

Open Office - [discuss] uninstall microsoft programs?

Open Office - [discuss] uninstall microsoft programs?

[discuss] uninstall microsoft programs?

Posted: 13 Jun 2006 10:32 AM PDT

On Tue, 13 Jun 2006 05:05:36 -0500, wrote:

yes you can uninstall them from the add/remove programs which you can fi=
nd =

it on the control panel. This is a registry of most of the programs you =

have installed on the operating system. I suggest you to look for =

Microsoft office and uninstall it. Regards.

-- =

Alexandro Colorado
CoLeader of ES

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[discuss] Two instances of OpenOffice on thin clients.

Posted: 13 Jun 2006 06:57 AM PDT

Hi daniel

you may also have a look at



Laurent Godard <com> - Ingénierie
Indesko >>
Nuxeo CPS >> -
Livre "Programmation", Eyrolles 2004

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[discuss] Why I won't use OpenOffice

Posted: 12 Jun 2006 05:30 PM PDT

Michael Bluejay wrote: 

Some people have some *pretty* damned strange reasons for not using OOo.
This one takes the cake though :)
Actually, I suspect this is the poster who rocked up before and
complained of a very similar issue ... basically that OOo required X11
and they were unable to install X11, etc, etc.
I don't know. I had a Powerbook for about 18 months. X11 was the 1st
thing that went on it, and I don't remember it being difficult, even
though I had no experience with OS-X at the time.

Daniel Kasak
IT Developer
NUS Consulting Group
Level 5, 77 Pacific Highway
North Sydney, NSW, Australia 2060
T: (+61) 2 9922-7676 / F: (+61) 2 9922 7989

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[discuss] Idea: Selections of password protected text

Posted: 08 Jun 2006 02:53 AM PDT

On Thu, 08 Jun 2006 01:14:11 -0500, Mark Dewey <com> wro=
t =
, =
rk =
e =
e =
.. =

Hi Mark, take a look at sections, sections are created with that in mind=
, =

to hide, or password protect parts of text from the document. Regards.

-- =

Alexandro Colorado
CoLeader of ES

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[discuss] OpenOffice bugs

Posted: 07 Jun 2006 03:14 PM PDT

Giedrius wrote: 

Did you save to Excel format? Try using OpenDocument format instead.


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[discuss] non-numeric data in calc chart....

Posted: 07 Jun 2006 06:27 AM PDT

Brilliant! Thanks a million,


Jean Hollis Weber wrote: 

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[discuss] Status bar: Should shows me the line & column

Posted: 04 Jun 2006 06:20 PM PDT

I think a column works only if you are using a text editor which you dont
use fonts and the text lack format so you dont have wider fonts that
other. If we had columns you will end up with a type of grid. OOoWriter
will have different width on a word that uses different font so the term
of columns might become a bit blured.
[Andrew Robertson] I don't think he truly meant columns. :) I believe he
meant line and character location. I n M$ Word, in the status bar there is a
"Ln" and "Col" status, but I believe although the "Col" probably stands for
column, it truly is a character count of that line.
Andrew Robertson
Export Manager
derma e(r) Natural Bodycare
ph. 805-582-2710 xt. 244
fx. 805-582-2730

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[discuss] alleged OOo virus

Posted: 01 Jun 2006 12:18 PM PDT

I've just sent off an article debunking the virus as thoroughly as I
know how. With luck, it should help to counteract the misleading
original story.
Bruce Byfield 604-421-7177
Burnaby, BC, Canada

"And in the night when I'm all alone
And the sadness goes to the bone
I'd make the words in the refrain
As lethal as the knives of Spain."
- Ray Wylie Hubbard

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[discuss] Columns for text

Posted: 01 Jun 2006 12:45 AM PDT

Jonathon Coombes wrote: 

See also Chapter 4, "Formatting Pages" in the Writer Guide,


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[discuss] virus proved in concept

Posted: 31 May 2006 04:51 PM PDT

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Le lundi 05 juin 2006 =C3=A0 16:00 +0200, Mathias Bauer a =C3=A9crit :

However OO.o folks seems enamoured with macros, and having users open
documents-with-macros to do basic stuff is hardly going to foster a
culture where users are careful about macro warnings.

Nicolas Mailhot


[discuss] Why is there no easy way to display the calculated equation when using linear regression?

Posted: 23 May 2006 10:45 AM PDT

Hi CPHennessy,

On Wed, May 31, 2006 at 22:11:14 +0100, CPHennessy wrote:

Before doing so, searching for >chart regression equation< in the form reveals
5 issues, 4 closed and one being

The short answer is: will be implemented in the upcoming new chart


OOo/SO Calc core developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer.
GnuPG key 0x293C05FD: 997A 4C60 CE41 0149 0DB3 9E96 2F1A D073 293C 05FD

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[discuss] TOC hyperlink doesn't work with entry mm.dd at beginning.

Posted: 16 May 2006 12:38 PM PDT


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Microsoft CRM - MS CRM 1.2 Web Site Home page returns errors

Microsoft CRM - MS CRM 1.2 Web Site Home page returns errors

MS CRM 1.2 Web Site Home page returns errors

Posted: 13 Feb 2004 08:56 AM PST

You may want to try with another browser (on another
computer) or clear the cache. I had some wierd problem
like that after upgrade - think it may have been browser

It sounds 
evaluation purposes. 
(http://localhost on that 
on the main 
"Home", "Workplace", "Sales", 
xx, xx 
their button), 
all of its 
Microsoft.Crm.Web.Homepage class is 
does exist at 
machine, and create 
code in a new 
but maybe I 
don't receive 
support call 
specific parse error 
" %> 
specific parse error 
" %> 
Line: 2 

new user questions

Posted: 13 Feb 2004 08:19 AM PST

we used our own name, not the adventure works one so
hopefully we'll be ok.
Has anyone attempted to "track projects" with CRM? I
suppose it will integrate with Project Server 2003, but
I'd like to do all sales, support (bug tracking, problem
cases etc), and project management through CRM.
I've been looking at the case management stuff and it's
really easy to organize subjects and subject categories
in a mannor that allows tracking of bugs and problem
tickets for each account and that's pretty cool.
Basically I don't want 20 bazillion pieces of software
when I think CRM can pretty much do everything we need.

using. If you 
easily be able to 
Action Pack 
license key tied 
Then it would 
<ca> wrote: 

Syncing with PPC

Posted: 13 Feb 2004 06:47 AM PST

FYI, the Microsoft CRM Outlook client does not support ActiveSync, which is
required to sync a PPC. If you try and install ActiveSync on a CRM Outlook
Client, it causes problems with offline/replication (i.e. breaks it).


"Matt Parks" <com> wrote in message

Unique Tracking Number with Subject Line of Microsoft CRM E-Mail

Posted: 13 Feb 2004 05:31 AM PST

A user can set their profile to route all incoming email into CRM,
regardless of whether the GUID exists in the subject line or not.
However, this means that EVERYTHING will get put into CRM, including
personal email and spam.

On 13 Feb 2004 05:35:33 -0800, com (novice) wrote:

The CRM E-mail router provides an interface between MSCRM & Exchange.

The router takes a copy of the message and determines whether the
message is relevant to CRM. If so, the message is delivered to MSCRM
server, and an e-mail activity record is created.

I have noticed that this is done using an unique identifier Number
mentioned in the subject line when a mail is sent.

I want to know whether one can forward all the mail's of a Exchange
user to a CRM user account.And does one need to mention the Unique
Identifier in his mail to be routed to CRM.

Please Help!

Importing ACT

Posted: 12 Feb 2004 11:44 PM PST


Scribe is a 3rd party product that provides integration/conversion
utilities for MSCRM. I haven't used it but many have and have spoken
highly of it.

You could also use the DMF that comes with CRM to load data from ACT,
but Scribe provides an easier approach.


On Fri, 13 Feb 2004 09:19:04 -0600, "Brian Kucharski"
<com> wrote:

I would like to know how you are importing data from ACT, I see
Scribe, what
is that and how are you going about utilizing it.


New CRM 1.2 Exams

Posted: 12 Feb 2004 07:23 PM PST

I need to take all three exams. What would be the best order to take
them in?
Considering the fact that the installation and configuration exam
might become available in a 1.2 version later(still no news?) I'd like
to postpone that and take that last. Is that unwise?

I need to finish all exams before 1. april - Anybody think the
installation and configuration exam will become available in a 1.2
version before then?

Regards Kim

Julian Sharp <> wrote in message news:<com>... 


Posted: 12 Feb 2004 07:05 PM PST


Believe it or not, the way it works does actually make sense. For
some businesses that are B2C, there won't be an Account in the mix at
all. For others, even though their B2B, they want the sales records
tied to the Contact so the system knows who to send email, etc to.
Also, in this case, there are times where you will have a contact for
a sale that is not directly associated with the Account. Imagine a
case where there is an outside consultant that you are conversing with
regarding an opportunity. That consultant doesn't work for the
Account, but you want to associate him with the oppy anyways.

Unfortunately, in this release, there is no built-in way to apply the
filter you are looking for. It would be a nice feature though to have
something like a radio button that would toggle this on or off.


On Fri, 13 Feb 2004 14:05:17 +1100, "Chris Ericoli"
<> wrote:

I am somewhat confused, and am hoping that someone who has been using
regularly, may shed some light.

When creating an opportunity/quote/order it would appear that you can
do it against an account OR a contact. To me, it would seem that you
have to create the item against the account, and then associate
contacts, but when selecting associate contacts, it does not filter to
contacts particular to the account. This is crazy, as there are
contacts with the same names from different accounts, and it would be
possible for a user to incorrectly associate a contact.

Is there any way of filtering the association FIND window to only show
contacts relevant to the account??



CRM host page

Posted: 12 Feb 2004 11:40 AM PST

I installed my crm website to http://mscrm/

It depends on many factors, it sounds like you don't seem to know much about
IIS, TCP etc although I might be wrong...if you don't I'd leave it to a
professional if I was you.

ERROR: ...recycled because it was suspected to be in a deadlocked state...

Posted: 12 Feb 2004 10:20 AM PST

There was a post the other day aout a glitch where some activities had
a huge number of ActivityParty records associated with them and
someone idicated there was a fix. Not sure what version that applied
to though.

You might want to chech the DB to see if this applies to the
activities that are causing the problem


On Thu, 12 Feb 2004 23:17:39 -0600, "John O'Donnell"
<com-nospam> wrote:

Also how many activities is this happening with? DO they all belong to
same user?

"John O'Donnell" <com-nospam> wrote in
message news:phx.gbl... 

Exam Certification CRM

Posted: 12 Feb 2004 10:01 AM PST

There are no test exams. You need to be very familar with the intricate
details of Microsoft CRM. While youcan read exam prep guides etc nothing can
beat real experience with the application

<> wrote in message

Offline post-callouts?

Posted: 12 Feb 2004 07:16 AM PST


Is it critical that this logic fire immediately when offline? If not,
then I am pretty certain that the callout will fire when the user goes
back online. When you go back online, CRM actually funnels the queued
updates through the application layer to process the updates. This
way, the updates get re-validated against the security and busness
rules of the system at that time. Thus, that's when workflow kicks in
and should be when the call-outs will fire as well.


On 12 Feb 2004 07:16:55 -0800, com (Wout
Neirynck) wrote:


We're using a post-callout to add some business logic to the MS CRM,
but now we want that business logic available to the Outlook client
when working offline as well.

We've installed the COM+ component on a test client, and registered it
with CRM, and it gets called at the appropriate time, but it doesn't
work: the component blocks when trying to create a CRM object (e.g.
BizUser). An alternative would be to access the local MSDE datastore
directly, but we can't figure out how to do that (we always get
"connection refused").
We're unable to find any documentation about how to use the
post-callout mechanism. Is it even possible? If anybody could shed
some light on the situation, we'd really appreciate it!

Wout Neirynck

install on win2k3

Posted: 11 Feb 2004 04:09 PM PST

what errors were you getting? Difficult to provide any help without any
more detail.

we have 1.2 installed on 2003
SQL 2000 SP3a (also on 2003)
in both production (where both machines are completely locked down)
and in development, which is more of a vanilla 2003.
AD on 2000 (dev) / 2003 (prodn)
Exchange etc
Office 2003 for client

They have all installed fine & work


"Chris Harmon" <com> wrote in message

Microsoft Search

Posted: 11 Feb 2004 08:52 AM PST

.....and therefore required for CRM Knowledge Base functionality...

"John O'Donnell" <com-nospam> wrote in
message news:phx.gbl... 

Running Recipient update service (RES) on more than one server - Microsoft Exchange

Running Recipient update service (RES) on more than one server - Microsoft Exchange

Running Recipient update service (RES) on more than one server

Posted: 14 Jun 2004 01:27 PM PDT

Thanks for the reply.
Does that mean I have to manually change the name of the exchange server in RUS (!!) object? Can setting "ms-Exch-Address-List-Service-Link" attribute
for the RUS object in AD would work? or there is a better way of doing it through CDO(EXM).


"Benoit Boudeville [MVP]" wrote:

exchange2000 to exchange2003 cluster

Posted: 14 Jun 2004 01:06 PM PDT

at what moment the new cluster is going to join the existent administrative
"eric romero" <com> wrote in message

setting up forwarding

Posted: 14 Jun 2004 09:50 AM PDT

Please read

Mark Daly wrote:

Help fight spam - designate sending servers for your domain.

Exchange migration question

Posted: 14 Jun 2004 09:41 AM PDT

We typically see SIS perceived by messaging administrators as a good benefit
in terms of on-disk storage, what is not so well-known is the performance

So when you look carefully at the benefit you're getting with SIS, you'll
see, on the average, it will not exceed (I'd be very, very surprised if you
can exceed 10%) 10%. Performance monitor counter counts items, not the
bytes. So do not rely on that.

Let me expand on the performance impact. When you send a 1mb attachment to a
DL, members of which are hosted on the same store, we deal with checking
only one copy into that store, instead of, say, 100. This alone relieves a
lot of load from the server for doing other things. It's why SIS as a
feature is still very important for day to day operations, but not as
important for reducing on-disk footprint.



This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

"Bart" <@> wrote in message news:phx.gbl... 

mail-enabled global or local groups

Posted: 14 Jun 2004 08:14 AM PDT

How many GC's in how many sites connected by what size links &
synching when & hown often?

"Mark Daly" <com> wrote:

Mark Arnold MCSA MCSE+M MVP,

customize owa 2003 logon page

Posted: 14 Jun 2004 07:40 AM PDT


job for your 

getting rid of the POP3 connector

Posted: 14 Jun 2004 07:31 AM PDT

"IT Phytosan" <> wrote in message
instead of downloading it from the host using the POP3 connector. Other than
redirecting mail traffic to my servers IP, what should I consider? what are
some of the pros and cons. The reason I would like to do this, is the
minimum 15minutes wait for mail messages. Will this transition fix this? 

Indeed it will solve your wait problem. In fact, since it is event driven
(as opposed to timed) 'things' occur when other 'things' happen, ie.
messages are delivered to the receipient when they are received.. bottom
line, mail delivery is virtually instantaneous.

Another reply here suggests using your ISP for backup MX, in case your
server is down. Backup MX is a great idea, but I had difficulty using my isp
for backup MX, because they insisted on having individual mailboxes for each
user, which meant I not only had to maintain the user list with them, I had
to pay for each one too.. they wouldn't do a 'catch all' for the domain, so
I dumped them and went with for backup MX service. Way
cheap, and I've been happy with their service.

