

Task Completion Dates in Past with 0% Complete Microsoft Project

Task Completion Dates in Past with 0% Complete Microsoft Project

Task Completion Dates in Past with 0% Complete

Posted: 06 Mar 2006 05:05 PM PST

Mike Thanks a ton.
Exactly what I was looking for.

"Mike Glen" wrote:

How do I add go/no-go decision points to my Gantt chart?

Posted: 06 Mar 2006 11:09 AM PST

I recommend you use the Format dialog along with Flags and user date
fields to display the go-no-go tasks


Automatically record actual overtime

Posted: 06 Mar 2006 09:53 AM PST

Project can do it, but only in custom fields. Let's say you do 4 hours on
one task in a day and 6 on another. Which task should be charged the
overtime, one or both or none? There are way too many variables and other
scenarios where Project running on a computer with an IQ of zero could never
get the Overtime correct.

You could have a blanket VBA macro that went through every day for a
nominated resource and set to overtime all hours >8. That would of course
reduce durations and then you get another round of difficulties!!


Rod Gill
Project MVP
Visit for Project Companion Tools and more

"Mel" <net> wrote in message 

sp2a server upgrade - issues

Posted: 06 Mar 2006 08:47 AM PST

Hi ScottC55 ,

Try posting on the server newsgroup. Please see FAQ Item: 24. Project
Newsgroups. FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information
can be seen at this web address:

Mike Glen
Project MVP

ScottC55 wrote: 

Progress Summary of Milestone tasks

Posted: 06 Mar 2006 08:39 AM PST

Continuing with the previous posting by Jon... Since milestones represent a
culmination of a series of activities, we never place all the milestones
together in a summary task.

Instead, we use other tasks (Significant Accomplishments, Accomplishment
Criteria, etc.) which culminate in a Program Event Milestone. As the
previous post implies, loading work into these other actvities and taking
credit for them incrementally will provide you a roll-up into a summary.

I am guessing that you may have all your program milestones loaded into one
summary task and therefore allowing a brief report to management. Consider
other methods of reporting (you can always filter on Miletones) which allow
actually measurable work to drive the %complete on the summary level task.

Although I haven't directly answered your question, perhaps I've given you
an alternative way to present the data that will give you what you seek.


"John" wrote:

MS Project 98 to 2000 to 2003

Posted: 06 Mar 2006 07:30 AM PST

Thank You very much Rod for the quick reply.

A few things:
DONE and OK.


"Rod Gill" wrote:

Can I create a critical path flowchart in Projects 2003?

Posted: 06 Mar 2006 07:11 AM PST

In article <com>,
Garold <com> wrote:

In the scheduling world a flowchart is referred to as a network diagram
and yes, Project can create graphical representations other than a Gantt
chart. Take a look at the views: Descriptive Network Diagram, Network
Diagram and Relationship Diagram. Each offers a slightly different "cut"
of the data and they can be customized, although Project does not have
as much flexibility with its graphics as some other applications (e.g.
Visio) or add-ons to Project (e.g. Milestones).

Hope this helps.
Project MVP

Defining a Critical Path

Posted: 06 Mar 2006 03:09 AM PST

Adding to Mike's comment - there is a specific technical definition of the
term "critical path" in the project management world and MS Project
calculates it based on that definition. The critical path is the sequence
of tasks that determines the overall project duration. You can trace many
other pathways through the project, basing them on any criteria that you
might choose, but only the sequence of tasks with slack times of zero or
less can legitimately be called the critical path. You can choose to call
oranges "mini-basketballs" if you want to but no one else will understand
what you're talking about if you do. <grin>
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Twinkletoes1971" <> wrote in
message news:com... 

how to calaculate an early start S-curve and late finish S-curve

Posted: 05 Mar 2006 11:16 PM PST

Steve House [Project MVP] wrote: 

I'd think there'd be 2 slightly different S-curves based on ES and LS,
but not on F dates. And unless there was a lot of total slack on a
significant number of tasks, they'd be pretty much the same. The LS
curve would be slightly to the right of the ES curve. Shouldn't be much
difference in shape at all. They'd both aculate the same costs. I
can't imagine where this would be of much use. Does the OP have an
example of where this would be useful?

How do you screen shot an image ?

Posted: 05 Mar 2006 03:46 PM PST

Hi Deb,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :-)

Please see FAQ Item: 16. Project Viewer.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :-)

Mike Glen
Project MVP

deb wrote: 

Sample files

Posted: 05 Mar 2006 12:35 PM PST

Thanks, I have sent you an email


"Mike Glen" <> wrote in message

How can I activate horizontal scroll bars in Gantt view?

Posted: 05 Mar 2006 09:55 AM PST

That didn't help, Steve. I also tried toggling the maximize button, turning
the program on and off, and Detect and Repair. Any other suggestions?

"Steve House [Project MVP]" wrote:

Project stays checked out from server

Posted: 04 Mar 2006 07:13 PM PST

Spunky --

In the future, please post your Project Server questions in the
microsoft.pubic.project.server newsgroup, as this newsgroup is devoted to
the Microsoft Project desktop application only. To answer your question, no
one will be able to give you an absolute answer why a project gets "stuck"
in checked out state. We recommend that you click File - Close instead of
clicking the Close button (X button) in the upper right corner of the
window, as this seems to reduce the number of times that projects get stuck.
Also, if you are using Project Server 2003, please stop asking your Project
Server administrator to check in the stuck project for you. Do it yourself
on the Project Center page, where you will find the "Check in my projects"
link near the bottom of the sidepane. Hope this helps.

