

Microsoft Word - Setting specific formats in a WORD template

Microsoft Word - Setting specific formats in a WORD template

Setting specific formats in a WORD template

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 02:23 PM PST

1.)  Can I create formatting defaults that are specific to one document only?  And that will move with the document from one computer to another? (I'm not talking about creating a template)

2.)  Can I create formatting defaults that remain in WORD and apply to any document that I create or open with that instance of WORD on my computer?  I've looked for and I CANNOT FIND IT, my computer returns EVERY word document on my computer when I search for it, EXCEPT

Please help, thank you!

Question about tabbing numbered lists and automatic tabbing in a table cell

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 02:12 PM PST

For Microsoft Word 2013, In a TABLE CELL, when you start a NUMBERED LIST, the tab jumps to the right automatically.  I want to set my tab at position 1 next to the line of the cell and have the numbered list stay at that position and not jump several places to the right.  How can I do this?

can't find office apps

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 01:09 PM PST

I recently got my new Surface Windows RT with Office Home and Student 2013 a few weeks ago but until now I can't seem to find any of my office apps. When I first got it they were all there preinstalled for me and worked fine. I made a new outlook account to use as my main user on the surface since my old Hotmail was full of junk and I stopped using it anyways. But now I can't find any of them; I tried searching for them from swiping the right side and nothing showed up. I tried searching it on my control panel from desktop to view programs but it wasn't there. Even when I try to open an excel or word file from my email, I don't have the appropriate program to open it with and then it asks me what kind of programs were available to open it with but none of them were the  office apps. Did I accidentally uninstall it by accident when I made my new account? Do I have to buy Office 2013 again? Thanks in advance.

Office 2010 starter

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 11:50 AM PST

Purchased and downloaded Office 2013 an hour ago, and I find it to be awful. I had Office XP for years. How can I get Office 2010 starter for Win 7, my new computer. I want to return 2013 and get a refund. Thanks for any help. 

Word 2013

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 11:35 AM PST

When I start to type a new document in word. the spell check is not working. If I open a old document it works fine.??????????????????  help

Images set as "Send to Back" move to front when converting to Adobe Acrobat XI PDF

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 10:54 AM PST

Images that have been marked "Send to Back" and wrapped as "Behind Text" move to front when converting from Word 2010 to Adobe Acrobat XI.  I am on Windows 7.  Anyone experiencing this?

A picture set to "centered to line" does not actually center to the line

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 10:38 AM PST

See the attached image...the picture is anchored to the line, and vertically set to "centered" to line"...

the red line shows an extension of the center of the picture, which extends to a position between the anchored line and the line above
The blue line shows what is expected to be the "center of the line" and where the center of the picture would be aligned to.

I know i can use the absolute position and make an adjustment, but if i change the image size, it would stay centered, and i need to re-figure out the offset

Content Control "OnChange" Event. Why is Microsoft dragging it's feet?

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 08:57 AM PST

Yesterday I was tinkering in Word and my custom Document_ContentControlOnChange event

and developed a relatively simple method to use that technique to create mutually exclusive content control checkboxes:

I shared it with a long-time Word MVP and his comment was "Best thing I've seen in six months. Very Nice!"

I'm just a dabbler in VBA and I certainly don't consider myself a programmer.  If I am able to cobble together things like this, I can't understand why Microsoft won't incorporate a built-in Document_ContentControlOnChange event in the application!

I consider content controls the "crown jewels" of Word.  That said, and as versatile as they are, Microsoft has left them unfinished.  I know that there has been a call for a change event since the content controls were introduced in Word 2007?  Why after two versions later is it still glaringly absent?

Hoping some moderator/MS employee will see this and forward it to the product team and that the product team will finally take long overdue action fix it or at least explain why they can't/won't.


Cannot open corrupted Office files

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 08:57 AM PST

I have recently lost a huge number of Microsoft Office files. When I tried to open a file, the first message I get is 'The file xxxxxxx cannot be opened because there are problems with the content'
When I click details, I get this 'The file is corrupt and cannot be opened'
When I click OK, I get another message which says ' Word found unreadable content in 'xxxxxxx' and asks me whether i want to recover the document. if I click OK. I will get back to the message which says 'The file xxxxxxx cannot be opened because there are problems with the content'
Sometimes I get the message to say that the files are corrupted and sometimes, it says invalid attributes
I have tried a number of recovery tools but nothing seems to work
Would appreciate all the helps.

Bibliography and Cited Works Problem

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 08:56 AM PST

I think there's a bug or at least bibliography and cited works format are incorrect.

For example:

Bibliography option (button) prints out Cited Works and Bibliography. Fine.

Cited Works option (button) also prints out Cited works and Bibliography. Incorrect. Because bibliography is what I have read and it contains no cited works.

I think bibliography and cited works are duplicate functions, with just different title.

Why do they both have the same output? 

For example:

(Works Cited, 2010) 


(Bibliography, 2010)

Bibliography is what the writer has read, and it does not need to be appended in the document - not until the very end anyways (the bibliography list).

Therefore making (Bibliography, 2010) irrelevant, and redundant. 

The only ones needed to be appended in the work is references and cited works. Bibliography should have a complete different form filling function, or at least output.

Reference and works cited can have the same form filling page.

But bibliography in my opinion should have a separate one that the writer fills in but appends and update the bibliography list at the end of the document. It shouldn't append this: (Bibliography, 2010), to the sentence or paragraphs as it's redundant. Because, if that was the case then it'll be a reference or cited works, and not bibliography. They're all different meanings, but Word 2010 treat them all the same.

Or at least, have a option to disable the append option of: (Bibliography, 2010)

To conclude, the bibliography and works cited are completely different, and Microsoft Office 2010 are treating it as if they are exactly the same (with just the different title). This is completely incorrect, and lazy programming.

How to prevent my words breaking on to a new line

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 08:49 AM PST

Ok so I have Microsoft Office 2013 and on Word , when I type it tends to break line mid word and it does it time and time again on every line the word can't fit. How can I fix this?

Please Help

Show tracked changes in the middle of the window?

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 08:36 AM PST

When reviewing changes made with track changes turned on, pressing the Next Change button will jump to the next change but Word only scrolls down far enough so the changes are always riding the bottom of the window. Sometimes I only see the top of an entire paragraph that was changed so I'm constantly scrolling down to see all of what was changed.

I'd like a way to have Word to center the changes in the window so it's easier to assess the change based on what's before and after it.

Microsoft Word 2013 will not download templates.

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 07:12 AM PST

When I tried to download templates from word, such as a CV, Christmas card or just a letter, I get to the screen where it allows me to "create" the template, but I keep getting an error message.  I make sure I am connected to the net at the time, I am operating Windows 8, but it still happens.  Any ideas?  Appreciate it.

QuickParts Not Updating

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 06:27 AM PST

I have been successfully using QuickParts in templates that I am building for my company, up until yesterday.  Yesterday, I was reformatting header and footer fields where the quick parts are located in forms to comply with change requests.  I've been saving the changes in a Word document until I'm satisfied to save it as a Template. However, for some reason, no matter what I've attempted, when I enter changes to Document Properties in the Document Properties Panel, the QuickPart fields are not updating in my header and footer AFTER the save.  Here is what I've tried:

- Removed and re-inserted the QuickParts from both the Header & Footer Tools Design tab and Insert tab

- Rebuilt the document from a template that does work

- Opened a new document and rebuilt

- Saved another word document that DOES work as a template, re-opened a new document and rebuilt, attaching the word document to the template (through Developer tab, Document Template).

- Entered a QuickParts field into the body of the document


Is there something I might have "turned off" in the process of doing my changes that I can easily reactivate?  Was there a Windows update that somehow has affected QuickParts?  Was there something in my building out the header and footers with tables that prevents an update after the save?


I'm not a developer so I don't know much about codes?  Any help in layman's terms would be appreciated, as soon as practically possible, so that deadlines can be met. Thanks!!!

office 2007/2013 header trrouble

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 03:53 AM PST

well my problem is that every time i edit one header the other also change to that one even if its a different style , i have used section breaks , broken the links , still i got jack, i tried it on my other pc same thing , and word 2013 same , i tried repairing, i re installed, talked to the techs at answerdesk still got nothing , 

anyone who can help ???   

chinese language

Posted: 30 Dec 2013 11:54 PM PST

Dear Sir

I have the Window 7 home premium operating system. My Microsoft office is a starter kit. If I want the full version I need to upgrade.

I want to install the Chinese language pack in word so that I can also type Chinese words. I am thinking of installing the Chinese simplified. However I am not able to install the Chinese language upgrade. I suspect this is due to the fact that my Microsoft office is only a starter kit with basic features only. If I want to have Chinese language in word, I need to pay or upgrade. Please advice me what to do so that I can have Chinese words in my Microsoft office.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Hemanta Tan

Index headings

Posted: 30 Dec 2013 10:25 PM PST

When a major category of an index, say "animals" as part of an index on say "New York," continues over several pages or columns, books often place a heading over succeeding columns, e.g. "animals-continued" to let you know that you're still in "animals." IS there a way to do this in Word such that if the index changes, the "animals-continued" will automatically be in the right place? (I don't  know how to say this more clearly.)

Help,Help,How to remove a toolbar(header) in Office Web Apps

Posted: 30 Dec 2013 09:57 PM PST

Help,How to remove a toolbar(header) in Office Web Apps,red area.

Thank you very much...

Bookmarks or links

Posted: 30 Dec 2013 08:54 PM PST

Does anybody know if there is a way to link from certain text in a Word document back to a heading number in the TOC. For example I have a long document (approx. 300 pages) in which I am in Heading: ' 2C4.3 Visual Approaches' in which I say 'refer to 2D.1.13 International Operations'. There are numerous references like this in my document and I know that I could insert a bookmark at 2C4.3 but I have at least 100 heading 1, 2, and 3 in my document that I refer to - can I somehow say that all TOC headings are bookmarks without individually going in and creating them all separately or is there some way that you can insert a 'link' to a heading???

I have 11 volumes of an operations manual all of which will be about the same size and will require links to other headings.

Numbered Heading 2 missing numbers

Posted: 30 Dec 2013 04:32 PM PST

Please help....I have a deadline and numbering is not behaving!
I'm working on a very large document using numbered headings.  I finally had everything set the way I wanted it and suddenly the numbering and font have changed on my level 2 heading.  I've tried to change it back but am not able.
I have gone through the "Adjust List Indents..." menu to "Define new multilevel list", I click on level 2 and the "Enter formatting for number" line is blank and will not recognize numbers when I try to enter the correct numbers.  I've tried to adjust the font and get the following error messages "the number must be between 1 and 600" followed by,  "the number must be between 1 and 1638".

comment balloons - highlight all?

Posted: 30 Dec 2013 04:02 PM PST

In older versions of Word, sections with comments were highlighted, by default, and you could quickly read over text and see what each comment was about without clicking on anything.  Now, for some reason comment balloons show up just fine, but I can't tell what the comment relates to unless I click on each comment.  This is very inefficient for me.  Is there any way to get all the comments to show the highlighted area by default?

Windows 8 & Office 2013 when I open word 2013, windows and word stop responding and I cannot use any of the gestures on my touch screen

Posted: 30 Dec 2013 09:39 AM PST

I have recently upgraded to windows 8.1 and since I have upgraded, when I open word 2013, windows and word stop responding and I cannot use any of the gestures on my touch screen meaning, I have to use short-cuts on my keyboard to do so. Please help.