

Microsoft Word - Word 2013 List layers and font formating

Microsoft Word - Word 2013 List layers and font formating

Word 2013 List layers and font formating

Posted: 22 Mar 2015 03:37 PM PDT

I want to create a list where every lines content has a different font from the other lines. Whenever I go into the Modify Style dialogue for a style that I have created, I can easily change the font of a number on said list. However, this does not seem to change the actual line content of that level. For example, I can specify that the first level of my list to have Futura Light and the second level Helvetica Neue Thin (as shown in the picture). Whenever I type content into the list, the fonts won't match the actual font of the numbering on the list.

Is there someway where I can match the list content (i.e. what I type) with the font formatting of the numbering of the list? In other words I want to say: all type on level one should be Futura Light 16 pt, all type on level two Helvetica Neue Thin 12 pt.. and etc.

Word 2010 won't save files (Check the Temp environment variable)

Posted: 22 Mar 2015 02:01 PM PDT

When I open Word 2010, it gives me the message "Word could not create work file. Check the Temp environment variable" (in my local language). Effectively this means I cannot save any files. It won't give an error message about saving but it won't save either. The only way to close a file is to choose don't save. Upon closing the program, it also claims that changes have been made to the Normal template even when I haven't made any.

I've found various solutions online. I've already done the most obvious fix Microsoft recommends for this problem which is to check that the setting in Internet Explorer is correctly pointing to the Temporary Internet files folder. I've checked the registry for what it says under Cache, that information is correct. Another solution suggested to check the registry entry for AppData, but that was correct too.

I've also tried the Microsoft FixIt file for resetting user options and registry settings in Word, that did not help. I've tried repairing the install, no use. I uninstalled the entire Microsoft Office package and and then reinstalled it, but the problem is still there.

I have spent about ten hours on trying to solve this problem today, on a day when I had planned to work instead (I need Word for work). Any ideas for what I can do, short of purchasing a new computer?

product key

Posted: 22 Mar 2015 01:37 PM PDT

I just bought office for my home so i can have microsoft word, and do not have a product key. How do I get one?

Word 2013 will not work

Posted: 22 Mar 2015 10:38 AM PDT

When I open Word 2013 on my computer it says it cannot verify the license of the product, and it says to fix it in control panel.  When I go to control panel, and I click run programs for previous versions of Windows.  Then I click  that I am having problems with Word 2013.  Then, a few options come up, and I say the program requires additional permissions.  It does not work.  Help???

Problem with Word 2010 following updates

Posted: 22 Mar 2015 09:56 AM PDT

A problem with Word 2010 occurred after the latest Windows updates, which included revisions to Word. It will operate normally for awhile, but then will go into a mode where opening a document file (.docx) will result in another winword.exe process starting. I get one for each document that I open. When a document is closed, the following message appears:

"This file is in use by another application or user. (C:\Users.....\Normal.dotm)"

This is followed by a prompt to save the Normal.dotm file.

The winword.exe processes continue to run after Word is exited and the prompts are closed.

I renamed the Normal.dotm file and restarted Word. A new Normal.dotm file was created, but the problem didn't go away.

I tried the System file checker tool and it did not find any integrity violations.

Ending the winword.exe processes and restarting the computer results in normal operation—for awhile.

Is this a Windows problem or a Word problem and is it related to the updates?

How to exactly position text in Microsoft Word?

Posted: 22 Mar 2015 05:53 AM PDT

I am writing my undergraduate thesis and the format for manuscript requires me to position a certain string of characters 5 inches from the edge of the paper. How do I do that? I tried using the vertical ruler but I don't know how. 

Recover selected text from Word document

Posted: 22 Mar 2015 05:20 AM PDT

Hi, so basically im using word 2013. I typed out a really important paragraph for a school project but I accidentally deleted it. Then I accidentally saved the file so I cannot retrieve that paragraph that I had typed earlier. Does anybody know how to retrieve selected text? Thank you.

Why is the “Change Picture” button missing / disabled in Word 2013?

Posted: 22 Mar 2015 04:07 AM PDT

I'm working on a Word 2013 document containing mailing labels. (Well, actually I'm creating badges for a conference - but I'm using the mailing labels mail merge functionality for that.)

I created a picture and placed in in the background of the mailing label cell. Now I'd like to replace it with another picture without changing formatting settings, size or position. However, - as you can see on the following screenshot - the Change Picture button is missing from the Adjust ("Anpassen" in German) ribbon group on the very left.

I therefore created a custom ribbon group that I called "Bild ändern" ("Change Picture" in English) and added the Change Picture button to that group. (Also visible on the screenshot.)

When selecting my picture, the Change Picture button stays disabled. My question is: Why? And how can I enable it? (Or which other way can I replace it?)

Note: This is a copy of my question on Superuser. The first (but unfortunately wrong) answer pointed me towards this forum where I hope to find other answers.

Paste special - destination format - does not work in Word 2013

Posted: 21 Mar 2015 10:49 PM PDT

I have Word templates that I have created to match online forms that contain tables as well as text.  In the past, I have been able to copy and paste the online forms into my Word templates using "Match Destination Format" (paste special) with no problem because they look the same.  I was running Windows XP with Word 2007.  Now, I have upgraded to Windows 7 with Word 2013, and the "Match Destination Format" is no longer available.  I have read that the "Keep Text Only" option has become the new "Match Destination Format", but it simply does not work.  The tables disappear and the format is messed up.  Is there a setting somewhere that I need to activate/deactivate somewhere to get this to work right?  Any input would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you in advance.

What is the best Ribbon editor these days?

Posted: 21 Mar 2015 08:50 PM PDT

What is a good editor for the Ribbon for Excel/Word/PPT 2007-2010?

It's been a few years since I had to customize the Ribbon in an addin via a Ribbon editor. (I don't even have one any longer, and will have to DL one.) Back when I used them, I noticed some definitely better than others. Don't want to go through that again. 

What is a popular editor these days? What do you use? 



Word 2013 Table - Sum

Posted: 21 Mar 2015 05:10 PM PDT

Hello their!

Hope somebody can help me with this problem I got. My english not so good so have pictures also

This is working good, no problem yet. B2 (1000) + B3 (200) is make the "Totalkostnad för 2" = 1200. All okey :)

But maybe you allready se my problem, can word tables handle my split cells for this simple thing I want? Ok continue.

In the cell that is left side "100" and right side "200" the "totalkostnad för 2"= 350. I can count so I know it is wrong :P
How shall I do this if I like to had that work for real? Why is it in picture nr 1 corrected with B2 and B3 and then B4 and B5 mess up?

Here is also the same isue. But my biggest isue, cause this is what I really like to do but please help me with how to do on pic 2 also. Here I have "1550" and "420". Togheter the give me a "low price" trip so the "totalkostnad för 2" = 0. And again ofcourse thats wrong. I want to have it count it right.

Can somebody help me? And when this work, I want to do the same but with the "higj price" trip. "1750" + "450" =.... And atm it is "1750", "450". When I add more things, like hotell, airplane and so on I want the "totalkostnad för 2" to count it. I know that in older word you had oush F9, but that is not the problem here. But do I still need push f9, when/if somebody solve this for me?
The split cells really fck things up for me, and cant find how to do when use them. Only found solutsions on easy thing like picture 1 that is working for me.

Thank you if you can help me