

Upgrade Eligibility From Ms Office X Microsoft Office for Mac

Upgrade Eligibility From Ms Office X Microsoft Office for Mac

Upgrade Eligibility From Ms Office X

Posted: 16 Jul 2009 09:21 AM PDT

On 7/16/09 9:21 AM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

If you don't need Exchange you would be better off buying the Home & Student
version. $109.99 ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping


Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac Upgrade $199.99

Any upgrade CD will require you to have the old version installed or the CD
available during the install to show proof of purchase.

The Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac Special Media Edition is actually cheaper
than the upgrade standard version. $144.79 compared to $199.99


Hope this helps!


Triple Click selection

Posted: 16 Jul 2009 04:12 AM PDT

yes J.E. and Bob, my bad.

This is happening to me in Excel and I thought I remebered it happening in Word but when I checked straight after posting it works a-ok in Word. Not working in Excel for reasons best known to MS.

It was the Human Interface Guidelines I was refering to as documentation. The "convention" is one understood by someone who has used DTP apps from MacWrite to InDesign ;)

Big problems, hope someone can help?

Posted: 15 Jul 2009 02:03 PM PDT

Well, i did the update to current version...repaired permissions and...
got the same issue that i was having
prior to the reinstall. When I choose
Print for ANY Word doc, the following is
automatically added to the body of the
text (at the end):

"Âñå, ÏÈÇÄÅÖ ! (end of document) "

I cannot get anything to print without
getting that added in -

Now that I think about it, something
may have gotten tweaked when this whole
problem was discovered (prior to reinstalling).

The initial problem that prompted the reinstall was that getting "runtime" errors with a template
and when i clicked on "debug" i think i may have deleted a line of code or whatever - in a script that appeared. Subsequently Word would not open/print ANYthing.

Is there maybe something more I need to do to
"clear out" any traces of the "old" Word that
are still in the OS before removing and reinstalling the app??

Thanks again!


List of Recent Documents

Posted: 15 Jul 2009 08:02 AM PDT

On 7/15/09 11:18 PM, in article, "J.E. McGimpsey"
<org> wrote:

Thanks! That was interesting to check out. Totally different from the BBEdit
folder where you can actually see the files.


Microsoft Office 2010 Reaches Technical Preview

Posted: 14 Jul 2009 01:52 AM PDT

On 7/15/09 8:18 AM, in article, "aRKay"
<net> wrote:
But, the answer to your question is very simple: Yes, indeed, there is a new
version of Office for the Mac in the works. For any other information about
what it may or may not include, or when it may be available, keep checking
Mactopia. All we do know is that it will include VBA.

Bob Greenblatt [MVP], Macintosh

Keep Source Formatting

Posted: 13 Jul 2009 07:34 AM PDT

The Paste Options button appears as a Clipboard icon just below the end of
the pasted content. However, it only appears [even if enabled in prefs] if
there are options to choose from in the first place. My guess is that your
browser is putting only "Unformatted Text" on the Clipboard.

Alternatively you can use the Edit> Paste Special command to select from
what's available on the Clipboard. If there are options that dialog may
offer more than what's included in the Paste Options button menu.

As Michel mentioned, what gets put to the Clipboard when you Cut/Copy is
determined by the program you're using at the time. The receiving program
determines from what's there what it is capable of pasting.

BTW: Not to provoke my friend Michel, but the "Include formatted text..."
pref he mentioned has no bearing on your question. It determines whether
formatting of text is copied as well as the text itself when you cut/copy
*from* a Word document.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 7/13/09 10:34 AM, in article caR9absDaxw,
"com" <com> wrote:

Window Size

Posted: 12 Jul 2009 07:54 AM PDT

There are scripts that will resize a window. Download these scripts:

1) Open ³WindowGetSize² in the script editor.

--before running this script, make sure that the frontmost window in Word is
set in exactly the size and position you want. Also make sure the Result
pane is active in this Script Editor window
tell application "Microsoft Word"
get bounds of active window
end tell
--now copy the numbers in the Result pane into your customized script {a, b,
c, b}

2) Next open the script ³WindowSizeZoomViewSample² and insert the numbers
from the result pane.

3) Place the scripts in the Word Script Menu Items folder in the Microsoft
User Data folder

"~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Word Script Menu Items"

You can assign a shortcut to the script for easy use.

4) the third script is "ArrangeAllVertically"

Barry Wainwright provided these scripts in a previous message for Entourage,
but you should be able to use them with a slight modification with Word.

To move all windows:
tell application "Microsoft Entourage" to set position of windows to {75,

To move just the topmost window:
tell application "Microsoft Entourage" to set position of window 1 to {75,

To move just the new (draft) message windows:
tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
set theWindows to every window whose class is draft window
repeat with aWindow in theWindows
set position of aWindow to {75, 140}
end repeat
end tell

I posted this script in HTML so line formatting would be preserved, but the
forum strips out HTML. If you cannot correct line endings, you can view the
script correctly if you use the Entourage newsreader.

If you are not familiar with a newsreader, Entourage's basic newsreader
already has the Microsoft News server included. All you do is subscribe to
the newsgroups you want. See this article for help subscribing using the
Entourage newsreader:


Hope this helps!


setting an older version of office as default

Posted: 09 Jul 2009 02:45 AM PDT

An additional option: Control/Right-Click the file & select the preferred
app from the Open With options in the contextual menu.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 7/9/09 6:54 AM, in article C67B98F5.10F40%org,
"Michel Bintener" <org> wrote:

Running Office 2008 for Mac on 2 Computers

Posted: 08 Jul 2009 04:14 PM PDT

On 7/10/09 7:30 PM, in article
com, "Eric Ogawa"
<> wrote:

The Home & Student version comes with 3 keys. It does not contain Exchange
support or include Automator actions.

Amazon pricing: $99.99 (this is the lowest I've seen the Home & Student



Office 2008 for Mac compatibility with Office 2007 for PC?

Posted: 07 Jul 2009 10:20 AM PDT

Jim Gordon MVP wrote: 

Hi again,

I forgot to put the URL of the screen shot into my message. It's

It shows a complex Page Layout in Word for Mac on the left, and the same
document open in Word for Windows on the right. I chose this particular
document because it is loaded with "floating objects anchored to the
same empty paragraphs on each page" or at least I think this is the sort
of thing you're referring to. Notice that at least in terms of layout,
both versions of Word display the document identically.

I'm skeptical of claims that there is an incompatibility between Word
for Mac and Word for Windows in this regard. I don't see how there could
be, but if there is, let's bring it into the open so that something can
be done about it.


Jim Gordon