

Microsoft Works - Works Database/Wordprocessor

Microsoft Works - Works Database/Wordprocessor

Works Database/Wordprocessor

Posted: 17 Feb 2005 03:31 PM PST

What I am making is an estimate sheet. First column is quantity, then
description then the other two important columns are price and total...
Will need the quantity x price = total... then the total column adding
up at the bottom!
However... This needs to be part of a template with more than the
figures on there... Thanks for help...

inserting mulitple rows in a ss

Posted: 17 Feb 2005 10:47 AM PST

Once again, you've saved the day! Thank you so much.


"Rodney" <> wrote in message

Saving Address Book To CD

Posted: 17 Feb 2005 08:27 AM PST

Again, how? I see no choices allowing copy or export to desktop, CD, etc.

"ThomasA" wrote:

Works 7 - address book

Posted: 17 Feb 2005 03:03 AM PST

Hello Indera -

For several years now, Works has used the Windows Address Book (aka WAB).
For example, if you completely remove Works from your system, the address
book will still remain.

Note - Works used to have it's own address book (based on the Works
database). For people who still have this old format, there is an "importer"
in newer versions of Works that will migrate your data.


"Dr. Indera" <> wrote in message

Changing to no caps in whole column

Posted: 16 Feb 2005 12:17 PM PST

The Joy you experienced, is the sharing of knowledge.
I found the same feeling in the past, when taking advice from
our resident MVP here, Mr. Kevin James.

Long may he remain :)

| YES!!! That worked...Thank you SO much.
| I never would have figured that out. Thank you for taking the time to help
| me with that.
| What a blessing !
| Jennifer

Address Book/Contacts List

Posted: 15 Feb 2005 04:19 PM PST

Hi Davdor,

The Address Book you access from Works and Outlook Express is the Windows
Address Book which is included with it's operating system

If all you want to do is make a back up copy of it's data, perhaps save it
to a file folder then copy it to a floppy disk.

To are many ways open the Address Book....

Click Start on your desktop, select Programs, select Accessories, click
Address Book.

Click File on it's menu bar, select Export, click Address Book (WAB)...

In the Select Address Book File to Export to dialog popup, Select where you
want to save in, give the file a name, then click OK.

Copy the saved file to storage of your choice.

Note: there is various ways to accomplish this task, I only described one.

"DAVDOR" <> wrote in message

I am referring to address book & contacts list that appear in Works. I am
starting to suspect that what I see is normal for the way Works is designed.
It's only a minor nuisance. Only hope I can save it in some form so that I
don't have to retype it if my computer ever "bombs" or I replace it.

"Ken" wrote:


Empty field effects printing on form

Posted: 14 Feb 2005 12:23 PM PST

Re: I thought about formatting the PO box field as text and then entering a
space character for the records that don't use a PO box. Would this work or
is there a better way?

Hi Michael,

Entering a space character will work.

If the suggestion in my previous post to uncheck "do not print blank lines"
in the printer dialog window is not possible due to conflict with other
lines in the data base records.

Putting a space character in the PO box field can be automated.

Create another Field in the database, this field to be used in the merge, it
will be a duplicate of the PO box field except if the record in PO box field
is blank it will have a "space character" in it.

Put this formula in the new field... =IF(PO box=0," ",PO box)

If the PO box field record is blank then "space" else equal PO box field


"Ken" <ne> wrote in message
Re: Could this be because the "do not print blank lines" is checked in the
printer dialogue window?

Yes, perhaps view the video in this knowledge base article.

How to perform a mail merge in Works


"Michael Seidner" <net> wrote in message
Could this be because the "do not print blank lines" is checked in the
printer dialogue window?

"Michael Seidner" <net> wrote in message

Works 8.0 Calendar won't load completely

Posted: 13 Feb 2005 01:43 PM PST

Can you please send me a Screen shot of the state of the Calendar. I will
understand yhour issue better.

Just load the Calendar and Press the PRINT SCREEN button.
Open PAINT and PASTE. you will see a screen shot there.
Save it and mail it as an attachment.

Mail me at com

"Gwen" wrote:

Works quit

Posted: 13 Feb 2005 12:18 PM PST

This Application Cannot Display the End User License Agreement (EULA)


Mike -

"OhMarty" <> wrote in message

parental control and link to Encarta in Works Suite 2005 Dictionar

Posted: 12 Feb 2005 08:47 AM PST

Does your daughter have the same version of Works Suite 2005 as you do?
Did you install Works Suite from the same box of Works Suite?

"Mary" wrote:

Works 7 has its own default printer

Posted: 11 Feb 2005 08:07 PM PST

Thank you. I'll give it a try.

DavidF wrote: 

Creatinf a recipe database on Works 7

Posted: 11 Feb 2005 04:15 PM PST

Re: When I go to look for files I created, even word processor files, they
nowhere to be found unless I do a PC search.

Perhaps, after doing search, right click the file then click Open Containing
Folder, at the top of the screen will be the name of the folder your file is


"JRenee67" <> wrote in message
It seems I am not doing something correctly while trying to create a recipe
database. First, I want to create different categories like appetizers,
cakes, cookies etcc.. and then list the appropriate recipes under each

I tried from the task launcher, and it's not listing any categories. Then I
went to the my project files and tried it from that standpoint and still no

When I go to look for files I created, even word processor files, they are
nowhere to be found unless I do a PC search.
Please help!!!!

Reinstalling Microsoft Work 6.0

Posted: 11 Feb 2005 03:31 AM PST

Hi Ernie,

Another thought..... when searching your computer was "Show hidden files and
folders" ticked, located on the view tab in the Control Panel Folder

Also, temporary uncheck "Hide protected operating system files".


"Ernie" <> wrote in message

I've spotted one on Ebay for £1 so I may result to getting that one (as long
as I'm not getting ripped off!) Thanks! Seems like that is my only option.

"Ken" wrote:


Office 2003 Trial Version? - Microsoft Office forums

Office 2003 Trial Version? - Microsoft Office forums

Office 2003 Trial Version?

Posted: 01 Oct 2004 08:12 AM PDT

It is only available in the full Office trial. You can custom install and
only install Outlook 2003 but I would also install Word 2003 for

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my personal
account will be deleted without reading.

"Bob Newman" <> wrote in message
|I am really only interested in the new Outlook but I don't see a trail of
| that by itself.
| Bob
| "DL" <nothere> wrote in message
| news:uj6$Jy$phx.gbl...
| > You can install two versions of office, the earliest first.
| > There are practical issues e.g. shortcuts - to the correct version? -
| > You can also only install a single version of OL.
| > Be aware also the OL2003 pst format is not backwards compatible, though
| you
| > can create a pst in earlier version format.
| >
| > "Bob Newman" <> wrote in message
| > news:Mte7d.2754$..
| > > I am currently running Office XP and would like to try Microsoft's
| > > version of Office 2003. My question is this, if I don't like it is it
| > easy
| > > to revert back to XP or would it require a complete re-install?
| > >
| > > --
| > > Thanks in advance... Bob
| > >
| > >
| >
| >

OLAP cubes in Project Server 2003

Posted: 01 Oct 2004 12:26 AM PDT

Hi Thommy,

You may want to also post this in the MS Project Server newsgroup
or via browser:

<<"Thommy Larsson MAP" <> wrote in message news:2d1b01c4a7b7$1db484c0$gbl...
New try third time to see if something appears.
Anyway I still have problems with my olap cube generation
from the project server web interface. It just says that
the cube generation has started but nothing happens.
There is a message in the eventlog complaining about the
file viewnotify.cpp >>
Let us know if this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:-)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

Office 2003 Editions explained

Convert from Trial of 2003 Professional to Small Bus Ed 2003

Posted: 30 Sep 2004 06:05 PM PDT

Thank you for responding.

"DL" wrote:

Installing Office 2000 x on Preloaded XP SP2

Posted: 30 Sep 2004 03:08 PM PDT

Your first method of reproduction is not correct, sa it's exactly what I do
to install workstations, albeit using the Small Business Edition of Office

However, if other versions of Office were regularly exhibiting the problem
you're having, I'm sure we all would have heard about it.

Looks like you've already been on to PSS. They should give you free support
if it's truly an SP2 issue.


"shane lieberg" <com> wrote in message

Word Question

Posted: 30 Sep 2004 02:38 PM PDT

Thank you Bob. That worked perfect.

I'm glad you could help, because that is a kind of roundabout way to
customize that. At least on a first attempt.


"Bob Buckland ?:-)" <75214.226(At Beautiful Downtown)> wrote
in message news:phx.gbl... 


How can I get the font box to appear on Office 2003 toolbar?

Posted: 30 Sep 2004 01:31 PM PDT


If FORMATTING toolbar is already selected then it is likely the Font box is hidden. To get this just click on arrows (>>) t the end of the toolbar and select the fontbox again.

Hope this works.

officeimpaired wrote:

I use non Microsoft products wherever possible which requires no activation.

I use Netscape 7.2 as my default browser which has everything I need for my work.

I believe in good Financial Management!! I do not believe in enriching rich jerks!

MS Office Product ID Code

Posted: 30 Sep 2004 12:58 PM PDT

Hey Oli,

Rules are made by Uncle Bill to be broken and so it is very rude of you to disappoint him in not breaking his rules.

Just to add on Garfield's solution: If the software is pirated then serial numbers can be gotten from:


Oli Restorick wrote:

I use non Microsoft products wherever possible which requires no activation.

I use Netscape 7.2 as my default browser which has everything I need for my work.

I believe in good Financial Management!! I do not believe in enriching rich jerks!

User's Constantly asked to agree to EULA

Posted: 30 Sep 2004 12:38 PM PDT

What ended up correcting the issue in our case is we changed the OEM
registry key under LMGeneral, saved that in the .mst file and resent the
program. Saved having an administrator accepting the EULA on each client.
Thanks again.

"Chris" wrote:

always wants to install

Posted: 30 Sep 2004 10:13 AM PDT

tried that, got nothing that looked useful.


"John Thomas Smith" <com> wrote in message

Problems installing Microsoft Office (Student and teacher edition)

Posted: 30 Sep 2004 09:13 AM PDT

Thanks a lot Chris, I will try out those suggestions outlined in that article.

"Chris Schatte" wrote:


Posted: 30 Sep 2004 06:44 AM PDT

If you have an OEM version of Office that was preinstalled by your computer's
manufacturer, then you will have to contact your computer's manufacturer for
a new key. If you purchased a retail version of Office, then see "How to Obtain a New Product Key
for Office Program Setup".

"Etta" wrote:

Frontpage2002 Upgrade to F2003 with Group policy

Posted: 30 Sep 2004 12:38 AM PDT

Yes i also think is a design behaviorm, but i need to get
this work because licenses and secure that the users run
the new version. I have this "fail" on all my Office Core
applications, Access,Frontpage, Publisher,Visio
If i runt f 2002 after "upgrading" it's run F 2002
without any repair ore upgrading to f2003.

double click the 
launch FP2002 or it 

I've had to reinstall whole system several times

Posted: 29 Sep 2004 08:55 PM PDT

Sad story, however
You really should have a current upto date AV app and Firewall installed.
ZoneAlarm has a free version, blocks incoming + outgoing whereas default
Winxp firewall only stopps incoming.
All the major AV vendors have a free on line scan process.
You might also want to download, update and run both Adaware and SpyBot,
both free.
Crashing whilst only on the internet may indicate a modem or win connection
prob, assuming no trojan/virus.
I assume also that both win and office are patched, if so first try
the scannow command, see win help.
Test pc if still a problem,
msconfig, an MS app.
In services tab, hide all MS, then untick the rest
In start up tab, untick all
Reboot sys
If problem cured its a process of illimination to find the problem
If still a problem try
read about it, then run yr office app via this to see if it indicates the
Finally the MS support via email is actually quite helpfull, and doesnt
good hunting

"Gene F" <> wrote in message

Stop my menus from hiding in XP and Office

Posted: 29 Sep 2004 06:08 PM PDT

The menus display only the recently used or frequently used commands. There
is a small arrow at the bottom of each menu. Clicking there will expand the
menu. You can also uncheck the Use Personalized Menus as described by the
above poster.

"Michael Howes" <org> wrote in message

Office 2003 Shared Features Graphics Filters (Tiff Filter)

Posted: 29 Sep 2004 12:08 PM PDT

Found the Document Imaging and it was already fully installed. Still no Tiff
Filter. I even searched the entire HD for TIFFIM.FLT and it is nowhere to be
found. Any other possible solutions?

