

Resource Usage view: how display assigned rescources? Microsoft Project

Resource Usage view: how display assigned rescources? Microsoft Project

Resource Usage view: how display assigned rescources?

Posted: 26 Aug 2004 03:18 AM PDT

On Thu, 26 Aug 2004 22:33:40 +1200, Rod Gill <com>

Thanks for the response, Rod. I can't believe there's no solution to such
a simple problem. Not even a macro that can create such a report?

Am I the first person who cares about who does what in his project?
(sorry, slight exaggeration, but that's how I feel ...)

Thanks again!


Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Project Central

Posted: 25 Aug 2004 02:36 PM PDT

I would very strongly suggest you bypass Project Central in favour of the
current version, Project Server. Central's purpose, as you know, is to give
web access to your project files. It was bundled free with Project 2000 but
anything you get for free is usually worth exactly what you've paid for it.
I've heard rumours that some people have been able to use it successfully
but I have never personally known anyone who was able to get it to work
reliably in a production environment. Once it matured and became a stable
and usable product, it became a separate product and was no longer free, MS
Project Server 2002. The current release is Project Server 2003 and is
getting quite wide acceptance for EPM and PMO environments. With Server,
your project managers, the ones who will be developing and managing the
project plan, use Project Professional. They then publish the plans to the
server where other users - resources, functional managers, etc - that need
to view it and update their portions of it access it via Project Web Access.
Deploying Server is not a trivial task (but unlike Central, at least it
works when you get done LOL) ! I'd suggest you look at the MS web site to
download and read their White Papers and case studies.

Oh, and Project Central was similar to Server in that it did not replace the
need for a full copy of MS Project in the hands of anyone creating or
managing the project plans. You still needed enough licenses for that. Web
access allowed for viewing and updating progress but not actually editing
the plans.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Bob Truetken" <cc> wrote in message

Best Practice: Consulting Project (Billing)?

Posted: 25 Aug 2004 01:40 PM PDT

I'm not sure an outline code or WBS code would do it either as they should
represent the position of the task in the WBS. But there are a number of
other user-definable fields you could use to capture that sort of
information. One point to consider ... MSP is accumulating costs to your
firm. Even non-billable time that you don't bill to the client is still
costing you money - Joe goes on a tech support call that is non-billable.
Even if you don't bill the client you still have to pay Joe.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Jame Healy" <> wrote in message


Email linking capability

Posted: 25 Aug 2004 12:47 PM PDT

That's a work process thing that I don't think I would tackle in Project.

Instead, setup a email receiving system that matches your work processes
to distribute incoming emails into relevant folders. To get the
incoming mail into the right folders, perhaps easiest way is to setup
specific email address for each project. Give individuals access to
relevant email folders via their email client software. Depending on
how automated you want this to be, you could explore doing some
filtering on the incoming email on the mail server to deposit the mail
into special folders, e.g. "for action", "for info", etc. based on the
content of the email, the "from" field, header info, or whatever
distinguishes the mail.

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.

rms wrote: 

Prince2 template for Microsoft Project

Posted: 25 Aug 2004 11:53 AM PDT

Dag Jan,

These people:
claim they use P2 methodology to build Project files

Haven't used it nor checked in detail, just the ionfo

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
"Jan Peeters" <be> schreef in bericht

Saving project file as a pdf or equivalent for printing purposes

Posted: 25 Aug 2004 11:27 AM PDT


You can find a free PDF writer (implemented as printer driver) at

Hope this helps.

"Chris" <com> wrote in message

Only 1 Undo???

Posted: 25 Aug 2004 11:23 AM PDT


But not unique. Access has only one level of undo as well.

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"D. Wid" <> wrote in message


Posted: 25 Aug 2004 11:10 AM PDT


Simply not true. You do not lose actuals. Didn't try the rest, but in
principle you do not lose anything.

And you can always save to a database (see help on save as)

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
"Brian Stebbins" <com> schreef in bericht

Adding a 500% resource to a 100% one doesn't add up

Posted: 25 Aug 2004 10:26 AM PDT

Very good stuff. Your assumption of freely interchangeable resources is a
substantial one. So based upon your well argued position, I have decided to
do the right thing which is to dig deeper into the project and breaking tasks
among members to increase the parallelism of the tasks. This allows me to
more realistically allocate resources since we both know that throwing more
resources at a software development project usually only decreases the time
to completion logarithmically instead of linearly (which is the assumption I
was erroneously making in my original premise by the way).

