

Microsoft Word - Microsoft Word - Table of Conents

Microsoft Word - Microsoft Word - Table of Conents

Microsoft Word - Table of Conents

Posted: 06 Apr 2014 02:38 PM PDT

I am formatting a 60 page report and have created a table of contents. I have linked all of my headings and subheadings appropriately (with styles) however only about 90% of the headings show up in the table of contents. For example It will show:

Chapter 1 :

As per the example above it will be missing some of the headings periodically! So strange. I have unlinked the headings and relinked, I have updated the table of contents, deleted it and reloaded it. I can't seem to figure out why some are missing. I have showed this issue to friends and family and no one can seem to find out what is wrong. I have also been on the phone with Microsoft tech support - and the person disconnected with me over the phone  and on the remote  computer help that they were giving me after they admitted they could not figure out what was wrong. Not sure why they disconnected. Maybe someone here has ran into this issue before? If anyone can help I would really love to hear from them!

Thank you!


Problems with BOX Add-in in word 2013

Posted: 06 Apr 2014 12:23 PM PDT

My PC came back from the shop with the new Office 2013 installed and I have been trying to use the BOX ADD-in to save a copy of my files to the cloud.  Office seems to allow the add-in, but i am having trouble with setting a default location in BOX.  It will allow me to choose a default file and save it, and it may work for an hour or two, but then for no apparent reason, it will have changed and save my file elsewhere.  How can i fix this?

Copy and paste pictures from one doc Layout options Word 2010

Posted: 06 Apr 2014 11:35 AM PDT

Hi team,

When I copy and paste a picture from one doc to another in Word 2010, the picture is always pasted as In Line with Text (the source format) and yet, my Options are set to Insert/Paste pictures using Top and Bottom.

In Word 2007 I was always able to do the above without changing the paste options each time (for a new picture). In fact, I find the Copy and Paste options very annoying and unpredictable in Word of everything. there's no consistency.

Just like we can no longer lasso and entire set of text boxes and an associated picture unless the picture resides on a canvas, Word no longer seems to supports this paste option--or is this another "design feature." (MS needs to learn the difference between design features and major annoyances.)

I'm probably missing something here, but if not, my next post will ask how I can revert to Word 2007. Word 2010 seems so buggy!


- Lee

Inserting Symbols in Word 2010

Posted: 06 Apr 2014 10:23 AM PDT

This question involves something so simple it's almost embarrassing.  I want to insert a symbol in my Word 2010 document.  The usual way is Insert | Symbol | Symbol, I think.  But when I click on Insert and hunt for Symbol I can't find it.  A few websites I looked at seem to have Symbol in the same group, tab or whatever we call it, as Quick Parts.  But if so I can't see it.  I use German characters (symbols?) quite a lot since at least Word 2003 where I learned to insert umlauted letters such as Ää by pressing Ctrl-Shift+: and then the letter.  So where can I find the Symbol Menu/Dialog?  Or did I lose it somewhere?

Office 2013. Word opens only 2 pges of my 45 page file. File size 1.6 MB but only shows two pages

Posted: 06 Apr 2014 09:43 AM PDT

What should I do to repair Word, as when I try to open a file that I know is 45 pages and 1.6 MB, word indicates there are only two pages. When I download the file from my email, it opens correctly the first time and in protected view, but when I try to open the file again after closing it, only two pages appear. What should I do?