"Bob Buckland ?:-)" <75214.226(At Beautiful Downtown)> wrote
in message news:OAKw$phx.gbl... 

Too many Office versions on hard disk

Posted: 29 Sep 2004 02:16 AM PDT

Hi Noel,

Back up your files first then uninstall the Office XP Standard
edition. Restart the PC then repair/reinstall the Office XP
Professional Edition (have your CDs available) to clear things

The updates installed should, generally, remain intact when
doing the repair reinstall and a trip back to afterwards can help with any needed
additional ones.

<<"Noel S Pamfree" <com> wrote in message news:phx.gbl...
I am not sure how but on my pc I have both the Standard and Professional
versions of Office XP.

I guess I must have installed the professional version assuming it would
upgrade the standard version when I should have uninstalled it.

Is it safe to uninstall the Standard version now in 'Add or Remove' programs
or will this effect the patches I have downloaded?


Let us know if this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:-)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

Office 2003 Editions explained

Office 2003 distribution (MST)

Posted: 28 Sep 2004 10:52 PM PDT

Hi Steffany,

You'll need one Office Admin point for each Edition
of Office you're using (Professional, Standard,
Small Business Edition). As you have all Professional
licenses you should need only one Office Admin Point,
but you can have multiple MSTs and CMWs setup to use for
any given Admin Point. These two resources may be of help:
Office 2003 Resource Kit ( )
Deployment Training session:;en-us;829898&FR=1

<<"Steffany" <> wrote in message news:07d201c4a6ba$99971600$gbl...
Hi Bob!
Thanx, this helped a lot!
Since this worked fine, I have one more question..

As I wrote I have one administrative installation point, I
have made one MST file customizing Word, Excel and
PowerPoint (Basic installation). I have made a .CMW file
for distribution of Outlook and a .CMW file for
distribution of Access. The installation of Outlook and
Access after the basic installation works fine if I
install it to the same PC.

What if I would like to have only Outlook on one computer,
and maybe a couple weeks after installing Outlook I would
like to install the rest of Office.. Do I have to make a
new administrative installation point, make a MST file
for distribution of Outlook and make a CMW for the basic
installation? How would you do this? Could you some how
use the same administrative installation point? Any tips
on how to set this up?
About licenses - I have the Pro license.. :-)

Thanx! >>

wrote in message news:129801c4a5e8$714b9130

office 97 setup on windows xp home edition

Posted: 28 Sep 2004 10:07 PM PDT

receive an error message when I have attempted to install
Office 97

Office 2003 Language Settings NOT working

Posted: 28 Sep 2004 08:13 PM PDT

in word, select all text, then change you language, en click on. Set as
Default. now it should remember your settings.

"Zac" <> schreef in bericht

You have entered an invalid product key

Posted: 28 Sep 2004 07:48 PM PDT

I seem to recall that Office 2003 Basic is available to OEMs only, so I
am not sure how you were able to purchase a legitimate copy of it unless
you a computer manufacturer like Dell or Gateway.

mgalactico wrote:

Outllok Today button

Posted: 28 Sep 2004 04:24 PM PDT

Are you displaying the Advanced toolbar? Right click in your toolbar area
and select toolbars and enable the advanced.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my personal
account will be deleted without reading.

After a lot of head-scratching, Ken Isaacson asked:

| Office 2003
| How do I get an "Office Today" button on my toolbar? Have one on my
| other machine but can't remember how I got it there?
| Thanks.
| Ken

Microsoft Works Suite 2004

Posted: 28 Sep 2004 04:24 PM PDT

If Office XP or Word 2002 is also installed on the computer, then see "You are prompted for the
product key when you open an Office program".

Laura wrote:

office 2000 premium product key

Posted: 28 Sep 2004 02:39 PM PDT

If you have an OEM version of Office that was preinstalled by your computer's
manufacturer, then you will have to contact your computer's manufacturer for
a new key. If you purchased a retail version of Office, then see "How to Obtain a New Product Key
for Office Program Setup".

"willieham1" wrote:

Active Directory Install

Posted: 28 Sep 2004 12:42 PM PDT

If you ask an actual question, with scenarios, etc., then someone can help

You basically asked a question saying "What do I do about SPs" and the
answer is completely dependent on your Office environment and your preferred
method for installation.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my personal
account will be deleted without reading.

