

Microsoft Word - customize keyboard delete char

Microsoft Word - customize keyboard delete char

customize keyboard delete char

Posted: 05 Dec 2014 01:26 PM PST

I'd like to assign a keyboard shortcut ctrl d to delete char right, essentially the function of the delete button on the keyboard.  I cannot find an option for this function anywhere in the customize keyboard menus ... any tips/suggestions for this would be much appreciated!

VBA to find and replace every nth character in every nth page

Posted: 05 Dec 2014 01:25 PM PST

Despite having some knowledge of VBA in Excel, I find both my vocab lacking in Word and not knowing how to create/use the equivalent of a user defined function in Word.

I am trying to find every say third "t" in every other page in the whole document and replace them with a different font. Would be grateful for any suggestion. Thanks very much.

Command Buttons to delete sections of Word 2010 document

Posted: 05 Dec 2014 12:40 PM PST

This is related to the discussion in this thread: Discussion Thread.

I cannot figure out why the Delete command buttons do not all work. The first time I click one, it works, but then the others do not work. Any ideas? Here is my document so you can see the VBA:PD Test

Word Document - Sections and Watermarks

Posted: 05 Dec 2014 10:47 AM PST


I'm attempting to add Watermarks to a document broken into sections. Each section has a unique header and footer. Within a few of the sections I'd like to use a watermark as an indicator to mark specific pages within the section but not every page in the section. Here is an explanation of what I'm wanting to do. The last column represents the intended pages to watermark. 





Section 1

Header 1

page #


Section 2

Header 2

same as previous



Section 3

Header 3

same as previous


Section 4

Header 4

same as previous



Section 5

Header 5

same as previous


Section 6

Header 6

same as previous



Section 7

Header 7

same as previous


Section 8

Header 8

same as previous



Section 9

Header 9

same as previous



Section 10

Header 10

same as previous


11-13, 39

Section 11

Header 11

same as previous



 Any advice or source reference material is much appreciated.


Walt N

Printing a Custom Range in a Microsoft Word 2013 Document with Multiple "Section Breaks"

Posted: 05 Dec 2014 10:24 AM PST

Ok. This should be an easy one.  I am obviously new to Microsoft Word 2013 (Windows 8).

Bottom line, ...   I tried to print a custom print range in a Microsoft Word 2013 document, which has multiple "Section Breaks", by putting in the range "1-33".  I thought I was printing pages 1 thru page 33, but what I got was the entire document.  I did a "Google" and found that what I really needed to do was to go to the page I want to print to, look in the bottom left hand corner, see what page and section it is, and put in the Custom Range box, p1s1 - p4s11.  This gave me the desired pages I wanted.

Basic question:  Is this the only way to print a range now, in a document with multiple section breaks?  I can't just put in 1-33 like I used to be able to.  Is that right?

Thanks in advance.


2007 Microsoft Word help with editing electronic checkboxes

Posted: 05 Dec 2014 09:04 AM PST

I have finally figured out how to insert check boxes that can be electronically checked or unchecked in the Microsoft Word document, but they are named "checkbox1," "checkbox2," etc... 

I would like to know how to change the name of the check boxes so that I can make a list in Word that can be electronically checked or unchecked. 


Template Download Error Word Doc 2010

Posted: 05 Dec 2014 08:58 AM PST

I'm trying to download a template out of Microsoft Word Starter 2010.   The box appears that says

  Template Download Error

  * make sure computer connected to internet

  * make sure browser in not in offline mode

  * Try again later

I am connected to the internet.  My browser is online.   How do I download a template?  Is it just a tease because it is Word Starter and not available? 

What's the best way to implement robust enter-once-repeat-many-places functionality in a Word doc based on a template?

Posted: 05 Dec 2014 08:34 AM PST

I'm trying to create a template in Word 2010 for use creating the documents that make up a set of documented departmental procedures.

Each of these documents will cover one procedure, and the document will have a title, a procedure number and a revision number (manually updated, initially 0). Each document will also have a document number made up of the document set number (fixed as 004), and the particular procedure number and revision number. I want the user to be able to enter the title and procedure number in a title section on the first page, but then have the document automatically repeat those in page headers and other places.

My first go was to make the title and procedure number (as they first appear in the title section) into bookmarks. Then I could do Insert > Cross-reference, choose ref type to be Bookmark, choose the right bookmark and OK it. That puts - if I understand the terminology right - a field code into the text to display the bookmarked text.

But that's not very robust. Someone editing the document name can all too easily delete the grey [ or ] bookmark brackets and then updating all field codes leaves a scattering of broken references through the document.

I searched on here and found mention of using content controls with bookmarks as a way of protecting them, so I tried that. Putting the bookmark around a number I type inside a rich text control, then setting the control properties to cannot delete does indeed stop one from deleting the bookmark by accidentally deleting the entire paragraph it sits within, but it doesn't stop one from accidentally deleting the [ or ] inside the control when trying to change the number. Applying the bookmark to a selection including the control itself DOES protect it better, but now when I do the Insert > Cross-reference thing it adds in extra spaces either side of the number that it copies from the control.

Surely there's a better way to do this? I have very little understanding of field codes and controls and references and all that gubbins, and indeed I don't really know the difference between them all, let alone which would work best for me.

I did stumble across the concept of document properties and custom document properties, so had a play with these too, thinking they might be the way forward.

I see that you can do Insert > Quick Parts > Document Property to paste in things like the document author, and if I understand right Word is getting that from the file metadata which is in turn getting the author name from the PC. Using these Quick Part / Doc Properties I can insert multiple instances of any one of that limited set of properties and whenever you edit what's in one of those instances in the document text, the others update automatically. That looked promising. HOWEVER there's a limited set of choices of properties available to stick in this way.

That led me to custom properties. I found articles that showed me how to create a custom document property, and also how to paste an instance of the text it holds into the body of the document. But doing it that way doesn't let the user edit the property from within the text (unlike those Quick Part thingummyjigs). So that's not ideal either.

I'd probably need to understand how all these things actually work, a damned sight better than I actually do in order to say which way to go and how to implement it. As it is, I'm at the a-little-knowledge-is-a-dangerous-thing level of understanding.

Which is why I'm asking for help!

P.S. don't suggest VBA or other programming. I'm nowhere near being competent at that. Don't suggest non-standard plug-ins or add-ons either, since I'd have to get approval to roll them out to everyone in the firm for them to be the answer.

If statement using multiple conditions

Posted: 05 Dec 2014 08:25 AM PST

Hi,  I'm trying to add more Program Numbers to the 2nd IF statement so that Program Numbers 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800 and 900 will all display "WBCA c/o Wilson".  I can't figure out the syntax.  Do I need to add a new statement for each one, or is there a quicker way to do it??  Can I use a range??  Thank you!!

sorry, my image's what I currently have...

{ IF {MERGEFIELD Program_Number} = 200 "ACS" { IF {MERGFIELD Program_Number} = 300 "WBCA c/o Wilson" "Equity" }}

Microsoft word says it is an unlicensed product

Posted: 05 Dec 2014 07:06 AM PST

I have had Office 2013 since October and in that time I have to uninstall and re-install it twice. I tried to  use Microsoft word this morning but it kept telling me my product was unlicensed. What does this mean and how do I fix it??  Thank you!

I can't open a Word document

Posted: 05 Dec 2014 06:42 AM PST

Hi all experts,

I have a Word document, but I can not open it. Something is going wrong with it.

I'm trying to open, but is not possible. I don't understand why, and I don't know what to do to open it.

The document is created with Word 2007, and when I try to open it I give some windows messages (attached), and when I press OK button, in the end nothing happen! I tried to open it with some online sites in internet but still doesn't work.

In internet I read that exist some small software that make possible to recover Word documents, but for the moment I don't have a computer in my home, and in my office I haven't administrator privileges to install one of this software.

Can someone help me to recover this document. I appreciate a lot if yes, because this document is important for me.

Below is the link for this document.

Word Doc

Thanks in advance.

How do I get rid of these things? Pic attached

Posted: 05 Dec 2014 06:37 AM PST

I added a cover page to a doc ...How do I remove these things?

