

Microsoft Word - Why does the space between heading and top margin differs between pages, even though Word "claims" it isnt?

Microsoft Word - Why does the space between heading and top margin differs between pages, even though Word "claims" it isnt?

Why does the space between heading and top margin differs between pages, even though Word "claims" it isnt?

Posted: 01 Jul 2013 02:53 AM PDT


This is driving me nuts, because I dont know even where to start looking for solving this.

Please look at my screenshot of the template Im making. This shot is taken on page 3 in a document. Page 2 ends with a page break. On the first page (pictured) there's a Heading 1 with a 18pt space above. The page ends with a page break. On next page, there's a new Heading 1. Also with 18 pt before. Both headings are in their original heading format. Both headings are, according to word with 18 pt space above. But clearly there's some 10 pt missing somewhere, beacuse they dont align with each other (and this looks really bad if you print the text). 

How do I make sure that when a page starts with a heading there's always the same amount of space above?

Many thanks in advance.


Opening Files

Posted: 30 Jun 2013 09:57 PM PDT

When I try to open a file, all I get is folders.  Example:  I click on "My Document" and it shows me a bunch of folders instead of folders and files like it used to.  Then when I go to the folder, there is nothing there.  The files I want are still in my computer and I can find them by doing a search, but I want it like it used to be.

Centre Text in a MsgBox

Posted: 30 Jun 2013 02:26 PM PDT

Hi All,


I have some questions about the use of MsgBox.


I Know you cannot centre text with a command in MsgBox, but I have thought of a round it, but not sure if it will work, but I'm stuck, and would like some help please.


1. Can you set the Height of a MsgBox?

2. Can you set the Width of a MsgBox?

3. Can you set where on the screen that it will be displayed, ie. can you Centre it in the centre of the screen?


I would like to use the following code to centre the Text...


MsgBoxWidth = Width/2

TitleWidth = len(Title)/2

Space = MsgBoxWidth-TitleWidth

Gap = Chr(32) * Space


MsgBox(Gap & Title)


I'm not sure How do you set the Size of a MsgBox, and How do you convert the Gap to show the space size as in Space.

Ie. If Space = 10, how would I show it in Gap as "          ", so I can use code above so that the Title will be centred in the MsgBox.


Thank you in advance



Count entries in mail merge document

Posted: 30 Jun 2013 09:58 AM PDT

I have a spreadsheet listing people and their dependents.  I am creating a mail merged personnel page listing the names of the dependents.  In excel, I can easily count the number of dependents.  Is there anyway for Word to count the number of non-blank entries that are made showing dependents names?

My lables print, but without addresses

Posted: 29 Jun 2013 10:08 PM PDT

I have created the master file in excel, created the label and selected the fields, but only get the first line.

Use Cross References between Word Documents

Posted: 27 Jun 2013 06:36 AM PDT

I would like to use cross references across documents (numbered items, equations, etc).  I can create a hyperline to equations but the numbering is lost (Equation 125 in the first document becomes Equation 1 in the second).  The hyperlink works correctly but because Equations appear to be numbered sequentially in each document, the numbers don't carry over.   I would also like to be able to cross reference section numbers as well.  Any thoughts?