

Microsoft CRM - IE window crashes at login

Microsoft CRM - IE window crashes at login

IE window crashes at login

Posted: 11 Jul 2005 03:35 AM PDT

F..k, it works and i'm so ashamed not having thought about that, thx a lot


"Henning B. Jespersen" <com> a écrit dans le message de news:

New CRM 1.2 installation login problems

Posted: 10 Jul 2005 08:01 PM PDT

Thank you for your reply. However, this is not the issue. I double checked
and the IP is set to the actual address of the webserver and NOT "All

To deepen the plot, I installed Sales for Outlook on one of the laptops in
the domain and that works. Everything is fine until it needs access to
anything directly on crmweb. The database is obviously there and
responsive. It's got to be something with IIS security. Now if I can just
find it ...

"Chaoul" <fr> wrote in message

CRM Setup couldnot find a valid organization on the specitied data

Posted: 10 Jul 2005 11:13 AM PDT


The DMF guide will guide you through the whole process. You will first have
to transfer your data to the DMF tables (the so called 'cdf tables'). If you
restore the MDF tables to the database, then you can use these as source.

Then you can check your data in the CDF tables to see if everything is in
there. Then transfer the data to the crm databases.

The most important table is the companyname_MSCRM table. This one contains
all the data. Unfortunately you cannot user the companyname_METABASE to
restore the customizations. I hope you do have a backup of that (xml file).

Hope this helps,

Ronald Lemmen
Avanade Netherlands

"CEO" wrote:

Customizing CRM

Posted: 10 Jul 2005 07:08 AM PDT

Thank you Matt.

"MattNC" wrote:

defined default value to lookup

Posted: 10 Jul 2005 01:32 AM PDT

//================================================== ================
<script language="javascript"
<script language="javascript"

<script language="javascript">
function SetProductIdLookupValue(productId,productName){

var lookupField;
var lookupItems = new LookupItems();
var lookupItem = new LookupItem();

//productId - GUID
//productName - Name/Description that actually shows up
on the lookup
//Note that Wherever 1024 is used appropriate
objecttypecode should
be used eg: 1088 for SalesOrder
//Even in html, the icn file would be
ico_16_OBJECTTYPECODE.gif eg:
ico_16_1024.gif = productId; = productName;
lookupItem.html = "<IMG class=lui
src=\"/_imgs/ico_16_1024.gif\">" +
lookupItem.type = "1024";
lookupItem.values = new Array();
lookupItem.keyValues = new Array();


lookupField=crmForm.productid.previousSibling.getL ookupField();
BuildField(lookupField, lookupItems);

crmForm.productid.value = productId;
crmForm.productid.otype = "1024";

//================================================== ========

Also posted here:

Good luck!

MS CRM - Arabic edition

Posted: 09 Jul 2005 11:30 PM PDT

Thanx Matt

Two quicks questions here

1. Can I do all my configurations (creating new fields, custom report
etc) in the English version and once I'm done, can I install the
'Arabic version', thereby ensuring that the implementation guy don't
need to know Arabic

2. What will happen to the custom reports that we create using Crystal
reports in English. Post Arabic version installation, will these also
get changed to Arabic?

Pls clarify



Matt Parks wrote: 

E-mail Router & Cluster Exchange 2003

Posted: 09 Jul 2005 10:17 AM PDT

Thanks Matt,

I forgot tell that the configuration of the cluster is active-pasive (1 node
pasive and 1 node active), does not work e-mail router in this form?
Rosita Andrade

"Matt Parks" wrote:

Microsoft CRM 3.0 - WOW!

Posted: 09 Jul 2005 08:18 AM PDT

RTM is scheduled for this autumn, and 3.0 is supposed to available to current
customers with 1.0 or 1.2 in December. General availability is set for the
beginning of 2006.
Matt Wittemann

"Paras" wrote:

The .mdf is 150MB, but export to .xml, only 50MB?

Posted: 08 Jul 2005 12:13 PM PDT

I just worry about if the data export properly. Thanks Matt, you always
helps. ;-)

How to? Import .xls to a new installed CRM??? URGENT!!!!!

Posted: 08 Jul 2005 12:10 PM PDT

Thanks Peter, I want free way. :)

Adding values to "OpportunityCloseActivity"

Posted: 08 Jul 2005 09:20 AM PDT

Ah, ha. Thanks Matt. I never even saw that drop down (since I had never
seen it on any of the other customize form windows). Thanks to Simon too. I
appreciate it.

"Matt Parks" wrote:

Error when trying to connect to crmweb

Posted: 08 Jul 2005 08:27 AM PDT

Hi Michael,

Is it possible that somehow another application got installed in the crm
home directory? The global.asax seems to be overwritten. This file should
look like:

<%@ Application language="c#" Inherits="Microsoft.Crm.MainApplication"
CodeBehind="Microsoft.Crm.Application.Pages.Main.R oot.dll" %>

Hope this helps,

Ronald Lemmen
Avanade Netherlands

"michael truffa" wrote:

Sending email to queue user from LAN fails

Posted: 08 Jul 2005 07:05 AM PDT

Thanks for the info. I'll try your suggestion and see how we get on.

"Lsnyder" <> wrote in message

Upgrading windows 2000 CRM server to windows 2003 server

Posted: 08 Jul 2005 06:47 AM PDT


"Matt Parks" wrote:

Rule ?

Posted: 08 Jul 2005 05:55 AM PDT

I've found a solution for the problem !

Found this in the event log

The machine-default permission settings do not grant Local Activation
permission for the COM Server application with CLSID

to the user LABELLING\mh SID (S-1-5-21-204040002-3523758963-532889903-1177).
This security permission can be modified using the Component Services
administrative tool.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

I then added domain users to the security settings via the dcomcnfg snapin
and now they are allowed to run the rule !!

"Jack Nielsen" <dk (Fjern nospam)> skrev i en meddelelse

Deactivated Accounts show up in Search. Why?

Posted: 07 Jul 2005 01:44 PM PDT

James - perfect! Thanks, Jim