

problem with re-installing grub - Forums Linux

problem with re-installing grub - Forums Linux

problem with re-installing grub

Posted: 07 Aug 2006 09:02 PM PDT

faeychild wrote: 

I'd use a Knoppix live CD to mount your old Ubuntu partitions, do a
"chroot", and rebuild your MBR.

Moving over

Posted: 07 Aug 2006 08:05 AM PDT

Philipp Pagel wrote: 

The same is true for Windows and MacOS, by the way. I've seen devices that
had drivers published only for Windows XP, or for Win2K, and not for other

Amen. It's gotten considerably better with more recent Linux distributions:
there's plenty of hardware that operates fine under, say, the current
Knoppix or Fedora Core 5 that hasn't a hope in heck of operating under
RedHat 6.x, which I've seen someone insist on using last year.

Removing a package without source

Posted: 05 Aug 2006 06:37 PM PDT

Unruh <> wrote in

And if you try to compile - it won't making install impossible anyways.

(setq (chuck nil) car(chuck) )

Linux Variants

Posted: 05 Aug 2006 03:19 PM PDT

Rick Moen wrote: 
Actually I'm not sure WHAT I used in the end..laserjet generic ppd, but
CUPS seems to understand bitmaps and text and the like all by itself.

Its probably using ghostscript or summat.

Only got one problem at the moment - its writing off the page edges
slightly even with the command to fit to the size, and the correct (A4)
sheets specified.

In MY day we used to have to WRITE filters and on BSD spoolers you
couldn't do it at all, since remote printers ignore filters anyway.

Sys5 at least meant that we could add in basic pagination type stuff for
text ..

Anyway, with webmin installed, its dead easy to at least keep an eye on
the server without having to telnet in..

Now I need a gift of a script that will allow me to burn a DVD from the
wifes netatalk generated Macintosh backup area. using growisofs.

It worked find on my samba mounted PC stuff, but the MAC files caused
the basic command to barf..

Syslog CPU/Mem/IO Usage?

Posted: 04 Aug 2006 04:04 PM PDT

In comp.os.linux.setup com: 

[ use sar to check systems load/possible performance problems ]

Why do you care about the problems at all if you don't have root
permissions? It doesn't seem you job at all?


Michael Heiming (X-PGP-Sig > GPG-Key ID: EDD27B94)
mail: echo qr | perl -pe 'y/a-z/n-za-m/'
#bofh excuse 149: Dew on the telephone lines.

mount dvd over samba share problem

Posted: 03 Aug 2006 11:41 AM PDT

i also dunno bout tat..if u can find anythin juz let me know aso k..

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hosts seems to not be used by the resolver

Posted: 03 Aug 2006 11:39 AM PDT

Unruh wrote: 

Then you haven't looked into SSH. SSH does forward and reverse DNS lookups,
to verify that the host claiming to be "" and which is
permitted to do key-based or host-based access is really, really the host
expected, and so that connections can be logged with the appropriate
hostname so you can tell where someone was connecting from. This is
especially useful in dynamic DNS setups, like Windows machines in Active
Directory and Linux boxes that register their hostnames in active DNS, so
that connections from "" are listed as actually coming
from that hostname, not just the DNS.

You can't rely on that in /etc/hosts: /etc/hosts is a serious legacy of when
DNS was awkward and painful to set up, and it was easier to simply publish
an /etc/hosts for your local network than to use a DNS server. These days,
it's easy to run an internal DNS server that handles this sort of thing for
you and avoids the conflicts. It's often done by using "views", that provide
one set of A records for internal use and another set for external or DMZ

RH EL3 Kickstart - Ignoring ks.cfg problem

Posted: 03 Aug 2006 09:20 AM PDT

Le Thu, 03 Aug 2006 17:20:08 +0100, Matt Bull a écrit*:

You don't precise if it is a DL380, DL380 G1, ...etc...

For Example for the G5 you need RedHat 3 update 6..

If this not your problem, can you specify what is your ethernet card ?


HPC application

Posted: 03 Aug 2006 01:40 AM PDT

ma wrote: 

Similar problems. You need to pick a distribution that suits your needs.
That can be set by local politics, available licenses, and available
resources: we don't have a chance in hell of giving you good advice without
a lot more details, but I'm sure folk here would be willing to help. Heck,
some of us do consulting on exactly this sort of thing (like me! I've got a
month before leaving for England, if you need some professional level help.)

Related to above. I'm very fond of setting up a good DHCP, PXE, kickstart or
tarball installer setup and YUM to manage RPM packages, with Nagios to
monitor system states, MRTG to monitor traffic, and local configurations as

Depends on what you want to do. I like Torque, available at
I actually wrote and published RPM's for it, some time ago, at an old
jobsite. They're still available at, although those are pretty out of

Problems trying to configure Linux laptop to print to Windows XP shared printer

Posted: 02 Aug 2006 06:05 PM PDT

On 2006-08-03, Unruh <> wrote: 

....that, looking at the 'standard' use of peecees in offices, is what is
used for even in 'non-home' contest...


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