

Microsoft Word - My printer goes offline constantly

Microsoft Word - My printer goes offline constantly

My printer goes offline constantly

Posted: 11 Dec 2013 03:37 PM PST

I have a HP Officejet 6600 series printer and it goes offline constantly. It is almost impossible to get it online again. Any suggestions? I have owned it for about 3 months and I hate it. It has been nothing but trouble and I am about to toss it out because it never works right. I use it wirelessly. The last one I had worked great wirelessly until something broke internally and I had to replace it. After spending over $100 to buy this new printer, it isn't worth it unless I can get it to stay online. Help!!!

Merge fields not working in Office 365

Posted: 11 Dec 2013 02:58 PM PST

I'm an instructor at a college and I often teach the same course either in following terms or following years. Because of this I use an Excel file containing the quarter, due dates etc... to merge with a Word document and produce the new syllabus without the necessity to re-type it all. Some of the variable data is contained in the header of the Word document. Always before this has merged perfectly. However, with Office 365 this appears no longer to work. Is there a fix or something for this?

booklet printing

Posted: 11 Dec 2013 02:27 PM PST

I am trying to print a booklet, allowing word to automatically resize each page, it worked yesterday morning, by yesterday afternoon it would not resize down, ie it kept the same size and spread it out over more pages, ie a 12 page booklet went to 20 pages, I can't seem to fix

Large Caps to Small Caps in MS Word

Posted: 11 Dec 2013 02:02 PM PST

I have a large document in MS Word 2010 (Using Windows 8.1) in which there are a series of titles in all caps. Some are one word


and some are several words long


I would like to change these expressions with a global Search and Replace into all small caps, except for the first letter, which would remain a large cap. (This question doesn't handle small caps, so I have to spell it out.) So in both the first and second examples above only the initial L would be in large caps.

   The document also has a lot of material in ordinary type, which would stay the same. Note that a Search that replaced a word beginning with a capital letter and then lower case  (Living) should not be affected, nor should single capital letters (the letter A, the numeral I) be changed to small caps. I can live with the fact that longer Roman numerals (III, XIV) would be change into sequences with initial large cap, then small caps--these are few enough for me to fix manually.

   Short of this wonderful search and replace, it would at least help if all words in all large caps were changed into words with all small caps. I can't seem to make wild-card and Match Case combinations do this.


Posted: 11 Dec 2013 01:53 PM PST

Earlier this year I installed Office 2013, since when I've been unable to open older, Word 1997-2003 documents.  On attempting to, I'm immediately faced with 'word cannot start the converter WPFT532.CNV'.

The Help prompt reads 'if removing and reinstalling the converter is not successful, there may be a problem with a resource on the computer (for example, an executable file that is needed to properly register the converters on the computer has failed or stopped running). In this case, it is best to turn off the computer and start over'.

I've previously tried Microsoft Support and countless downloads without success.  Microsoft advised that Word was corrupted, but after reinstalling it, I'm no nearer a solution.

Is there a fix, or have I really lost 2 years of work?

Thank you.

"Winword.exe can't be used right now because Office is busy" message

Posted: 11 Dec 2013 01:11 PM PST

I want to know why office word 2013 isn't working.  This is the message I get when I'm trying to open a document.  Office is busy we're sorry.  Winword.exe can't be used right now because office is busy.  We're either updating or helping you add or remove some programs.

I have important work to do but don't really understand how to fix this and urgently need to get into word.



Posted: 11 Dec 2013 01:02 PM PST

 I am trying to revise a word doc. Each time I try, the font appears in red and underlined. I cannot figure out how to get things back to normal in this doc. It only happens in this doc. Help!  Windows 7 or 8

We're sorry, but Word has run into an error that is preventing it from working correctly.

Posted: 11 Dec 2013 11:52 AM PST

I reinstall and it works temporarily but then I get this error again. The repair option does not work. All other Office programs work fine. This started around mid-November.


I can't find a solution anywhere.


Any suggestions?

How do you use Word offline?

