

Substitute for MS Outlook/Exchange functionality - Microsoft Exchange

Substitute for MS Outlook/Exchange functionality - Microsoft Exchange

Substitute for MS Outlook/Exchange functionality

Posted: 08 Sep 2007 06:04 AM PDT

Yes I'm aware of that. We have CALs for clients (for MS Exchange 2007), but
since we're using OpenOffice clients don't have MS Outlook, so we need to
buy extra Outlook licences for users. This is besides Exchange CAL
additional cost for Outlook licence, since Microsoft is so great that has
excluded Outlook licence from MS Exchange 2007 CAL. Don't know why ????
My way of looking at this...If we don't use MS Outlook with Exchange (we're
using Outlook Express or Thunderbird) there is no need that we have MS
Exchange, so it will be best to move back to Linux mail server! If more
people will do that, maybe Microsoft will reconsider and include Outlook
back into CAL in the next version of Exchange.

"Rich Matheisen [MVP]" <com.NOSPAM.COM> je napisal v
sporocilo news:com ... 

smtp relay deny

Posted: 07 Sep 2007 07:02 AM PDT

Hi John:

The problem is I can send a email from Internet to my exchange server, but I
can send a email from my domain through exchange server to Internet. It seems
the smtp server of those web sites(yahoo, hotmail, etc) block my smtp relay
from my domain.

Any idea? Thank you a lot.


"John Oliver, Jr. [MVP]" wrote:

integrating SP2 into Exchange 2003 installation?

Posted: 06 Sep 2007 09:51 PM PDT

Exchange 2007 is the first Exchange version that can be "Slipstreamed"
There's no problem with applying the SP though, just the time it

Exchange 2007 Transport Queue in a RamDisk?

Posted: 06 Sep 2007 11:16 AM PDT

Thanks for your continued assistance Mark,

I have setup perfmon to run until monday afternoon - monday morning should
be our peak email load for the week.

I am checking inbound emails/sec and outbound emails/sec for
intra-organization, inbound and outbound emails. Lets see what this comes up


"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

Help/Help Topics crashes System Manager

Posted: 06 Sep 2007 07:46 AM PDT

That did the trick. Thanks.

"Lee Derbyshire [MVP]" wrote:

where can I learn about how to lock down Exchange...

Posted: 05 Sep 2007 09:37 AM PDT

- There are no GPOs for controllng Exchange Server configuration - that's
done through the Exchange management tools (console, shell, and some xml
- You can disable Outlook backgrounds by creating an ADM file (used with
Create a NewStationery value in
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Offi ce\11.0\Common\MailSettings

This KBA shows you how to do this for Outlook 2003/2002 (leave value of
NewStationery blank):
How to lockdown stationery for Outlook 2002 and Outlook 2003

Not sure if the above applies to Outlook 2007.
Bharat Suneja
MVP - Exchange
NEW blog location:

<Kelvin Beaton> wrote in message

Lots of unable to relay errors lately

Posted: 05 Sep 2007 07:48 AM PDT

That was my thought as well, but its nice to have it verified.

"Ed Crowley [MVP]" wrote:

line 91 -object expected

Posted: 05 Sep 2007 06:48 AM PDT

Ok, I finally got it working. I was using two many authentication options.

I just selected basic clear text now, that works. (plus anynomous user)

It's more complicated than it should be.

"merlin2049er" wrote:

Cannot Receive mail from hotmail

Posted: 05 Sep 2007 06:42 AM PDT

I contacted to Microsoft support about the problem. It seems that they
resolved the issue somehow. We are receiving e-mail from hotmail domain now.



"John Oliver, Jr. [MVP]" wrote:

Exchange 2007 - Edge "eating" outgoing NDR

Posted: 05 Sep 2007 04:06 AM PDT

Hi Bharat,

Thanks for your reply!

You're right in the 3rd point - The NDR were disabled in "*" Remote Domain



"Bharat Suneja [MVP]" wrote:

Identify Exchange 2003 Version

Posted: 04 Sep 2007 08:44 PM PDT

Got It!


"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

Moving from ISP to Exchange 2003

Posted: 04 Sep 2007 05:26 PM PDT

You'll have to ask your ISP about that, but I don't think you have to worry
about losing e-mail if you follow the strategy I suggested. All mail should
end up in the Exchange server or in the ISP mailbox, so just have the users
check the old mailbox and pop any remaining mail one last time a couple of
days after the switchover.
Ed Crowley
MVP - Exchange
"Protecting the world from PSTs and brick backups!"

"Admin" <com> wrote in message

Email can't be sent or received just for one remote client

Posted: 04 Sep 2007 06:37 AM PDT

Just an update on the problem.

I tested the rpc over https on another machine for the same user and work.

I recreated another profile on the problem machine and setup rpc over http
for administrator and it work. Then after some retries, magically, the
problem user emails work on the problem machine.

Thank you for everyone's help.

"Smiley" <com> wrote in message

windows 2008 and exchange 2007

Posted: 03 Sep 2007 06:09 PM PDT

i am running the lastest release of 2008
the download is dated june 26

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" <org> wrote in message

Daylight Time Saving

Posted: 03 Sep 2007 12:26 PM PDT

Hi Mark,
I thought Exchange would handle this correctly, but wasn't sure, needed a
confirmation from those who have the experience.
Thanks for your help,

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

Published in the address book: 0 (1 = True / 0 = False)

Posted: 03 Sep 2007 09:03 AM PDT

On Sep 5, 3:18 am, Stéphane Ricour <com> wrote: 

Also, I checked, and there are no users hidden from the address

Any other ideas? It's really driving me crazy.

POP3 not responding??????????

Posted: 03 Sep 2007 06:14 AM PDT

Dear Lanwench,
Thnx for your interest in my post. we have exchange 2003 with SP2 installed
ono it. i have noticed 1 more thing, that is even if i POP his emails over
LAN i do not get any response from MS Outlook/Outlook the
status bar it only shows me "Receiving 1.2 kbps of 892KB" and thats it. it
doesnt move forward and no emails are downloaded.

"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]" wrote:

E2.3 Sp2 Event ID 9791

Posted: 31 Aug 2007 06:54 AM PDT

Thanks for the info. Prior to reading it, I set the online maintenance to
end 30 minutes earlier and my EV archiving to start 30 minutes later. They
were overlapping. This seems to have resolved the issue.

"Dgoldman [MSFT]" wrote: