

Modem Driver install, missing autoconf.h - Forums Linux

Modem Driver install, missing autoconf.h - Forums Linux

Modem Driver install, missing autoconf.h

Posted: 17 Apr 2004 02:38 AM PDT


Robert Cook (<>) wrote: 

First you should stop to top-post. Next, it means that the headers in
/usr/include/linux are not relevant for building the driver you want.
You need the headers that are in most distributuins included in the
kernel-source or kernel-headers package. So maybe now you should open
your package management tool and search for kernel-header. If you don't
get any results, you have to configure your kernel source. As this
failed the last time you tried, make another attempt with some
additional steps.

cd /usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.22-10mdk
make mrproper
cp /boot/config-2.4.22-10mdk .config
make oldconfig
make dep

Tell us if you get any error message.

best regards
Andreas Janssen

Andreas Janssen <com>
PGP-Key-ID: 0xDC801674 ICQ #17079270
Registered Linux User #267976

booting from CompactFlash?

Posted: 16 Apr 2004 05:30 PM PDT

"ziliath" <com> skrev i meddelandet 

I have tested RUNT Linux, it's bootable from a USB memory stick.

procmail/sendmail setup

Posted: 16 Apr 2004 10:23 AM PDT


Davide Bianchi (<net>) wrote:

What exactly does "not designed" mean? I use spamassassin from kmail by
piping the messages through spamc, and this setup works without any

best regards
Andreas Janssen

Andreas Janssen <com>
PGP-Key-ID: 0xDC801674 ICQ #17079270
Registered Linux User #267976

(Simple?) QMail question

Posted: 16 Apr 2004 09:25 AM PDT

Thank you very much. I knew it was something simple, just couldn't
find it anywhere in the docs.

ken bass
kbb AT softsteps DOT com

On 16 Apr 2004 17:33:08 GMT, Davide Bianchi
<net> wrote:

can I run LILO without the MAP file ?

Posted: 16 Apr 2004 07:10 AM PDT (Sebastia Altemir) wrote:

I take it this means that you tried to install Knoppix to a hard drive
partition and now can't get it to boot? Is this true?

Did you make the "emergency" boot floppy as recommended by the

I installed Knoppix 3.3 and it uses "initrd" which is quite a
different boot process and the "map" file is probably located in the
initrd image file ... though I don't have a good understanding of the
initrd boot process. I immediately converted my installation to boot
"the normal way" so it would co-exist with my other OS installations.

Good luck!
SPAM Reduction: Remove "x." from my domain.

2.6 kernel and NTFS support

Posted: 15 Apr 2004 10:29 AM PDT

On Sat, 17 Apr 2004 17:55:02 +0000, wrote:
Are you using this kernel:

or have you compiled your own?

I assume you must have compiled your own kernel because the page I
referenced in my orginal post was a big hint that the NTFS project hasn't
issued a module for 2.6, yet. Here's another hint:

Assuming you have your own kernel and your own modules, then you can
verify the module is installed, (as root),

# modprobe ntfs
# lsmod

You can verify the partition you are using is of type NTFS using this

# fdisk -l /dev/hdx

What I know, is from reading this page,

No bucks...No Buck Rogers!

32bit set up

Posted: 15 Apr 2004 07:32 AM PDT

[[Piwosz] wrote: 

Use a 32 bit distribution, just as the message says. x86_64 is only for
Opteron, AthlonFX and Athlon64 CPUs.

That's a 32bit CPU.

Markku Kolkka

RAID-1 root/boot/lilo problem

Posted: 15 Apr 2004 04:11 AM PDT

Before going any further, grab the latest LILO: 22.5.9
22.2 is over 2 years out of date.


On Fri, 16 Apr 2004 06:31:45 -0600, M <non> wrote:

Booting from DVD drive and installing ISO images

Posted: 14 Apr 2004 11:07 PM PDT

On Thu, 15 Apr 2004 12:40:49 UTC, Neil Ellwood
<com> wrote:

I recently installed Fedora C1 freom the Linux Format magazine DVD..
Make sure that the BIOS is set to boot from the DVD *before* the hard

postfix unable to recieve mail

Posted: 14 Apr 2004 07:49 PM PDT

Parminder Lehal <ca> writes:

]Hi all,

]I am trying to setup postfix as my MTA but I am running into problems as
]Postfix is not receiving mail from outside. If I send mail from my
]macmachine then it is receiving otherwise I am loosing all my email. Can
]anyone point me in right direction for finding a solution.

More information would be useful. What error messages are people getting
when they try to send you mail? Does you machine have an mx record in
your DNS server?
Are there error messages in your /var/log files?

From your own machine mail does not go through postfix-- just procmail

Raid1 in a existing system

Posted: 13 Apr 2004 09:32 AM PDT

com (Alvaro Melo) writes:

No. Please read the Software-RAID-HOWTO; it specifically explains
how to setup a SW-RAID on an already existing filesystem.


By marking the _existing_ disk in /etc/raidtab as failed, copying the
contents over onto the newly installed RAID that will then be running
in degraded mode (at that time), and re-adding the old disk using

WARNING: Don't try that without having a backup ready. If you mess
things up, all existing data will be lost.

Sidenote: I wouldn't bother booting off of the RAID; instead, keep
the / and /boot filesystem on separate partitions, and run rsync
on a regular base.


Help: Gui for rp-ppoe won't run

Posted: 13 Apr 2004 08:00 AM PDT

On Tue, 13 Apr 2004 18:00:33 +0300, Michael Badt wrote:
In KDE system/configuration/configure your computer should put you
somewhere near it.

Delete delete to get address

Fetchmail - setup question

Posted: 12 Apr 2004 11:51 PM PDT

A Thousand Penguins Assembled the Message of and helped write:

Cron sends you the email. If you use procmail to process mail
you can kill file the message with

* ^From:.*cron\ daemon.*

otherwise setup cron not to send the email or have your MUA
delete the message upon receipt.

You can also use
fetchmail -d 3600
to poll your mail provider every 60 minutes.

Best Regards, Keith
NW Oregon Radio
Pax melior est quam iustissimum bellum.
Replace spam.e12b5bf2 with wvi dot com & del _