

log files - Microsoft Exchange

log files - Microsoft Exchange

log files

Posted: 06 Dec 2004 06:47 AM PST

We had a large number of logs files being created. I think it might be a
program one of our developers wrote that is creating all the log files. So I
wanted to know how many e-mails did it take to generate a new 5k log file and
if I could see what the e-mails were. Then I would now for sure that it was
the application or it could be a virus on a users machine.

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

Disclaimer message

Posted: 06 Dec 2004 05:01 AM PST

im using mcafee gruopshiled for my exchange i dont think it does that.
how do i creat an "event sink"

"Magnus Bjork" wrote:

Exchange 2003 and Mailbox Locations

Posted: 03 Dec 2004 09:59 AM PST

I'm not sure, but try this:

In Outlook, go to Tools > Options. Click the Mail Setup tab. Click the Data
Files button. Select the profile and click Settings. I haven't tried it, but
it looks like this will allow you to change where the pst is stored.

"Arkane" wrote:

BCC all outgoing mail to a user

Posted: 03 Dec 2004 07:18 AM PST

Been looking at this and this seems pretty complicated. Could you guide me
in the proper direction. What website should I be reading.

I checked out the following:

Cant really see somethign that will foward outgoing mail to another address.


"Stefan Engelbert" <de> wrote in message

exchagne 5.5

Posted: 03 Dec 2004 06:29 AM PST

Yeah your right, that was just one of the problems I was having this morning.
I fixed that problem,
But my exchange store is not starting in services nor are the other
exhchange services. I check the priv.edb that was there. When i try and sart
the store and other exchange services i get dr.watson error. The error msg
states that store can't be started

"Mark Arnold [MVP]" wrote:

Problem with connecting by telnet to port 25

Posted: 03 Dec 2004 05:30 AM PST

It is only on this machine which is the Exchange server, the other
pc's in the net can connect to port 25 on external pc's and to port
25 on the Exchange server it is only the exchange server which has a

On Fri, 03 Dec 2004 18:52:03 +0000, "Mark Arnold [MVP]"
<org> wrote:

Minimum permissions to create mailboxes, multiple domains

Posted: 02 Dec 2004 11:22 AM PST

Hello Steel,

The exactly permission tomailboxe enable users is the follow as well
Exchange View Only rights to be availbel to browse Storage Groups in the
creation wizard.

There is a grate documentation about Exchange Delegation, FYI:

Read and Write Permission to the follow attributes,
· adminDisplayName

· autoReplyMessage (ILS Settings)

· displayName (Display Name)

· dLMemDefault

· homeMDB (Exchange Mailbox Store)

· homeMTA

· legacyExchangeDN

· mail (E-Mail Address)

· mailNickname (Alias)

· mAPIRecipient

· mDBUseDefaults

· msExchADCGlobalNames

· msExchControllingZone

· msExchFBURL

· msExchHideFromAddressLists

· msExchHomeServerName (Exchange Home Server)

· msExchMailboxGuid

· msExchMailboxSecurityDescriptor

· msExchPoliciesExcluded

· msExchPoliciesIncluded

· msExchResourceGUID

· msExchUserAccountControl

· proxyAddresses (Proxy Addresses)

· showInAddressBook

· targetAddress

· textEncodedORAddress

Christoffer Andersson
Microsoft MVP - Directory Services

No email replies please - reply in the newsgroup
------------------------------------------------ - Active Directory Tips

"Steele" <net> skrev i meddelandet

Self Destructing Email

Posted: 02 Dec 2004 09:33 AM PST

Jay wrote: 

Nothing 100% reliable. Email isn't designed for this. Search for some options, but I've never seen one that can't
ultimately be bypassed.

ADC on Server 2003 between Exchange 5.5!!!!

Posted: 02 Dec 2004 04:17 AM PST

If you are eventually going to be migrating to Exchange 2003, then
definitely use the ADC from that CD - better yet, use the ADC from Exchange
2003 SP1.

Even better, run the deployment tools from the Exchange 2003 CD. It will
completely guide you through preparing for migration (even if it will be a
while). Just run the CD and launch the deployment tools
(\support\exdeploy\exdeploy.hta). You will still want to install the ADC
from Exchange 2003 SP1, but the deployment tools are great help. Follow
each step, as there are quite a few utilities that can help you identify
where the problem might be.

As far as permissions, Permissions Admin is different from Admin. I'd make
sure that you change it to Permissions Admin.

Ben Winzenz
Exchange MVP

"Pashii B" <com> wrote in message

IMF-Need Help

Posted: 01 Dec 2004 09:35 AM PST

Mark Arnold [MVP] wrote: 

So how does one get the Exchange server to drop the messages into Junk Mail?

