

HELP WITH FTP - Forums Linux

HELP WITH FTP - Forums Linux


Posted: 03 Aug 2005 07:32 AM PDT

In comp.os.linux.setup clark <net>: 

Hopefully a recent version with all patches applied

Try a search ( for "ftpd" and you should find
some with the capabilities needed. Vsftpd rocks and scales pretty
good, but dunno if it has all those features. haven't used it, but from a short look
it sounds like something in the lines you want.

Perhaps, don't care. Some people like webmin (, to
manage their system through some browser. Other use distro
provided click tools. I'd suggest getting comfortable with bash,
in the long run it beats the hell out of any GUI, allowing to do
what you want without restricting you to whatever people making
the GUI thought you'd wanted to do. All this while your GUI
hasn't even come up completely.;)

Good luck


Michael Heiming (X-PGP-Sig > GPG-Key ID: EDD27B94)
mail: echo qr | perl -pe 'y/a-z/n-za-m/'
#bofh excuse 464: last entry

Help - Where do I put my websites?

Posted: 31 Jul 2005 01:16 PM PDT

Thanks for the help.

I hae another box, and the latest version of Fedora I could find. Once I
get this stable, I'll experiment with upgrading on my spare machine. Right
now I'm reluctant to mess with something that's working.

debian setup

Posted: 31 Jul 2005 06:35 AM PDT

"Michael Heiming" <> wrote in message 

Cool. That's new, it didn't used to be there in older versions of the OS. (I
looked for it.)

Grub not loading

Posted: 31 Jul 2005 12:45 AM PDT

"CBFalconer" <com> wrote in message

No such luck. LILO is a *TEENY* little program, designed to run as part of
boot and installation floppies, so it's extremely lightweight and short on
"it should do this cool occasionally useful feature".

Citrix and Linux, Linspire

Posted: 30 Jul 2005 06:40 AM PDT

On Mon, 01 Aug 2005 07:58:17 -0400, TinTin wrote:

Yes, and you would think it would be easy to fix the problem but
apparently not. I have had no suggestions and can't find anything on the

Automounter and NIS problem in Linux

Posted: 29 Jul 2005 04:50 AM PDT

"Chris Cox" <net> wrote in message 

Ouch. The Suns get stuck while looking for the NIS server? That is....
poor., and I hadn't realized or had forgotten about that.

The potential for failing to have NFS mounted directories not yet present
when they are required by init scripts and thus not actually get started at
boot time is one reason I urge people *NOT* to NFS mount core software.

I spent quite a bit of time working with SuSE in the last year or so. I'm
exhausted from trying to get past their tendency to insert broken middleware
into their system tools, namely YaST.

But the presentation there is a very useful doc, I'll hang onto a link to

Help - Kernel Panic

Posted: 28 Jul 2005 07:46 PM PDT

vkj wrote:

Building kernels in Fedora/Red Hat can be built in an easier fashion;

make mrproper
make menuconfig [ or xconfig or....]
make modules_install
make install

The 'make dep' and 'make clean' steps is no longer needed in building a
2.6 kernel. The manual renaming, copying and editing of the files is
not needed also. And once your done with the building of your 2.6.12
kernel and your satisfied with it don't forget to also build the rpm
package for it(nice to have). From the same location you built the
kernel use; make rpm

And of course, Wishing you Luck

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- B. Franklin, 1759

Kernel Source Tree Not Found ???

Posted: 28 Jul 2005 12:45 AM PDT

"Davide Bianchi" <net> wrote in message 

Davide? Are you trying to act like a sock puppet for Peter Breuer by giving
obvious but useless answers like "read the docs"?

Chansira, please give us a hint about which Linux distribution you are
using. Most of them have kernel-source packages that wind up installed in
/usr/src/linux-[version], but some of them such as Fedora Core 4 have the
kernel SRPM instead, and you'd need to build or grab the kernel sources from


Posted: 28 Jul 2005 12:45 AM PDT

On Fri, 29 Jul 2005, Bill Marcum wrote:
Is the drive detected by the BIOS? Some require enabling SATA support.

Installing Linux With Kernel Modifications

Posted: 27 Jul 2005 07:48 AM PDT wrote: 

It's possible, but I believe Fedora comes that way already, if I read
the docs correctly. The install kernel is quite generic. I haven't had
the chance to try it, but I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm

bill davidsen
SBC/Prodigy Yorktown Heights NY data center

Finding out which SCSI drive is mapped to which device

Posted: 26 Jul 2005 01:04 PM PDT

kermit wrote: 

In 2.4 if you plug in another device it becomes /dev/sdY, etc.

If 2.6 re-uses the devices names (/dev/sdX) I think it is a step backwards.
On the other hand I haven't spent a lot of time with it yet so I'll reserve
my comments.


sarge and promise SATAII TX4

Posted: 26 Jul 2005 10:59 AM PDT wrote:


Not recommended since as soon as a upgrade to 2.6.x is due, the raid and
data are lost and it has to be rebuilt. The big advantage of linux software
raid is it's portability and independency (of a distinct controller). Also,
with linux mdadm software raid it's possible to have raid1, raid5 and raid0
partitions on the same set of disks.
As an example, consider a triple-disk arrangement with /boot or root
partition as raid1 (+1 spare), /usr and /home as raid5 and a big /tmp for
video ripping as raid0.
Longhorn error#4711: TCPA / NGSCP VIOLATION: Microsoft optical mouse
detected penguin patterns on mousepad. Partition scan in progress
*to*remove*offending*incompatible*products.**React ivate*MS*software.
Linux 2.6.12-mm2[LinuxCounter#295241,ICQ#4918962]