Are you already sending your own mail out via direct SMTP, or are you using
your ISP's server for 'smarthost'? One thing to watch out for is the
loser-lists.. ahem, I mean blacklists, a-la SPEWS. There are good DNSBL's
out there, and there are zealots. Make sure your IP is not listed before
attempting to send your own mail.

Also, if you have a co-operative ISP, ask them to make sure your forward and
reverse DNS entries match.

Good luck

Email Time

Posted: 14 Jun 2004 07:10 AM PDT

Did you check the time zone settings in Outlook to make sure it's set
properly and that the clock still matches the server's? It's probably not
your server, it's more likely to be the clients. wrote: 

cannot connect to POP3 server through the internet

Posted: 13 Jun 2004 05:54 AM PDT

Does it work when you're connected to the network internally?
Without (if you don't want) revealing the domain\userid\alias names, how are
you logging on?

"IT Phytosan" <> wrote in message
internet I get the following error: 
incoming mail server (POP3) the problem could be the server name or port or
your server may not support SSL Verify your port and SSL settings in More
settings under the Advanced tab. 
be wrong? 

DNS Setup for Exchange 5.5 & Win2k

Posted: 12 Jun 2004 01:31 PM PDT

"Pinko_Commie" <matt_elk(REMOVE)> wrote in message


I have just found it I think.;en-us;247063


Disaster Recovery Setup

Posted: 11 Jun 2004 12:27 PM PDT

Hi Mark,

Thanks for your response. The site only has one box. I will look into the two sites you sent me. Thanks for your response.


"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

exchange web access 2003

Posted: 11 Jun 2004 09:31 AM PDT

It wasn't very clear to me either--I was passing that second question on. The goal is aparently to be able to take all the calendar items for a given week and email them to another person from the web access. It seems I can't attach items to an email using the web access
Thanks for your respons


renaming exchange 5.5 server

Posted: 11 Jun 2004 09:06 AM PDT

"Michael Barta [MSFT]" <> wrote in message

ah, OK, thanks, that makes my life alot easier :-)


Building a Windows Exchange Server 2003 Enterprise Edition

Posted: 10 Jun 2004 12:55 PM PDT

Thanks for you help Baris, I will try not to cross post in future.

"Baris Eris [MS]" <> wrote in message

Microsoft Word - Why can I not save to a thumb drive on Office Word 2007 on my new Windows 8 computer? It tells me to check if a door is not closed or if a correct disk is inserted.

Microsoft Word - Why can I not save to a thumb drive on Office Word 2007 on my new Windows 8 computer? It tells me to check if a door is not closed or if a correct disk is inserted.

Why can I not save to a thumb drive on Office Word 2007 on my new Windows 8 computer? It tells me to check if a door is not closed or if a correct disk is inserted.

Posted: 18 Jan 2013 06:17 AM PST

I just got a new laptop with Windows 8. When I try to save a document typed in Office Word 2007, it will not same to any thumb drive I have,. I get a message that OI must check open doors or insure that the right disk is in use.

Dropdown Content Control = display name vs. value

Posted: 18 Jan 2013 05:22 AM PST

When adding items to the list in a Dropdown Content Control, Word offers a Display Name field and a Value field. I don't see where it ever uses the latter. Is is only intended to be accessed from VBA?

Formatting checkbox content control

Posted: 18 Jan 2013 04:53 AM PST

I know how to change the symbols Word 2010 assigns to the checked/unchecked states of the Checkbox content control, and it's nice that we can pick literally anything for these. But one symbol seems to be missing from the choices -- the appearance of the old (2003) ActiveX checkbox, with the sleek raised look and the illusion of a sturdy border. My boss is in love with these things, and I kind of agree. Screenshot here.


I don't see this symbol anywhere. Has is it been deliberately made unavailable so that nobody will mistake an old ActiveX control for a new Content Control? Am I just not looking in the right spot? Wingdings 254 comes close, but not close enough. If the ActiveX's weren't so finicky I'd just keep using them, but they don't play nice.

Can't check out/in a SharePoint 2010 document after installing Office 2013

Posted: 17 Jan 2013 02:34 PM PST

After installing Office 2013 I can't check out/in a document from our SharePoint document library.  Well technically SharePoint tells me the document was successfully checked out but when I go to look for it under my SharePoint Drafts folder it's not there.  I searched my entire hard drive to see if it put it somewhere else but it didn't.


I had seen an issue similar in previous versions of office and the solution was to go to File > options > save and verify that I was saving checked-out filed to: 'the server drafts location on this computer'


My Server drafts location: C:\users\username\Documents\SharePoint Drafts\


This isn't working in Office 2013. 


Here's what I'm running:


Office 2013 x64

Windows 7 SP1 x64

IE 9

McAfee Antivirus/EPO


Any Ideas?

: Why my "send a copy of document in an email message as attachment" is inactived (gray out)?

Posted: 17 Jan 2013 12:00 PM PST

Why my "send a copy of document in an email message as attachment" is inactived (gray out)?
I clicked office button and than clicked send - but unable to email my word document because the "send a copy of document in an email message as attachment" is inactive (grayed)

set outside the printable area

Posted: 16 Jan 2013 08:24 PM PST

With a template I have been given to use, when I print a document I get the message 'The page borders of section <N> are set outside the printable area of the page', once for every section of the document. Paper type is set correctly.


This happens even when I totally remove all content from the body, header and footer of a single-page document and use the Normal built-in margins (I can *see* the margins are in the right place).  Even when I print to OneNote instead of to a real printer. Even when I delete all the styles I can from the template.


There is nothing left in my document, so what could be causing the problem? The document prints correctly but I need to get rid of those error messages as my readers can't be expected to wade through 15 error messages when they print.


Any suggestion greatly appreciated.





Endnotes change orientation after filling the page.

Posted: 16 Jan 2013 07:15 AM PST

I have an endnotes section with the title 'References' followed by a section break so that my endnotes sit below the title.  I then have another section break after which I have set the page orientation set to landscape so that I can insert tables.  This was fine until my references reached the bottom of the first page at which point they spilled over onto a second page which is orientated in landscape.


Is there a way to have two or more pages of portrait orientated end notes followed by a new section of landscaped tables (without having to insert a blank page of portrait in between).



date automatically updating in Word 2003

Posted: 15 Jan 2013 12:26 PM PST

I opened a Word document sent to me from someone else today and the date field automatically updated to today's date.  I have update automatically unchecked under the Insert menu.  How do I prevent Word from changing these documents that I didn't author?  Thanks.

Mail merge labels only shows first line

Posted: 14 Jan 2013 08:38 PM PST

I have gone through all the steps, and even though the full name and address (three lines) display at the "insert address block" step under "preview". when I go to "Preview your labels," only the first line (the name) gets inserted into each label in the document.  I have tried this in Word 2007 on one computer and Word 2010 on another (both XP) with the same frustrating result.

Microsoft Word - Terminology for Table of Contents with links to sections

Microsoft Word - Terminology for Table of Contents with links to sections

Terminology for Table of Contents with links to sections

Posted: 17 Jan 2013 08:41 AM PST

Sorry but I forget what this is called. I have a 68-page document, and the first page has a table of contents (I think this is the terminology) that allows me to click on an item (on that first page), and then it takes me directly to that section. The sections titles in my document that are linked to in that TOC are all formatted as Heading 1. 

I'm trying to add a new item to that TOC, but I can't seem to be able to do it, or to be find the info online. Is what I have, in fact, a TOC? Or is it something else? And also, how do I add an additional section to this TOC, allowing me to click on the link, that takes me straight to that section in the document?

Using Word 2010 but can't open documents unless I click on "open with" giveing no option for Word 2010?