Posted: 06 Apr 2014 08:56 AM PDT

Hopefully I can explain myself properly. So here goes. I bought a computer and it had ms office 2007 installed, but I've always used 2003 version on my old PC and i'm starting to figure it out slowly, but what has stumped me is the page breaking and to "disable" certain buttons so that my page numbering works. First I'll explain what i used to do with my 2003 version. I produce lengthy transcripts for court purposes with many witnesses during the day. A days testimony usually comes out to approximately 175 pages and as i said, 4 to 5 witnesses. So our format is we have to distinguish their names in the header under the page number as a new witness takes the stand. In 2003 version I would just click on page break, next page, then before i do anything in the header I have to click the "disabled" button that's highlighted so that i can indicate "continue numbering as previous" and then type in the new witness's name. The problem i'm having is where is that "disable" button or the "highlighted" button so i can start a new person? After I hit the page break next page i can't find to do that and I've tried just typing the name in but then the headers before that page revert to that person and so does the numbering. So i need to disable so i can start a new person. Also, when i save my document I'm saving it as 97-2003 version of word, but i still can't find that button. Thank you very much for your help in advance. I hope you understand what i'm trying to say.

Also, one other thing, when a witness is interrupted during testimony we have to put in four trailing dots at the end, but my dots are compressed together. I want the dots to be spread out. Any suggestions on this as well? This 2007 word version has stressed me out and i have the mind to just get someone to take this off my PC and install the 2003 version. It seems i'll never learn it. 


Word 2010 ribbon customization lost/reset

Posted: 06 Apr 2014 08:30 AM PDT

I have been trying to customize the ribbon in Word 2010, initially by moving the default groups around within the default tabs.  I moved groups in the Home tab first, and clicked OK to save the changes, which worked.  I then selected the Page Layout tab, opened up the customization again, and moved groups in the Page Layout tab.  When I clicked OK, these changes worked, but Word had reset the Home tab groups back to the installed defaults.

What does appear to work is to expand all the default tabs when in customization by clicking on all the + signs, when Word seems to remember everything I've done before.

I'm running a plain version of Word 2010 on Windows 7 with all the latest updates applied.  There are no add-ins installed.  Has anybody come across this, or have any suggestions about why its happening and how to solve it?  I do not want to have to resort to learning XML, just use the UI.

Need a reader to read Word files

Posted: 06 Apr 2014 08:29 AM PDT

I need a basic app or some software that will read an open Word File. I tried Natural Reader, but it skipped portions of the document. I tried Window-Eyes and it was overly complicated and was reading everything--all cursor motions, etc. I tried Windows Narrator, and it's reading everything on the screen. All I need is to have a Word document read to me aloud so I can proofread it against another file. Any suggestions appreciated. I wasn't sure if I need to post this in the Word category or the Windows category.

URGENT, when I print my thesis, its pages go from hundreds to thousands...can't export it anyhow!

Posted: 06 Apr 2014 07:05 AM PDT

It's many time I'm writing my thesis and I'm really near the discussion and I have to print it, of course.

The fact is it is impossible: as soon as I go in the print layout its pages are duped thousands of times and go from hundreds to thousands pages completely messed up. I think that's a problem with fields but I can't understand which one (s), where and how to solve. I can't export it by any means. Sorry but that's completely unexpected and really highly urgent issue.

I tried also with two different PCs with Word 2013, no luck.

When you save, close and open the document, or work with it, everything is alright.

Is there a way to don't care about fields for printing? The option is disabled....


Word 2002 and Security

Posted: 06 Apr 2014 05:11 AM PDT


I still use Word 2002, but security updates are no longer available.

The programme may be vulnerable to attacks.

Is there a way that I can secure the programme to make any attacks less likely?


Bottom half of page in Word is blocked and I cant see it

Posted: 06 Apr 2014 01:32 AM PDT


It started with Outlook - when I opened an email, the bottom half of the window was grey and there was nothing I cud do, including resizing the window, etc.  Then the same happened to Word, see screenshot:

When I restarted the machine (a new Windows 8.1 Dell i7 laptop), the problem was initially gone, but now it happened again.

Pls advise asap

Office 2013, strange files in C:\ Root

Posted: 05 Apr 2014 09:27 PM PDT

Hello, I have a question about Microsoft Office 2013. Today I checked the root of my C:\ drive and had these tt2 files installed. The time is when I installed Office 2013. I am wondering if these are okay and why they were installed here. I'm worried that they might be infections even though scans reveal nothing. 

Thank you. The pic is small but the files are like, WindowsLEELAWAD.tt2, WindowsMSJHBD.tt2, etc.

Selecting Text--Sometimes it makes it white and unreadable

Posted: 05 Apr 2014 08:38 PM PDT

Hello, Hive Mind:

This is a small, trivial problem. But it bugs me a little, and I fear it might someday become bigger.

Recently, something changed in my Word docs. When I select text to edit it, normally there's a black background, with the words in white. It's easy to read and I can see whether I've selected the right text quickly and effortlessly. This is still the way it works most of the time.

However, on certain text, selecting it instead creates a white background, with almost completely grayed out letters. It is very difficult to read what I've selected to make sure I'm cutting or re-formatting the right parts. I have to slow down and double check by looking at either side of the selection to make sure I've got the right portion, and it takes a few extra seconds. It's a real annoyance and an inefficiency.

I have no idea what caused this to suddenly start--I'm assuming there is something in the underlying formatting to make it react this way. Any suggestion on how I can make the problem go away?


Dave Culbertson

how to combine table of figures and index together

Posted: 05 Apr 2014 08:35 PM PDT

I want something like:


the letters stand for:

p = picture

m = map

t = table

none = text

Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2013 won't even load...

Posted: 05 Apr 2014 08:23 PM PDT

Hello, everyone,

I recently had my Windows 8 laptop repaired (cracked LCD, warped CD drive and hard drive cover plate), and when I received it, my files were still intact. However, when I attempt to open them (or any files), I can get no response from Word, PowerPoint, or Excel, not even an error message. I wish I could say I had tried something, but I don't even know where to start.

Any suggestions?


double footnote number

Posted: 05 Apr 2014 06:50 PM PDT

One of my footnote numbers is double 4546 and when it is deleted it just moves down to the next footnote.  How do I edit the double number. Thanks

Split a Word Document by Word Count

Posted: 05 Apr 2014 06:24 PM PDT

I have a Word document that "counts" from 1 to 1,852,083, with the numbers separated by a semicolon and a space. Is there a way that I can split it by word count, having 16,384 "words" (numbers) in each document while retaining the semicolon-space separation in each document?

Help with Word 2013 Bibliography format

Posted: 05 Apr 2014 05:33 PM PDT

Somehow I have changed the format of the bibliography.  Whenever I update it or delete it and put it back in the paper it is double spaced Instead of single spaced.  I don't know how I did this and cannot figure out how to change it back.  Please help.  Thanks.

Word VBA Create Bookmark That Refers to Selection

Posted: 05 Apr 2014 04:34 PM PDT


I am creating a macro from Excel that loops through the worksheets and copies and pastes the data to Word.

As soon as I paste the data into Word, I would like to bookmark the entire table that is selected after pasting. 

I have tried this, but it doesn't work:

        With t 'table range
        .Tables(1).AutoFitBehavior (wdAutoFitWindow)
         End With
         MsgBox "Table has been formatted"
         tRange = Selection.Range
    'Add bookmark that refers to the newly copied table that has the same name as the worksheet in Excel
    With ActiveDocument.Bookmarks
        .Add Range:=tRange, Name:="Test"
        .DefaultSorting = wdSortByName
        .ShowHidden = False
    End With

Thanks in advance!

where is Ms word in windows 8 after install

Posted: 05 Apr 2014 12:04 PM PDT

I have a machine with win 8, I installed MS word 2010 and all I get is Microsoft Project Professional 2010, then I go to the metro tiles and all I see is "Microsoft project 2010" Microsoft office language" "Microsoft project server 2010" "MS office 2010 upload center" and "Microsoft clip organizer" Where is Ms Word? I've typed in Microsoft word into the search and nothing pops up, there is no Ms word program to be found on my PC.