Paul Stewart
Lexnet Inc.
Email address is in ROT13

Implement Exchange

Posted: 30 Nov 2004 03:55 PM PST

Paul_tech wrote: 

Why do you need this in house? I still don't see why, but perhaps I don't
just have enough information.
Don't put a public webserver on your LAN - if you need it, get another
webserver and put it in your DMZ. If you don't really need another Exchange
box, which it sounds like you don't, use this server for that purpose - or
don't even use IIS for it at all. Just don't stick it inside your LAN.

You can do this, yes. 

No, but again, since you already have Exchange on SBS, I don't see why you
don't start with that version/installation. 

Yes, but mailbox quotas are also important - you have a 16GB limit per store
with SBS (and Exchange standard in general). 

Hope this helps.

Distribution List Question

Posted: 30 Nov 2004 09:09 AM PST

Gophergutz wrote: 

No, she's a member of the group.

Exchange and Small Business Server

Posted: 30 Nov 2004 04:07 AM PST

Sanjana wrote: 

SBS is really no different, as I said. However, I still maintain that this
is not an optimal setup. There are far better ways to handle security - this
doesn't even sound like a security issue.

Small Business Server 20003 - Exchange

Posted: 30 Nov 2004 03:35 AM PST

I have this sinking feeling that reinstall is going to be the only way out.
Many thanks anyway.

"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]" wrote:

Exchange 2003 Storage Groups

Posted: 29 Nov 2004 12:29 PM PST

Thank you for the info.....glad to see I didn't go crazy!

"Henrik Walther [MVP]" wrote:

Exchange DoS vulnerability due to possible named properties overflow

Posted: 29 Nov 2004 11:44 AM PST

Thanks Andy,

Either they are, or these named properties originate not from the X-headers
(though this was also an opinion of MS support engineer).

Every minute or less I am getting error events in Exchange Application log
with Event ID 9667 and 12800, with the following contents:

Failed to create a new named property for database "First Storage
Group\Mailbox Store (ServerName)" because the number of named properties
reached the quota limit (16384).
User attempting to create the named property: "BESAdmin"
Named property GUID: 00020386-0000-0000-c000-000000000046
Named property name/id: "babiche-asweat"

So my Application Log is all flooded with these errors.

Names of the named properties vary, but for the most part they are
combinations of two random words, for example:


(I just took some of them to illustrate).

If this is not a DoS condition, then what is it? And how to get rid of these
named properties?


P.S. I know about several other cases, where failed attempts to create named
properties were originated from the System account, so this is not a
Blackberry (BES) specific problem...

"Andy Webb" <> wrote in message


Send as

Posted: 29 Nov 2004 08:37 AM PST

This doesn't appear to be a send as error, but a recipient security error.
Either the receiving end has Joe User blocked or he/she blocks everyone and
only allows a select few to send mail. See if Sue can send as herself or have
the admin try. If all else fails, contact the distant end by phone and ask
about their recipient policies.

"El Marko" wrote:

Editing other user's OWA calendar

Posted: 29 Nov 2004 06:13 AM PST

No not everywhere, just if you open another user's calendar in OWA.
Everything else in OWA and the full Outlook works perfect. Exchange 2003 &

"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]" wrote:

communications problem the recipient's email server

Posted: 28 Nov 2004 08:45 PM PST

bbarmes wrote: 

It looks fine here:
It really doesn't usually matter whether the FQDN returned in a reverse
lookup matches the server's FQDN unless the recipient's admin needs to eat
more fiber.

And their IP doesn't seem to be blacklisted:

I'd contact the recipient's admin folks. Don't ask about the fiber. 

Server based Signature

Posted: 28 Nov 2004 04:27 PM PST

Or you can just do like this:;en-us;317327


"Mark Arnold [MVP]" <org> wrote in message

exchange 2003 - sending 1000's of emails

Posted: 26 Nov 2004 03:11 PM PST

Mike Thanks for this little document - we have gone through it with a fine
tooth combe and everything set up OK!

When we try and pruge the exchange server - nothing ends up in the false
smtp connector!!!!!

however when we revert back to the normal SBS smtp connector and try doing a
forced pop3 collect using the pop3 connector or stop / restart the services.
The emails start flooding back in to the smtp connector again.

we get nothing in the basemail directory but in the queues directory we get
copies of the outgoing e-mail!!!! if we stop the services we can delete these!

It may take upto 45 minutes to before the emails start coming back.

"Mike" wrote: