

Running Recipient update service (RES) on more than one server - Microsoft Exchange

Running Recipient update service (RES) on more than one server - Microsoft Exchange

Running Recipient update service (RES) on more than one server

Posted: 14 Jun 2004 01:27 PM PDT

Thanks for the reply.
Does that mean I have to manually change the name of the exchange server in RUS (!!) object? Can setting "ms-Exch-Address-List-Service-Link" attribute
for the RUS object in AD would work? or there is a better way of doing it through CDO(EXM).


"Benoit Boudeville [MVP]" wrote:

exchange2000 to exchange2003 cluster

Posted: 14 Jun 2004 01:06 PM PDT

at what moment the new cluster is going to join the existent administrative
"eric romero" <com> wrote in message

setting up forwarding

Posted: 14 Jun 2004 09:50 AM PDT

Please read

Mark Daly wrote:

Help fight spam - designate sending servers for your domain.

Exchange migration question

Posted: 14 Jun 2004 09:41 AM PDT

We typically see SIS perceived by messaging administrators as a good benefit
in terms of on-disk storage, what is not so well-known is the performance

So when you look carefully at the benefit you're getting with SIS, you'll
see, on the average, it will not exceed (I'd be very, very surprised if you
can exceed 10%) 10%. Performance monitor counter counts items, not the
bytes. So do not rely on that.

Let me expand on the performance impact. When you send a 1mb attachment to a
DL, members of which are hosted on the same store, we deal with checking
only one copy into that store, instead of, say, 100. This alone relieves a
lot of load from the server for doing other things. It's why SIS as a
feature is still very important for day to day operations, but not as
important for reducing on-disk footprint.



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"Bart" <@> wrote in message news:phx.gbl... 

mail-enabled global or local groups

Posted: 14 Jun 2004 08:14 AM PDT

How many GC's in how many sites connected by what size links &
synching when & hown often?

"Mark Daly" <com> wrote:

Mark Arnold MCSA MCSE+M MVP,

customize owa 2003 logon page

Posted: 14 Jun 2004 07:40 AM PDT


job for your 

getting rid of the POP3 connector

Posted: 14 Jun 2004 07:31 AM PDT

"IT Phytosan" <> wrote in message
instead of downloading it from the host using the POP3 connector. Other than
redirecting mail traffic to my servers IP, what should I consider? what are
some of the pros and cons. The reason I would like to do this, is the
minimum 15minutes wait for mail messages. Will this transition fix this? 

Indeed it will solve your wait problem. In fact, since it is event driven
(as opposed to timed) 'things' occur when other 'things' happen, ie.
messages are delivered to the receipient when they are received.. bottom
line, mail delivery is virtually instantaneous.

Another reply here suggests using your ISP for backup MX, in case your
server is down. Backup MX is a great idea, but I had difficulty using my isp
for backup MX, because they insisted on having individual mailboxes for each
user, which meant I not only had to maintain the user list with them, I had
to pay for each one too.. they wouldn't do a 'catch all' for the domain, so
I dumped them and went with for backup MX service. Way
cheap, and I've been happy with their service.

Are you already sending your own mail out via direct SMTP, or are you using
your ISP's server for 'smarthost'? One thing to watch out for is the
loser-lists.. ahem, I mean blacklists, a-la SPEWS. There are good DNSBL's
out there, and there are zealots. Make sure your IP is not listed before
attempting to send your own mail.

Also, if you have a co-operative ISP, ask them to make sure your forward and
reverse DNS entries match.

Good luck

Email Time

Posted: 14 Jun 2004 07:10 AM PDT

Did you check the time zone settings in Outlook to make sure it's set
properly and that the clock still matches the server's? It's probably not
your server, it's more likely to be the clients. wrote: 

cannot connect to POP3 server through the internet

Posted: 13 Jun 2004 05:54 AM PDT

Does it work when you're connected to the network internally?
Without (if you don't want) revealing the domain\userid\alias names, how are
you logging on?

"IT Phytosan" <> wrote in message
internet I get the following error: 
incoming mail server (POP3) the problem could be the server name or port or
your server may not support SSL Verify your port and SSL settings in More
settings under the Advanced tab. 
be wrong? 

DNS Setup for Exchange 5.5 & Win2k

Posted: 12 Jun 2004 01:31 PM PDT

"Pinko_Commie" <matt_elk(REMOVE)> wrote in message


I have just found it I think.;en-us;247063


Disaster Recovery Setup

Posted: 11 Jun 2004 12:27 PM PDT

Hi Mark,

Thanks for your response. The site only has one box. I will look into the two sites you sent me. Thanks for your response.


"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

exchange web access 2003

Posted: 11 Jun 2004 09:31 AM PDT

It wasn't very clear to me either--I was passing that second question on. The goal is aparently to be able to take all the calendar items for a given week and email them to another person from the web access. It seems I can't attach items to an email using the web access
Thanks for your respons


renaming exchange 5.5 server

Posted: 11 Jun 2004 09:06 AM PDT

"Michael Barta [MSFT]" <> wrote in message

ah, OK, thanks, that makes my life alot easier :-)


Building a Windows Exchange Server 2003 Enterprise Edition

Posted: 10 Jun 2004 12:55 PM PDT

Thanks for you help Baris, I will try not to cross post in future.

"Baris Eris [MS]" <> wrote in message