

Win2k3 Server Setup - Microsoft Exchange

Win2k3 Server Setup - Microsoft Exchange

Win2k3 Server Setup

Posted: 17 Jun 2006 06:27 PM PDT

Hi........... First thing it is not necessary to install exchange on a
DC..................... You can install Exchange on member server but
be sure that u connect that member server to ur DC.................
Once u install exchange on member server you will get all the users
that were created on ur AD................ Be sure to run FOREST PREP
and DOMAIN PREP before you directly go for

Migrating Imail Server to Exchange 2003

Posted: 17 Jun 2006 05:04 PM PDT

Thanks, John - I figured it might involve manually exporting/importing PST
files. I am not aware of any 3rd party tools that will aid in the
conversion, so I'll probably just document the current Imail setup and use
that to configure Exchange. I appreciate your help!

"John Oliver, Jr. [MVP]" wrote:

Exchange 5.5 holding message in queue

Posted: 16 Jun 2006 02:17 PM PDT

I appreciate the help. I turned on the logging and I'm in the process
of checking those event ID's and see where that leads me. Thanks again.

Mystery NDR's

Posted: 16 Jun 2006 09:38 AM PDT

Hi ...........
--> Enable message tracking
-->I suggest you to check QUEUES if there are any unsent
-->Check for SMTP settings.............
--> Run netdiag and DC Diag to verify all the connections............

Do reply what was the outcome of all these steps

Palm Treo Versa Mail syncing only prior days mail

Posted: 16 Jun 2006 09:01 AM PDT

I would try a hard reset on the Treo 650 first.

John Oliver, Jr
Exchange MVP 2006
Microsoft Certified Partner
"Deborah" <> wrote in message

How to bypass Smart host relay in EX2K3 when delivering SMS to a mobile device.

Posted: 15 Jun 2006 02:44 PM PDT

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" <org> wrote in message

The legal disclaimer is not done by Exchange. We employ a
third party Spam filtering services. Our In/Out bound Internet
mail go through this services. Our In/Out-bound Internet
mail messages go through this service. Our ISA Server firewall
only accepts SMTP mail from this service and EX2K3 delivers
all Internet mail to this service via the Internet Mail Connector.

So to bypass our third party Spam filtering service, I have
to create a special connector for SMS.

It works now.

exchange 2003 offline backup

Posted: 15 Jun 2006 02:29 PM PDT

C'mon Andy. How many times have you seen a manager that used to run Exchange
5.0 hold on tight to those old methods/ideas?

"andy webb" <> wrote in message

Message queue exchange 2003

Posted: 15 Jun 2006 01:53 AM PDT

Thank you Mark.



"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

Exchange 2003 with ISA 200 Not working...

Posted: 14 Jun 2006 11:44 PM PDT

Have you setup the exchange server as a securnat client?

"Mahmoud Metwally Ali" <com> wrote in message

VPN & Outlook / Exchange 2003

Posted: 14 Jun 2006 10:18 AM PDT

I can ping the IP address just fine, if I try to ping the fqdn and it comes
back with check the name and try again. the error that comes up in outlook
is ... unable to open your default e-mail folders. You must connect to your
MS Exchange server computer with the current profile before you can
synchronize your folders with you roffline folder file.

I can access the server file share just fine and printers and so on.

Thanks for the help


"Nuevo" wrote:

mail-enable a contact

Posted: 14 Jun 2006 08:49 AM PDT

In news:com,
James <> typed: 

Check out bichaassocia

....starring the lovely and talented Missy Koslosky, Exchange MVP, as one of
the authors.


Delivery is Delayed

Posted: 14 Jun 2006 07:16 AM PDT

This is a Small Business Server 2003 including Exchange 2003 with the latest
service pack. It is the only Exchange server. The domain is "".
And, yes, when I say group I mean a distribution group in Active Directory
consisting on internal LAN users only.

Harvey Levitt
Network Administrator

"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]" wrote:

Automatically Forward Messages From a Specific Sender

Posted: 14 Jun 2006 05:16 AM PDT

com <com> typed: 

Only via an Outlook rule....per mailbox.

POP mail

Posted: 13 Jun 2006 03:04 PM PDT

In news:phx.gbl,
Ky IT Guy <com> typed: 

Nuevo gave you a good answer're doing this in the wrong place.

However, if he's using a Treo 700w, and you have Exchange 2003, don't use
POP. Use ActiveSync so the mail is 'pushed' to his device, like a
Blackberry. This is *much* better....
may help.

Having problems getting my mail

Posted: 13 Jun 2006 10:35 AM PDT

oh got it now, im such an idiot. was using avacado in the place of my power
cord. it all works now thanks 06
"Display name" <com> wrote in message

isinteg question

Posted: 12 Jun 2006 12:27 PM PDT

Thanks. That's what I thought. When you run this command does the out put
go to a file somewhere or is what you see in the command window all you get?

Thanks again...

"Bharat Suneja [MVP]" <> wrote in message

Public Folder Calendar as a Resource

Posted: 12 Jun 2006 10:11 AM PDT


Thank you for posting.

First, thanks to Leif. I agree with Leif.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us. Have a
good day.

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How to start cluster from command line?

Posted: 12 Jun 2006 09:42 AM PDT

Cool, thanks!


"John Fullbright [MVP]" <fjohn@donotspamnetappdotcom> wrote in message

Any issues with w2k3 sp1 on Exchange 2003?

Posted: 12 Jun 2006 08:59 AM PDT

Hey Nuevo,

No I didn't, but I found the fix and it worked for me. Here it is:

See my other post under Lamar Thomas: "How to start cluster from command

Thanks for your help!


"Nuevo" <com> wrote in message

Exchange Sender ID Filtering

Posted: 12 Jun 2006 07:44 AM PDT

Thanks for that. I think I may have sorted it out...seems that for some
reason the Sender ID Filtering was blocking some internal mail. Go figure.

Thanks anyway.

"Leif Pedersen [MVP]" wrote:

Mailroot / BadMail Folder

Posted: 12 Jun 2006 06:47 AM PDT

Ok thanks for your help! Have a blessed day!
"Mark Arnold [MVP]" <org> wrote in message


Posted: 09 Jun 2006 07:11 AM PDT

Not sure if this will help, but just as an fyi...we recently had a
problem with Antigen as well. It was making our public folders
temporarily disappear. It had been a year since the scan engine had an
update and you have to do it manually...I belive you also need a user
name and password to download the update. We had to open an incident
with Microsoft which I think cost around $400. We will be moving to
another Exchange AV solution soon.

Alex Tatham wrote: 

How can I tell if Exch. 2003 sp1 is installed?

Posted: 08 Jun 2006 11:26 AM PDT

Thanks guys, that was it!


"Clayton Sutton" <com> wrote in message

Exchange 2003 Default SMTP for user

Posted: 08 Jun 2006 11:17 AM PDT

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" <org> wrote in message


thats the fix I needed. As ever my appreciation for the response.