

Microsoft Word - Terminology for Table of Contents with links to sections

Microsoft Word - Terminology for Table of Contents with links to sections

Terminology for Table of Contents with links to sections

Posted: 17 Jan 2013 08:41 AM PST

Sorry but I forget what this is called. I have a 68-page document, and the first page has a table of contents (I think this is the terminology) that allows me to click on an item (on that first page), and then it takes me directly to that section. The sections titles in my document that are linked to in that TOC are all formatted as Heading 1. 

I'm trying to add a new item to that TOC, but I can't seem to be able to do it, or to be find the info online. Is what I have, in fact, a TOC? Or is it something else? And also, how do I add an additional section to this TOC, allowing me to click on the link, that takes me straight to that section in the document?

Using Word 2010 but can't open documents unless I click on "open with" giveing no option for Word 2010?

Posted: 16 Jan 2013 07:40 PM PST

I am using Word 2010 on a Vista computer. I was working on a document created in Word 2007 (or earlier?) All my documents now have a different look to them whenever I open any of my files. I cannot open any of them by double clicking. I must click on "open in" but the 2 options are open in Microsoft Office Click-to-Run Bootsrapper or Microsoft Office Work Word Processor.  There is no open for Word 2010.


When I finally manage to open a document I open the file and check the compatibily mode have had tried some suggestions relating to that in other posts. How can I reverse whatever I did to get me into this mess? I also got a message about the possibility of corrupt files but following recommended steps down that path didn't work either.


I desperately need to be able to get down to some productive work! Thanks.

although I have completed Shauna Kelly's instructions to the letter for setting up style numbeirng in Word 2010, the auto numbers will not renumber after heading 2. I get 1, 1.1, 1.2, 2, 1.3, 1,4

Posted: 16 Jan 2013 04:32 PM PST

although I have completed Shauna Kelly's instructions to the letter for setting up style numbeirng in Word 2010, the auto numbers will not renumber after heading 2.  I get








I need help fast!!!

many thanks

Restore lost pre-2007 menu shortcut key

Posted: 16 Jan 2013 03:28 PM PST

Messed up here. I mistakenly bound the keyboard shortcuts ALT+E to a macro (intended for CTRL+ALT+E). But I still use the ALT+E shortcut for a few things that used to be on the 2003 Edit menu, so I've tried to unbind it.... but I can't!  Trying:


CustomizationContext = NormalTemplate

FindKey(KeyCode:=BuildKeyCode(wdKeyAlt, wdKeyE)).Clear


But still nothing happens with ALT+E. The others work (ALT+V for View, etc.) How do I get this back?


Thanks for clues.


I make my living as a writer and I cannot get my word 2010 to set tabs so I am doing it MANUALLY!

Posted: 16 Jan 2013 02:16 PM PST

Can somebody PLEASE  tell me:


1. Move the right piece to 7


2. Move the left piece to 4.


THAT simple. on how to fix it?


I can't deal with it anymore and will have to return the entire program and find another which will be a nightmare for me.





Need cents shown in merge

Posted: 16 Jan 2013 11:26 AM PST

When I merge a dolllar amount field such as$ 445.00 it shows up as just $445. I want it to show 445.00

Fillable forms in diagrams

Posted: 16 Jan 2013 09:11 AM PST

I am attempting to create a fillable form in Word 2010 inside a diagram. I have created text boxes and have placed text from the Controls area in Design Mode inside the boxes. After I password protect it to allow only for editing when filling out the form, none of the text boxes will allow me to type.
Will Design Mode allow for creating this type of fillable diagram?

How do I get a non blank template to load on startup?

Posted: 16 Jan 2013 08:58 AM PST

I know how to create my own templates so that I can load them using NEW and My template.  I also know how to change the styles on the blank template that loads automatically when I click on Word.  What I would like to do is have one of my templates with 2 columns and a header with date and page count load automatically when I load Word.  I'm using WORD 10 with Windows 7.  Can this be done.  I was able to do this with Word 97 and Open Office.   

Spell check not working ???

Posted: 16 Jan 2013 07:59 AM PST

Following downloading windows 8 and reinstalling office 2007 spell check is not working, i am getting error message proofing tools are missing for english UK.  They are installed and enabled, i have done all the standard checks within spell check with no joy. Any good ideas please.

How to remove word add-ins?

Posted: 16 Jan 2013 05:26 AM PST

Using Microsoft Word Professional 2010 on Windows 7 Ultimate service pack 1.


On the Add-Ins Tab I get 3 groups, the last one is from an Add in I'm working on at VS but the first 2 I need to remove. The tool tip of the button of one of the add ins I'm trying to remove shows DocSmartzToolBar : TrialDocSmartz Import PDF.



In word I tried: Developer|Com Add-Ins. But there only shows mine, 2 unchecked from OneNote and the visual studio tool for office.


Then, with show hidden files option went to …/Program Files (86x)/MicrosoftOffice/Office14/STARTUP but it is empty (maybe shouldn't be).


Back in word: File|Options|Add-In. Several files, including mine but none that looks as it could be one of those I'm trying to delete plus no action I can take on those shown there.


Then tried:  Developer|Add-Ins. Nothing there.


Ran word as administrator, retried everything, no changes.


Went to control panel | uninstall or change program. Pretty sure had previously uninstalled those since I'm in the habit of doing so with anything I install and then find no use for it. Sure enough couldn't fine anything DocSmartz related.