Thanks for the stimulating discussion.


"Steve House" wrote:

Splitting a task by less than a day

Posted: 25 Aug 2004 08:16 AM PDT

Thanks Julie. That worked a treat. The other method
(setting meeting time to zero) would have worked as well
but it would not actually reflect the true time.

Thanks again, Gerrard.
(must start on) if you 

Updating Tasks Using Summary Tasks

Posted: 25 Aug 2004 07:48 AM PDT

As I mentioned, using linked inserted projects or project server you can
have the consultants handle the updates on the detail work packages and see
the results in the consolidation. Gives you the best of both worlds. Your
is a classic EPM problem.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Ryan" <> wrote in message

tasks are moving by itself from one directory to the other ones!

Posted: 25 Aug 2004 06:17 AM PDT

First lets make sure we're using the same language. When I see an outline I
refer to summary tasks and subtasks as follows:

task 1, summary
task 1.a, subtask
task 1.b, subtask
task 1.c, subtask
task 2, subtask
task 3, summary
task 3.a, subtask
task 3.b, summary
task 3.b.1, subtask
task 3.b.2, subtask
task 3.b.3, subtask
task 3.c, summary
task 3.c.1, subtask
task 3.d, subtask
task 4, summary
task 4.a, subtask ....

If a task has something indented under it, it is a summary task. If it
doesn't, it's a subtask, also called a work package or an activity. And an
important point - if you deleted all the task lines above labeled "summary"
leaving a list of everything labeled "subtask", *all* of the actual work
required to complete the project would still be listed.

Now, using my example above, what are you trying to indent or outdent and
what is happening when you do? As I read your messages it sounds if you do
something like selecting task 1b and try to further indent it to make it a
subtask of 1a (converting 1a into a summary, renaming 1b to be 1a1, and 1c
getting renamed 1b), instead 1b jumps out of sequence and moves down to
insert itself under task 3b1 or something like that. I've never heard of
anything like that happening so I must be misunderstanding what you're

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Majid" <> wrote in message

Can I track video producers' tasks w/ Project?

Posted: 25 Aug 2004 05:57 AM PDT

Exactly! In fact, I like to use a film/video production project as the
demonstration project in my classes because it has almost all the elements a
PM encounters managing projects in just about any industry.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

"Mark Durrenberger" <com> wrote in message

1.5 days booking resource as 2 days?!

Posted: 25 Aug 2004 05:40 AM PDT

The resource graph shows peak usage for the day, that is, that maximum he is
booked at any point during the day. If the resource is working 100%,
whether its for half the day or all day or even just one minute sometime
during the day, the resource graph will show 100%. It does NOT indicate
what percent of the day he is working. If you right mouse click on one of
the graph's bars you can switch to see other units and if you'll switch from
peak units to percent allocation (in proj 2003 at least, don't recall with
earlier versions but I think they're the same) you'll see 100% on day 1 and
50% on day 2.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

<> wrote in message

Although the resource graph for my resource pool is still
showing 2 days as fully booked, it now allows me to
allocate for the remaining time on the second day.

Thanks very much for your assistance.

Gerrard (posting 3 times every time for some reason!) 
and 50% on the 
duration, and the resouce 
Options menu, View tab, 
Enter task X with 
default calendar, it 
day at 12 noon. 
same. Switch to 
resource is doing 8 

How to Avoid MS-Project Add-in Windows Showing in Taskbar?

Posted: 24 Aug 2004 07:47 PM PDT

"Mark Durrenberger" <com> wrote in message 

Delphi does not have a ShowInTaskBar property. I *can* add the
WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW exstyle but that would result in a small titlebar without
minimize/maximize icons -- and that is not what I want.

So unless you know how ShowInTaskBar actually does its thing...

How to produce resource tasks by day report

Posted: 24 Aug 2004 11:59 AM PDT

Ooh... almost!

I need a report just like, "Who Does What" but without
all those extra columns that my managers don't care
about: "Project", "Units", "Work", and "Delay".

This is a "resource report" so I had to make a resource
table. I did, one with only ID, Task Name, Start, Finish
and Resource Name, then I used that table to run the
report and it produced the same thing. Damnit!

Any suggestions?
you'll see the report 
create a new table that 
reports edit. 
information can be seen at 