Posted: 11 Dec 2013 11:47 AM PST


I don't know what version of Word I have and I did not know I paid all that money to have an online only product.  I am not always connected to the internet and I still need to use Word offline, what do I do disconnect Word from the internet?


Mail Merge

Posted: 11 Dec 2013 11:47 AM PST

I am trying to do a mail Merge with word 2010 and excel 2010.  Most of the data transfers fine, except certain excel records that have two dates are being replaced with 12:00?  any suggestions?

Time stamp

Posted: 11 Dec 2013 11:19 AM PST

I wonder if there's a Date Picker Control item like the Calendar Picker Control item (under DEVELOPER / Controls) for making users to insert their desired time in a the forms you develop? 

Read-Only Documents in Word 2010

Posted: 11 Dec 2013 10:34 AM PST

I am working on an engineering document that is based on blocks of cells (table) that the user needs to replicate.  Some of the blocks have descriptive text which is not selected (set to) as editable.  Other cells are set to Highlight the regions I can edit.  My users need to copy and paste the block (comprised of 13 cells) below the last block on the page.  The last paragraph mark in the file is set as editable.  When I copy and paste the block of cells in the bottom paragraph mark, the 'uneditable' cells become editable and are highlighted as editable.  Is there a way this block can be copied and pasted while maintaining the editable and un-editable cells?  Have tried all the options under Paste Special and cannot get the desired results.  Can this even be done?


Regards - Lenny33


Samples below....  I need it to paste (if at all possible) as the first example and not the second.  Many thanks for comments





Mail merge ( insert merge field ) is populated by one of my addressees, how do I change it back to F1, F2 etc?

Posted: 11 Dec 2013 10:17 AM PST

The insert mail merge box is filled with the options of one of my addressees..... I have a brand new version of Office and could revert all .... if needed...

Is that my solution?

 Although I would like to understand how I made this happen.

WordArt displays differently...

Posted: 11 Dec 2013 09:32 AM PST

HI. I teach a Word Graphics class at a local library and our computers all have Windows 7 with Office 2010 installed. On many of the computers WordArt displays differently. Some show the old, classic version with a WordArt Tools format tab (the Ribbon has Text, WordArt Styles, Shadow Effects, 3-D effects) and others have the later version with the Drawing Tools format tab (the Ribbon has Insert Shapes, Shape Styles, WordArt Styles, Text). I can't find a way to change them so that they all display the current version.

I'd appreciate any help.


Automating Templates in MS Word 2010

Posted: 11 Dec 2013 09:17 AM PST

I've got a couple of fairly long documents that all need the same sort of automation.

These documents all have state specific information, and I'd like to automate as much as possible. Here's what I mean:

I'd like to be able select the state the document is being prepared for (in this case, let's use New Jersey). There are instances in the document where I'd like a field to automatically populate with the words "New Jersey". There are other parts of the document where I'd like it to automatically populate with "NJ". Additionally, there are other parts of the document where I would like it to populate information, such as "NJDED", "New Jersey Department of Education", or "NJDED - 877-900-6960".

I make these documents for several states, and I'd really like an option when I begin working, to select a state, or something along those lines, and the rest of the information would automatically fill itself in.

Is this even possible? I'm at a total loss on how to go about this. I'm extremely proficient in using word and have a decent understanding of programming, so I'm up for the challenge no matter what.

short and long captions

Posted: 11 Dec 2013 08:59 AM PST

Sometimes I want a lot of detail in figure captions but not in the table of figures.

Here is an example of a caption as I would like it to appear with its figure:

Figure 1. Schematics of open-loop geothermal systems. A. Well doublet. B. Single-well system. Solid arrows indicate water flow. Dashed arrows indicate heat flow.

Here is how I would like it to appear in the table of figures:

Figure 1. Schematics of open-loop geothermal systems.

I can type in just the short caption, create the table of figures, and go back and type in the rest of the caption, but is there a better way to accomplish this?

Microsoft Word Only

Posted: 11 Dec 2013 08:43 AM PST

I just got a new computer (HP 500) with Windows 8.  Office was not included which upset me, but when I loaded it I was informed that if I want to keep it I will have to pay for it.  Word is the only part of Office that I will ever use.  Can I get "Word" by itself?  This was included with XP and was surprised to see it removed.

Ref Check Boxes

Posted: 11 Dec 2013 08:38 AM PST

I have a document with two pages that are identical.  I want to be able to use checkboxes and check them on page 1 and have the second page show the check boxes as they were checked on page 1. (Basically filling out the form on page 2).   I really don't want to get into VB.  I can ref textboxes, but can't seem to figure out the checkboxes.  I seem to remember having done this previously in a different version of Word.  I'm in version 10 now. 

How do I shrink an odt document?

Posted: 11 Dec 2013 06:54 AM PST

Hello, I have a document I'm working on with Office Word, an .odt file with text and images, and I'd like to shrink it to half it's size so I can fit two of it on a page in landscape orientation.  Is there an easy way to do this that I'm overlooking?  I'm computer illiterate and new to the program.



Document variable disappears after mail merge. vba question

Posted: 11 Dec 2013 06:24 AM PST

I have a mail merge where upon completion of the merge, the result document is attached to a template that has 4 procedures to be run in order. The main merge document has a document variable "Stage" which is checked by these procedures to make sure they are run only once and in order. After each procedure is run, the variable is changed.

Immediately after running the merge, the variable shows as having been deleted. This throws an error in the procedures when they check for it. A different variable in the main merge document is still present in the merge result document.

I have gotten around this with an error handler that creates the variable if it is missing but am curious as to what might be happening.

Originally I had the variable set in the main merge document with a value of 0. I thought that was the problem and changed it to -1. That generates the same error.

Location of printing on mail merge lables

Posted: 11 Dec 2013 06:20 AM PST

I have set up a mail merge in Word and have allocated an appropriate label sheet to print to however all of the print is set tightly to the left and sometimes the print is to the left of the label cut.

Is there any method of formatting the print so that the print area is set, two characters to the right in order to avoid printing over the cut between the label and the backing sheet.

Date and Time field does not correspond to the system

Posted: 11 Dec 2013 04:07 AM PST

My documents containing Date and Time field were working fine, but suddenly the day of the week began to appear one day ahead, while the day of month is correct.


Posted: 11 Dec 2013 03:41 AM PST

How to get permission to use screenshot of the website (office) in an academic book? where can i email all the information?

uncheck multiple checkboxes at once in word 2007

Posted: 11 Dec 2013 02:58 AM PST

We have a checklist at work using word 2007 with multiple check boxes.  Is there way to uncheck all the check boxes at once?

thank you

Formatting a Mail Merge from Excel to Word Using Field Codes

Posted: 10 Dec 2013 10:15 PM PST

At work, I have a database of inventory from which I have to generate reports. My employers want me to print these reports using as little paper as possible. I tried to use Excel to format the data concisely (such as using repeating columns on the same page), but couldn't get it to work. I then decided to mail merge the data into Word, which gives me much more control of the layout and format. 

At the moment, the merged document is laid out as a Word table, displaying "Distributor," "Product Line," "Description," and "Quantity" as column headers. The layout is okay, but could use some improvement. The nuisance is the "Distributor" and "Product Line" columns are very redundant. Rather than having 20+ entries that begin with the same distributor and product line, I would like to setup these two columns as headers. For example:

Instead of...

  Distributor      Product Line       Description                Quantity
Animal Supply | Blue Basics          | Senior 24#                |...
Animal Supply | Blue Basics          | Healthy Weight 24# |...
Animal Supply | Blue Buffalo        | Chicken 30#              |... 
Animal Supply | Blue Buffalo        | Fish 30#                     |...
Central              | Natural Balance | Duck 28#                   |... 
Central              | Natural Balance | Venison 28#              |...

I'd like something more like...

Animal Supply
     Blue Basics
          Senior 24#                    Quantity
          Healthy Weight 24#     ...

     Blue Buffalo
          Chicken 30#                  ...
          Fish 30#                         ...

     Natural Balance
          Duck 28#                       ...
          Venison 28#                  ...

I tried using field codes, but couldn't get them to work. I even tried following this article: Any suggestions?


*** Email address is removed for privacy ***

Posted: 10 Dec 2013 09:05 PM PST

what is the problem was this word office?

Unable to open Word application 'Sorry, something went wrong and word was unable to start'

Posted: 10 Dec 2013 08:13 PM PST

Original title: MS Word 2013 on Windows 8       

upon starting up Word 2013, "Sorry, something went wrong and word was unable to start. (40)"  I can't start Word...period.  What is wrong?

Running Macro produces: Run-time error '5941' The requested member of the collection does not exist.

Posted: 10 Dec 2013 08:11 PM PST

I am trying to record a Macro that will build a footer for my documents.
I'm trying to insert the 12/10/2013 format from the Date and Time selection of Header and Footer Design.
I have the Macro set to go into 'Normal.dotm'.
I have Macros Enabled in the Trust Center.
When I click the Debug button on the error window the highlighted part of the macro looks like this:

Application.Templates( _
        "C:\Users\Randy\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Document Building Blocks\1033\15\Built-In Building Blocks.dotx" _
        ).BuildingBlockEntries(" Blank").Insert Where:=Selection.Range, RichText _

Any ideas?

Printing labels in MS Word from a filtered document in MS Excel

Posted: 10 Dec 2013 07:12 PM PST

First, I looked for an answer to this question and if I missed the answer, I apologize.  This is just driving me crazy.  I have a list of names and addresses that I pulled into Excel from a another program at work.  The list had a huge amount of names/addresses that did not need labels printed so I used the filter option in Excel and deselected them.  I saved the Excel file on my desktop.  I then opened MS Word, Labels and proceeded to make labels from the filtered list.  Well, it pulls ALL names from the filtered list.  When I right-click on the Excel list and select Unhide all the names are still there; when Hide is selected, they go away.  I know I can edit the names in Label mode by unchecking the names but I have already done this in Excel.  My question is, basically, is that what I need to do, again?  Deselect the individual names that do not need labels printed?  No one at work seems to know and honestly, if I can get out if it I would love to!  My eyes will love me for it!  So, is there a way to print labels from my filtered Excel file or do I need to re-filter?  Thanks!!

Invisibly link words or phrases in main text to endnotes (Word 2010)

Posted: 10 Dec 2013 06:56 PM PST


I'm writing a long narrative that incorporates words and short expressions that I would like to further explain by way of endnotes.  However, I don't want my main narrative to be visually interrupted by endnote symbols or numbers. 

Thus, if on page 69, the following sentence appears in the narrative:  "Henry was suffering from another episode of moon-blasted madness"...

...I would like to create the following kind of endnote:

(69) moon-blasted madness; see "Religious Musings", Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 1796

However, there should be no indication on page 69 that an endnote is associated with any text on that page (you would have to peruse the endnotes to discover this).

Note: it's important that the page reference in the endnote be dynamic.  In other words, if by writing or editing, the original sentence no longer appears on page 69 of the main text, but on page 73, the endnote should automatically update to:

(73) moon-blasted madness; see "Religious Musings", Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 1796

I'm aware that there is a software product called Endnotes... but it seems so strongly skewed toward academic uses that I'm afraid it is too complex for my simple needs.

Ideas, anyone?  All ideas are welcome!


Word 2007 Mailmerge won't display $ amounts correctly

Posted: 10 Dec 2013 05:58 PM PST

I cannot get a database field formatted as "Accounting" to display two digits in the cents field consistently in my Mailmerge.
Am running Office 2007 on Windows 7.

How can I make a multi-page Word 2010 document open to the end, instead of page 1?

Posted: 10 Dec 2013 04:25 PM PST

I make daily additions to a forty page document, always at the bottom/end and am getting tired of having to use the horizontal slider to get there. The document always opens at the top of the first page. I would like it to open at the bottom of the last page. Thank you.

Print preview showing different from the the original document in word 2010

Posted: 10 Dec 2013 04:13 PM PST

Hi There

I'm Just wondering if anybody has come across this problem ?????

The main screen shows one thing and the print preview shows text spaced  wrong. When printed, it prints what is on the print preview which is wrong ???



