

Excel IT Pro Discussions Forum: Excel External Data Connection and SharePoint 2010

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Excel External Data Connection and SharePoint 2010
I've recently installed SharePoint 2010 and TFS 2010.  I've setup the Secure Service Store but find an issue when working with the external data connection in Excel 2007.  The only authentication methods are Windows, SSO and None.  I don't see an option to use SSS.  Will it still work the same and go after credentials in the SSS database or will it look specifically for an SSO database.

Office IT Pro General Discussions Forum: Outlook 2010 - Quick Steps Limit

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Outlook 2010 - Quick Steps Limit


Does anybody know if there is a limit to the number of Quick Steps you can create in Outlook 2010?

Thanks, Viv

Viv Haig

Excel Help Forum - Excel Programming / VBA / Macros: Conditionally formatting the color of the lines connecting two points on a sc...

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Conditionally formatting the color of the lines connecting two points on a scatter graph
Good Morning, I am working on a project by creating scatter graphs that show how each facility is improving based on 2 key metrics, Lines Handled Per Hour (LPH) & Errors/1,000 Lines Shipped (Quality). An improvement in LPH means that the number should be greater and an improving in Quality...

Excel Help Forum - Excel General: Why, oh Why does it show me the formula instead of result

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Why, oh Why does it show me the formula instead of result
I am entering a simple formula =MIN(range) and it shows me the result. I make any edit (e.g., add $ so that I can copy the formula acros without rows changing), hit return, and it shows me the formula instead of the result. Now anytime I type a formula in that cell, it shows me the formula not...

Office IT Pro General Discussions Forum: MS Access 2010 - DB in 2003 format - Autonumber 2007-2010 - getting a Duplica...

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MS Access 2010 - DB in 2003 format - Autonumber 2007-2010 - getting a Duplicate Key message, Access 2010
We have had multiple times, approx. 2 twice a month for the last 4 months, when we are getting a duplicate key message and no users can enter new rows.

Looking at the table there is not a duplicate record.

The only table connected has a field as a primary key, autonumber field type, and index (no dups).

If I delete all the rows and reload the table, the users can add rows again.

We are running MS-2010 Access, with a AccessDB formatted as 2003. Is this a MS bug?


Russ Neuman

Excel Help Forum - Excel Charting & Pivots: Help plotting filled shapes (currently plotting outlines using scatter)

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Help plotting filled shapes (currently plotting outlines using scatter)
Hi all, I have been able to plot a shape (in this case an ellipse or series of ellipses) using the scatter plot, however, what I would really like to do is fill this shape in with a solid colour (as opposed to just the outline). Is there anyway to do this? I would have thought it shouldn't be...

Excel Help Forum - Excel Programming / VBA / Macros: Pulling values based on selection from drop down box

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Pulling values based on selection from drop down box
I am not sure I posted this in the correct area, my apologies if not. I am trying to find the best way to pull data into a series of cells based on the selection made from a drop down box. For example, in the drop down box I have a list of companies we work with. Company A, Company B, and so...