Finish dialect. There is a photo of this



So I realised that this needed changing. I have scouted around and have found no method for doing so.


Any help much appreciated. Thank you

Mail Merge Question

Posted: 30 Dec 2013 08:57 AM PST


The 1st 6 lines of a Word form document are mail merge address fields.  (Name, Title, Organization, Addr 1, Addr 2, City,St,Zip)

Some of the addresses in the data list use up 3 lines, some use 4, 5 or all 6 fields. After the mail merge is run, if an address field is not used, it is left out of the document (which is what I want).

I'd like to keep the 6 mail merge address fields at the top of the document and have the rest of the document ALWAYS start at exactly 2.5 inches from the top of the page, regardless of how many lines are used for the address.   I don't want the placement of the remainder of the document to be dependent upon the length of the address section.

I can not use a text box to do this since a related macro for filing files will not recognize the address if I use a text box

I was wondering if an  "if, then" function that says if there are only 3 lines of text in the address section, add 3 blank lines, if there are 4 lines of text in the address, add 2 blank lines, etc. would work?  Can you provide the command to do this in the merge form document?

If possible, I would like to solve this without using a macro.  Thank you for any assistance in this matter!


Office 2007 Winword Opens with pop-up message Cannot open a file (etc). How to eliminate on startup?

Posted: 30 Dec 2013 08:38 AM PST

My Winword opens with a document but has a popup message: "Word cannot open with this document template", ( a file name). How to eliminate on startup?

I have to click OK to clear the popup.


Editing a Document

Posted: 30 Dec 2013 07:26 AM PST

I am trying to update my Resume and be sure that all of my dates to the right are lined up.  I have turned on View Gridlines, but when it gets to the 2nd page of my Resume, the Gridlines do not fill the page as they do on the first page and it is making it very difficult to tell if they are in fact lined up.  Why is the view of my 2nd page different from the view of my 1st page?

Any help is greatly appreciated.


No Recent Files?

Posted: 30 Dec 2013 05:50 AM PST

Whenever my newly installed Office 2013 is reopened the next day, there are no recently opened file listed even though I know I opened some the day before?  Why would this be do you think?  Is there some cookie I should be keeping?  I have Options set up to show 12 recently opened files.

Background removal refine options not available?

Posted: 30 Dec 2013 04:01 AM PST


 I am trying to use the Word or PowerPoint background removal tool on my Surface Pro 2. When enabled I do not get the 'Refine' options shown. If I open the ribbon customisation the three buttons that should be available under 'Refine' are shown as disabled but there is no explanation.

How do I find out what the issue is and how might it be rectified?


Computing the space left on a page.

Posted: 30 Dec 2013 03:57 AM PST

Hi Guys....

I'm using Office 2010 under Windows 7.

I have a number of mailmerge template documents which I wish to populate using VBA.

Each template starts off with an image (the Company logo), then has the mailmerge fields for the Customer details, then some text, the number of lines in which varies with the template.

I have some VBA code in the template which fires after the mailmerge.

The VBA opens an Excel spreadsheet, reads product data in order to populate various listboxes on a Userform, then allows the User to select a variable number of Products.

All this is working just fine.

My next goal, having saved the selected product details in an array, is to write the array as a list to the bottom of the template document.

Again, I can achieve that quite easily.

The problem is that I'd like to be able to determine when I've got one line left on the page, and more than one Product line still to write.

In that situation I'd like to use the last line on Page 1 to say "(Continued overleaf)", then continue writing the products list on the next page.

In order to achieve this I need to be able to work out exactly how many lines are left on the document before an automatic page break will be triggered.

This means I have to know where my first line will go on the page, i.e. on what line does the basic template's text end.

I've read up about font sizes, and the 120% rule for single spaced text lines, and how to determine the document size, so if I knew which line I was startin on I could work out how many lines were left on the page and act accordingly.

My problem is that I can't seem to find any VBA which will tell me the location of the current end point of the template in terms of the number of lines used, or the distance down the page in points (or any other measurements).

Can any kind soul point me in the right direction? I'm reasonably competent with VBA, but more so in Excel, which seems to have richer functions than thos in Word.

Any assistance would be gratefully appreciated....

Resize all equations with my MS word document

Posted: 30 Dec 2013 02:53 AM PST

Hello everyone,

I use MS Equation 3.0 in Word 2013.

The problem is all the equations are too small because of the wrong size/scaling applied to them.

What I have to do to fix them is:
1) Right click on an Equation 3.0 object, select 'Format Object'.
2) On the 'Size' tab, under the Scale section, I have to untick 'Lock aspect ratio' and 'Relative to original picture size'. Next, I type in a 100% for both height and width. Press 'OK'.
3) Next, I have to double click on the Equation 3.0 object to enter its edit mode. After that, I click outside the equation edit box to unselect it. This will regenerate the correct type size for the equation.

The question is:

How can I automate this since I have thousands of equations within my document.


I have reloaded Microsoft Office twice. I get an error on all the Office programs.

Posted: 29 Dec 2013 06:49 PM PST

it says "We're sorry, but Word has run into an error that is preventing it from working correctly. Word will need to be closed as a result. Would you like us to repair now? When I try that another window pops up and tells me to seek help online. Frustrating...."

I had a version of Microsoft office 2010. after this problem occurred, I removed the old MS Office. Reinstalled the new 2013, No difference.

Please help!

Reverse hyperlink?

Posted: 29 Dec 2013 06:40 PM PST

I've put hundreds of hyperlinks in my book to other sections of the book. They work well but something seems to be missing: going back to where the hyperlink is. I realize that shift-F5 goes back but only if an edit is made near the hyperlink. I usually put a space at the end of the nearest line, but I imagine there might be a better way. It's hard to remember to put the space in (and delete it).

On a related subject: I wonder if the hyperlinks (and reverse ones) will work properly if I put the book into PDF. And if I issue a Kindle edition.

How to insert a saved set of Text?

Posted: 29 Dec 2013 05:52 PM PST

In previous Word's I created something that I called 'signature'.
When I typed the characters 'signature' in my document and hit PF3, the text that I had
saved as 'signature' would be inserted.

Is there a way to do something like that with Word 2013?

How can I change my printing defaults? (Note: NOT printer defaults)

Posted: 29 Dec 2013 04:27 PM PST

This should be a simple enough thing.  I want my default printing option to be "print single page".


So that whenever I or my wife forget to choose the single page option, we don't end up with 15 wasted pieces of paper spewing out of our high-speed printer before we can cancel the print job.

Example:  We have a recipe file that we use to print out recipes to use and dispose of after cooking.  We occasionally forget to choose the "current page" option, and suddenly find our printer churning out the pages.

But if we're that forgetful, won't we make a similar mistake if we forget the default is a single page when we really want the entire document, or a different page?  Of course, we will.  But the cost of that mistake is a single page -- at most -- instead of 15 or 20.