<> wrote in message
| Is there no one out there that can help me with this?
| >-----Original Message-----
| >Before I begin let me say I am not new to deploying
| >software via AD. We have over 75 software packages
| >deployed in our environment with Office XP being one of
| >them.
| >
| >I am not sure what the best solution is to deploy Office
| >2003. I could easily make a install point and a mst to
| >deploy it (that is not my question). I want to know
| about
| >updates. Do I slip stream them? Won't that mess up our
| >original package?
| >
| >What is Microsoft's preferred way to update office that
| >is installed from AD with users not as Admin (running
| >hotfix exes is out)
| >.
| >

How do I customize my inbox to distinguish my profiles?

Posted: 28 Sep 2004 11:15 AM PDT

If you have 3 profiles, then you can make Outlook ask you which one you want
when you start it. Simply go to "Tools-> Options ->General" then click on
"prompt for a profile to be used". When you next start Outlook, it will ask
you for a profile.

Will not let me save formula in customized fields Microsoft Project

Will not let me save formula in customized fields Microsoft Project

Will not let me save formula in customized fields

Posted: 24 Aug 2004 11:04 AM PDT


Sorry to pop in but it occurred to me that it sounds as if you are trying to
type a formula directly into a field in a view. Forgive me if that is not
the case.
If it is...formulas are entered in Tools, Customize, fields

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
<> schreef in bericht

Adding conditional format to fields in Project 2000??

Posted: 24 Aug 2004 09:54 AM PDT

Hi Ron,

You were on the right track.
Did you take a baseline and compare current schedule to baseline?


Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
"Ron" <> schreef in bericht

Running a macro on a set of collapsed tasks

Posted: 24 Aug 2004 09:33 AM PDT

Thanks to both Jan and Mark! (Or should I say "hartelijk bedankt" to

My code does go through each task in activeproject.tasks (as well as
checking for blank tasks so that they're skipped), so I'll have to see
what else could possibly prevent the macro from "reading" the info in
the collapsed tasks.

One theory down, thousands to go!

Thanks very much,

"Jan De Messemaeker" <jandemes at prom hyphen ade dot be> wrote in message news:<#UF#phx.gbl>... 

Semi-urgent help! - Event 'calculation' problem

Posted: 24 Aug 2004 06:35 AM PDT

You're welcome, Brian - you got it! :-)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

A Nony Mouse wrote: 

convert Gantt chart to PDF file

Posted: 24 Aug 2004 04:57 AM PDT

Try PDF 995. It is freeware. 
to save as a PDF  
unfortunately the other person  

% Completion question

Posted: 23 Aug 2004 07:16 PM PDT

You'll need use a text field to hold your results with a function to convert
your calculated percentage from numeric to text and append the "%" character
to the result.

FYI, if you have 100 sites to convert and have done 37, you can use the "%
Physical Complete" field to record progress at 37% if you don't mind
figuring the percentage by hand.

I would suggest you think a bit more about your plan's structure and your
method of recording progress. In terms of monitoring whether you are on
time and within budget the breakdown you've outlined and your method of
recording progress won't help you actually manage the work very much.

Saying that 17% of the sites in Subregion 1 and 42 % of the sites in
Subregion 2 has been converted doesn't tell you WHEN Region 1 will finish,
whether you're ahead of or behind schedule, or how much it will cost.

Consider ... what if the circumstances of the installations are such that
the conversion of each site in Group1 only takes 1 day but Group 2's sites
are much more complex and take 10 days each? The 33% of the sites in Group
1 represent only 3 days of work while the 11% of Group 2's represents 30
days and it has cost you 10 times as much for the resources to do Group 2's
11% than it did to do Group 1's. Thus Subregion 1 is really NOT at 17%
complete in terms of the total time and cost required to do all the work.
Rather it actually is only 12% complete using my example numbers because you
have worked a total of 33 days out of a required total of 279 days.

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Chris" <> wrote in message

Automatic updating of external links

Posted: 23 Aug 2004 10:05 AM PDT

Hi Michelle,

Yes it definitely makes sense except that I still can't see how a milestone
can be "tracking a % complete status"; the milestone will only show 100%
complete when you set it to 100% complete explicitly, its % completion is by
no means calculated from other tasks

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
"meesh1224" <> schreef in bericht

can't indent/outdent or show/hide subtasks

Posted: 23 Aug 2004 07:03 AM PDT

Sort by ID again (being careful not to select Permenantly Renumber).

"4lane" <> wrote in message

Work vs Duration

Posted: 23 Aug 2004 06:23 AM PDT

Yes and no

I agree that working with duration and deadlines makes sense. I do not
endorse the concept of % complete unless there are discrete countable
events - in another post, I indicated that if you were digging a 100 foot
trench and had dug 50 feet I would gladly give you 50% complete. However
most "white collar" work does not have discrete countable events (like
"Design" work) so percent complete is way too subjective... I'd encourage
"Done/non done" reporting and report out slippage against major


__________________________________________________ _______
Mark Durrenberger, PMP
Principal, Oak Associates, Inc,
"Advancing the Theory and Practice of Project Management"
__________________________________________________ ______

The nicest thing about NOT planning is that failure
comes as a complete surprise and is not preceded by
a period of worry and depression.

- Sir John Harvey-Jones
"Mani" <> wrote in message
for my 

project xml schema advice

Posted: 23 Aug 2004 02:59 AM PDT

"Rod Gill" wrote: 

Thanks very much. Will do.


Microsoft Works - Product Key for Works Suite 99

Microsoft Works - Product Key for Works Suite 99

Product Key for Works Suite 99

Posted: 09 Feb 2005 08:01 PM PST

Microsoft would have charged you $10 for a new product key if they still
supported Works Suite 99. Check out the price of the current version on at

MikeC wrote: 

Orca Help

Posted: 09 Feb 2005 10:45 AM PST

I'm pretty sure IE is going to be a custom action launched by the MSI

"Stefan Krueger [MVP]" <nospam> wrote in message

Works Suite 2005 has two wordprocessors - how can I have both ?

Posted: 08 Feb 2005 03:27 PM PST

When you have Works Suite the Works Word Processor is hidden. To gain
access, search for WksWP.exe , right click, select Send To, click Desktop
(create shortcut). Open Works Word Processor from desktop icon.


"The Bloke Next Door" <> wrote in message

I asked but got no response: 

Really, does anyone here know how we can get the benefits of both WPs ?
After all, the Works 8 wordprocessor was there working just fine
before I installed Word 2002 - I hadn't expected to lose the Works WP
as I did, as I had only bought Works Suite 2005 to gain Word and Money.

So I'll ask the question again: how can BOTH WPs be made available ?

Works 2002 calling APIs?

Posted: 07 Feb 2005 07:15 PM PST

"Michello" wrote:

HELP! - Works 8.0 Word Processor Letters Crowded

Posted: 07 Feb 2005 12:53 AM PST

Hi Bob,

Thanks for letting us know knowledge base article "Q252874" found the


"Bob N." <> wrote in message
Dear Ken:

EUREKA!!! YIPEEEE!!!! The explanation in this MS article
found the problem!! It was a simple matter of going into the Control
Panel in Windows XP and changing the printing parameters a little.
I would have never guessed what to do without the "Q252874"
article. My IBM Proprinter II dot matrix printer has always worked
fine at a text resolution setting of 240 x 144. Apparently on
Windows XP, the resolution needs to be reduced to 120 x 144.
That's OK. The printer still works, and if I want really good performance,
I realize I need to get a newer printer.

I'm really looking forward to using Works 8.0! :-) You've made the
difference to me in getting it into functional shape. THANK YOU!!!

"Ken" wrote:

protecting form

Posted: 06 Feb 2005 10:09 AM PST
see if this article helps
Paul Ballou
MVP Office

Control the things you can and Don't Worry about the things you can't

"terry" <> wrote in message

Changing from Works 6.0 to Word

Posted: 06 Feb 2005 04:35 AM PST

Thank you Kevin, I will certainly have a look at those links.

"Kevin James - MSMVP Works" wrote:

Database: Need formular to calculate 5 highest values

Posted: 05 Feb 2005 06:29 PM PST

Hi Rodney,

Found it, but I not certain how it works?

"Rodney" <> wrote in message

How do I delete the Microsoft Works Calendar

Posted: 05 Feb 2005 10:09 AM PST

Hi Dennis,

Perhaps, use the Works CleanUp Utility helps.

Kevin James.
Tua'r Goleuni
Microsoft MVP (Works) 1999-2005
Works KB Links:

"Dennis M. Marks" <com> wrote in message
|I am using Microsoft Works 7 Calendar with XP home. I am having a problem
| with reoccurring reminders. I want to completely reset the calendar and
| restart. I have done the following with no success.
| I deleted mswkscal.wcd in the commapp folder.
| I deleted Microsoft Works folder in Program Files folder.
| I reinstalled Microsoft Works.
| The old calendar still appears when calendar is started.
| It even has the same reoccurring reminder problem.
| How do I completely reset the calendar?
| --
| Dennis Marks
| com

Page view in WP

Posted: 05 Feb 2005 04:57 AM PST

Thanks, that works. I also found it happens with Page Width and Margin
Width which you can access on the tool bar.

"Kevin James - MSMVP Works" <org> wrote in message

Microsoft Word - Why does the space between heading and top margin differs between pages, even though Word "claims" it isnt?

Microsoft Word - Why does the space between heading and top margin differs between pages, even though Word "claims" it isnt?

Why does the space between heading and top margin differs between pages, even though Word "claims" it isnt?

Posted: 01 Jul 2013 02:53 AM PDT


This is driving me nuts, because I dont know even where to start looking for solving this.

Please look at my screenshot of the template Im making. This shot is taken on page 3 in a document. Page 2 ends with a page break. On the first page (pictured) there's a Heading 1 with a 18pt space above. The page ends with a page break. On next page, there's a new Heading 1. Also with 18 pt before. Both headings are in their original heading format. Both headings are, according to word with 18 pt space above. But clearly there's some 10 pt missing somewhere, beacuse they dont align with each other (and this looks really bad if you print the text). 

How do I make sure that when a page starts with a heading there's always the same amount of space above?

Many thanks in advance.


Opening Files

Posted: 30 Jun 2013 09:57 PM PDT

When I try to open a file, all I get is folders.  Example:  I click on "My Document" and it shows me a bunch of folders instead of folders and files like it used to.  Then when I go to the folder, there is nothing there.  The files I want are still in my computer and I can find them by doing a search, but I want it like it used to be.

Centre Text in a MsgBox

Posted: 30 Jun 2013 02:26 PM PDT

Hi All,


I have some questions about the use of MsgBox.


I Know you cannot centre text with a command in MsgBox, but I have thought of a round it, but not sure if it will work, but I'm stuck, and would like some help please.


1. Can you set the Height of a MsgBox?

2. Can you set the Width of a MsgBox?

3. Can you set where on the screen that it will be displayed, ie. can you Centre it in the centre of the screen?


I would like to use the following code to centre the Text...


MsgBoxWidth = Width/2

TitleWidth = len(Title)/2

Space = MsgBoxWidth-TitleWidth

Gap = Chr(32) * Space


MsgBox(Gap & Title)


I'm not sure How do you set the Size of a MsgBox, and How do you convert the Gap to show the space size as in Space.

Ie. If Space = 10, how would I show it in Gap as "          ", so I can use code above so that the Title will be centred in the MsgBox.


Thank you in advance



Count entries in mail merge document

Posted: 30 Jun 2013 09:58 AM PDT

I have a spreadsheet listing people and their dependents.  I am creating a mail merged personnel page listing the names of the dependents.  In excel, I can easily count the number of dependents.  Is there anyway for Word to count the number of non-blank entries that are made showing dependents names?

My lables print, but without addresses

Posted: 29 Jun 2013 10:08 PM PDT

I have created the master file in excel, created the label and selected the fields, but only get the first line.

Use Cross References between Word Documents

Posted: 27 Jun 2013 06:36 AM PDT

I would like to use cross references across documents (numbered items, equations, etc).  I can create a hyperline to equations but the numbering is lost (Equation 125 in the first document becomes Equation 1 in the second).  The hyperlink works correctly but because Equations appear to be numbered sequentially in each document, the numbers don't carry over.   I would also like to be able to cross reference section numbers as well.  Any thoughts?