

Office IT Pro General Discussions Forum: MS Access 2010 - DB in 2003 format - Autonumber 2007-2010 - getting a Duplica...

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MS Access 2010 - DB in 2003 format - Autonumber 2007-2010 - getting a Duplicate Key message, Access 2010
We have had multiple times, approx. 2 twice a month for the last 4 months, when we are getting a duplicate key message and no users can enter new rows.

Looking at the table there is not a duplicate record.

The only table connected has a field as a primary key, autonumber field type, and index (no dups).

If I delete all the rows and reload the table, the users can add rows again.

We are running MS-2010 Access, with a AccessDB formatted as 2003. Is this a MS bug?


Russ Neuman