

Can I install Office 97 to Windows XP? - Microsoft Office forums

Can I install Office 97 to Windows XP? - Microsoft Office forums

Can I install Office 97 to Windows XP?

Posted: 09 Jan 2006 05:18 PM PST

I was planning on installing Office 97, and then installing my Office Pro
2000 upgrade discs on top of that. I already had the upgrade discs, but that
was all i had. So I bought 97, since I could install the upgrade discs,
since it would be cheaper than buying new office 2003. Should it all install
smoothly then?

"garfield-n-odie" wrote:

How do I create a shortcut to Microsoft Office Ink

Posted: 09 Jan 2006 04:07 PM PST

Assuming you mean upgrade to winxp
You ran the compatibility checker first?
You upgraded drivers from your Laptop manu site for winxp?

"I keep getting an err" - what err?

Try an Office repair, using office cd
If youve lost access to all your progs, post to an WinMe ng
its a win problem, not office

"Durable" <> wrote in message

Installing to all users

Posted: 09 Jan 2006 02:26 PM PST

I logged on as Administrator, as Current User, as All Users, etc. I have
tried everything, but each time when the program installs, it goes to All
Users and apparently it is a different place than my all users. I know this
has to be easier than this.

"garfield-n-odie" wrote:

Reloading Office 2000

Posted: 09 Jan 2006 02:26 PM PST

Check the # carefully eg
O/0 B/8 etc

"Evan in Texas" <> wrote in message
package with 
and what 

Installing Office Pro 2003

Posted: 07 Jan 2006 07:58 PM PST

I feel your pain. I actually had the exact same problem today. I just
bought a new laptop and had to buy office 2003. The only office product I
had installed was Microsoft Outlook 2002 for my PDA. There was no other
Microsoft products on it. When installing, the default was for an UPGRADE, I
went ahead and chose this option and that is when the installation stopped at
the 'writing system registry' and locked up.

I decided to reinstall my Outlook 2002. This rolled back the above
installation. I then ran the install again for Office 2003. This time I
chose a custom installation and chose Word, Excel and Powerpoint only. The
installation worked!

Hope this helps. If not, I feel for you.

"ajlyles" wrote:

Why the temp file?

Posted: 06 Jan 2006 07:35 PM PST

Well... BAK is a lousy name for a file that is absolutely necessary.
That name is normally reserved for backup files that AREN'T necessary. I
wonder how many people go through what I went through. It's just another
microsoft thoughtless screw-up as far as I'm concurred. I understand
there are some pirate style work arounds laying out there.


Bob Buckland ?:-) wrote: 

Office 2003 install over Office 2000

Posted: 06 Jan 2006 06:34 PM PST


"Bob Buckland ?:-)" wrote:

" outlook:Contacts\Contacts" one too many

Posted: 06 Jan 2006 12:39 PM PST

Also see

"DL" <nothere> wrote in message

What happened???

Posted: 06 Jan 2006 12:11 PM PST

Then cross post, that way all the responses will be available to all the
groups, and you and others will be able to follow the thread and respond

"cdbiggs" <> wrote in message

Custom Maintenance Wizard file not working

Posted: 06 Jan 2006 10:34 AM PST

Hi Bob

We are trying to disable Reading Layout and Getting Started task pane in
Word, set macro security to Low in all of office.

Is this possible using scripts? (I have a reg script for the Getting
Started but the rest I cannot find)

Many thanks


"Bob Buckland ?:-)" <75214.226(At Beautiful Downtown)> wrote
in message news:phx.gbl... 
Point installation/deployments of MS Office. 
License Key (Enterprise) setups, which aren't supported via OEM 
updates and ADM policy application. 

Office on a small network

Posted: 05 Jan 2006 12:54 PM PST

Yes, I understand. My message wasn't quite clear...when I said I can get
"it" from Dell for $329, what I meant by "it" was a retail license of
Office, not a volume license.

"Bob Buckland ?:-)" <75214.226(At Beautiful Downtown)> wrote
in message news:%phx.gbl... 

Installing office over HTTP

Posted: 05 Jan 2006 07:28 AM PST

Yup. Have played with the ORK and deployed via AD. One of the higher
ups wanted to integrate the install with SharePoint. Oh well...

Thank you very much.


office is on my comp but not installed

Posted: 04 Jan 2006 07:57 PM PST

I am having a semilar problem. When I look for the applications, I can find
the shortcuts, but no exe apps. I get a message: "Microsoft word has not een
installed for ucrrent user. Please run setup to install the application"
each time I attempt to access the application. What did I do wrong?

"Susan Ramlet" wrote:

Need procedures to reinstall Office 2000 & Service Packs

Posted: 30 Dec 2005 06:50 PM PST

I have a related question, I just installed Windows XP (full) and loaded my
older Office 2000 Premium. Using the Microsoft Update utility it tells me I
need to run SP-1a. When I try and download the file and run it the system
prompts me and says I already have SP-1a. However, when I look at the
"about" descriptions of the Office programs (excel, word etc..) I do not see
the SP-1 description. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Office 2000
Premium and got the same results. Why does it tell me to install SP-1a and
then tell me SP-1 is installed but I can find no evidence of the SP-1
installation on the control panel or in the Office 2000 programs? Help is
greatly appreciated.

"Bob Buckland ?:-)" wrote: