

Microsoft CRM - email missing

Microsoft CRM - email missing

email missing

Posted: 24 Nov 2004 06:11 AM PST

simi wrote: 


Need some information. Were you you able to receive any email from the
outside SMTP world into CRM at all? Please check also the
CRMEmailEnabled extension attribute for your Exchange users/queues as
described in the MBS CRM 1.2 Installation Guide page 192. Also check
that you filled in the e-mail addresses of your MBS CRM Users in the
Business Unit Settings.


Refresh CRM Development Databases

Posted: 23 Nov 2004 12:04 PM PST

Depends on what you want to refresh.

If you are only wanting to refresh the customizations that you have made to
the forms, then a Schema export out of production and a schema import into
development should work for you.

If you want to refresh the customizations and the data that is stored in the
database, then you will most likely need to uninstall CRM in Dev and then use
the redeployment tools to reinstall CRM as a replica of production.


"Scott" wrote: 

Activity/Note/Email customization & workflow????

Posted: 23 Nov 2004 07:51 AM PST

Yes it is. However, if you search this group via Google, you will find some
unsupported links that will allow you to modify the views.

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Tue, 23 Nov 2004 14:26:38 -0500, "Chris"
<nospamchurleynospamatsecurespeeddotccnospam> wrote:

Thanks for the answer.
What about customizing the Activities and Notes views? I don't see how to
do that? Is this something slated for CRM2005 also?


"Matt Parks" <com> wrote in message

Quote/Account removal...seems impossible??

Posted: 23 Nov 2004 07:07 AM PST

Thanx Matt, it finaly did work.
Thanx Chris.
Also, any online documentation which can help understand CRM better?

"Matt Parks" wrote:

Building Workflow Triggers for Multiple Opportunity Types

Posted: 23 Nov 2004 05:49 AM PST

Thanks for the help. I ended up getting it to work by creating a workflow
rule with a series of if then else if statements and pointing to each of my
sales processes (subprocesses). Downside is that if the opportunity type
changes for some reason (and is not consistent with your existing process)
you can not manually trigger a different sales processes to reflect the new
opp type.

Thanks again everyone for the help!

"Dave" wrote:

field not showing in custom form

Posted: 22 Nov 2004 07:01 PM PST

What? Ms not using consistant naming schemes? Blasphemy. :)

Thanks for the tip!


"Datapac" wrote:

How to get start ?

Posted: 22 Nov 2004 05:31 PM PST

Don't we have any free docs available somewhere to get to know the MS CRM
features ?

"Betsy Stadick [MSFT]" wrote:

Mapping Leadsource from Lead to Opportunity

Posted: 22 Nov 2004 04:27 AM PST

On Mon, 22 Nov 2004 11:16:41 -0600, Matt Parks
<com> wrote:

Thanks Matt, that did the job!




Form Customization - Fields

Posted: 22 Nov 2004 03:43 AM PST

Dear Vijayender,

Oh I see, Thx.
I hope Microsoft will come up in the future releases. Cause my
company want to customize the Quote Form Fields. And want to change the
QuoteID auto numbering format style. Ok. : (



"Vijayender" <> wrote in message

Configure a queue

Posted: 20 Nov 2004 03:29 AM PST

Thank again Matt,
I've just try the hit that you send to me and it function, well. But if my
user have not the "Sales For Outlook Client" ( my ipotetic user works only
with the WEB client of CRM ), how can I do with the e-mail that a client send
to my user without GUID code? Is exist a way to put this e-mail in CRM WEB
client? ( without use the queue )


"Matt Parks" wrote:

setting picklist value via onchange event

Posted: 19 Nov 2004 06:39 AM PST

Thanks Stephen, that dit the trick!

I have another question, is it possible to update another picklist, with
items. For example picklist 1 has the onchange event, when this is fired.
I want to change picklist 2 so that the second item is activated. So not
the value but using the sequence number of het items. Do you know how to do

"Stephen Redmond" wrote: