

Microsoft Word - person can't find Office 2007 key? It was working, now it isn't

Microsoft Word - person can't find Office 2007 key? It was working, now it isn't

person can't find Office 2007 key? It was working, now it isn't

Posted: 21 Mar 2015 03:03 PM PDT


Trying to help someone they were doing a  word document and went back to it. They have had this computer for quite a while and has Office 2007.

Upon opening the document, it started asking for the key. They have used this for quite a while and had bought it from Best Buy.  I was thinking though

it would be doubtful that it would be in the registry, and if searched maybe I could find it? The other thing I was thinking of was to restore it to an earlier

date though I am not sure that would help?

They are elderly and don't remember having a disc with it, and they took it to Best Buy which couldn't help them out

Any suggestions?

Page numbering when starting a new section break

Posted: 21 Mar 2015 01:22 PM PDT

Hi everyone:

I am working on a book where I have a one-page Introduction that starts at roman numeral, iii, and then the Foreword which I want to start at roman numeral iv. 

There is a blank page between these two sections, which I need in there, and it appears that I've sectioned this area properly. Section 1 (odd) is a blank page, Section 2 is the Introduction page (even), and Section 3 (odd) is the Foreword page. The roman numeral have to be this way; otherwise, the Index page numbers in the back of the book will be off.

Here's the problem. When I try and change to roman numeral iv on the Foreword page using "Format Page number, then "Start at", it puts in the right roman numeral, turns the roman numeral to iv on the Introduction page, and it adds another page, which throws my whole document off. Now it shows the Introduction as odd, then the Foreword as odd. My "link to previous" if off.

Why is it doing this, and there still seems to be a link, even though I've shut the link button off.

Any advice?

Thanks much!


Font change

Posted: 21 Mar 2015 09:11 AM PDT

Numerous pages of normal-font text in several of my Word files have transformed themselves into what look like wingdings-font text and I don't know how to transform the symbols back into the original normal font. Suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.

Compile Error Message

Posted: 21 Mar 2015 09:05 AM PDT

When I open MS Word I see an Error Message 'Compile Error in hidden module: AZ Wizard Module'.  This is my second attempt to remove it.  All of the

posted answers seem to be out of date.  In Word Startup>Options>Add-Ins I see 'AVWiz14s.dotm listed as a template, but I cannot remove it. I recently installed Avery's Program to get a template in Word and my problem began.  I have uninstalled Avery, but it did not help.  How can I remove that Compile Error Message from my computer?

How to detect what version of Word is running using VBA

Posted: 21 Mar 2015 07:00 AM PDT

Dear all

I am experiencing persistent crashes when I use the Selection.Range.Relocate wdRelocateDown (or wdRelocateUp) method in Word 2013.  I have read on another forum that this is an acknowledged problem and that whilst the wdRelocateDown (and Up) methods work beautifully in Word 2010 and 2003, the Application.Run "OutlineMoveDown" (or Up) method is needed in the 2013 version of Word.

Now, the template that holds my macros could be opened in either Word 2013, 2010 or 2003.  Therefore I need the code snippet that will tell me what version of Word is opening the template.  Knowing the version I can then construct the macros to run the appropriate method as described above.  I'm sure the method of detecting what version of Word is running using VBA is awfully simple but I haven't been able to track it down, hence my appeal to the wisdom of the Community.  Thanks in anticipation of your assistance again.

Kindest regards


How to Bold specific parts of text document automatically.

Posted: 21 Mar 2015 03:16 AM PDT


I have a document that has time codes spread throughout the text. The only thing common between them is the format that is [hh:mm:ss]. The hh, mm and ss values are variable.

I need all these time codes to be bold formatted.

Replace function does a great job in formatting the same text throughout the sheet, but I can't find any function that allows me to do that for formats or masks. Like if I could somehow program it to embolden everywhere [ ] occurs and everything in between.

Was hoping if someone could help me out with it.


Font default issue - 21/3/15

Posted: 21 Mar 2015 12:14 AM PDT

When using "MS Word" document, in the menu bar above, the letter font and

 font size always shows "Calibri" and size "11" as default. I want the default to be"Times New Roman" and font size "12" as default. I changed it many times but it still reverts back to "Calibri" with "11" whenever I open up MS Word document. How to resolve this.********

I'm suddenly unable to print Word 2003 documents

Posted: 20 Mar 2015 07:42 PM PDT

word 2003 still works well for me. but suddenly I can't print out word documents. instead I get a small symbol of an open book at the bottom of the page with an X on the right hand page. the printer works fine. I can print all kinds of stuff off the internet. but suddenly not word documents. any ideas on how to fix this?

How can I make Word 2013 open by default in Draft view?

Posted: 20 Mar 2015 07:08 PM PDT

Currently, Word opens in Print view. I prefer to work in Draft view.

 I asked this question in another forum and was told to go to advanced options and check "Allow opening a document in draft view,"  and to then save the document.  

I did this. However, it did not work.   Documents still open in Print view.

Can I make it so that whenever I open a Word 2013 document, it opens in Draft view? 

Office 2013 caption for figures has same numbering

Posted: 20 Mar 2015 04:03 PM PDT

I am writing my thesis in microsoft word 2013. I have assigned "Heading 4" to the chapter number, "Heading 2" to the Section and "Heading 3" to the subsection.

I have three figures under the three separate subsections in a chapter. I have inserted a caption for each figure. I have enabled the "Include chapter number" tick box and pointed the chapter number to "Heading 4". All the figure captions are labelled "figure 1.1" instead of having the labels "figure 1.1", "figure 1.2" and "figure 1.3." What could be the possible reason for this?

I have noticed that if all the figures are under the same subsection and then I insert the captions I get the labels "figure 1.1", "figure 1.2" and "figure 1.3.". But when they are in different subsections, they have the same label i.e. "figure 1.1".

Adding Independent vertical & horizontal lines to a page (not connectors)

Posted: 20 Mar 2015 04:02 PM PDT

Oh my gosh, Is it really that difficult? All I am trying to do is add additional arrows to this flow chart. Every time I do that it moves the other arrows off the page. I don't think I want to use a connector I have no need to do that. All I want are independent arrows that I can place. I do not understand the layout options, positions functions. I have tried using every option there is, alignment, absolute, lock anchor.  Can someone please give me detailed instructions. I have looked for instructions and I am just not getting it. I also used the freeform shape for my lines, but there seems to be some connectivity to it. I just want independent rectangles, arrows that I can place where I want them. Please help and I am glad it is Friday!!!

Thank you,


If there is a You Tube video I'd b happy to watch, but I have not found my answer....