VBA - Update file after the userform has been closed

Posted: 04 Dec 2014 11:43 PM PST


I have a Userform, that deletes unused bookmarks (easier then buildingblocks). All of these bookmarks contain different tables that contain different references to each other. How can I have those references updated after the selections in the userform have been made (these cross-references, which contain numbering, change according to selections)?

I would like to have some code to do it automatically, instead of having to update it manually.

And I have one more question:

When those bookmarks are deleted, sometimes it only deletes the content, but not the table as such? All tables have the bookmark placed in the same place and the code for all of them is the same also. What could be causing this?

(Explanation: I have 30 bookmarks that are basically the same (table-wise), but different content/names)

Thank you!!!


Outlook 2013 and Outlook 2010 compatibility issues

Posted: 04 Dec 2014 10:36 PM PST

Hi guys,

Getting issues with my office 2010 and 2013... edited a document in word 2013, then sent it through outlook to a pc that is running office 2010, as the document got to the other end, it was missing some content, took the same document to a pc running office 13, all items are intact but in 10 they are messed up... how can i fix this issue?

Where can i find "English Assistance: US"?

Posted: 04 Dec 2014 09:36 PM PST

In Word 2010, there was a "English Assistance: US" option in the Research Panel, where it shows all kinds of word combinations. But I am unable to find it in Word 2013. The only thing that shows up in 2013 is the Thesaurus. Is there any way to activate English Assistance?? Or do I need plugins?

Opening attachments from email

Posted: 04 Dec 2014 07:11 PM PST


I have Office 365 and every time I try to open an attachment from my gmail account it says opening in a protected view and the program loads forever to the point Word is crashing.  I haven't been able to open any attachements and it has become really cumbersome.

Please help,


Middle align text vertically in table cell in Word 2010+

Posted: 04 Dec 2014 06:49 PM PST

In Microsoft Excel there are a set of buttons that control the vertical alignment of the contents of a cell.

When you use these buttons they change the the vertical alignment without changing the horizontal alignment. They are labeled Top Align, Middle Align, and Bottom Align. In Microsoft Word, though, I don't see those buttons or any way to use those commands. Instead, you have:

If you choose any of the buttons it affects both the horizontal and vertical alignment. Often I format the top row horizontally centered and the other rows left and right. I want to be able to select the entire table and adjust ONLY the vertical alignment (specifically to middle) and leave the horizontal alignments the same.

In addition, if it's possible to adjust only the vertical alignment, I'd like to add the vertical alignment buttons to my ribbon. I believe these buttons were available in Word 1997 and 2000. However, they were labeled "Center vertically" etc.

Table of Contents - Coloured Numbers

Posted: 04 Dec 2014 06:48 PM PST

I am wanting to know if there is a way in which to change the colour of the page number in a Table of Contents (TOC).  I have a requirement where the TOC text and page numbers need to be different colours. For example:

- the TOC1 text 'Health and Safety Policy' is blue and the associated page number green.

- the TOC2 text 'Key Contacts' is automatic and the associated page number green.            

The text for the TOC is linked to the outline level in each style.  I am able to change the colour and other formatting attributes for each TOC level, however, both the text and number are changed. 

Is this at all possible?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Icons/Text for Quick Access Toolbars

Posted: 04 Dec 2014 06:47 PM PST

How can you assign an icon or text to the commands in the Quick Access Toolbar that only have a circle and no icon or text?  I have numerous commands that do not come with an assigned icon or text.  I have reviewed discussion threads regarding inserting text instead of icons but the explanations are way above my level of comprehension).  I just want some way of differentiating between all of the commands that have no icon or text at all.

Things were so easy with prior versions of Word.  Everyone I talk to has the same opinion.

Is there any way to manually back up files in Office Word 2007?

Posted: 04 Dec 2014 06:25 PM PST

I have Office 2007 running in Windows 7 Home Premium SP 1 and would like to know if there is any way to back up files without using the "always create back ups" under Word Options.  I only need backups created at certain points in my work flow and having to go in and out of Word Options to turn it on and off interrupts the work flow.  What I'm looking for is something that will allow me to simply save the file in normal format and as a backup at the same time like it does with the Word Option but only when I need it.  Hope you understand what I mean with this.

Any help would be appreciated.