Dale A. Howard [MVP]
Enterprise Project Trainer/Consultant
"We wrote the book on Project Server"

"Spunky" <> wrote in message

Project Documentation

Posted: 04 Mar 2006 11:57 AM PST

LuisGM --

In the future, please post your Project Server questions in the
microsoft.public.project.server newsgroup, as this newsgroup is devoted to
the Microsoft Project desktop application only. To answer your question,
refer to the following FAQ:

Hope this helps.

Dale A. Howard [MVP]
Enterprise Project Trainer/Consultant
"We wrote the book on Project Server"

"LuisGM" <com> wrote in message 

task bar is not appearing

Posted: 04 Mar 2006 08:28 AM PST

In article <com>,
blank flange <blank> wrote:

Blank flange,
It sounds like you have a Windows issue. This newsgroup is dedicated to
issues with MS Project, a planning and scheduling application. I suggest
you post in a newsgroup that deals with Windows.

Project MVP

Compare Project Versions Utility

Posted: 04 Mar 2006 07:55 AM PST

In article <>,
"Cole" <com> wrote:

You don't necessarily have a lemon but even if you do, let's just shown
them and make some lemonade.

The fact that the creator of the file hid some columns is just what I
suspected. I thought I explained how to see for sure what fields are in
a view, (although not necessarily displayed), but I guess not so let me
try again.

1. Activate the view you are using for the compare (e.g. Gantt Chart
2. Go to View/Table/More Tables
3. In the More Tables window, you will see the active view table
highlighted. Hit "Edit"
4. In the Table Definition window that pops up review all the fields
that are shown. If a field was hidden in the view by pulling over the
vertical column separator the column width will show a "0", however that
field is still "active" and will be tested when the compare utility runs.
5. Simply "Delete Row" of any fields you do NOT want as part of the view
6. Finally, hit "OK", then "Apply" and run the compare again.

Hope this helps.
Project MVP

Risk Management

Posted: 03 Mar 2006 01:10 PM PST

On the "Companion Products" site, the Web site for SCRAM Software is no
longer active. SCRAM 2006 is ready, though, and sells for $399. It adds
Monte Carlo simulation, trend ysis, cost risk ysis, allows you to
incorporate contingency plans into your project (decision logic), and
identifies all the paths through the network, from most-critical to
least-critical. Contact me at net to purchase a copy.
Rick Williams

"Program Support" <Program> wrote in
message news:com... 

Resource and task usage views

Posted: 03 Mar 2006 12:14 PM PST

Hi Paul,

Sorry for the delay in replying. Okay, go ahead and send the zipped file to
me at:

Passport 6847 at maine dot rr dot com

Remove the space and replace the at with an @ and the dot with a period.

I'll take a look as soon as I can and post suggestions back to the

"Paul" <> wrote in message

Export Maps - Editing a custom Map

Posted: 03 Mar 2006 11:58 AM PST

In article <com>,
Jeff N. <> wrote:

You're welcome. The answers are actually in the Project Help file under
"Export map".


master project resource sharing

Posted: 03 Mar 2006 09:50 AM PST


The master project should be using the resource pool as well. consolidating
and inserting are the same thing.


Rod Gill
Project MVP
Visit for Project Companion Tools and more

"YLE" <> wrote in message

Help with Master Project Summary

Posted: 03 Mar 2006 09:24 AM PST

You're welcome, jandawn67 :-)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

jandawn67 wrote: 

When a MPP File Inserted into another File, the Project Summary Changes

Posted: 03 Mar 2006 07:57 AM PST

In article <phx.gbl>,
Rob Schneider <com> wrote:

Well to be honest I don't know what the heck is going on. When I try to
te my test (I'm using 2003 Pro) I do not get the same result. Now
the master Project Summary Task starts on the Current Date before I hit
"calculate", even though I set the master's Project Start Date to 5/3/06
and have the options set to start everything on the project start date.

I seems we are both going in circles - hey, maybe it some kind of
circular relationship....... ;-)

The only other suggestions I have are: Try rebuilding the problem file
using the suggestions in FAQ 43 on our MVP website. You might also want
to try running Detect and Repair if you haven't already.

Project MVP

Updating to Status date and reschedule uncompleted work to start a

Posted: 03 Mar 2006 07:07 AM PST

Hi Alan,

You're very unlikely to get Microsoft's attention here as they hardly ever
respond. If you want to make a point, why not "Suggest New Content" on this

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Alone wrote: 

Project isn't showing project data; just a white pane. Any ideas

Posted: 03 Mar 2006 06:13 AM PST

Julie, thanks for getting back with me again. I've been able to open the
Project files on my home computer, running the same version of Project.
Others at work have been able to open the files I have not been able to open.

I've done the "detect and repair" action. I've uninstalled Project and
reinstalled it. So far, no joy. Still get the blank while screen, though
the header shows the file is open and Project asks me if I want to save
changes, so it appears to be opening the file, it just won't show any of the
data in the file on the laptop.

I don't know of any new software that has been installed since I last opened
a Project file successfully. I keep the system updated with Windows and
Office updates; those are all that I know that have gone on to the system



"JulieS" wrote: