

Microsoft Word - Bullet Numbering & Capitalisation

Microsoft Word - Bullet Numbering & Capitalisation

Bullet Numbering & Capitalisation

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 02:15 PM PDT

Hi Guys,

I've created a bullet list in word and the program highlights the first word to be capitalized.

How can  I stop Word, from doing that? i don't want to select "Ignore Once" to get rid of it because it just shows up again. I want a permanent fix please.

Thanks in advance.

Word Saddle Stitch How to add Page Numbers

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 02:14 PM PDT

I'm using Work 2010.  I'm saddle stitching.  I finally got it to add page numbers, but not the way I want it.

I don't want page numbers on the front page and I want it to start at page 1 on page 2.  Or maybe even just skip page numbers on the Cover Sheet.

word 2010 print 16x22 document

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 01:45 PM PDT

Word 2010-Can create 16 inch wide,22 inch high document. Need procedure to print it where it would be on 4 sheets of card stock to be taped together forming a 16x22 poster.      

Mail Merge Office 2010

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 12:42 PM PDT

I am running the mail merge wizard.  At the end when printing envelopes, the recipients addresses do not print on the envelope.  I am following step by step and cant figure out why its not printing.

Thanks in advance,


Word typeing lags

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 12:25 PM PDT

Recently Word decided to add 1 sec delay between keystroke and the character appear on screen. I type about 10 characters per second. By the end of a sentance I can go out a grab a coffeee berfore Word catches up.

I've remove and reinstalled office 8 times now.

what else can I try?

Microsoft Default internet browser settings

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 12:24 PM PDT

When I try to send a document via email I get a message saying my default browser settings have not been set.

How do I do this??.


I can't open older Word docs in 2013, the kind that are "fill in the form" files.

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 11:29 AM PDT

I have a new computer with Windows 8.1 and Word 13. I work for a company that has forms that I have to use that are fill in forms. They are older, and they open, but typing in them is a nightmare and it takes the letters in half/time speed. Any suggestions?


2013 Normal.dotm Problems: After saving a macro autotext will not save to normal.dotm

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 11:22 AM PDT

Question I: Is there a way to save my macros in a different location than my quick parts autotexts. Currently they both save in Normal.dotm but when I save a macro on normal.dotm it won't let me add any new autotexts. I have tried saving autotexts as buildingblocks.dotx but then it will just save as a quickpart, and won't come up when I type the autotext name like my other autotexts.

Question II: Is there any other way to stop my Normal.dotm from corrupting so I can save autotexts and macros together?

Further Explanation

I am having issues with my Normal.dotm for Office 2013. I noticed it wasn't saving any of my new auto texts, so I figured my dotm was corrupted and changed the file to Normal.old.

A New Normal.dotm was created, and I added a bunch of quick parts. It saved them fine, until I input my macro. Since I saved my macro, it won't update any of my autotexts. When I restart office none of the autotexts are there, and when I look at the file in my templates folder, it will show the modified date from the last time I made a macro. It will update when I make a new macro.

My only macro

Sub TimeStamp()
Selection.InsertDateTime _
      DateTimeFormat:="MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm" & _
      " - ", InsertAsField:=False
End Sub

I can obviously start a new normal.dotm and put in all my current autotexts AGAIN before I input my macro - but then I am just going to have to do the same thing when I need to make a new autotext.

error 193-13

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 11:14 AM PDT

When I try to access Office 2013, which I paid for when I bought this computer; I receive the error message "Not compatible with this computer."

Attempting to run repair on  computer Programs and Features nets me the error code 193-13. What's up with this? It worked fine last week.

Alternating Page Numbering

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 10:58 AM PDT

I am having difficulty formatting page numbers in a court motion. I need "i, ii, iii. . . " and "1, 2, 3 . . . I need pages 1, 2, 3 and then i, ii, iii and then 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...

Help me please!

Annoying word windows

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 10:54 AM PDT

I am working on multiple word documents. I minimize all of them, and then when I maximize the one I want, all the others open behind it as well. I'm sure (well I think I'm sure) this is a default setting, but then to get back to my desktop I have to minimize all of the one at a time again. This also happens with excel. I can't figure out how to change this so only the window I want pops up! Thanks.

Adding text to a TOC changes the formatting of the text

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 10:20 AM PDT

I am using MS Word 2007. I want to add some text to the Table of Contents. When I go to the reference|table of contents|add text section and add the text I am asked which of 3 levels I want it to be within the table of contents.

When I answer that question the text that I have seected to be added to the TOC has its formatting changed.

I just want to add the text to the table of contents. I don't want any of the formatting in the rest of the document altered when I do this. Is there a setting I can adjust to stop this unwanted behaviour?

Corrupted files

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 10:12 AM PDT

There are two ways that I experience corrupted files.

1.  Files that are saved on my hard drive as a word or excel file, state they are corrupted when I try to open them up.

2.  I use yahoo.  If someone sends me a document, and I download it, then I press open to see what it says, it automatically states that its corrupted.

Now, this does not happen will all of my saved files on my hard drive or will all files I download from my yahoo account, but it happens consistently and then I need to hop on another computer.

I use a desktop.  Help...

Word 2010 macros keyboard shortcut not working

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 09:51 AM PDT

Hello, just wanted to see if someone could please advice. We have been using a letter document at work for many years using macros. See below.

We have a letter that goes out to different staff members with their name department etc. We have a list of 20 departments on another word document in a list format. I created a macro where by I copy first dept(in this case architecture) from the list and paste into the letter and give it a keyboard shortcut say Alt+1 under macro 1. I do the same for next dept (biology) from list, and give it alt+2 under macro2.

Now, when I run the shortcut alt+1 I get biology and alt+2 biology shows up again.  it seems architecture not showing. the macros worked fine before. :(

Format Consistency

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 09:30 AM PDT

I am using word 2010 & sometimes when I am working on documents, font size consistency will be off slightly (i.e. Arial 8 vs. Arial 8.5).  My eyes when reviewing a printout can catch, but they can miss other items.  Does word have a feature, which can help to catch those subtle differences?

Saving to and opening documents from SharePoint 2013

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 09:28 AM PDT

I was hoping that Office 2010 would work nicely together in terms of saving to and opening documents from SharePoint 2013. Alas, I was disappointed and somewhat surprised to see that opening/saving documents in SharePoint from within Office still involves copying, pasting and hacking the URL of the document library in the Save or Open dialogue box. I was fully expecting that Office 2010 would have display some sort of SharePoint navigation so you could view your sites and document libraries in a similar way to folders. A mature document management system this ain't!

Anyone have any advice on how to improve the Open/Save to/from SharePoint experience in Office 2010? I'm open to the idea of Office add-ins whether third party or official Microsoft.

opening docs in Office 360

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 09:22 AM PDT

Can't open encrypted documents on my mobile app.

Microsoft Office Clipart Doesn't Work Anymore?!

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 09:19 AM PDT

What ever happened to Office Clipart?

All online clipart is unavailable, both if inserting using an Office program, or by accessing it on the web:

I feel like I'm dreaming, I can't believe such a big glitch is actually happening, and is ongoing for many weeks already!!

Am I dreaming? Does Online Office clipart work for you?

my microsoft word 2013 is not starting up at all

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 09:18 AM PDT

up until now my word has been working normally but after my last windows update it has not started up at all not even in safe mode which i have tried several times


Posted: 25 Mar 2014 09:14 AM PDT

Dear friends

In my office 2013 word i have 65 rows for my work.I need date and month continuously. How I do this?

Cannot edit text form fields after merge

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 08:46 AM PDT


I've got a strange problem where I need to insert a cover sheet into an existing document. The cover sheet contains text form fields that allow for electronic archiving and searching of the main document, and was originally saved in Word 1997 - 2003 format. It saves in Word 2013 format and works just fine. When I use

Insert, Object, Text from file

to put this into the main document however the form fields then become un-editable and just disappear when I try to put text into them.

Is there a fix for this?



Word 2013/ Office 365 Professional (32 bit)

Windows 7 Professional (64 bit)

Microsoft Word Spelling and Grammar Check

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 08:37 AM PDT

You know what would be a really helpful feature for Microsoft Word?  If Spelling/Grammar errors as flagged by the checkers were inserted into the document as comments.  As a teacher, this would supplement my own commenting on student papers, and actually accellerate the grading process.  Perhaps a macro of some sort could address this question. 


Posted: 25 Mar 2014 08:16 AM PDT

I have managed to create a Word form that pushes data into an excel spreadsheet. 

However I now want to be greedy and assign a Unique Serial number to the form that will increment each time a user uses the form.

The purpose of the form is for Users to request data to be transferred between systems (a task only administrators are permitted to do).

The user would use the form, stored on a server share, and submit it to the admin team requesting this task.

The form once completed by the user updates the spreadheet which acts as a 'LOG' of the requests.

A unique serial number would be useful for the admin team to track each request.

Is it possible for a unique serial number to be generated in a word form that can be pushed to excel with the requested job and then increments the next time it is used?

Any advice greatfully appreciated.


Design tab in word not looking right

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 08:13 AM PDT

can anybody tell me how i can get the templates OFF THE TAB please, i need to see the other commands in that tab. its JUST no looking right

its taking up the whole tab wtf

i attach a screenshot

thanks :)

Outlook template date auto update next to the Next Friday's date

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 08:06 AM PDT

I have a email that I send to my clients when I move them from Advance support to General support. I send this template email out on Mondays for that Friday to be the last day of my time with them. I am looking for a way to auto update to the next Friday based on today's date. So if I sent one today 3/25/2014, it would be like this Friday March 28, 2014 in the body of the text. I have tried a few things with excel and import but its doesnt seem to update. I am fairly new to the macros and VBA I can get it to work in excel but not sure how to get that to work in Outlook if I can at all. Thank you for your time and help with this.

Find/Replace of Paragraph marks doesn't work when pasting from Notepad, but does when from here

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 08:02 AM PDT

I have a text file consisting of data I exported from a PDF document. It is only a text file. In Notepad, it doesn't show any line breaks, but in Textpad is does. I pasted it from Notepad or Textpad into Word and it shows a number of line breaks. When I view formatting character, I can see the paragraph marks at the end of each line. I did a Fine/Replace to change these Paragraph Marks to spaces. However, only a few change, not all of them. I've tried using Line Breaks or Paragraph characters, but they are not being recognized. Then I tried copying that text here, in this box to show a sample. Then I copied back to Word. Then my Find/Replace with paragraph marks worked fine. What's the issue here? Why are the Paragraph marks not being recognized in Find/Replace when pasting from Notepad or Textpad, but recognized from here, and what can I do?

Vulnerability in Microsoft Word could allow remote code execution

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 05:40 AM PDT

Microsoft has released a Fixit as a temporary workaround to address a vulnerability in several versions of Word and Word Viewer discovered March 24, 2014.

Apply the Fixit using Internet Explorer here:

Versions of Word affected by this vulnerability can be seen in the following screenshot.

why does word 2010 not save a version of a file you forgot to save?

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 05:18 AM PDT

According to all the blurb, if you have "Keep last autosave version if you close without saving" checked, you should be able to restore the file, but it doesn't work - there is no such file stored where autosave is set to store them or anywhere else as far as I can see. There is also nothing in Info/Versions/ Recover Unsaved documents. I have doe a Repair, with no improvement. Any ideas?

In passing, is there no option in Win 8.1 to search for files created, for example, today?.

My Microsoft 2010 files in word and excell will now not open.

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 04:40 AM PDT

The message is Error, The operatiing system is not presently configured to run this application. Can anybody help Regards

Add Assistant to Org Chart

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 04:10 AM PDT

Is there a keyboard shortcut to add an assistant to an organisation chart?

In Word 2007, Insert > SmartArt > Hierarchy > Organisation Chart.

I'm typing in the Text Pane. I already use Enter, Shift+Enter, Tab & Shift+Tab to add text at the appropriate levels, but it appears I have to use the mouse to add an Assistant. I've nothing against the mouse, you understand, but for this kind of work I prefer to keep my hands on the keyboard.


Posted: 25 Mar 2014 03:24 AM PDT

My computer runs Windows 7 Service pack 1 and I use Office 365 premium for Home. I want to know how to label a file so that I am the only one who can open it.

***Moved to *Office Topic: Microsoft Office Word* from *Microsoft Office Access* the database software

MS Word - Interesting Heading Problem

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 03:03 AM PDT

I have an interesting question for the MS word experts.

Presently, I am having 2 headings.

Heading 1 and Heading 2

In heading 2 style I am using, page break before option. So you know, all the heading 2 will start from a new page.

 However, I want the first instance of Heading 2 (that is coming under Heading 1) to be int he same page, all other instance in the new page.

Any possibilities?

Changing default PDF Viewer

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 02:53 AM PDT

When I save a document as a PDF using the export option, it always opens up the pdf using the Word Online viewer. This wasn't originally the case. How do I change it so that it by default opens up in my system viewer like Foxit or Adobe Reader instead?


When I open the pdf from Explorer, the pdfs open in my default viewer. This only seems to occur if I view the pdf immediately upon exporting a PDF using the PDF creator. If I print the PDF using a PDF converter, the problem doesn't arise.

word not responding, but only happens about a minute after opening a document and resolves itself a minute later

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 02:37 AM PDT


When I open Microsoft word all seems fine.  I then open a document and go to click into it but nothing seems to happen.  Then I get the egg timer thing and the message "not responding".  This lasts for about a minute and then clears and after that all is well.  ok I can live with it but it's very irritating.  All my addins are disabled as far as I can see and I have changed the printer but it still happens.  However safe mode seems ok but I can't think of what else to try.  Any help greatly appreciated.


Microsoft word 2013 files wont open.

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 01:20 AM PDT

For the last two days every time i try to open a word file i get an error report

We're sorry, but word has run into an error preventing it from working correctly. Word will need to be closed as a result.

Would you like us to repair now?

But when i click on the repair button nothing happens, i tried to open word in safe mode an minute ago and the same message came up? Don't know how to fix it, any help gratefully received. 

Can't save word or Excel files to my computre

Posted: 25 Mar 2014 12:57 AM PDT

Recently downloaded Office home premium 365.  When I go file/save as/ up come the screen with option to save to documents and or browse..When I click on these they do a little jig but freeze and do not progress.  Windows 8.

Disabling Formatting Consistency Checker has no effect whatsoever

Posted: 24 Mar 2014 10:11 PM PDT

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I would prevent Word never to use the blue underline again?

(The checkbox shown is the one in Word Options/ under the header Editing Options)



EDIT: Solved. It seems like this article is quite misleading

The blue wavy line DOES NOT indicate that the Format Consistency Checker is active.

It indicates that capitalisation is the issue.

We're sorry, but Word has run into an error that is preventing it from working correctly. Word will need to be closed as a result. Would you like us to repair now?

Posted: 24 Mar 2014 10:02 PM PDT

Hi, we bought Outlook and Word 2013 last October and it has been working fine.  (Order Number 11778001541)

Today, my Word 2013 seems to have been deleted, although Outlook is working no problems and we cannot find it anywhere.

Does anyone have any idea where it may be?  We have followed the different instructions for reinstating it.  I don't think we can reinstall it as it was bought online and we have no physical disk.

Please help as I need this for work and am very worried that I have lost all my files - no, I didn't back them up on hard drive.



Word 2007 Document with Fillable Fields Not Working in Word for Mac

Posted: 24 Mar 2014 09:48 PM PDT

Hi all,

I've created a fillable form on my PC with Word 2007 that has dropdown menus and also fields in which to enter text. The Word 2007 document that I have created works fine on a PC with Word, but it's not working on a Mac version of Word. In the Mac version, we're not able to access the dropdown menus fillable fields, for example.

I'd like to be able to send this Word document to others to see why it's not working on a Mac. Anybody out there able to help out so we can get this form working on Mac versions of Word?

Thanks very much.


Line Numbers

Posted: 24 Mar 2014 08:49 PM PDT

How do I uncheck "suppress line numbers" if the checked box is locked?