

Microsoft CRM - CRM Develop problem

Microsoft CRM - CRM Develop problem

CRM Develop problem

Posted: 18 Aug 2004 04:38 AM PDT

Yes I wrote another app with the same user and work fine...

PS. Sorry Eu compreendo-o mas eu não o escrevo

CRM 1.2 and upgrade of OS

Posted: 18 Aug 2004 12:59 AM PDT

Guy, found this somewhere on a newsgroup (see steps 3 to 6)


I found this and it solved the Crystal problem:

Document ID: 32212
Date Created: 7/31/2003
Date Last Modified: 8/8/2003 11:20:32 AM
Language: English - United States
Country: USA
Product: Microsoft CRM
Versions: 1.0
Modules: Microsoft CRM Miscellaneous, Microsoft CRM Reports, Microsoft CRM
Server Administration


Error - "Failed to register with the APS SERVERNAME. Please make sure the
APS is up and running. Attempting an automatic retry." occurs in the Event
Log after a reboot of the Microsoft Customer Relationship Management Server.

Potential Cause

All the Crystal services have to register with the APS service when they
startup. If the APS is not started the other crystal services will keep
retrying to register until they successfully register with the APS.

After the reboot the APS is not starting up in time for the other Crystal
services to register with the first time they try. When they try the second
time then it is successful.


To resolve this so the Crystal services startup and register successfully
the first time follow these steps to make a dependency on the APS service.

1. Go to Start | Programs | Crystal Enterprise | Crystal Configuration

2. Stop all the Crystal services. (Highlight them all and choose stop)

3. Right click on the Crystal Cache Server and choose Properties.

4. Under the Dependency Tab, click Add.

5. Search for Crystal APS. When you find Crystal APS highlight it and
choose Add.

6. Then click OK.

7. Now do steps 3-6 for the rest of the Crystal services:

Crystal Event Server
Crystal Input File Repository Server
Crystal Output File Repository Server
Crystal Page Server
Crystal Report Job Server
Crystal Web Component Server

8. Now start all the services. (Highlight them all and choose Start)

"Guy Austrian" wrote:

How can I specify the recipient in an email template?

Posted: 17 Aug 2004 03:30 PM PDT

Yeah, makes you wonder. They provide a template and there is even some hint
that it allows you to specify who it should go to, but via workflow, it doesn't

You can use the Oppy Won template manually though, so it isn't totally

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Wed, 18 Aug 2004 07:53:59 -0700, "Dave" <nospam> wrote:

Thanks Matt

I found the article at

Seems kind of strange though, why would MS require an "Opportunity Won" (or
lost) email to go to the client?


"Matt Parks" <com> wrote in message
There is 


Schema Manager

Posted: 17 Aug 2004 02:56 PM PDT


Are you saying you want data brought into the Quote when it's created from the
Account? If so, then the mapping changes should work. However, if you are
trying to get data into an already existing Quote, the map will not work.

Mappings only come into play when an object is created "from" another obect.
And, they only work from 1 source object. So, if you are creating the Quote
from an Oportunity, the map from the Account will not come into play as you are
creating the Qutoe "from" the Opportunity.


Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Tue, 17 Aug 2004 14:56:56 -0700, "Carlos"
<> wrote:

I want to mapp a account field to quote field.

I am to trying with schema manager, but I don't see the

the changes are publishing and I restart the IIS.

Can anybody give me any pointers on how I would achieve


CRM Mobile

Posted: 17 Aug 2004 10:30 AM PDT

The biggest issue is the certificates for your mobile device.

Make sure to follow the implementation guide exactly.

I am using the HP iPAQ 2200 and so do the other folks. We have one person
with a ViewSonic but have not installed it on his pda yet.

"Roger" <com> wrote in message

Form customization / new values on pull down menu

Posted: 17 Aug 2004 08:01 AM PDT

Yes, I missed that step. It works now. Thank you very much!

Customizations by right 
restart IIS 

Adding Tax as percentage and calculating gross amount

Posted: 17 Aug 2004 06:19 AM PDT


As Stephen mentioned, you could add a Post Callout to the system to perform the

Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

On Tue, 17 Aug 2004 08:47:01 -0700, Ravabelli
<> wrote:

Thanks Matt

In that case I'd expect to get a lot of incorrect quotations. On good days
our sales team are getting additional equipment added to an order so there is
sure to be a problem. Is there a solution that could force the tax and grand
total items to calculate without manual intervention?

"Matt Parks" wrote:

CRM Workflow Problem

Posted: 17 Aug 2004 05:26 AM PDT

Hi everybody

Thanks for the help.

However, I believe it is a bug related to Virtual Machine.

I will keep you updated with MS Support Solutions
"Georges Khoury" <com> wrote in message

CRM and Exchange 2000 trouble

Posted: 17 Aug 2004 04:01 AM PDT

Hello Olivier,

I checked, registry key correct.
I am pleased to see any ideas.

Eugene V. Vostrenko
IT Administrator, Enterra Inc.
"Olivier Schmitt" <> wrote in message news:phx.gbl...

On your CRM server, check the registry key HKEY_LocalMachine\Software\Microsoft\MSCRM\mailser verurl if the url specified points to the server on which the Exchange Router is installed.


Olivier Schmitt
Microsoft Business Solutions Support

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"Eugene Vostrenko" <ru> wrote in message news:%phx.gbl...
I get error:

MSCRM Platform Error Report:


Error: <description>An unexpected error occurred.</description><details>An error occurred attempting to dispatch the email : A parse error occurred. URL may be invalid</details><file>D:\CRM\Core\src\platform\include\pro xy\proxyutil.h</file><line>47</line>

Error Message: An unexpected error occurred.

Error Details: An error occurred attempting to dispatch the email : A parse error occurred. URL may be invalid

Source File: D:\CRM\Core\src\platform\include\proxy\proxyutil.h

Eugene V. Vostrenko
IT Administrator, Enterra Inc.

Create a new entity

Posted: 17 Aug 2004 02:20 AM PDT

Hi !

The easiest way, I think, is to work with Worklow.

You can create use it to call an URL, wich will contain the object type (or
a constant string) like this.
This URL will point onto an ASP page, which will do something in a database
(an INSERT or UPDATE SQL command).

This is very easy to do !

Best Regards,


"Keng Yuen Lok" <> a écrit dans le message de

Invalid Object ?

Posted: 16 Aug 2004 10:29 PM PDT

are you seeing when using the web client or outlook SFO client?

John O'Donnell
Microsoft CRM MVP

"Matthew Creasey" <com> wrote in message

An error occurred while trying to promote the email

Posted: 16 Aug 2004 06:58 AM PDT

OK, here's a shot:

If the user is trying to promote the mail from any folder other than Inbox,
that may explain it.

Its only messages in the Outlook Inbox that are intended to be promotable

"Stephen Redmond" <ie> wrote in message

CRM Integration install on GP Server

Posted: 13 Aug 2004 01:13 PM PDT

No you do not need to have the server with GP integration be a DC.

The only real restriction is that CRM and GP Integration are not to be on
the same PC. Most of the issues are with regard to BizTalk 2002 which should
not be installed on a DC.

From real world experience, be prepared for a lot of performance issues with
the integration. Once you get it setup you will see DTSRUN.exe processes
running and taking 100% of the processor.

"Tony" <com> wrote in message