

FC2, Dell, and SoundMAX audio - Forums Linux

FC2, Dell, and SoundMAX audio - Forums Linux

FC2, Dell, and SoundMAX audio

Posted: 05 Jun 2004 12:42 PM PDT

Allen Kistler wrote: 

Hmmm... CD audio still doesn't work in Linux, no matter what I do to
any mixer channel (either mixer).

Problems with FLOCK (file lock)

Posted: 05 Jun 2004 09:29 AM PDT

Hash: SHA1
NotDashEscaped: You need GnuPG to verify this message

In comp.os.linux.setup Fatih Gey <de> suggested: 

Strange, but then use 'diff' (man diff) and check the difference
to the .config from the fedora kernel to get more info what you
are missing.

Good luck

Michael Heiming (GPG-Key ID: 0xEDD27B94)
mail: echo qr | perl -pe 'y/a-z/n-za-m/'
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


Procmail - GPG , forward an encrypted mail.

Posted: 05 Jun 2004 04:40 AM PDT

If i use () in the gpg line i get some error in the
procmail log , and other related to the () in formail line.
(gpg: (gpg: No such file or directory
procmail: Error while writing to "(gpg"
procmail: Rescue of unfiltered data succeeded
Folder: (formail -I"To: it" -I"Mime-Version: 1.0" \

the mail is sent but in this case i have no body message.

without () this is an example of a message that i receive :

email server headers etc etc ..

To: com
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/encrypted; protocol="application/pgp-encrypted";
Content-Disposition: inline

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see

crypted message

i found a post on google with a similar problem,
there is a script but i don't understand how to use it in this case and how
to integrate it in .procmailrc.
i tried :
|script com
! email
but don't work.


Alan Connor wrote:

From Windows to Linux Server?

Posted: 05 Jun 2004 03:20 AM PDT

Thomas wrote: 

I do not know what you are talking about. In this context, what is a
signature? Have you looked at iptables?

My iptables firewall is based on one in "Red Hat Linux Firewalls" by Bill
McCarty, published by redhat PRESS, Chapter 10.

.~. Jean-David Beyer Registered Linux User 85642.
/V\ Registered Machine 241939.
/( )\ Shrewsbury, New Jersey
^^-^^ 23:40:00 up 5 days, 8:39, 5 users, load average: 11.88, 11.99, 11.38

Kernel question

Posted: 04 Jun 2004 06:41 PM PDT

Valeriu Catina <de> writes:

Look into /proc/cpuinfo.


How can I install Linux on a portable computer

Posted: 04 Jun 2004 10:27 AM PDT

ZW wrote: 

See what others have installed:
( )

Read also:


Mandrake 10 Linux is very good.
Learn to use the package/installation tools.

Knoppix is OK, you can run directly from a CD.
Alternatively install it on a HD.

Or go for Xandros Linux. It costs a few $.

// moma

LDAP as standard authentication

Posted: 03 Jun 2004 03:50 PM PDT

The world rejoiced as "Sarah Tanembaum" <com> wrote: 

Not likely. Setting up authentication against an LDAP server requires
some extra, somewhat fiddly, configuration, and it usually makes sense
for systems to use /etc/passwd by default, with resort to NIS/LDAP
being something a system administrator sets up _afterwards_.
output = ("cbbrowne" "@" "")
"Microsoft has world class quality control" -- Arthur Norman

Trying to get sound to work on Fedora Core 2

Posted: 03 Jun 2004 03:47 PM PDT

On Fri, 04 Jun 2004 17:52:44 +0000, Chiefy typed furiously: 

But not the cut and paste apparently. :-)

I had to hit him, he was beginning to make sense.

Boot Partiotion too big-Errror within Installation

Posted: 01 Jun 2004 12:13 AM PDT

Holger Stein wrote: 
Sounds like your distro ("a CD with Go!Linux 7.2 and used the
installation-programm of this system.") is defective. Why not try some
other distro?

Any competant distro has fdisk (or something similar, or a choice of many:
Red Hat has what they call a "Disk Druid" but you can use fdisk as well)
that will leave existing partitions alone and allow you to make all the
Linux, swap, and whatnot partitions you want in the remaining available space.

.~. Jean-David Beyer Registered Linux User 85642.
/V\ Registered Machine 241939.
/( )\ Shrewsbury, New Jersey
^^-^^ 06:55:00 up 4 days, 15:54, 5 users, load average: 4.37, 4.26, 4.12