Posted: 16 Jan 2013 07:40 PM PST

I am using Word 2010 on a Vista computer. I was working on a document created in Word 2007 (or earlier?) All my documents now have a different look to them whenever I open any of my files. I cannot open any of them by double clicking. I must click on "open in" but the 2 options are open in Microsoft Office Click-to-Run Bootsrapper or Microsoft Office Work Word Processor.  There is no open for Word 2010.


When I finally manage to open a document I open the file and check the compatibily mode have had tried some suggestions relating to that in other posts. How can I reverse whatever I did to get me into this mess? I also got a message about the possibility of corrupt files but following recommended steps down that path didn't work either.


I desperately need to be able to get down to some productive work! Thanks.

although I have completed Shauna Kelly's instructions to the letter for setting up style numbeirng in Word 2010, the auto numbers will not renumber after heading 2. I get 1, 1.1, 1.2, 2, 1.3, 1,4

Posted: 16 Jan 2013 04:32 PM PST

although I have completed Shauna Kelly's instructions to the letter for setting up style numbeirng in Word 2010, the auto numbers will not renumber after heading 2.  I get








I need help fast!!!

many thanks

Restore lost pre-2007 menu shortcut key

Posted: 16 Jan 2013 03:28 PM PST

Messed up here. I mistakenly bound the keyboard shortcuts ALT+E to a macro (intended for CTRL+ALT+E). But I still use the ALT+E shortcut for a few things that used to be on the 2003 Edit menu, so I've tried to unbind it.... but I can't!  Trying:


CustomizationContext = NormalTemplate

FindKey(KeyCode:=BuildKeyCode(wdKeyAlt, wdKeyE)).Clear


But still nothing happens with ALT+E. The others work (ALT+V for View, etc.) How do I get this back?


Thanks for clues.


I make my living as a writer and I cannot get my word 2010 to set tabs so I am doing it MANUALLY!

Posted: 16 Jan 2013 02:16 PM PST

Can somebody PLEASE  tell me:


1. Move the right piece to 7


2. Move the left piece to 4.


THAT simple. on how to fix it?


I can't deal with it anymore and will have to return the entire program and find another which will be a nightmare for me.





Need cents shown in merge

Posted: 16 Jan 2013 11:26 AM PST

When I merge a dolllar amount field such as$ 445.00 it shows up as just $445. I want it to show 445.00

Fillable forms in diagrams

Posted: 16 Jan 2013 09:11 AM PST

I am attempting to create a fillable form in Word 2010 inside a diagram. I have created text boxes and have placed text from the Controls area in Design Mode inside the boxes. After I password protect it to allow only for editing when filling out the form, none of the text boxes will allow me to type.
Will Design Mode allow for creating this type of fillable diagram?

How do I get a non blank template to load on startup?

Posted: 16 Jan 2013 08:58 AM PST

I know how to create my own templates so that I can load them using NEW and My template.  I also know how to change the styles on the blank template that loads automatically when I click on Word.  What I would like to do is have one of my templates with 2 columns and a header with date and page count load automatically when I load Word.  I'm using WORD 10 with Windows 7.  Can this be done.  I was able to do this with Word 97 and Open Office.   

Spell check not working ???

Posted: 16 Jan 2013 07:59 AM PST

Following downloading windows 8 and reinstalling office 2007 spell check is not working, i am getting error message proofing tools are missing for english UK.  They are installed and enabled, i have done all the standard checks within spell check with no joy. Any good ideas please.

How to remove word add-ins?

Posted: 16 Jan 2013 05:26 AM PST

Using Microsoft Word Professional 2010 on Windows 7 Ultimate service pack 1.


On the Add-Ins Tab I get 3 groups, the last one is from an Add in I'm working on at VS but the first 2 I need to remove. The tool tip of the button of one of the add ins I'm trying to remove shows DocSmartzToolBar : TrialDocSmartz Import PDF.



In word I tried: Developer|Com Add-Ins. But there only shows mine, 2 unchecked from OneNote and the visual studio tool for office.


Then, with show hidden files option went to …/Program Files (86x)/MicrosoftOffice/Office14/STARTUP but it is empty (maybe shouldn't be).


Back in word: File|Options|Add-In. Several files, including mine but none that looks as it could be one of those I'm trying to delete plus no action I can take on those shown there.


Then tried:  Developer|Add-Ins. Nothing there.


Ran word as administrator, retried everything, no changes.


Went to control panel | uninstall or change program. Pretty sure had previously uninstalled those since I'm in the habit of doing so with anything I install and then find no use for it. Sure enough couldn't fine anything DocSmartz related.

Microsoft CRM - GUID subject

Microsoft CRM - GUID subject

GUID subject

Posted: 12 Feb 2004 07:12 AM PST

Once you click Promote Email to CRM Activity for an
individal, CRM will catch the email that come through for
that individual every time after that.

to the originating 
mail connector 


Posted: 11 Feb 2004 10:13 PM PST

Remember this is only a read only product. I dont think u can create new
sales, prospects etc..



"Gill Walker" <> wrote in message

Retrieve AccountID?

Posted: 11 Feb 2004 01:21 PM PST

you can use a query to retrieve any information on a contact or any other
object type
you can search on name, account name etc
there is ample documentation in the SDK on queries including examples.

"Rob" <net> wrote in message 

Report Error after Upgrade to 1.2

Posted: 11 Feb 2004 12:50 PM PST

How do I republish the reports?

"John O'Donnell" <com-nospam> wrote in
message news:phx.gbl... 

Crystal Report Launch 2

Posted: 11 Feb 2004 09:18 AM PST

Sorry Gary.
I have the same needing but nobody answer in this newsgroup....

"Gary" <com> ha scritto nel messaggio

Add date/time to notes

Posted: 11 Feb 2004 07:19 AM PST

Thanks for the tip, however, I am getting an error: 'Invalid item id' when
saving this record. Any ideas?


"Kristina Ledford" <com> wrote in message

How to change which server the Outlook Client is connected to?

Posted: 10 Feb 2004 05:41 PM PST

Thanks Toby, that is exactly what I am looking for


com (T) wrote in message news:<>... 

Activity -- problem opening existing Activity

Posted: 10 Feb 2004 05:26 PM PST


Thanks for the info!


"Kristina Ledford" <com> wrote in message

Advanced Customisation

Posted: 10 Feb 2004 03:52 PM PST

You can use javascript to modify menu items and actions at runtime. Not a
supported mod though.


"Mark" <> wrote in message

Setup Development Env

Posted: 10 Feb 2004 03:42 PM PST

Another thing to watch out for is the exchange router. You won't be
able to have the same user in both CRM's and using the router.

On Tue, 10 Feb 2004 23:42:52 -0600, "John O'Donnell"
<com-nospam> wrote:

As long as your using a different database however if tow crm's are
the same OU in the active directory then one crm could make a change
to the
OU and corrupt the other one.

I would prefer to use a different license such as the MSDN or create a
separate OU for the dev CRM system

"Do" <com> wrote in message

Create new Database and Configure Synchronization

Posted: 10 Feb 2004 02:10 PM PST

Thank you, Matt.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but the way to set up replication to
bring down information of Competitor/Partners to the MSDE is to make
the <Organization-Name>_MSCRM database the Publisher and create a new
database with the appropriate tables I need, and the MSDE as the
Subscriber, with matching database schema as the Publisher. And then
use the wizard to set up a Pull Subscription.... is that the way to do
Why can't I set up the replication such that the date is synched back
to the <Organization-Name>_MSCRM database system?

Thanks a lot :)

Matt Parks <com> wrote in message news:<com>... 

CRM 1.0 XML import to CRM 1.2

Posted: 10 Feb 2004 01:43 PM PST

there is no real work around - thats why they recommend an upgrade vs. a
clean install for 1.2

to modify the xml you would need to change the version in it - and the
string lengths... search this board because someone has done it before.....

"Tony Nguyen" <> wrote in message